Play Nice Cowardly assault at Melbourne vs Hawthorn match

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Punching someone who knocked your drink out of your hand isn't standing up for yourself.
The attitude that you need to punch someone to stand up for yourself is a rather toxic one that we need to move past.

It's not being strong or the bigger person, it's doubling down on stupid and escalating a situation to the point where someone could get hurt not just annoyed or embarrassed.

They deserved it is an example of the toxic behavior we need to change.

The Hawks supporter needs to be held accountable for what he did, but you don't do that by punching him. I'd be quite happy to see him banned for his repeated bad behaviour. But I don't like seeing anyone getting assaulted at the footy.

What if someone came and punched you in the face and walked off? What then, call the powice? To me aggressively smashing a drink out of someone's hand is akin to punching them and do it to 100 drunk men and expect to cop 95 punches in the head, your holier than thou attitude is in the minority where it should be.
Bit of research, and posters previously, suggest the Hawthorn supporter has serious form.

The Melbourne fan will be punished, and get his whack. But i'd be more concerned for who is caring for the 'victim', and not pulling him into line for constant antagonistic behavior.
If he doesn't pull up I'd be worried about future games he will attend. Opposition fans now know he can be baited easily. I hope none do but you can guarantee some will see how far they can poke the bear.
What's with the aggressive post? Maybe you should practice what you preach.
Didn’t realise swear words were as vicious as punches!
It is called standing up for yourself.

The dickhead who smashes the drink out of someones hand is the ******. Not the person who follows up by taking action
You can stand up for yourself by saying something or grabbing him and letting him know you don’t appreciate it.

This punch first and ask questions later attitude is complete garbage and does nobody any good.

Is it worth going to jail or seriously injuring/killing someone over a spilt beer?

Watch the video again. I’ve already said the Hawks fan is no angel. It looks like they’ve had some banter prior to the video and then the Dees bloke celebrates with his jumper which pisses off this bloke. He whacks the beer out of his hand and walks off. Dees bloke could have been the bigger man and left it alone, maybe laughed at him or said something to him and moved on. His team won.

I don’t know about you but I’m not interested in ending up in jail or in some big fight where I get injured all because some ****wit whacks my beer.

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As I posted earlier, nothing makes throwing punches ok.
Unfortunately due to the negligence of news agencies in portraying the victim as totally harmless and innocent in past 24 hours. I'd fear for his safety now attending future games.
There's a huge backlash online towards him and people well aware of his behaviour.
Alcohol affects decision making obviously.

All it takes is something to set someone off and they may react totally differently to how they would sober. I’ve seen it with even the most placid of blokes.

Well my opinion is that alcohol can uncover whatever issues or anger or insecurities that may be underneath, rather than being a direct cause.

Just blaming alcohol doesn't repair whatever damage or mental factors or societal factors that are there that cause violence and extreme unsociable behaviour.
Well my opinion is that alcohol can uncover whatever issues or anger or insecurities that may be underneath, rather than being a direct cause.

Just blaming alcohol doesn't repair whatever damage or mental factors or societal factors that are there that cause violence and extreme unsociable behaviour.
I’ve seen a normally calm bloke get aggressive towards a creep following s girl at a bar.

If he was sober he wouldn’t be approaching him threatening him with violence.

Do you think that’s because this normally calm guy has issues or anger hidden deep beneath?

To me it’s because alcohol affects decision making and more specifically your impulse control.
Every moron/dickhead/drunk/bogan etc out there seems to use the 'disability' and 'invalid pensioner' bullshit excuse nowdays to somehow justify their anti social actions. They shouldn't expect any special treatment and sympathy when innocent bystanders choose to reasonably defend themselves. Some people should just stay home and watch the footy on the tv.
I doubt the disabled bloke would've knocked the beer if he hadn't have been being abused, yelled at or stirred up by the others. I mean, the fact that someone was filming in the first place leads you to think it was already a confrontational situation between the dees supporter and the disabled bloke. Sounds like these guys were stirring him up leading to a confrontational situation, beer gets knocked, victim tries to walk away, victim gets punched.

You give the disabled guy a pass for his actions, nothing too serious and likely incited by the other person's actions.

Other bloke can watch the games on TV from now on.
I had a read of the Facebook comments on one article and and there's at least a dozen people sharing personal accounts of this bloke being aggressive/violent. He's gone at women and shoved a 9 year kid. Plays the disability card when security goes to remove him. He should have been banned from games years ago.

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I’ve seen a normally calm bloke get aggressive towards a creep following s girl at a bar.

If he was sober he wouldn’t be approaching him threatening him with violence.

Do you think that’s because this normally calm guy has issues or anger hidden deep beneath?

To me it’s because alcohol affects decision making and more specifically your impulse control.

Yes, alcohol can uncover issues that would remain hidden otherwise.

Blaming alcohol directly for people's behaviour is a cop out and a rug sweep. Most would rather the real issues didn't exist or just went away, which is why they're never properly addressed.
So just after he was 'viciously attacked, and mocked with bad words and kicked and punched in the head while on the ground' he made time to get his face on yet another HawksTV video?

Yeah the Dees supporter was completely in the wrong for throwing punches, but this guy is so completely full of **** and is a known pest at games.

I know which one I'd ban first
Yep. Bloke who hit him will now be absolutely ****ed because some low life reporter had a sweet narrative to sell.
I’m not one for victim blaming, and certainly the Melbourne supporter should never have used violence.

In saying this, this Hawks supporter is a serial pest. He was a regularly attendee of my local football club and we ended up banning him for his constant barrage of abuse at opposition players as well as regular altercations with opposition supporters. I don’t know if he has a carer of any level, but I definitely feel like he should have someone monitoring him. He seems unable to attend sporting events by himself.
I had a read of the Facebook comments on one article and and there's at least a dozen people sharing personal accounts of this bloke being aggressive/violent. He's gone at women and shoved a 9 year kid. Plays the disability card when security goes to remove him. He should have been banned from games years ago.
Been doing it for a long time apparently, went to the same high school as my sister and have heard reports of him bullying, harassing and attacking other disabled students.
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The problem is we are raising a generation of kids now that we are teaching not to stand up for themselves.

Teaching your kid that violence is the only way to stand up for yourself (in a situation that isn't about self defence) is a shit lesson that could leave you signing papers to turn off their life support one day.
Can't it be both?

If a friend of a friend throws down at your barbecue, are you inviting them back next time?
I think once it becomes a criminal case it's out of the afls hands . I'm saying the judge should ban him for life from attending all sporting events. If that doesn't happen, obviously the afl can intervene and ban him from ever coming to the BBQ again. Yes I agree with you.
Been doing it for a long time apparently, went to the same high school as my sister and have heard many reports of him bullying, harassing and attacking other disabled students.
Jebus, this is escalating.
If the Melbourne guy walks away as he probably should of, then the hawthorn serial pest carries on business as usual into the next game. It is the serial pest who should cop a ban of some sort
Yep, all worked out well IMO, pest gets shown up for what he is without being beaten to a pulp and hopefully the Dees fan gets off with a warning.

Hawks fan should be banned, if not his family need to keep him away or else someone will seriously throttle him.
The beer bible states,

Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him some beer nuts; if he thirst, pour a beer over his head: for in doing so thou shalt heap beer on his head.

Peroni 12:20
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