Analysis Coronavirus - The Impact IV “Phasing into the New Normal”

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If you don’t mind me asking, what were the side effects mate? I’m genuinely interested as I’ve been on Malarone regularly in the past because of work stints up to 6 weeks in sub-Saharan Africa and suffered no iil-effects. I’d like to know in case I’m offered similar roles.
Super vivid dreams (like getting eaten alive). Headaches and stomach cramps. Those were really it for me.

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We had GST in 1943?
Yeh, I had to look at what he said and meant. What he said is what I quoted, what he was referring to was GST back to when it was introduced and what GST replaced previous to that. Remember that GST replaced the previous federal wholesale sales tax system and was designed to phase out a number of various State and Territory Government taxes, duties and levies such as banking taxes and some stamp duty.

Basically what the Treasurer was saying was 'GST and its predecessors'.

I'd really have to work to hunt out the pre GST numbers again, but if I remember, it was back in the 60s when Victoria was manufacturing its little socks off and was digging up oil and gas from the Bass Strait and was driving the nation, it was getting 67c back from every dollar of tax collected for the Federal Gov. At that time WA was a winner in the take vs. pay scale, but nowhere to the degree that it now holds loser status.

It's pretty disgusting that no state has ever got back less than 2/3 of its collected tax except WA, and at times WA has been near 1/3. The WA take went from 100c/100c in 2006-7 then 95c, 88c, 78c, 68c down to a low of 35c in 2014-15 before starting something of a comeback.

Over the GST period only...
Yeh, I had to look at what he said and meant. What he said is what I quoted, what he was referring to was GST back to when it was introduced and what GST replaced previous to that. Remember that GST replaced the previous federal wholesale sales tax system and was designed to phase out a number of various State and Territory Government taxes, duties and levies such as banking taxes and some stamp duty.

Basically what the Treasurer was saying was 'GST and its predecessors'.

I'd really have to work to hunt out the pre GST numbers again, but if I remember, it was back in the 60s when Victoria was manufacturing its little socks off and was digging up oil and gas from the Bass Strait and was driving the nation, it was getting 67c back from every dollar of tax collected for the Federal Gov. At that time WA was a winner in the take vs. pay scale, but nowhere to the degree that it now holds loser status.

It's pretty disgusting that no state has ever got back less than 2/3 of its collected tax except WA, and at times WA has been near 1/3. The WA take went from 100c/100c in 2006-7 then 95c, 88c, 78c, 68c down to a low of 35c in 2014-15 before starting something of a comeback.

Over the GST period only...
Dont forget the tariff wall they put up to protect the inefficient victorian manufacturing. This meant that WA had to pay super high prices for a lot of things but got no benefit, as we didn't make them. From that point of view, we weren't really a mendicant state but were just being compensated.

We then repaid all the support back multiple times over through mining GST receipts.
So what’s with the JobKeeper ****-up? How is it possible to have over-estimated the takeup by 3 million people?

I don’t believe for a minute that businesses are to blame for filling in the form wrong by entering the dollar amount of support they expect to receive in the employee field. I’ve filled in the form and it’s straightforward. I’m just thankful that me and my 7,500 employees are receiving the benefit. As a sole trader I’m not sure I’d survive without it.
So what’s with the JobKeeper ****-up? How is it possible to have over-estimated the takeup by 3 million people?

I don’t believe for a minute that businesses are to blame for filling in the form wrong by entering the dollar amount of support they expect to receive in the employee field. I’ve filled in the form and it’s straightforward. I’m just thankful that me and my 7,500 employees are receiving the benefit. As a sole trader I’m not sure I’d survive without it.
Everything was done on a quick turnaround. I put it down to that.

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It was a **** up but the news is brilliant. Means only half the number of business are under stress than they first thought, which leads to an immediate and dramatic increase in the economic forecasts. Also means there is plenty of cash to extend the program if required, to ensure a soft landing.
over delivered on the reduced economic impact - underdelivered on the tax-burden to pay the interest going forward
It's only numbers, the govt is borrowing the money off itself by printing money, they can pay off the debt the same way. What was unthinkable during the GFC is now accepted practice around the world.
They are paying .8% interest, if inflation is greater than that the money is costing them nothing.
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It's only numbers, the govt is borrowing the money off itself by printing money, they can pay off the debt the same way. What was unthinkable during the GFC is now accepted practice around the world.
They are paying .8% interest, if inflation is greater than that the money is costing them nothing.
Its tragic that there is such a poor understanding - it will take 20-30 years to reapay the loans and intrerest rates will not stay so low. This is a burden generations will have to carry. It had to be done but it brings a massive burden.
Its tragic that there is such a poor understanding - it will take 20-30 years to reapay the loans and intrerest rates will not stay so low. This is a burden generations will have to carry. It had to be done but it brings a massive burden.
It's not happening here, but what happens if the US keeps printing money ad infinitum? The chickens have to come home to roost eventually, right? Universe help us all when that day comes.
I'm pretty sure the US is the only country that can print money without it being a problem to a certain point.
This a buffet quote and Greenspan said something similar
“If you print bonds in your own currency, what happens to the currency will be the question,” said Buffett. “But you don’t default. The U.S. has been smart to issue its debt in its own currency.”
Of course you have to figure out a way to control inflation but quantitative easing is the only tool left in the box for a lot of countries.
The 60 billion $ saving means less debt but it also means 60 billion less washing around in the economy propping it up, swings and roundabouts.
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