Culina: AFL supporters who dont embrace football are "insecure in their code"

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Soccer in Australia spent decades rejecting the majority of Australians, with their ethnic-based competitions and teams. They can hardly complain now that it's going to take more than twelve months to turn that around.
Who cares about Soccer vs AFL vs Rugby etc... if you don't like a sport who cares, i dont like badminton or athletics or netball, it contributes nothing to my life.

Why do people have to justify what they like, or you should like this, or you are dumb etc... if you don't like this sport, or this sport is better than this sport.

There is no right or wrong answer, all you do is get yourself worked up over something that is individual and subjective.

And dont forget that the journalist probably promted the quote to make a bit more cash for his next contract and everyone's being sucked in by it.
Smartest post of the year. Nice work :thumbsu:
I think Australians are all well-aware of the soccer World Cup that is on every four years. It's not a new thing, you know. :rolleyes:

Personally, it's attitudes like this soccer coach and soccer's militant adherents that turns people off from the round-ball game. UnAustralian? Jeez, because I don't care for soccer apparently I'm unAustralian? What a wayne-kerr this bloke is.

Back on planet earth, it's the AFL types who more often than not use the "unAustralian" BS. You must be high if you think that's a football thing. I have a feeling Culina was being tongue in cheek anyway - taking the mick out of the attitude you get from bogans (obviously not all AFL fans).

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Back on planet earth, it's the AFL types who more often than not use the "unAustralian" BS. You must be high if you think that's a football thing. I have a feeling Culina was being tongue in cheek anyway - taking the mick out of the attitude you get from bogans (obviously not all AFL fans).

So people are bogans if the find soccer boring?

That wasn't tongue and check ether he really is that small minded.
People have got to stop being so defensive about soccer.

I can't recall a law were you have to like the game, and I don't understand how you could be called small minded for not liking the game.

So the whole world plays it, who cares, people have there own minds and should be able to think for themselves.

Personally I can't see what the fuss is all about, but hey..that's just my opinion.
What a joke Culina and some soccer fans really are. :rolleyes:

Since when was not supporting soccer 'unAustralian?' I wasn't even aware soccer was so greatly part of Australian culture. :rolleyes:

So if soccer fans don't embrace 'ping pong' does that mean I'm insecure in their sport as well? :rolleyes:

What a pathetic attempt by soccer Australia to win fans. I like soccer, but this is not a good way to go about achieving it.

Couldn't I argue that soccer fans and media are 'insecure' by trying to change 'soccer' to 'football?' Even though it's widely accepted as soccer, even in countries such as Japan and Korea?
If Soccer ever becomes the No.1 sport here, I would firstly throw up, and then secondly, leave the country.

I prefer watching a sport that generates scores in at least double digits, and if that makes me "un-australian" then so be it.

But it's all relative isn't it? Let's offer '6 points' for a goal in soccer and lets offer 1 if you miss either side of a goal post. Each sport can co-exist.

I will declare I went to the World Cup in Germany last year and loved it, something I can't really relate it to anything AFL, including my team winning a flag (and yes I remember our last one!)
What a joke Culina and some soccer fans really are. :rolleyes:

Since when was not supporting soccer 'unAustralian?' I wasn't even aware soccer was so greatly part of Australian culture. :rolleyes:

So if soccer fans don't embrace 'ping pong' does that mean I'm insecure in their sport as well? :rolleyes:

What a pathetic attempt by soccer Australia to win fans. I like soccer, but this is not a good way to go about achieving it.

Couldn't I argue that soccer fans and media are 'insecure' by trying to change 'soccer' to 'football?' Even though it's widely accepted as soccer, even in countries such as Japan and Korea?

are you sure about that?
to be fair theres an even amount of idiots who canvas both sides of the argument, you only have to look at this thread to see that
you'd think people would be able to think for themselves, but many refuse to watch the game going on other peoples opinions that its a game for ****ters etc..
thats fine, just annoying that for some reason people cant realise that games can co exist, supported both for a long time and really dont see the issue
are you sure about that?
to be fair theres an even amount of idiots who canvas both sides of the argument, you only have to look at this thread to see that
you'd think people would be able to think for themselves, but many refuse to watch the game going on other peoples opinions that its a game for ****ters etc..
thats fine, just annoying that for some reason people cant realise that games can co exist, supported both for a long time and really dont see the issue

Well... for Korea I'm positive they call it 'soccer.' Because I have heaps of Korean friends. And when I try to talk about the 'football' in the 2002 world cup, they look at me all confused. And when I say 'soccer' they all say... "oh yes... we call it soccer." As far as Japan goes, I'm pretty sure they don't use 'football.' Probably some other term. They have a habit of doing that.

Yes... games can co-exist... but pleeease don't try and be superior on the matter. Soccer fans (In general) are going about things in the wrong way.
People have got to stop being so defensive about soccer.

I can't recall a law were you have to like the game, and I don't understand how you could be called small minded for not liking the game.

So the whole world plays it, who cares, people have there own minds and should be able to think for themselves.

Personally I can't see what the fuss is all about, but hey..that's just my opinion.

I agree. Do people really think insulting those who aren't into soccer is the way to attract more fans to the sport? All it's going to do is alienate them.

People resent the way soccer is being shoved down our throats. If we simply don't like the game we're insulted and called racist.

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culina obviously trying to drum up support for the sydney side (a la sbs's soccer team). never liked the guy. dont know why he had to lable those who dont embrace soccer as insecure, he sounds insecure himself. get over it.

we are lucky to have 4 professional football codes in australia. dont know any other country that has that. each sport can learn a lot from the others.

had heaps of mates at school who hadnt travelled overseas, or to soccer loving countries like england. however, once they lived there and experienced another sport they grew to like it. i have no problem if someone gives it a go and doesnt like it, its a free country after all. by the same token if someone hates soccer for whatever reason so be it.

as for diving, its always been around and yes it sucks big time. unfortunately diving is creeping into footy as well. some will say "yeah but in footy they dont dive from slight contact, roll around, cry etc". well diving is diving to me. a scourge on any code.

come on, we're all aussies!
Is the Asia Champ league STILL going? :eek:

I find it funny that what the top 2 teams in Aus qualified but it's been going for so long that a whole new season of A League has come and gone and there is a new top team. Will Melbourne and Adelaide be in the next Asia Champions league or will it be the top 2 from next season?
Regardless of the code - they are still representing Australia. Isn't that what we pride ourselves with in this sport loving country?

Or is this only relevant when we play a code that the rest of the world is really crap at and we excel at? It seems so!

I used to enjoy watching cricket and i used to enjoy watching soccer, but i don't enjoy either anymore. That was because both didn't hold my interest.

I used to enjoy australian rules football and still do (except when Carlton are playing as it is usually a painful experience)

The game of Aussie Rules is unpredictable, exciting and has moments of excellence the other games cannot possibly match. That is a fact. and you can hide behind your facts of soccer being big in europe or in mongolia or wherever but the fact is that nothing in soccer can match the high mark, the speed and the courage of Australian Rules.

If it makes me "small minded" to only enjoy one sport and then spend the rest of my time reading, going to movies, going out to dinner etc - then so be it.

Where is it written that you must enjoy every single sport out there?

According to you - people who don't take an interest in soccer are small minded. What about people who don;t take an interest in volleyball, tennis women's hockey, men's hockey, tenpin bowling ? - are they also small minded?
I find it funny that what the top 2 teams in Aus qualified but it's been going for so long that a whole new season of A League has come and gone and there is a new top team. Will Melbourne and Adelaide be in the next Asia Champions league or will it be the top 2 from next season?

hasnt been going on that long, just that due to the a-leagues infancy they were forced to take teams from the original season of the a-league
next year it will be melbourne and adelaide
The game of Aussie Rules is unpredictable, exciting and has moments of excellence the other games cannot possibly match. That is a fact. and you can hide behind your facts of soccer being big in europe or in mongolia or wherever but the fact is that nothing in soccer can match the high mark, the speed and the courage of Australian Rules.

i should hope so! it would be a boring world if all sports were the same.

as for the courage comment, im a keeper and diving at a strikers feet knowing full well theyll sink the book in to try and score takes some courage.

anyway could someone start AFL vs NRL, AFL vs ARU, AFL vs gridiron threads as well to prove once and for all which is the toughest/most skillful/most popular/one with the most crims/drug taking/womanising/agile games in the world?
Typically Sydneysider thinks Sydney is Australia and nowhere else matters.

If it was Australia or Melbourne I would be mildly interested but its not. Its Sydney and Adelaide, 2 teams that I don't care about in a sport im not that pasionate about in a competion i've never heard of before . Who gives a ****?
Branko Culina? Yeah that sounds really Australian isn't he Croatian? Who the hell is he to tell us what is Un-Australian when he isn't even Australian.. Go back to your soft-**** sport 'Branko'

Yeah, its not like he has a real Australian name like Matera, Wanganeen, Koutoufides, Barassi, and Riewoldt is it?

Honestly.. some of you will believe everything Mike Sheehan writes ..
hasnt been going on that long, just that due to the a-leagues infancy they were forced to take teams from the original season of the a-league
next year it will be melbourne and adelaide

Just because I don't follow the league or sport, doesn't make me ignorant. Try attempting to achieve superiority elsewhere mate :)
They should try play rugby of AFL and see what real work ethic is.

Work ethic? Try getting an AFL player to compete in as many games as a European footballer......say, anywhere upwards of 50 matches in one season. Then we'll see who's tougher....ARF!

the AFL is one competition, with 16 teams, and theres one thing that matters, the premiership, teams that finish bottom of the ladder are helped by getting good players in the draft. The draft is a stupid concept because it rewards failure

Bang on the money there, and this is why <s******> AFL will never, EVER, be a truly global sport. Teams rewarded for coming last....plastic competition if I've ever seen one!
Bang on the money there, and this is why <s******> AFL will never, EVER, be a truly global sport. Teams rewarded for coming last....plastic competition if I've ever seen one!

does it matter that AFL isnt a global sport????? :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

who cares, its still a great game!!!

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Culina: AFL supporters who dont embrace football are "insecure in their code"

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