Preview Dane Swan and the AFLPA Awards (MVP).

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That's why I said "probably", it's comes down to opinion really, I just think the Norm Smith is an afterthought on GF day, where usually the winner doesn't really care too much as he's just won a flag.

As the MVP and the Brownlow are great individual awards.

As I said though, it's a matter of opinion, and Swanny will have all 3 by the time his career's over (heck he might have all 3 in 3 weeks).:D

Dam that would be good. The holy trinity in 3 weeks. As long as he has a premiership medallion to go with them. I would prefer that he had that around his neck than any other medal (I am sure he would too).

Congrats Swanny hopefully you start getting more credit from footy supporters as you are up with the best midfielders of this generation.
Yeah he's a good player, not sure he's a good bloke. Not sure you can be when have his off field record. But then you guys would rather boo and abuse a champion human being Like Brad Johnson and laud blokes who let's be honest have doubtful histories simply because they wear a Collingwood jumper. When the game was over you still booed him and showed a lack of class. You certainly don't support like winners.

By the way....thanks for those who visited our board in recent times. It's been amazing how fixated you guys have been on us these past 2 weeks.

love to be able to say Well done to Swan. But nah, I like guys who are more rounded as people, for me it's not just about how good a footballer you are it's how good a bloke.

And porking a team mates missus is brillaint form isn't it.

If you want to talk about the past look in your own backyard before you carry on like a donkey on our board.

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Is it just me or are there more than a few backhanded swipes in Matthews column on the AFL site today?

Swan's elevation to his current elite status was far more measured, and even as of now, has only ever been tagged on a handful of occasions. The modern system of heavy interchange rotations means it is difficult to tag more than one player, and at Collingwood, the explosive Alan Didak tends to get the close attention.

Leigh Matthews is Hodgepodge!?

The umpires do not consult the stats sheets before awarding their Brownlow Medal votes, and this would count against Swan, whose prolific possession-gathering puts his name at the top of the disposal order just about every week.

Why would this count against him? Is the implication here that his 30+ disposals a game not noticable enough? Come on Leigh, get with the times already!

I also like the way he credits Collingwoods high rotation policy for Swans performances when he's the main driving force behind the interchange limit movement.
Is it just me or are there more than a few backhanded swipes in Matthews column on the AFL site today?

Leigh Matthews is Hodgepodge!?

Why would this count against him? Is the implication here that his 30+ disposals a game not noticable enough? Come on Leigh, get with the times already!

I also like the way he credits Collingwoods high rotation policy for Swans performances when he's the main driving force behind the interchange limit movement.

Matthews came out and claimed Swan was not elite, because he, Matthews, did not think he had been tagged about mid year and that he took advantage of an interchange system Matthews would like capped.
It's an ego thing. He can't just say he was completely wrong now can he?

He now has to keep up the line to save face, especially in light of the fact Swan just romped in the award named in his honour.

In years to come you'll see his view and written opinion change as memories dim.;)
Don't get me wrong, I have a hell of a lot of respect fro Matthews and he is one of the most insightful commentators of the game. Stubbornness and a touch of pig headedness are great attributes n a player but can sometimes be a cross to bear when your every word is recorded for posterity. He has trouble admitting when he is know.
It is one of Robert Walls only great attributes as a commentator that he can and does readily admit when he has got something wrong...probably because he has had so much practice.:D

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