Health Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 3

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Do you have the rest of the paywalled article or are you relying on the headline only?

I hate to provide Murdoch any funds of my own, but I guess it does cost money to provide journalism which exposes the truth and gets beneath the spin and PR of a slick Labor state government. But like I did, you should be able to pull up a free version on Google.

I've picked out the relevant bits that establish the thread between BLM, then H&M, the extended family, and the public housing towers. See below.


Five days after the protest, on June 6, DHHS confirmed a man who attended the rally had tested positive and “may have been infectious” while there.

Four days later, a second protest attendee was confirmed positive, and three days after that, on June 18, a third case, in a protester who had worked at an H&M store at Northland, was revealed.

By June 22, four days later, a total of four cases had been linked to H&M

On June 25, the department opted to rename the H&M cluster as the “North Melbourne family cluster”, after it had increased to 10 cases, most of which were within a “large family group”.

By July 1, the North Melbourne family cluster had increased to 30 cases.

A DHHS spokeswoman said on Tuesday the department “first became aware” of cases in the North Melbourne and Flemington towers on the evening of July 2.

Asked whether there was a link between the “North Melbourne family cluster” and the public housing towers, a DHHS spokesman said: “Cases linked to the North Melbourne towers have links to other cases across Melbourne, including the North Melbourne family outbreak.”

'Authorities in Victoria are not ruling out introducing stage four restrictions as the state grapples with rising coronavirus cases.
It is understood the state's health authorities have identified a link between two positive cases at the Black Lives Matter rally in June, and the cluster at Melbourne's public housing towers, which currently stands at 242.'

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I've picked out the relevant bits that establish the thread between BLM, then H&M, the extended family, and the public housing towers. See below.

Link doesn't mean cause you do know right?

If they contracted it at the BLM protest, then took it to H&M or their home, then the protest is a cause.

If they attended the protest, already having contracted it, or contracted it afterwards, then it's not a cause.

The article doesn't establish where they contracted it.
It should be noted that the US has now surpassed the best case scenario of 135,000 predicted about two months ago. There is no signs of slowing down and I notice they don't even bother with predictions any more. It's a disaster that should result in angry people wanting to throw people out of office - but you sort of know what's going to happen in November anyway...
It should be noted that the US has now surpassed the best case scenario of 135,000 predicted about two months ago. There is no signs of slowing down and I notice they don't even bother with predictions any more. It's a disaster that should result in angry people wanting to throw people out of office - but you sort of know what's going to happen in November anyway...

They should do that, but they will direct their anger at the president and not at the governor of New York sending elderly infected patients back to their nursing homes, because he is up for re-election in 2022, when the thirst for political blood will be quenched.

It's why Trump is ramping up the handball of responsibility to China.
They should do that, but they will direct their anger at the president and not at the governor of New York sending elderly infected patients back to their nursing homes, because he is up for re-election in 2022, when the thirst for political blood will be quenched.

It's why Trump is ramping up the handball of responsibility to China.

Missteps by the governor of NY are far far outweighed by mistakes made by the White House and I cannot believe you are comparing the two. Look at NY's measures to control the spread and current infection rates.
Missteps by the governor of NY are far far outweighed by mistakes made by the White House and I cannot believe you are comparing the two. Look at NY's measures to control the spread and current infection rates.

They didn't even start cleaning their subway for weeks and weeks, while sending known infected vulnerable people to houses full of other infected people. Meanwhile the antibody testing in New York is showing they have had significant community numbers already infected, so of course they aren't infecting as many new people, not to mention that they killed their most vulnerable already. Their government were advocating getting out into Chinatown as a show of support because Trump was racist in suggesting banning travel from China, now with the same mouths accuse him of not doing enough. It's ugly politics.

My point isn't the they all haven't stuffed up, it's that all the stuff up will be worn by the president when significant amounts of dead are the result of decisions made in the state because people will stop hearing that narrative when they come up for re-election.

And just to show how non partisan I am in this, Florida is also going to need to change their governor for the same reasons.

How do infection rates in California, where it was policy to not ask people during contact tracing if they attended a protest for political reasons, compared to Florida/Texas? I don't think it's that dissimilar.
They didn't even start cleaning their subway for weeks and weeks, while sending known infected vulnerable people to houses full of other infected people. Meanwhile the antibody testing in New York is showing they have had significant community numbers already infected, so of course they aren't infecting as many new people, not to mention that they killed their most vulnerable already. Their government were advocating getting out into Chinatown as a show of support because Trump was racist in suggesting banning travel from China, now with the same mouths accuse him of not doing enough. It's ugly politics.

My point isn't the they all haven't stuffed up, it's that all the stuff up will be worn by the president when significant amounts of dead are the result of decisions made in the state because people will stop hearing that narrative when they come up for re-election.

And just to show how non partisan I am in this, Florida is also going to need to change their governor for the same reasons.

How do infection rates in California, where it was policy to not ask people during contact tracing if they attended a protest for political reasons, compared to Florida/Texas? I don't think it's that dissimilar.

Every Governor has stuffed up to some extent and the polarisation of politics in the US is partly to blame, but your characterisation of the NY Governor as being on an equivalent level to Florida (which is reopening at the height of new infections - the ultimate stuff up) or the countless mistakes from the Trump administration (do I even need to list them?) tells me quite clearly what your political affiliation is.
While Al Taqwa is called a college, it caters for pre-school to Y12.

But it's OK, kids can't get it or pass it on.
It’s worth having the debate. But it should be noted that the chief health officer believes most, of not all, of the transmission has been between adults and family members. No one said kids can’t catch it, just they are low risk of transmitting it. In a state with little or no community transmission and social distancing in effect, schools would seem to be relatively safe to open. Once it takes hold, not so much.

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Every Governor has stuffed up to some extent and the polarisation of politics in the US is partly to blame, but your characterisation of the NY Governor as being on an equivalent level to Florida (which is reopening at the height of new infections - the ultimate stuff up) or the countless mistakes from the Trump administration (do I even need to list them?) tells me quite clearly what your political affiliation is.

I think sending known infected patients back to nursing homes is gross negligence and should result in criminal charges.

And everyone already knows I hold conservative views. My position in the line above shouldn't be considered one.
It’s worth having the debate. But it should be noted that the chief health officer believes most, of not all, of the transmission has been between adults and family members. No one said kids can’t catch it, just they are low risk of transmitting it. In a state with little or no community transmission and social distancing in effect, schools would seem to be relatively safe to open. Once it takes hold, not so much.

It might have something to do with the way children's lungs develop, they don't fully mature until around 20yo. A kid of 6yo isn't going to expel or release the same viral load as an adult.
Link doesn't mean cause you do know right?

If they contracted it at the BLM protest, then took it to H&M or their home, then the protest is a cause.

If they attended the protest, already having contracted it, or contracted it afterwards, then it's not a cause.

The article doesn't establish where they contracted it.

I truly think this is one of the dumbest things I have read on this whole topic.

No, BLM is not a "cause" of a virus whereby - *smoke and magic* - it appears out of thin air. lol.

BLM however is a high risk spreader event.
Missteps by the governor of NY are far far outweighed by mistakes made by the White House and I cannot believe you are comparing the two. Look at NY's measures to control the spread and current infection rates.

Bad bad take. New York allowed the virus to seed very heavily in March - without borders shut within the US, it was inevitably then going to spread across the country.
Taylor is spot on - problems included the lack of cleaning of mass transportation systems, and a higher than acceptable rate of nursing home deaths. Now, these are problems of incompetence. However, two clear areas where NY officials acted simply to spite Trump - criticising quarantine for states and telling people to go out to restaurants and cafes in March.

Mayor Says That Healthy People Should Still Be Dining Out
“If you’re not sick, you should be going about your life,” Bill de Blasio said Wednesday
Mar 11, 2020, 5:19pm EDT


A quarantine had been advocated by governors, including Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, who sought to halt travellers from the heavily affected areas to other states.

But the idea drew swift criticism from the leaders of the states in question, who warned it would spark panic.

Mr Trump announced the travel advisory after consulting with the White House taskforce leading the federal response and the governors of the three states.

"A quarantine will not be necessary," he said.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who criticised the US Government's response to the pandemic as his state became the country's epicentre, said roping off states would amount to "a federal declaration of war".

Mr Cuomo also said he believed a quarantine would be illegal, economically catastrophic, and short-sighted when other parts of the US were seeing case numbers rise.


Trump Backtracks After Cuomo Criticises Quarantine Idea

They didn't even start cleaning their subway for weeks and weeks, while sending known infected vulnerable people to houses full of other infected people. Meanwhile the antibody testing in New York is showing they have had significant community numbers already infected, so of course they aren't infecting as many new people, not to mention that they killed their most vulnerable already. Their government were advocating getting out into Chinatown as a show of support because Trump was racist in suggesting banning travel from China, now with the same mouths accuse him of not doing enough. It's ugly politics.

My point isn't the they all haven't stuffed up, it's that all the stuff up will be worn by the president when significant amounts of dead are the result of decisions made in the state because people will stop hearing that narrative when they come up for re-election.
The one death is 90 year old.

Honestly a 90 year old would die from the breeze. I will start being more scared when more young die from it. Seems to be the media scaring everyone just because.

Nothing unusual as they have been doing it for years. Evil corruption happening all over the place with this covid crap.

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Every Governor has stuffed up to some extent and the polarisation of politics in the US is partly to blame, but your characterisation of the NY Governor as being on an equivalent level to Florida (which is reopening at the height of new infections - the ultimate stuff up) or the countless mistakes from the Trump administration (do I even need to list them?) tells me quite clearly what your political affiliation is.

I love the disdain dripping from your last statement - that somehow you have uncovered they are a dirty, shocking centrist or conservative. lol.

I don't even know how you arrive at your conclusions. Do actual news events pass you by? I'm supposing you agree with state quarantines here in Australia (and thus weren't supporting Gladys B), yet somehow, I bet I won't hear you criticse Cuomo saying a quarantine was a declaration of war from Trump. lol.

A quarantine had been advocated by governors, including Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, who sought to halt travellers from the heavily affected areas to other states.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who criticised the US Government's response to the pandemic as his state became the country's epicentre, said roping off states would amount to "a federal declaration of war".
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Please now see new info from Victorian Department of Health and Human Servies confirming my statements that a mass gathering protest in the middle of a pandemic was a bad idea:

Coronavirus: Black Lives Matter protest linked to tower cluster


Victorian health authorities have confirmed a link between two COVID-19 cases in people who attended the Black Lives Matter protest in Melbourne’s CBD just over a month ago, and the cluster of at least 242 cases in public housing towers in the city’s inner northwest.
Is this where we all go "LOL! You're linking to the Guardian Australian!" ?

Health authorities confirmed two people who attended the protests more than a month ago are part of the cluster but did not say if they lived in the towers, The Australian reports.

Although the link between the cluster and the protest has been established, the Department of Health and Human Services said the source of any of Melbourne’s interlinked clusters is yet to be determined.

AKA: Prove they got it at the protests.
NT Government just declared all Sydney Local Government Areas as COVID-19 hotspots and all those entering NT (different for freight drivers) will have to be quarantined for 14 days in NT.

This has implications for AFL relocating to a NT hub.
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