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- #10,101
Dr Pierre Kory, who's been interviewed and appeared before US Senate on treatment of COVID (linked here previously), is experienced in ICU treatment of COVID patients. He was one of the first in the world to warn that ventilators where doing more harm than good in COIVD patients and suggested steroid treatment instead which has ben proved much more effective in treating and dramatically reducing deaths. This was taken up world wide.This is a post on Facebook, but it won't let me post it on here so here is the text.
"EXPOSING OUR MEDIA'S RECENT VENTILATOR LIE: One Day, One Victorian On a Ventilator, the Next Day, None!
Victoria's '7-day snap-lockdown' only exists because there was a need to coerce v8ccination.
General jab hesitancy and public disinterest created an urgent government need to counter-market; and thus, this lockdown serves primarily as a marketing drive for an otherwise undesirable Pharma product.
There is no "outbreak," no actual new cases, and certainly no "Indian double mutant strain." It was all meticulously preplanned - with every component strategically devised to ensure a successful psychological operation for public manipulation.
The unusual media fixation on an "infected case" that was traced to the 3 Monkeys bar on Chapel Street, was the scheming strategists giving an ironic and knowing nod to the film 12 Monkeys (about a killer virus) - and they are laughing at us.
People are not concerned about sore throats, sniffles, coughs and headaches, and most are accustomed and comfortable with the reality of seasonal flu-like symptoms for various viruses - but footage of humans inhumanely ventilated absolutely terrifies on a primal level.
It is the hellishly incapacitating ventilator (and all that is associated with the process) that has been cunningly used throughout the pandemic to give a mild virus a false sense of lethality and visceral terror. It should never have been used - and its very use is the true killer. Wherever it has been used - it has invariably slaughtered.
Covidlive. com.au provides a regularly updated statistical overview of all aspects relating to the pandemic in each Australian State (test numbers, case numbers, hospitalisation numbers, ICU numbers, ventilated numbers, etc)
The other day, the media delighted in revisiting the idea of the true medieval horror of hooking a human up to a ventilator - intubated, and comatose, as they battle 'a flu-like virus' while being fleeced a small fortune for the privilege of being slowly tortured to death... well, it so happens that there are now ZERO people in Melbourne's ICUs and not a single person on a ventilator, and not a single death since last year.
This obviously does not add up - and it reveals a tremendous media lie. A pre-scripted lie designed to purely terrorise. A lie authored to psychologically manipulate and to corral the susceptible herd toward the mass v8ccination pens.
No one wants to be on a ventilator!
It is almost a foregone conclusion that once the extensive ventilation process has commenced - the patient has a bleak 12-25% chance of survival.
You are not simply induced in a coma, intubated and force-oxygenated by a barbaric mechanical process that mortally stresses and scars the bronchi - only to wake up a day later, breathe easier, and laugh giddily at the whole ordeal.
You do not wake up - that is why so many died in New York City after they were devilishly tricked by the hospitals for a lucrative $39,000-per-ventilation!
Ventilation is ghoulish 'blood money' wherever in the world it has been deceptively sought, and earned.
So, this particular unnamed Victorian, who, a day earlier was assumedly walking around unaware that they even had C.OVID (and choking on a partially-chewed papadum is not a lungful of Indian double-mutant!); who then, after a positive test and a mere 24 hours later happens to find themselves dramatically on ventilator; and then, 24 hours after that - rises miraculously from the machine as if lovingly lifted on the delicate fingertips of angels?
Not a chance!
Clearly our 'mockingbird' media has been caught brazenly lying about 'one Victorian on a ventilator.'
They did this to amplify paranoia and fear.
Indeed, they lied about the ventilators during each lockdown - and they have again lied at the behest of our Pharma-entangled Government.
This is no minor lie. It is major and destructive criminal falsehood. It truly underpins and reveals the magnitude of the vast Pandemic Lie that must be desperately promoted against all assaults by truth and objective reality.
Acting Premier Merlino said, "they are not in a good way" when commenting on the one person in hospital in intensive care on a ventilator that helped spark the lockdown.
Despicable fiction.
Now that we know that there is no such person -- it should be easy to extrapolate that there is no such virus, no such outbreak; and that there was no such need to lockdown Victoria - other than the inexorable need that our government has to fulfil its Big Pharma contract.
V8ccination by medical experimentation and coercion is an established Crime Against Humanity punishable by death (according to the precedent set by the Nuremberg Trials written into the Nuremberg Code as a result of the Nazis scientists who pursued and conducted medical experiments by coercion).
This lockdown is a criminal act, perpetrated by a criminal government, pursuing a criminally coercive v8ccine agenda.
It is a lie, founded on lies - and it shall all ultimately collapse by the sheer weight of endlessly being propped-up against the opposing gravity of truth.
Let us continue to contribute to that weight.
Various news articles on the 'one Victorian on a ventilator' are posted in the comments.
A link to covidlive has also been posted in the comments."
However Dr Kory's recommendations that COIVD has to be treated in the early viral stage, before it gets to the serious inflammatory stage seems to be selectively ignored.
He is part of a published research group in the US that has done meta analysis on the hugely effective IVM when use early that is ahead in both safety and effectiveness as a treatment and protection, than COVID injections