COVID-19 / Coronavirus

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ADF staff at hotel quarantine tests positive.

Edit. In Queensland

Laybah guvment?

Honestly Id like to see the sate of things if every person int he heirarchy was changed in a health crisis. theyd be much worse.

This is about media and social media trolls attacking everything Dan does. It didnt start with the pandemic. led 'bravely by the herald sun

When that pathetic rag prints its last copy I'm going to get one and have it signed by Premier Andrews.
Daniel Andrews just appeared on the price is right Australian State and Territory edition.

This is what he span........

View attachment 907761
If you think that Queensland & NSW aren't going to spike like crazy as well in the coming months well we are all lost.
Restrictions across Aust and the rest of the world have been lifted whilst virus seemingly under control but still present.
It ain't going away.

Economics and this pandemic don't mix well however you put it.
I am saying categorically that DA and his cronies, who are the most clueless bunch of morons in the country can not navigate this, it is clear that he is incapable and it should he handed over in totality.

The only help he has accepted is team leaders for contact tracing and some medical staff from the ADF, that’s a long way away from handing over responsibility.

All decision making should be taken away from DA & Sutton, and what role Mikakos plays I don’t know but her blatant lying at pressers should result in her sacking as well.

I’m not undermining myself, I’ve said from the get go this should be handed over, that has not wavered once.
What world are you living in? This is pure Murdoch style ideologic batshit.

There's a reason why his disapproval for the pandemic has maxed at 25% and that's because, for the most part, he's done a good job. Infinitely better than what the nuffies on the other side are offering. This pandemic is not over, and the other states will likely have their time again as well.

Nothing of what is happening is a surprise and if it is, you are more clueless than you make out to be. This is our reality for the next 12-18 months until there's a vaccine or treatment. Fact. This has always been the reality of the situation.

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I'm sorry to hear the news about the spike over there.

The reality is no government can fix this situation. Some of it comes down to good management but a lot of it is luck. And above all, you can't expect governments to fix stupidity. I walked past a bar today with huge numbers, a few drunk people and definitely no social distancing. No masks to be seen. Not to mention the irresponsible July 4 celebrations in general.

The second wave will be here in a matter of weeks with soaring numbers again. God help us when winter hits. The only hope is a vaccine and realistically that's over 12 months away according to the CDC. Sad as it is, lockdowns will be the new norm.
This is for Tige 19. Do you remember the Tim's, [Smith & Wilson] calling Dan Andrews chairman Dan and all the other denigrating names to re open Vic to everything [six weeks ago]. Well, you can imagine what would have happened back then. This was always probably going to happen. It has just bought a bit more time. Why can't you appreciate the difficulty of this pandemic, don't have to be Einstein
I really feel for the restaurants, cafes & bars that have spent money on stock, advertising etc to get thing happening again

Some businesses can turn things on and off ok, but others it's huge

Hopefully the Vic Gov will be announcing another $10k bonus for impacted businesses like they did in March/April
Michael O'Brien the leader of the opposition in Victoria was on the radio this morning talking about how we need to opening the economy back up, clearly he wasn't on the invite list for today's decision

He's come out just after Dan's press conference with an interesting statement

This failure, this lockdown, is as a result of problems in hotel quarantine. Daniel Andrews let the COVID-19 genie out of the bottle with hotel quarantine bungles and now everyone’s paying the price for it.
This is going to be devastating for so many family, so many small businesses, so many jobs that just may not be there in six weeks’ time.
The Premier’s tone today was really disappointing.
He was looking to blame Victorian, point the finger at Victorians instead of looking at the mirror and accepting responsibility for his Government’s mistakes that have led to where we are today. We need to get on top of this virus.
The Premier keeps saying we are all in this together, it would be great if he acted like it. It would be great if he admitted responsibility where he has got things wrong and he has let this virus spread into the community.
It would be great if the Premier tried to bring in other people to help with this situation.
Clearly the Premier is under pressure.
He is looking stressed. He is looking rattled.
He needs help, he needs help from the Federal Government and frankly I think it is time for the Premier to invite other parties around Victoria to work with him and the Government to fix this mess.
While I’m disappointed that the Premier has got us to this position I’m willing to extend an offer of bipartisan support for trying to fix the problems that we are now in because I think that’s what Victorians want to see.
It’s a tough day for Victorians. My heart goes out to every one whose lives are going to be turned upsidedown by being put back into lockdown for another six weeks.
We will do the best we can to get through this but we need to work together and frankly the Premier needs to accept responsibility for the mistakes that have been made that have led to where we are today.

He thinks Victorian's are not to blame, apparently none of us did anything wrong it was all Dan's mistakes. Dan should be ashamed and should ask for Michael O'Brien to save Victoria and he's willing to do it because he thinks Victorian's want him to.

Doesn't read like a statement being made by someone who actually wants to work with the Government, more like someone wanting to be refused.
Phil McCreviss so we are halfway to a statewide lock down now.

Metro and one region council have been put back in for 6 weeks from tomorrow.
It will be state wide within a couple of days. I might have this wrong but from what I was hearing from friends and family over there, it seemed that a lot of Australians had a relaxed approach. No mandatory wearing of masks or use of hand sanitizers etc. That's been a daily thing over here. Haven't gone out in public without a mask for months.

A few weeks ago, I facetimed my parents and they said they were heading out shopping with some of their close friends. I couldn't believe it. But they seemed convinced that the virus was over and things were normal again. Boy did I let them have it.
Michael O'Brien the leader of the opposition in Victoria was on the radio this morning talking about how we need to opening the economy back up, clearly he wasn't on the invite list for today's decision

He's come out just after Dan's press conference with an interesting statement

This failure, this lockdown, is as a result of problems in hotel quarantine. Daniel Andrews let the COVID-19 genie out of the bottle with hotel quarantine bungles and now everyone’s paying the price for it.
This is going to be devastating for so many family, so many small businesses, so many jobs that just may not be there in six weeks’ time.
The Premier’s tone today was really disappointing.
He was looking to blame Victorian, point the finger at Victorians instead of looking at the mirror and accepting responsibility for his Government’s mistakes that have led to where we are today. We need to get on top of this virus.
The Premier keeps saying we are all in this together, it would be great if he acted like it. It would be great if he admitted responsibility where he has got things wrong and he has let this virus spread into the community.
It would be great if the Premier tried to bring in other people to help with this situation.
Clearly the Premier is under pressure.
He is looking stressed. He is looking rattled.
He needs help, he needs help from the Federal Government and frankly I think it is time for the Premier to invite other parties around Victoria to work with him and the Government to fix this mess.
While I’m disappointed that the Premier has got us to this position I’m willing to extend an offer of bipartisan support for trying to fix the problems that we are now in because I think that’s what Victorians want to see.
It’s a tough day for Victorians. My heart goes out to every one whose lives are going to be turned upsidedown by being put back into lockdown for another six weeks.
We will do the best we can to get through this but we need to work together and frankly the Premier needs to accept responsibility for the mistakes that have been made that have led to where we are today.

He thinks Victorian's are not to blame, apparently none of us did anything wrong it was all Dan's mistakes. Dan should be ashamed and should ask for Michael O'Brien to save Victoria and he's willing to do it because he thinks Victorian's want him to.

Doesn't read like a statement being made by someone who actually wants to work with the Government, more like someone wanting to be refused.

Hes giving Victorians a free pass, a licence to just carry on, so long as Dan is blamed everything is tickety boo. Of course victorians should look at themselves, especially if they've been reckless
I am saying categorically that DA and his cronies, who are the most clueless bunch of morons in the country can not navigate this, it is clear that he is incapable and it should he handed over in totality.

The only help he has accepted is team leaders for contact tracing and some medical staff from the ADF, that’s a long way away from handing over responsibility.

All decision making should be taken away from DA & Sutton, and what role Mikakos plays I don’t know but her blatant lying at pressers should result in her sacking as well.

I’m not undermining myself, I’ve said from the get go this should be handed over, that has not wavered once.
If you think the libs opposition will do any better than DA you are deluded. They are the ****iest bunch of ****wits that ever ****ed.

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Michael O'Brien the leader of the opposition in Victoria was on the radio this morning talking about how we need to opening the economy back up, clearly he wasn't on the invite list for today's decision

He's come out just after Dan's press conference with an interesting statement

This failure, this lockdown, is as a result of problems in hotel quarantine. Daniel Andrews let the COVID-19 genie out of the bottle with hotel quarantine bungles and now everyone’s paying the price for it.
This is going to be devastating for so many family, so many small businesses, so many jobs that just may not be there in six weeks’ time.
The Premier’s tone today was really disappointing.
He was looking to blame Victorian, point the finger at Victorians instead of looking at the mirror and accepting responsibility for his Government’s mistakes that have led to where we are today. We need to get on top of this virus.
The Premier keeps saying we are all in this together, it would be great if he acted like it. It would be great if he admitted responsibility where he has got things wrong and he has let this virus spread into the community.
It would be great if the Premier tried to bring in other people to help with this situation.
Clearly the Premier is under pressure.
He is looking stressed. He is looking rattled.
He needs help, he needs help from the Federal Government and frankly I think it is time for the Premier to invite other parties around Victoria to work with him and the Government to fix this mess.
While I’m disappointed that the Premier has got us to this position I’m willing to extend an offer of bipartisan support for trying to fix the problems that we are now in because I think that’s what Victorians want to see.
It’s a tough day for Victorians. My heart goes out to every one whose lives are going to be turned upsidedown by being put back into lockdown for another six weeks.
We will do the best we can to get through this but we need to work together and frankly the Premier needs to accept responsibility for the mistakes that have been made that have led to where we are today.

He thinks Victorian's are not to blame, apparently none of us did anything wrong it was all Dan's mistakes. Dan should be ashamed and should ask for Michael O'Brien to save Victoria and he's willing to do it because he thinks Victorian's want him to.

Doesn't read like a statement being made by someone who actually wants to work with the Government, more like someone wanting to be refused.
If you think the libs opposition will do any better than DA you are deluded. They are the fu**iest bunch of *******s that ever f’ed.
100%. The most irrelevant opposition party in this country. And this isn't anti-lib. I think the federal government have done a good job fwiw. But our state opposition is a ****ing disgrace.
Based on global trends, and from what I've seen here, the Vic peak of cases will hit around 500 a day before you will see it leveling off. It's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.

Once on the other side of the curve, it will be another 2-3 weeks of consecutive day case reductions until reopening at any level is considered. Long haul ahead. Stay safe.
Does this lockdown apply to anyone who wants to protest black lives matter? That protest was so vital. Will the lock down apply to private security shagging return quarantined women?

Dan’s government has dropped the ball. Sent all the wrong messaging. Can’t go golfing or fishing but you can protest in your thousands in response to the murder of a black man in America.

Absolutely crazy state with a crazy identity politics driven premier. Anyway I’m off to get my birth certificate changed to reflect I am now a woman even though I have fathered numerous children. It’s a brave new world
If you think the libs opposition will do any better than DA you are deluded. They are the fu**iest bunch of *******s that ever f’ed.

I don't necessarily think that, but they just might have been smart enough to invite ADF like every other state as they were able to realise they are not the smartest to solve this, or refused to let planes in when you had rent-a-coronavirus security guards. Or maybe not... the ADF I think probably the other less likely.

Chairman Dan made a decision, he knew better and we are all paying for it, the only one not paying for it is him he can go wherever he likes in the guise of work. Show some leadership Dan do a press conference from home you a** clown. (Yes he's gone past Galah as an insult, though still a good one to shoot down opposition supporters at the footy)

A lot of ppl blame Muslims at the end of Ramadan for spreading it, and there is no doubt there was some spike because of that in Victoria among others... but how on Earth was there no spike in Lakemba for example where they have done the same thing? There should be a two/three or morefold increase in that area of NSW simply because of the greater numbers in a confined area. The reason their government did not put them into the same situation as Dan did.

There is a labour government in Qld, she has no issues, won't take planes or people into her state, uses the ADF no issues. This is a like 4 like comparison from the same party. She has a heart, seems a bit clueless but has a heart and didn't blame her ppl from her state ever, not from Day 1. Dan did every day until this second spike.

The saddest thing is we are comparing two political bikie gangs in Victoria over who would have done a better job, the answer is nobody knows, if they weren't part of a political party they'd be charged with organised crime like a bikie gang, but as politicians they write laws that make sure only they can hold power. No one else can. Dan is in charge at this time, so he is responsible, if it was Liberal in charge even Jeff he would be getting the exact same spray.

P.S: I would argue this is a very nice spray.
I am saying categorically that DA and his cronies, who are the most clueless bunch of morons in the country can not navigate this, it is clear that he is incapable and it should he handed over in totality.

The only help he has accepted is team leaders for contact tracing and some medical staff from the ADF, that’s a long way away from handing over responsibility.

All decision making should be taken away from DA & Sutton, and what role Mikakos plays I don’t know but her blatant lying at pressers should result in her sacking as well.

I’m not undermining myself, I’ve said from the get go this should be handed over, that has not wavered once.
Should they be doing what Trump does to get your tick of approval ?
This is for Tige 19. Do you remember the Tim's, [Smith & Wilson] calling Dan Andrews chairman Dan and all the other denigrating names to re open Vic to everything [six weeks ago]. Well, you can imagine what would have happened back then. This was always probably going to happen. It has just bought a bit more time. Why can't you appreciate the difficulty of this pandemic, don't have to be Einstein

Michael O’Brien was calling for a staged reopening of business in Victoria today.

As useless as a marzipan dildo.

I don't necessarily think that, but they just might have been smart enough to invite ADF like every other state as they were able to realise they are not the smartest to solve this, or refused to let planes in when you had rent-a-coronavirus security guards. Or maybe not... the ADF I think probably the other less likely.

Chairman Dan made a decision, he knew better and we are all paying for it, the only one not paying for it is him he can go wherever he likes in the guise of work. Show some leadership Dan do a press conference from home you a** clown. (Yes he's gone past Galah as an insult, though still a good one to shoot down opposition supporters at the footy)

A lot of ppl blame Muslims at the end of Ramadan for spreading it, and there is no doubt there was some spike because of that in Victoria among others... but how on Earth was there no spike in Lakemba for example where they have done the same thing? There should be a two/three or morefold increase in that area of NSW simply because of the greater numbers in a confined area. The reason their government did not put them into the same situation as Dan did.

There is a labour government in Qld, she has no issues, won't take planes or people into her state, uses the ADF no issues. This is a like 4 like comparison from the same party. She has a heart, seems a bit clueless but has a heart and didn't blame her ppl from her state ever, not from Day 1. Dan did every day until this second spike.

The saddest thing is we are comparing two political bikie gangs in Victoria over who would have done a better job, the answer is nobody knows, if they weren't part of a political party they'd be charged with organised crime like a bikie gang, but as politicians they write laws that make sure only they can hold power. No one else can. Dan is in charge at this time, so he is responsible, if it was Liberal in charge even Jeff he would be getting the exact same spray.

P.S: I would argue this is a very nice spray.

Why is the ADF the go to answer for everything?
Well at least I had the extra week to get my eye in ........

Feel very sorry for those running there own business's , shops and the like . Very stressful times ahead

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COVID-19 / Coronavirus

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