D4 2013

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HAHA Cosmo you goose!! Dragons won SFL D3 premiership before finishing above two other clubs paying coin in SFL D2. NO team in VAFA D4 would be competitive in such a cashed-up league / division. SFL D2 last year = Pretty sure if Springy Districts who forked out $50k in player payments failed to make the finals, it's the 'Worst Comp' hey??!! Bentleigh who were in VAFA D2 in 2010 were not even competitive against the top teams in SFL D2. Ya muppet.

Dragons will easily take out this year's flag. They should have entered into D2 or D3 if it wasnt objected by other clubs. Only team to come close would be Hawthorn.

I agree, this year is a 2 hourse race in D4 Southern Dragons and Hawthorn (with my money on the Dragons), may aswell play the grand final now.

A tough year for the residents of D4 with a team that shouldn't have been relegated and Southern Dragons from the SFL entering the comp.

A D4 Finals team from last year would need to recruit 3-4 topline players if not more, to compete with these two.
I agree, this year is a 2 hourse race in D4 Southern Dragons and Hawthorn (with my money on the Dragons), may aswell play the grand final now.

A tough year for the residents of D4 with a team that shouldn't have been relegated and Southern Dragons from the SFL entering the comp.

A D4 Finals team from last year would need to recruit 3-4 topline players if not more, to compete with these two.

It might be a little premature to write off every other D4 side other than Hawthorn and the Dragons without even seeing what clearances come through from all clubs, or even practice matches have been played?

Where are all of the Dragons good recruits coming from? I can tell you that Hawthorn would need to improve a hell of a lot on last years performances to be even considered a threat! What about those D4 clubs that played finals last year - Have they picked up many players?

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It might be a little premature to write off every other D4 side other than Hawthorn and the Dragons without even seeing what clearances come through from all clubs, or even practice matches have been played?

Where are all of the Dragons good recruits coming from? I can tell you that Hawthorn would need to improve a hell of a lot on last years performances to be even considered a threat! What about those D4 clubs that played finals last year - Have they picked up many players?

True, admittedly I haven't looked at any practice matches or clearances, but I still think those two teams would have started a fair way ahead of the rest.

So like I said, a 2012 finals team from last year would need 3-4 topliners and a team from outside the finals would need a recruiting miracale, they are already coming from 5 games behind the top 4 from 2012.
True, admittedly I haven't looked at any practice matches or clearances, but I still think those two teams would have started a fair way ahead of the rest.

So like I said, a 2012 finals team from last year would need 3-4 topliners and a team from outside the finals would need a recruiting miracale, they are already coming from 5 games behind the top 4 from 2012.

West Brunswick any chance?
It might be a little premature to write off every other D4 side other than Hawthorn and the Dragons without even seeing what clearances come through from all clubs, or even practice matches have been played?

Where are all of the Dragons good recruits coming from? I can tell you that Hawthorn would need to improve a hell of a lot on last years performances to be even considered a threat! What about those D4 clubs that played finals last year - Have they picked up many players?

Agreed on Hawthorn. Saw them about 3 times last year and they weren't very good - actually surprised they won as many games as they did. Word is they are quite happy with themselves and who they have recruited but so were they this time last year. Piccolo is back from OT and he is a gun at this level.
HAHA Cosmo you goose!! Dragons won SFL D3 premiership before finishing above two other clubs paying coin in SFL D2. NO team in VAFA D4 would be competitive in such a cashed-up league / division. SFL D2 last year = Pretty sure if Springy Districts who forked out $50k in player payments failed to make the finals, it's the 'Worst Comp' hey??!! Bentleigh who were in VAFA D2 in 2010 were not even competitive against the top teams in SFL D2. Ya muppet.

Dragons will easily take out this year's flag. They should have entered into D2 or D3 if it wasnt objected by other clubs. Only team to come close would be Hawthorn.


I have know idea what this means? you can be a shocking team / comp and still pay players

"SFL D2 last year = Pretty sure if Springy Districts who forked out $50k in player payments failed to make the finals, it's the 'Worst Comp' hey??!!"

IMO yes!! It's a rubbish comp!! Any comp that can be that poor a standard (all divisions) while paying players ($50k ??) is a joke! Plus it’s destroying clubs look at Black Rock dropped to Div3 for not paying affiliation fees but still managed to find the cash to pay players and offer cash again this year?

Really not sure the what the Bentleigh reference is proving? They finished well above Dragons, winning 3 times as many games and beat them by 10 plus goals (about the difference between D4 and D2 IMO) so I still think that Dragons will find the first couple of years in the VAFA a battle as they are coming from a very different competition.

I have know idea what this means? you can be a shocking team / comp and still pay players

"SFL D2 last year = Pretty sure if Springy Districts who forked out $50k in player payments failed to make the finals, it's the 'Worst Comp' hey??!!"

IMO yes!! It's a rubbish comp!! Any comp that can be that poor a standard (all divisions) while paying players ($50k ??) is a joke! Plus it’s destroying clubs look at Black Rock dropped to Div3 for not paying affiliation fees but still managed to find the cash to pay players and offer cash again this year?

Really not sure the what the Bentleigh reference is proving? They finished well above Dragons, winning 3 times as many games and beat them by 10 plus goals (about the difference between D4 and D2 IMO) so I still think that Dragons will find the first couple of years in the VAFA a battle as they are coming from a very different competition.

I agree that they may not be the most well run comp but it definitely is a high standard comp, esp D2 n above. The reference with Bentleigh + Springy Districts is to show how tough a divvy the Dragons were in last year. Benlteigh is miles ahead of the Dragons obviously being far more established and with a killer Magoos side. As for SD the ‘confirmed’ mark is $70k but id rather be conservative in a public forum. Coin attracts good players and theres no shortage of cash in the SFL. Unfortunately the Dragons dont pay players so the VAFA is a practical move.

Long story short mate – Youre right about SFL management destroying clubs but you're an idiot for sayin the SFL is a poor standard comp and claiming the Dragons will struggle against what is a clearly lower stnadard comp. Dragons could use every match bar Hawthorn n Eley Park as training runs.
I agree that they may not be the most well run comp but it definitely is a high standard comp, esp D2 n above. The reference with Bentleigh + Springy Districts is to show how tough a divvy the Dragons were in last year. Benlteigh is miles ahead of the Dragons obviously being far more established and with a killer Magoos side. As for SD the ‘confirmed’ mark is $70k but id rather be conservative in a public forum. Coin attracts good players and theres no shortage of cash in the SFL. Unfortunately the Dragons dont pay players so the VAFA is a practical move.

Long story short mate – Youre right about SFL management destroying clubs but you're an idiot for sayin the SFL is a poor standard comp and claiming the Dragons will struggle against what is a clearly lower stnadard comp. Dragons could use every match bar Hawthorn n Eley Park as training runs.

Sounds as though Round 1 between the the Hawks and Dragons should be a good one then!

Might be getting a bit ahead of yourselves with that training drill comment though mate.
I agree that they may not be the most well run comp but it definitely is a high standard comp, esp D2 n above. The reference with Bentleigh + Springy Districts is to show how tough a divvy the Dragons were in last year. Benlteigh is miles ahead of the Dragons obviously being far more established and with a killer Magoos side. As for SD the ‘confirmed’ mark is $70k but id rather be conservative in a public forum. Coin attracts good players and theres no shortage of cash in the SFL. Unfortunately the Dragons dont pay players so the VAFA is a practical move.

Long story short mate – Youre right about SFL management destroying clubs but you're an idiot for sayin the SFL is a poor standard comp and claiming the Dragons will struggle against what is a clearly lower stnadard comp. Dragons could use every match bar Hawthorn n Eley Park as training runs.

Milney has made some outlandish statements on his time on big footy, but to say the dragons could use every match bar Hawthorn and Eley Park as training runs is absolutely ludicrous! I have had no opinion on the Dragons as of yet, but I'm starting to develop a dislike for you already, and it's only because of you and your sheer arrogance! I have no problem with confidence but I now would like to see you fall flat on your ass and finish just outside the finals by half a percent!

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Nice to see you lads have taken the bait! Nohting better than firing up a boring thread.

If you princesses get this worked up over lousy bigfooty banter then wait for the season proper for more pleasant surprises :-D

Milney, bit hypocritical of you to call someone arrogant? Heres a hint - We know of each other and ill floor ya when I next see your ugly nut.
Nice to see you lads have taken the bait! Nohting better than firing up a boring thread.

If you princesses get this worked up over lousy bigfooty banter then wait for the season proper for more pleasant surprises :-D

Milney, bit hypocritical of you to call someone arrogant? Heres a hint - We know of each other and ill floor ya when I next see your ugly nut.

Hypocritical??????? Only thing I was arrogant about last year was my writing prowess was quite superior to that of the scribe for D4 last year. One thing, it may pay to read over your post before you click on "post reply" as your spelling, grammar and punctuation suck!

You'll floor me? That's the good old SFL coming out in you! Keep it in check fella, your'e in the VAFA now, the hierarchy frown upon that unpleasantness.
I agree that they may not be the most well run comp but it definitely is a high standard comp, esp D2 n above. The reference with Bentleigh + Springy Districts is to show how tough a divvy the Dragons were in last year. Benlteigh is miles ahead of the Dragons obviously being far more established and with a killer Magoos side. As for SD the ‘confirmed’ mark is $70k but id rather be conservative in a public forum. Coin attracts good players and theres no shortage of cash in the SFL. Unfortunately the Dragons dont pay players so the VAFA is a practical move.

Long story short mate – Youre right about SFL management destroying clubs but you're an idiot for sayin the SFL is a poor standard comp and claiming the Dragons will struggle against what is a clearly lower stnadard comp. Dragons could use every match bar Hawthorn n Eley Park as training runs.

I really think your missing the point! You can fork out 100k and still have an average list if it was only money based why would the other sides bother? Just pick the team with the most cash and give them the flag??

As for quality of the SFL you really need to get out and watch a few more leagues you miles off the mark
Morning guys, I’m a senior committee member at the Dragons, and just thought I’d quickly post on our club’s behalf.

Our club has generally refrained from posting on Bigfooty in the past, as unfortunately we have been targeted by certain keyboard warriors and trolls in the past. I’d like to make it clear that Kangbang’s posts do NOT reflect our club thoughts or culture. We do not know who this blockhead is, and we’re assuming he’s just a troll from another club. We are a community club from modest beginnings, and are *still* in a building phase. We are excited to be joining the VAFA, and are under no illusion about the challenges and struggles we may face. We look forward to competitive games against EVERY team, and the comments about us using other clubs as training runs are laughable and downright stupid.

The Dragons would like to wish every club well, and we look forward to having a beer or two with you all moving forward. Peace out.
Morning guys, I’m a senior committee member at the Dragons, and just thought I’d quickly post on our club’s behalf.

Our club has generally refrained from posting on Bigfooty in the past, as unfortunately we have been targeted by certain keyboard warriors and trolls in the past. I’d like to make it clear that Kangbang’s posts do NOT reflect our club thoughts or culture. We do not know who this blockhead is, and we’re assuming he’s just a troll from another club. We are a community club from modest beginnings, and are *still* in a building phase. We are excited to be joining the VAFA, and are under no illusion about the challenges and struggles we may face. We look forward to competitive games against EVERY team, and the comments about us using other clubs as training runs are laughable and downright stupid.

The Dragons would like to wish every club well, and we look forward to having a beer or two with you all moving forward. Peace out.

An admirable position sainterrr... perhaps you should relay that humility to your players, I've spoken to a couple and they see this 2013 as a meer inconvenience towards D3 and beyond.

I personally don't think they are wrong, the Southern Dragons in their current state are probably finals D3 team.

I am aware I may have to eat my words hear come Spetember, but thats my opinion.
Morning guys, I’m a senior committee member at the Dragons, and just thought I’d quickly post on our club’s behalf.

Our club has generally refrained from posting on Bigfooty in the past, as unfortunately we have been targeted by certain keyboard warriors and trolls in the past. I’d like to make it clear that Kangbang’s posts do NOT reflect our club thoughts or culture. We do not know who this blockhead is, and we’re assuming he’s just a troll from another club. We are a community club from modest beginnings, and are *still* in a building phase. We are excited to be joining the VAFA, and are under no illusion about the challenges and struggles we may face. We look forward to competitive games against EVERY team, and the comments about us using other clubs as training runs are laughable and downright stupid.

The Dragons would like to wish every club well, and we look forward to having a beer or two with you all moving forward. Peace out.

Well said!
An admirable position sainterrr... perhaps you should relay that humility to your players, I've spoken to a couple and they see this 2013 as a meer inconvenience towards D3 and beyond.

I personally don't think they are wrong, the Southern Dragons in their current state are probably finals D3 team.

I am aware I may have to eat my words hear come Spetember, but thats my opinion.

I’ll take your word for it FinalsFocus, but I can confirm the consensus around our footy club is that everyone understands (and knows) there will no easy matches.

I’m not sure who you’ve been speaking to mate, but can you do me a favour and tell them to pull their heads in?? With an attitude like that, it could be a long season ahead for all concerned. Complacency has never been tolerated at our club, and never will be.
I think most of us took it for a grain of salt and humour.

Did the dragons like my witches hat joke? Lol

For a laugh we might rock up to our game with the dragons with the players wearing whiches hats!
Alright boys and girls...let's just take this as banter and not read too much into it...I'm a senior member of the Dragons FC...hell, I'm THE senior member...As an ex Hawthorn AFC player, I'm jumping out of my skin for round 1, and as an ex Ammos player for many many years, I'm just so bloody excited about coming back to comp...All these club names and grounds certainly bring back memories...except for Point Cook and Mt.Lilydale....damn that's far....

I tell you what, don't take these sort of banter about how good, shit, or indifferent we are too seriously...it's one person having a laugh, so don't get too serious about it...I tell you, in our camp, the boys are like you...they are in the unknown...not sure what to expect...no talk of finals, no talk of flag, all focus on the task at hand and that's getting to a good start in Round 1...As for me, i'm really starting to get nervous about heading back to Rathmines and look out for those wayward elbows of one Clancy, one Tyson, one Lauletta, one Jackomos...hahaha...

Have fun boys...I'll try to come on here more often to share a story of weekend footy or two...but please, don't take it too seriously with this banter....some people like to shit stir...it's not shared by our people...we find out who this guy is, we'll make him run till he spews....or wear a witches hat at training for the reminder of the season!!!


Go Dragons

JP good luck with the move, if and when you face a challenge or a hurdle call the VAFA and wait for the response, and wait for the response and wait for the response....at least the SFL helped you get up and running the VAFA did not want to know you when you needed help before...all good when you win a flag in SFL 3rd div, when life gets a bit tough in the next div you poo yourself and run..NOWHERE TO RUN TO NOW AFTER YOU WIN THE VAFA DIV 4 FLAG IN 2013 AND MAYBE EVEN THE D3 IN 2014 AFTER THAT AND WHEN IT GETS A BIT HARD DONT GO KNOCKING ON DOORS THAT WERE ALWAYS OPEN TO YOU..
JP good luck with the move, if and when you face a challenge or a hurdle call the VAFA and wait for the response, and wait for the response and wait for the response....at least the SFL helped you get up and running the VAFA did not want to know you when you needed help before...all good when you win a flag in SFL 3rd div, when life gets a bit tough in the next div you poo yourself and run..NOWHERE TO RUN TO NOW AFTER YOU WIN THE VAFA DIV 4 FLAG IN 2013 AND MAYBE EVEN THE D3 IN 2014 AFTER THAT AND WHEN IT GETS A BIT HARD DONT GO KNOCKING ON DOORS THAT WERE ALWAYS OPEN TO YOU..

Poor post mate.
Not sure why there is such resentment with the Dragons changing comps. For a club that doesn't pay players, limits the amount of alcohol sold at games, I would think the Ammo's would be a perfect fit for them. You should see this for what it is. If you really think the challenge of Div 2 was the reason behind the move, then (I dare say it) you need to get some perspective.
Should I go onto the RDFL board and start slagging off Rupertswood for jumping ship from the VAFA. They had eyed off a A or B grade spot since they joined, does anyone this the reason they left was that they found the challenge too hard? No, like the Dragons, the RDFL suited Rupertswood direction more that the VAFA did.
Get over it mate, wish them luck and move on.
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