Conspiracy Theory Coronavirus #5: We're in this together!

About Covid vaccines: Opinion on mandates? Your personal situation?

  • I support vaccine mandates for all jobs

    Votes: 24 26.1%
  • I support vaccine mandates for health & aged care jobs

    Votes: 9 9.8%
  • I don't care either way, it's up to each company

    Votes: 4 4.3%
  • Vaccine mandates are immoral and/or unjustifiable

    Votes: 46 50.0%
  • My employer has mandated the vaccine - I got it to keep my job

    Votes: 13 14.1%
  • My employer has mandated the vaccine - I decided to quit my job

    Votes: 8 8.7%
  • My employer has left the decision to get the vaccine optional

    Votes: 8 8.7%
  • I'm not sure where my employer stands on this issue

    Votes: 14 15.2%

  • Total voters

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The pathogen in Covid is the spike protein - it is the toxin that creates an allergic reaction and for vulnerable people if it is left untreated it causes illness and death. If you are diagnosed as Covid positive you are sent home to isolate there is no treatment until you are well advanced and require hospitalisation. The hospitals themselves then follow Covid prescribed protocols which don't treat the symptoms but are engineered to maximise death and damage.

The entire production is a macabre theatre that trades in fear and confusion, alternative expert opinion is censored, our authorities refer to never revealed expert advise, and, the public is imprisoned at home instilled with anxiety, isolated from friends and hope. We have been conned to give away all our human rights because the safest place for us is in jail.

All this is merely the entree to the main meal: the vaccination of the entire planet. If you survived the Covid spike proteins, the vaccines - indirectly - create more spike proteins. Again a few, like with Covid, will suffer an immediate serious allergic reaction suffer an injury and/or die. But you can't have everyone dying at once. So for the survivors, the mRNA will distribute spike proteins throughout their bodies. The immune system of some of these people will trigger a response and attack wherever the spike proteins are located.

People with pre-existing illnesses or vulnerabilities will have their disparate conditions exasperated. What will follow is that a multiplicity of conditions will flare up but the disparity itself will hide the fact that it is all triggered by the spike protein. Some will have cancers, others diabetes, others heart conditions, strokes... Doctors and experts will be confused and the media will report a sudden increase to this or that condition and that the only possible conclusion will be that it is Covid and we all need a booster.

Of course, the booster will merely trigger another round of reactions, illnesses, and deaths. This is why it is so essential to squash, censor and marginalise divergent opinion.

In reality, these vaccines make no sense. Whatever ostensible good they might offer is more than off-set by the initial adverse reactions. The subsequent roll out of the vaccines on to an ever younger population - a population entirely immune to Covid - is sufficient evidence that those pushing the vaccines are malevolent and their actions the worst imaginable crime.

Vaccines are understood to stimulate immunity to prevent both disease and transmission. The justification for using a vaccine is that it offers a population wide protection. These vaccines do not do that. The squabbling over whether the vaccinated or the unvaccinated are more infectious or more liable to end up in hospital and or dead is sufficient proof that these vaccines are not vaccines at all. Because this has evolved from an immunity discussion to a therapeutic discussion. Thus they are not vaccines they are just real bad and dangerous variations of the flu shot.

Pfizer and friends have managed to engineer the mandate of their drugs which promise only therapeutic benefit as vaccines - it is a con. They do not offer immunity, they are designed to expose you to the spike protein with the hope that you develop a measure of tolerance to the allergen. Further, as they do not offer you immunity, they cannot prevent spread, therefore they cannot possibly offer a population wide protection but only an individual benefit.

Vaccination programmes are not justified because they offer an individual benefit and no protection to the population as whole.
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What the hell is going on here, what's the story behind why they did this?

Sunshine based Doctor, Mark Hobart. Has been prescribing ivermectin for the last two years.

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No, it's not a guess. I used the actual death toll for under 12's provided by the CDC, and the actual population figures are also accurate. As are the death toll and total deaths.

I had to assume an even spread of infections among all age groups (the 46 million infections are more or less spread out evenly among all ages) as I couldn't find stats anywhere on how many under 12's in the USA had caught it.

So roughly 280 deaths from 6.5 million kids infected. Those numbers are good for you! They demonstrate a very low chance of a child under 12 dying from COVID. Roughly 1/30,000 or 0.003 of children aged under 12 who get COVID die from it.

Which is also backed up by this data:

View attachment 1277729

Age-specific mortality and immunity patterns of SARS-CoV-2 | Nature

At present 280 odd Children under 12 have died in the USA from COVID, out of the total of around 750,000 deaths. Those are the facts.

Going by those numbers, (assuming a 100 percent infection rate of the 45 million kids under 12 in the USA) you're looking at a total of around 2,000 deaths.

With a 90 percent efficacy from Moderna, less the deaths that have already occurred, you're looking at the vaccines saving the lives of around 1,500 children.

Youre the one asking me for both data, while also asserting a statement of fact.

The facts are, in the USA, Moderna should save around 1,500 lives from COVID in Children under 12.

Now give me peer reviewed data on how many children under 12 will likely die from Moderna in the USA, assuming all 45 million of them are vaccinated.

Then we can compare the figures.
The above is all well and good, but the bolded is the point that doesn't make sense. That assumes there is no change in the damage caused by covid as 100% of people are infected, this is unlikely to be the case. Already it is evident that covid is becoming less and less dangerous (more infectious, but less deadly), there is a high likelihood that these numbers will drop and drop as the virus weakens over time, as all novel viruses do.

This is why the ridiculously high vaccine levels were never necessary and actually may be contrary to good epidemic management. It's clear that countries like Sweden and more relaxed jurisdictions like Florida are doing much better as they have allowed case numbers to go up with minimum restrictions which over time helps reduce the severity of the disease.

So if we take that into account, the number of children that could die from here on in might be extremely low.
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The pathogen in Covid is the spike protein - it is the toxin that creates an allergic reaction and for vulnerable people if it is left untreated it causes illness and death. If you are diagnosed as Covid positive you are sent home to isolate there is no treatment until you are well advanced and require hospitalisation. The hospitals themselves then follow Covid prescribed protocols which don't treat the symptoms but are engineered to maximise death and damage.

The entire production is a macabre theatre that trades in fear and confusion, alternative expert opinion is censored, our authorities refer to never revealed expert advise, and, the public is imprisoned at home instilled with anxiety, isolated from friends and hope. We have been conned to give away all our human rights because the safest place for us is in jail.

All this is merely the entree to the main meal: the vaccination of the entire planet. If you survived the Covid spike proteins, the vaccines - indirectly - create more spike proteins. Again a few, like with Covid, will suffer an immediate serious allergic reaction suffer an injury and/or die. But you can't have everyone dying at once. So for the survivors, the mRNA will distribute spike proteins throughout their bodies. The immune system of some of these people will trigger a response and attack wherever the spike proteins are located.

People with pre-existing illnesses or vulnerabilities will have their disparate conditions exasperated. What will follow is that a multiplicity of conditions will flare up but the disparity itself will hide the fact that it is all triggered by the spike protein. Some will have cancers, others diabetes, others heart conditions, strokes... Doctors and experts will be confused and the media will report a sudden increase to this or that condition and that the only possible conclusion will be that it is Covid and we all need a booster.

Of course, the booster will merely trigger another round of reactions, illnesses, and deaths. This is why it is so essential to squash, censor and marginalise divergent opinion.

In reality, these vaccines make no sense. Whatever ostensible good they might offer is more than off-set by the initial adverse reactions. The subsequent roll out of the vaccines on to an ever younger population - a population entirely immune to Covid - is sufficient evidence that those pushing the vaccines are malevolent and their actions the worst imaginable crime.

Vaccines are understood to stimulate immunity to prevent both disease and transmission. The justification for using a vaccine is that it offers a population wide protection. These vaccines do not do that. The squabbling over whether the vaccinated or the unvaccinated are more infectious or more liable to end up in hospital and or dead is sufficient proof that these vaccines are not vaccines at all. Because this has evolved from an immunity discussion to a therapeutic discussion. Thus they are not vaccines they are just real bad and dangerous variations of the flu shot.

Pfizer and friends have managed to engineer the mandate of their drugs which promise only therapeutic benefit as vaccines - it is a con. They do not offer immunity, they are designed to expose you to the spike protein with the hope that you develop a measure of tolerance to the allergen. Further, as they do not offer you immunity, they cannot prevent spread, therefore they cannot possibly offer a population wide protection but only an individual benefit.

Vaccination programmes are not justified because they offer an individual benefit and no protection to the population as whole.

I acknowledge your passion, despite it’s utter and complete foundation in misunderstanding, and falsehood.
What the fu** are you on about? No, you're the one asserting Moderna is dangerous and ineffective and more deadly than the disease. The burden is on you to prove that statement.

Assume all 45 million kids under 12 are vaccinated in the USA. Your benchmark is 1,500 kids dead to pull ahead of the benefit of the vaccine (that's how many lives will be saved, assuming a mortality rate in kids of around 0.003 percent and an efficacy of 90 odd percent).

You need to prove (via peer reviewed evidence) that 45 million Moderna vaccinated kids will lead to more than 1,500 dead kids.

Good luck. There have been nearly 40 million vaccine doses administered in Australia, for a total of 8 deaths (and I'm pretty sure none of them were kids, although to be fair kids havent been vaccinated at any numbers yet).

You're going to need to find another 1,492 dead kids somewhere to come out on par the the number of kids lives saved.
God you must be an awful lawyer? Let me guess - you work for legal aid and your speciality is traffic violations? You job is essentially to argue that your client is financially stricken. A great day for you is to convince the magistrate to adjudicate a community service order instead of a repayment plan. Am I right?
Theres already been a peer reviewed study shows for every 1 kid saved by the vax, 117 will die, been posted in this thread. Its trolling and ignoring dead kids. Don't respond to it
You don't do yourself any favours by exaggerating the danger to this extent.

Then there's the thousands of miscarriages post vaxx...

Its very rare but kids have been dying drinking Thier vaxxed mother's milk. About as rare as covid deaths.
But this is a valid point.
What the hell is going on here, what's the story behind why they did this?

They are investigating alleged fake vaccine certificates and exemptions.

A Google review for his clinic posted a week ago claims “Dr Hobert hands out fake covid medical exemptions. If you need one see this guy.”
You're lucky then I couldn't even sleep on one side of my body for 2 days
I should've waited a few more hours before grandstanding to the world, my shoulder is sore as and confirms that the injection did go in. Felt tingles in my wrist beforehand and then i was in the car and moved my arm and went " oh damn ", all good though as i prefer that than have a splitting headache.
They are investigating alleged fake vaccine certificates and exemptions.

A Google review for his clinic posted a week ago claims “Dr Hobert hands out fake covid medical exemptions. If you need one see this guy.”
So not for prescribing Ivermectin which was posted earlier?

If the bolded is true that's not on, although would be hard to prove if it was only for a few regular patients, unless it's for anybody that rocks up to his clinic, after all he is a GP of long standing.

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CDC data shows that children under 12 years old made up less than 1 percent (0.04%) of all COVID deaths in the USA since January 2020.

Roughly 280 deaths to date in the USA.

Data shows more children are getting sick and dying from Covid (

There are 45 million children under 12 in the USA (out of a population of 330 million). Meaning 1 in every 7 US citizen is a child aged 12 and under.

• Number of children in the U.S. by age 2019 | Statista

Assuming an even spread of infection (the USA sits at roughly 46 million total infections) across all ages, that roughly equates to roughly 6.5 million Children under 12 in the USA that have been infected (1/7 of 46 million infections).

So (roughly) 280 deaths from COVID for Children aged under 12, from 6.5 million infections.

Pretty small number, so far so good.

Assuming a 100 percent infection rate (and we're going to get there) that equates to COVID killing (USA alone) 'only' around 2,000 children from a total population of 45 million.

With a roughly 90 percent protection against death, Moderna would save roughly 1,500 children from dying in the USA (the 280 already dead don't get to benefit from the vaccine, as they're already dead).

Do you have any (peer reviewed and reliable) evidence now as to how many children will die from Blood Clots from Moderna, assuming a 45 million injections given?

Lets compare that figure to 1,500 lives saved.
FFS, with Covid19 not from Covid19.
God you must be an awful lawyer? Let me guess - you work for legal aid and your speciality is traffic violations? You job is essentially to argue that your client is financially stricken. A great day for you is to convince the magistrate to adjudicate a community service order instead of a repayment plan. Am I right?

No you're not, and at least I have a job.
The number of children that could die from here on in might be extremely low.

Not to do your work for you, but treatments are also improving (we've seen an increase in survivability across all ages).

There is also this to consider:

As of November 4, over 6.5 million children have tested positive for COVID-19 since the onset of the pandemic. This week over 107,000 child cases were added, a slight increase over the prior week. Child cases have declined since a peak of 252,000 the week of September 2nd, but COVID cases among children remain extremely high. For the 13th week in a row child COVID-19 cases are above 100,000. Since the first week of September, there have been almost 1.5 million additional child cases.

Children and COVID-19: State-Level Data Report (

Firstly, I'll pat myself on the back for my estimate of 6.5 million child COVID infections. Looks like I was spot on.

Secondly, vaccination reduces your chances of catching COVID for several weeks after vaccination, meaning those infection rates will slow if we vaccinate kids. By slowing down the rate of infection, we ensure hospitals are not overburdened or even overwhelmed by higher than normal caseloads.

You can answer the question now. Vaccines have been approve for under 12s -

What will cause more deaths to someone under 12? The virus or the Moderna vaccine?
You just need to read the justification the TGA used to see how sick this is. No mention of health benefits to the children, just that their schooling and sports activities etc... have been impacted.

“The TGA also considered infections in children and the impacts of COVID-19 in relation to children’s participation in school and sporting activities.

They can't cite any benefits because there are none. There are only risks associated with the vaccines for that age group. The fact that their daily activities have been impacted is only because of the decisions of the govt, probably at the behest of the teachers union. Craven "adults" who would put a childs health at risk for an unquantifiable potential reduction in risk to themselves.
All good mate, I'm hardly Gandhi with my token gesture of resistance. Although if everyone who's against vaccine passports/mandates would boycott places implementing them wherever possible it would make a difference. Don't buy into the rubbish that only unvaccinated people are against them.
I don't see how that's possible. I'd have to boycott all sporting events, my job, gym, restaurants, bars, and cinemas here in Victoria.
The answer is you dont know....

Not even they know

Trust the science? I ask, show me the science. You all say the decison was made on it? Should be very easy to find
I posted this link a couple weeks back. It's worth a read.

So not for prescribing Ivermectin which was posted earlier?

If the bolded is true that's not on, although would be hard to prove if it was only for a few regular patients, unless it's for anybody that rocks up to his clinic, after all he is a GP of long standing.

Anybody should be able to be exempt if they feel they do not want to have the jab, with or without a doctors certificate. If we allow this to be mandatory in any way shape or form then that is the end of bodily autonomy. There is no such thing as a fake exemption.
No you're not, and at least I have a job.
It must be conveyancing? Your pedestrian use of language precludes you from a job reliant on it.
Perhaps, you are competent enough to fill in some names and addresses on mortgage settlement dox - maybe check that the terms are accurate. Mind you, most of that is now automated. On second thoughts, "at least I have a job" - is the kind of response you'd expect from a teenager with a chip on their shoulder.
This is your job - isn't chief ?
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So not for prescribing Ivermectin which was posted earlier?

If the bolded is true that's not on, although would be hard to prove if it was only for a few regular patients, unless it's for anybody that rocks up to his clinic, after all he is a GP of long standing.
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