COVID-19 / Coronavirus

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So, what are you saying?

There were cases in states that had the BLM protests. They haven't seen a jump, but Vic has. So is it other factors, and not the BLM protests?

Not sure what your point is. I don't see a conspiracy, just a sh*tload of potential factors that have lead to vastly different outcomes in different states. For some posters to point it to the BLM protest just seems simplistic.
Other factors in Victoria. Not the BLM protest.

I understand why some people would link it to the BLM protests as it's quite logical and the timeline fits

But there's no link. It's other factors
My next post helps explain it, could be from anywhere. Hypothetical scenario. A person goes into hospital for heart surgery, complications arise and they pass away, gets classified as Covid. In the case of the 90 year old do you think it's likely that he didn't have co-morbidities? 96% of the deaths in Italy were people with co-morbidities.
So we've had 3 people die in the last couple of weeks in Vic, but they didn't really die from the virus because they would have eventually died from something else right?

He was 90 so he didn't count right?
So we've had 3 people die in the last couple of weeks in Vic, but they didn't really die from the virus because they would have eventually died from something else right?

He was 90 so he didn't count right?

I hope I can live until I’m 90, fair innings anyone would be proud of.

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Kept away from this in general but geez I did say Daniel's gestapo like behaviour would come back to bite him month's ago.

2 people died today one I'll wear he's well over 90 a lot of things could have killed him like old age but a 60 year old.

There will be no repercussions, Daniel will smile and now ask for our help, previously he blamed us. 1000 of fines months ago day one of the new lock downs 7 he knows he f'd up. But his premier he has allowed ppl to die. In fact he has helped ppl die through incompetence or in hiding Cedar Meats. There is no other way to put it.

Shit bloke, shit human. Little else to say, except if you take the Cedar Meats spread and now hotels (multiple) we'd be corona free, he caused both. He also hid both. He was prepared for Victorians to die if it kept him in power. (I'm not advocating Liberal who the hell are they more no name dufuses, yes we have no one but the two parties have dictated like bikie gangs only one of them can have power and anyone else who seems like power they make a funding change to election numbers so that new party can't compete)

I'm sick and tired of hearing there is a Hallam spread of 11/13/etc who the hell knows how many when the bloke who lives in Hallam took it from the Stamford. It's a Stamford leak. That you need to separate it as the whole thing is out of control is fine because your workers are incompetent, as it's the only way you know how to do it... but I don't believe that is true, it's a Stamford leak you are calling Hallam because politically it sounds better. You are spending more time covering up the hotel leaks by separating them, than by fixing them and by doing that you are prepared to let ppl die as long as you stay in power.

If you spent less time playing politics and allowing people to die, and more time actually helping people you might get some love. You haven't.

The fact in this era it's still acceptable surprises me. I won't be surprised ppl will come to Daniel's support to help him as he was hamstrung by the blokes who paid off others and labour caucuses, but I said earlier I see nothing from liberal that would say they would do better in this state. We are run in this country by two bikie gangs called Labour and Liberal... and they have blocked off everybody from having any power. (Don't bring up the Greens every bikie gang likes to have a Gimp that's available to put out when they get drunk in the clubhouse)
Had to get my work vehicle fixed and got sent the Renault service centre in North Melbourne.

Its mayhem . Police everywhere , by mid arvo they was a large contingent of protesters and 'randoms' directing traffic.
One of the protesters launched in front of my vehicle .
Obviously its a no go zone except for work but do avoid even if you have travel nearby .
So we've had 3 people die in the last couple of weeks in Vic, but they didn't really die from the virus because they would have eventually died from something else right?

He was 90 so he didn't count right?

Wow, pretty surprised that you think the death of a 90 year old doesn't count. If that's how you feel I guess we're done with this discussion. I'm talking about the classification of deaths not whether peoples lives count. As I've mentioned, I've lost two elderly relatives myself during this time whose funerals I couldn't attend, they most definitely counted.
Kept away from this in general but geez I did say Daniel's gestapo like behaviour would come back to bite him month's ago.

2 people died today one I'll wear he's well over 90 a lot of things could have killed him like old age but a 60 year old.

There will be no repercussions, Daniel will smile and now ask for our help, previously he blamed us. 1000 of fines months ago day one of the new lock downs 7 he knows he f'd up. But his premier he has allowed ppl to die. In fact he has helped ppl die through incompetence or in hiding Cedar Meats. There is no other way to put it.

sh*t bloke, sh*t human. Little else to say, except if you take the Cedar Meats spread and now hotels (multiple) we'd be corona free, he caused both. He also hid both. He was prepared for Victorians to die if it kept him in power. (I'm not advocating Liberal who the hell are they more no name dufuses, yes we have no one but the two parties have dictated like bikie gangs only one of them can have power and anyone else who seems like power they make a funding change to election numbers so that new party can't compete)

I'm sick and tired of hearing there is a Hallam spread of 11/13/etc who the hell knows how many when the bloke who lives in Hallam took it from the Stamford. It's a Stamford leak. That you need to separate it as the whole thing is out of control is fine because your workers are incompetent, as it's the only way you know how to do it... but I don't believe that is true, it's a Stamford leak you are calling Hallam because politically it sounds better. You are spending more time covering up the hotel leaks by separating them, than by fixing them and by doing that you are prepared to let ppl die as long as you stay in power.

If you spent less time playing politics and allowing people to die, and more time actually helping people you might get some love. You haven't.

The fact in this era it's still acceptable surprises me. I won't be surprised ppl will come to Daniel's support to help him as he was hamstrung by the blokes who paid off others and labour caucuses, but I said earlier I see nothing from liberal that would say they would do better in this state. We are run in this country by two bikie gangs called Labour and Liberal... and they have blocked off everybody from having any power. (Don't bring up the Greens every bikie gang likes to have a Gimp that's available to put out when they get drunk in the clubhouse)

Hard to decipher bud, but in a nutshell I read it as... “DA is an incompetent fool who is in charge of an incompetent political party who have derelict MP and health professionals”.

I’m with you 👍
Hard to decipher bud, but in a nutshell I read it as... “DA is an incompetent fool who is in charge of an incompetent political party who have derelict MP and health professionals”.

I’m with you 👍

I did say the alternative is probably just as bad, in fact could be worse.

Politicians need to be held accountable just like normal citizens are.

The fact we don't is why they get away with arguably murder through incompetence.

If Worksafe investigated them, they'd all be in jail (assuming Worksafe is competent but let's not go there) ... but they control Worksafe so that won't happen.
I did say the alternative is probably just as bad, in fact could be worse.

Politicians need to be held accountable just like normal citizens are.

The fact we don't is why they get away with arguably murder through incompetence.

If Worksafe investigated them, they'd all be in jail (assuming Worksafe is competent but let's not go there) ... but they control Worksafe so that won't happen.

No doubt in my mind that both our political and economic systems need a complete overhaul, neither are serving us well at the moment and haven't been for a long time.
I did say the alternative is probably just as bad, in fact could be worse.

Politicians need to be held accountable just like normal citizens are.

The fact we don't is why they get away with arguably murder through incompetence.

If Worksafe investigated them, they'd all be in jail (assuming Worksafe is competent but let's not go there) ... but they control Worksafe so that won't happen.

The lesser of 2 evils certainly isn’t the corrupt, incompetent and confused ALP.. But that’s just my opinion.

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Kept away from this in general but geez I did say Daniel's gestapo like behaviour would come back to bite him month's ago.

2 people died today one I'll wear he's well over 90 a lot of things could have killed him like old age but a 60 year old.

There will be no repercussions, Daniel will smile and now ask for our help, previously he blamed us. 1000 of fines months ago day one of the new lock downs 7 he knows he f'd up. But his premier he has allowed ppl to die. In fact he has helped ppl die through incompetence or in hiding Cedar Meats. There is no other way to put it.

sh*t bloke, sh*t human. Little else to say, except if you take the Cedar Meats spread and now hotels (multiple) we'd be corona free, he caused both. He also hid both. He was prepared for Victorians to die if it kept him in power. (I'm not advocating Liberal who the hell are they more no name dufuses, yes we have no one but the two parties have dictated like bikie gangs only one of them can have power and anyone else who seems like power they make a funding change to election numbers so that new party can't compete)

I'm sick and tired of hearing there is a Hallam spread of 11/13/etc who the hell knows how many when the bloke who lives in Hallam took it from the Stamford. It's a Stamford leak. That you need to separate it as the whole thing is out of control is fine because your workers are incompetent, as it's the only way you know how to do it... but I don't believe that is true, it's a Stamford leak you are calling Hallam because politically it sounds better. You are spending more time covering up the hotel leaks by separating them, than by fixing them and by doing that you are prepared to let ppl die as long as you stay in power.

If you spent less time playing politics and allowing people to die, and more time actually helping people you might get some love. You haven't.

The fact in this era it's still acceptable surprises me. I won't be surprised ppl will come to Daniel's support to help him as he was hamstrung by the blokes who paid off others and labour caucuses, but I said earlier I see nothing from liberal that would say they would do better in this state. We are run in this country by two bikie gangs called Labour and Liberal... and they have blocked off everybody from having any power. (Don't bring up the Greens every bikie gang likes to have a Gimp that's available to put out when they get drunk in the clubhouse)

to say he caused people to die to cling to power is an absolute shit statement to make
This thread needs a shuffle, it has absolutely no place on the Hawthorn Football Board as it has nothing at all to do with football - Lethals Lounge is the more correct place for this loose grouping of chest beating drivel and conjecture, bizarre conspiracy theorem peddled by the mentally challenged, the occasional fact and sandy vags aplenty - although I have great trepidation in recommending anything so trite and full of absolute bullshit be sent anywhere that has Lethal's name.

Quite frankly the thread is an abomination.
Wow, pretty surprised that you think the death of a 90 year old doesn't count. If that's how you feel I guess we're done with this discussion. I'm talking about the classification of deaths not whether peoples lives count. As I've mentioned, I've lost two elderly relatives myself during this time whose funerals I couldn't attend, they most definitely counted.
I can't tell if you are being purposely obtuse or not.

You have an issue with the 3 recent covid deaths being atributed to the recent outbreak. Your explanation was the changing of historical numbers based on using a consistent reporting framework and the age and hence probably comorbidities of the patients.

I've seen people say they don't believe it because of who announced the deaths to the media.

You seem to want to not have these deaths attributed to coronavirus but won't say why we should take your opinion over the reported details.
This thread needs a shuffle, it has absolutely no place on the Hawthorn Football Board as it has nothing at all to do with football - Lethals Lounge is the more correct place for this loose grouping of chest beating drivel and conjecture, bizarre conspiracy theorem peddled by the mentally challenged, the occasional fact and sandy vags aplenty - although I have great trepidation in recommending anything so trite and full of absolute bullshit be sent anywhere that has Lethal's name.

Quite frankly the thread is an abomination.
Yeah I don't subscribe to this everything non football goes to the lounge crap.

This is an issue that impacts people on this board mate we should be able to talk about it here

People are free to not read the thread.
Yeah I don't subscribe to this everything non football goes to the lounge crap.

This is an issue that impacts people on this board mate we should be able to talk about it here

People are free to not read the thread.
Whatever - there is so much misinformation being deliberately peddled by one particular imbecile that the thread has totally lost its focus and any claim to authenticity.

I'm moving on and might head over to Lethals for some footy talk.

Four word story and the heavy metal thread shit all over whats going on here.
Looks like there will be large numbers again today I’m hearing, I think without a doubt by the end of week all of Melbourne will be locked down.
Looks like there will be large numbers again today I’m hearing, I think without a doubt by the end of week all of Melbourne will be locked down.
The numbers will keep going up rapidly until they exhaust the track and trace around the hot spots. We shouldn’t be so worried about the numbers but the locations of the positive tests. If they can’t connect positives to the hotspots then we have a containment problem.
This thread needs a shuffle, it has absolutely no place on the Hawthorn Football Board as it has nothing at all to do with football - Lethals Lounge is the more correct place for this loose grouping of chest beating drivel and conjecture, bizarre conspiracy theorem peddled by the mentally challenged, the occasional fact and sandy vags aplenty - although I have great trepidation in recommending anything so trite and full of absolute bullshit be sent anywhere that has Lethal's name.

Quite frankly the thread is an abomination.
I actually find this thread enlightening. Giving me a greater insight into how people think. I have a better understanding on why people blindly follow a party without challenging. Blindly hate people without understanding. And how conspiracy thinking can go mainstream. This thread goes quite well with the Serious News thread.
The numbers will keep going up rapidly until they exhaust the track and trace around the hot spots. We shouldn’t be so worried about the numbers but the locations of the positive tests. If they can’t connect positives to the hotspots then we have a containment problem.

2 cases in Albury, there is a containment problem. Only a matter of time before Sydney is it inundated.

If outbreaks take place in Sydney (which seems like we’re just waiting for), I wonder if there’s a point where the feds change the approach from containment to herd immunity? Just posing a hypothetical, only becomes a relevant discussion if the track and trace and containment is exhausted and untenable.

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COVID-19 / Coronavirus

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