Cousins gives camera the finger

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Re: Cousins' Finger

Richmond supporters should make flipping the bird our thing for the rest of the season. Kinda like Sheedy waving his jacket.

yep. after every goal we should all do a double hand salute to the rest of the footy world. us against them - fire up tigers!!!

this guy cousins is supastar

in a couple hours he has

1. Sold out the ground
2. Taken the media frenzy of wallace
3. Sold another mountain of sales for his dvd
4. Another legion of female supporters
5. Made a few coaches nervous
5. Said to Delidio, tambling & co when you see me run YOU BLOODY RUN TOO
6. Helped get the tigers across the line

fine points all :thumbsu: he is a class act.
Re: Cousins' Finger

The media is a f..kin disgrace the way they lay into us .

The Hun are suggesting he will be cited for it .

it was an hour and a half before the game , on closed circuit TV FF.

Did channel ten need to air it ?... they are the ones who should cop it.

There are a few ways you could look at it .

Maybe it was a statement from Ben regarding the way the media have treated our club over the last fortnight with thier continued reporting of non-facts and half truths .

Maybe he was just mucking around and being a goose ?

I work at a commercial book-printer and we had some stuff go missing , so the firm put in security cameras ... do you not what the first thing i did was ? ... a forty year old man ? ... i walked past and flipped the bird at them and laughed .... does not mean shit ... just sky-larking

And everyone has to make this big friggin deal out of it ... i am just so over the media its not funny .

I hope our club starts making some statements and boycotts certain outlets and shows because if we want to start getting anywhere as far as winning back respect goes we have to start fighting back .

I don`t want to see our club make any effort where Channel ten is concerned and in particular "Before the game" ... f..k em

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Re: Cousins' Finger

the media is a f..kin disgrace the way they lay into us .

The hun are suggesting he will be cited for it .

It was an hour and a half before the game , on closed circuit tv ff.

Did channel ten need to air it ?... They are the ones who should cop it.

There are a few ways you could look at it .

Maybe it was a statement from ben regarding the way the media have treated our club over the last fortnight with thier continued reporting of non-facts and half truths .

Maybe he was just mucking around and being a goose ?

I work at a commercial book-printer and we had some stuff go missing , so the firm put in security cameras ... Do you not what the first thing i did was ? ... A forty year old man ? ... I walked past and flipped the bird at them and laughed .... Does not mean shit ... Just sky-larking

and everyone has to make this big friggin deal out of it ... I am just so over the media its not funny .

I hope our club starts making some statements and boycotts certain outlets and shows because if we want to start getting anywhere as far as winning back respect goes we have to start fighting back .

I don`t want to see our club make any effort where channel ten is concerned and in particular "before the game" ... F..k em

cousins loves richmond football club - this is clear after last night, his passion for the club and players is extreme.

Good on ya cuz.
Re: Cousins' Finger

Richmond supporters should make flipping the bird our thing for the rest of the season. Kinda like Sheedy waving his jacket.

I loooooved the bird and would be rapt if Tigers fans made it a feature next week. 30,000 fans flipping channel 10 the bird would be fantastic.

Love Cousins.
Re: Cousins' Finger

being blown out of proportion. sure, it's not the greatest thing to do. But it's a camera which is permanently sent up in the room. i highly doubt it was a live feed. he gave the finger and the channel ten got access to it and thought "gee, wouldnt' this be big news...we can really make something out of it". the decision to show it was purely that of the broadcaster. if they decide to not show it, no one would even have an idea about it.
Re: Cousins' Finger

Maybe it was a statement from Ben regarding the way the media have treated our club over the last fortnight with thier continued reporting of non-facts and half truths .

Maybe he was just mucking around and being a goose ?

A bit of both perhaps. Extracting the urine as much as anything.

The thing that gives me the shits is the analysis this morning on sports shows such as "the Offsiders" on ABC and even rugby league's "Sunday Roast." Though I think the league panel were using it as an excuse to sook about media coverage of their own code's indiscretions.

They talk as if it is a slap in the face to the public and football followers, as if he were giving us the bird. Quite obviously he was not targeting the public with it. What a wank.
Re: Cousins' Finger

What annoys me is that the REAL media story should be that, "after 10 rounds of the competition and an onerous and persistent regime of testing, Ben Cousins is drug free and back playing football". Somehow no one wants to run with that headline. Ben clean is actually one of the good news stories of the decade.
Re: Cousins' Finger

What annoys me is that the REAL media story should be that, "after 10 rounds of the competition and an onerous and persistent regime of testing, Ben Cousins is drug free and back playing football". Somehow no one wants to run with that headline. Ben clean is actually one of the good news stories of the decade.

exactly :thumbsu:

but this aint done yet..the AFL will force their favourite whipping boy to apolagise..he will.

Its as if he is the only one who has ever transgressed against the code of AFL/football.

Loved the bird..brilliant.

His footy for an unmatch fit dude was pretty good too.
Re: Cousins' Finger

it seems the boss wants to make a example of him again

cant believe this is even news worthy

yep Andrews favourite whipping boy..they hold him up as the prime example of everything bad..its ****ing pathetic..(it wasnt)

all they do is endear him more to fans...the haters can **** off anyway.

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Re: Cousins' Finger

Very proffesional of him?

I wonder what veryone would be saying if it was Cotchin giving the finger?

LMFAO at the number of posters on this board who have changed thier avatar to this Johnny come lately, pretty sad:eek:

For a guy that joined up this month, you might be thought of as a Johnny-Come-lately too.

He will probably get a small fine, because, the deal is that anything you do in front of a camera, can and will be shown, but as it was not a live feed, Channel 10 did not have to show, so they should take some blame, for it being broadcast to the nation...

being blown out of proportion. sure, it's not the greatest thing to do. But it's a camera which is permanently sent up in the room. i highly doubt it was a live feed. he gave the finger and the channel ten got access to it and thought "gee, wouldnt' this be big news...we can really make something out of it". the decision to show it was purely that of the broadcaster. if they decide to not show it, no one would even have an idea about it.

Exactly. Do you think Channel Ten shows the footy because the people in charge love footy? They do it because it makes money. Controversy brings viewers, viewers bring ratings, ratings bring money. If they were soooo interested in the brand of "football", they'd have swept in under the carpet to continue the good news story that is Benny's return.

What annoys me is that the REAL media story should be that, "after 10 rounds of the competition and an onerous and persistent regime of testing, Ben Cousins is drug free and back playing football". Somehow no one wants to run with that headline. Ben clean is actually one of the good news stories of the decade.

Doesn't sell.

As for you guys, i hope you flip the bird at every camera that appears at your club from now on, every time you walk into a footy ground and see a tv camera, and every time you kick a goal and the camera goes to your cheer squad. It's not only disgusting how the media have treated you in the last couple of weeks, but you can bet "Hutcho" - the absoute tosser that he is - and the other tabloid reporters in Australia, will beat this up like Rodney King. Plus, Benny's done everything he could to get back, and the jackals just want to drag him down to feed again, I say stick it right up 'em.
Re: Cousins' Finger

It happened in the rooms 90 minutes before the game started...WHY DID CHANNEL 10 SHOW IT....because the media have been searching for a story to get stuck into Ben Cousins, they follow him night and day trying to catch him doing something wrong

Next we will see "Cousins caught defacating in public........toilet"

The media are pathetic, Tigers supporters should bombard Channel 10 switchboard and faxes with complaints, no one should listen to Andrew Maher's SEN program...oh hang one does anyway!

Andrew Maher = Wilbur Worm!
Re: Cousins' Finger

Sure Cousin's had enough of the Media circus, but has anybody thought the maybe he is sick of the Media getting into Wallace as well as himself.
Honestly the Media deserves the finger for all the damnation they have placed on Wallace.
The issue I have with this whole issue is that Ben is probably going to get fined for the finger, yet I almost believe Cousins/Richmond could easily sue Channel 10 for this.

Yes I know what Ben did was wrong, no doubts, but what exactly was the point of showing something that happened in the change rooms an hour before the game?

Simply channel 10 want more news to cover to try and bring him down. Anything they can possibly do to hurt his reputation they will do for the simple reason of making a quick dollar for themselves. You could *almost* call it defamation.

From wikipedia - In common law jurisdictions, slander refers to a malicious, false and defamatory spoken statement or report, while libel refers to any other form of communication such as written words or images. Most jurisdictions allow legal actions, civil and/or criminal, to deter various kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism. Related to defamation is public disclosure of private facts, which arises where one person reveals information that is not of public concern, and the release of which would offend a reasonable person. "Unlike [with] libel, truth is not a defence for invasion of privacy.

Once again, I know this is not exactly defamation and I know he knew the cameras were there and I know he knew that there would be repercussions but come on.... There was no need for it and channel 10 should have a hard long look at themselves.
Re: Cousins' Finger

By no means has Cousins disrespected the sash - he's honoured it. Just watch his body language on the ground and you'll see he's the only one trying to get players motivated. Once players pass on the ball they stop - thinking they're job's done while Ben's still running around, shepherding, talking to guys and generally pumping everyone up.The media hates Richmond, Bens just being honest about it. That footage was taken 90 mins before the game and yet Ch 10 still chose to bradcast it. It was a private "incident" and Ch 10 blatantly violated their own broadcasting standards by airing the footage.Demetriou is going to be asking Ben for a "please explain" and no doubt fining him. Pity he won't be doing the same to Ch 10.. Why? Because he's already milked the broadcasting deal which he's already lined his pockets with.I'd like to see every Richmond supporter pitch in and pay for the fine and publicly state we'll keep doing so until the media backs off. Ben's had to play by the AFL's terms but the media obviously can't operate on Ben's. The media's become far too big in this country given the size of their credibility and morals.
Re: Cousins' Finger

Or you could leave the poor bloke alone.

Why would you leave the poor bloke alone, Maher is a big girls blouse, certainly not a news breaker, he needs to realise there are consequences for his actions, Let him know in a rational manner that he could have said to his producer..."No that's a trash story I'm not running with it" but the little sycophant decided to run it and run it and run it again and then at the end of the 5th Q show, they ran it again as a good bye piece from Ben Cousins.
Re: Cousins' Finger

Why aren't the media breaking stories like...the 7 players who have tested positive TWICE to illicit drugs? Or who is lying about the "no change of venue for the Cats/Saints game"? Demetriou says Etihad threatened to sue, Etihad denys it...who's lying? There are 30,000 to 40,000 people who will miss seeing this game in the flesh because of this LIE, what's the bet no channel beams it LIVE, there will be another excuse!
Re: Cousins' Finger

Sure Cousin's had enough of the Media circus, but has anybody thought the maybe he is sick of the Media getting into Wallace as well as himself.
Honestly the Media deserves the finger for all the damnation they have placed on Wallace.
maybe a culmination of both. i doubt he likes the media following his every move so maybe he just gave them a little piss off message. after the game he spoke of his admiration for wallace so maybe he gave them the bird for all the shit they have hung on him for the last few weeks. but at the end of the day who really knows what he was thinking and who really cares it wasnt that big of a deal and lets just get on with it. there are bigger issues in footy than a player giving a finger to a camera. how the hell it made the front page of the hun i dont know there are surely bigger news stories domestically and internationlly than this ffs.

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Cousins gives camera the finger

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