Oppo Camp Delusional Pearlers III

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I've never participated in the Heppell-Atley shitfight and see no need to start now.

Good to hear. It's the most tedious and pointless shitfight that exists on this site, bar almost nothing.

We're delighted with Heppell, you're delighted with Atley, and that should be that.

Unfortunately a few of your posters took a strange dislike and obsession with bagging everything Dyson does- either because they don't like kids with long blond hair, or more likely because he happens to play for Essendon, from day one. Either way, it's petty and pathetic in the extreme, and the reaction to that has manifested as what you see here- similar stuff targeted at Atley.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but this whole pathetic thing started from one end, and it wasn't ours.

In the end, we're all just Internet noobs (ya hear Teffy?) and our opinion on the squibbing or otherwise of two immensely talented kids stands for absolutely nothing.
I accept this from you, Jade. I can't remember you ever posting on the North board and rarely on the main board about North topics.

I think it would be fair to say that I have responded to North fans in a manner representative to the prods given.

That is, more than some, not as much as some.

Good to hear. It's the most tedious and pointless shitfight that exists on this site, bar almost nothing.

We're delighted with Heppell, you're delighted with Atley, and that should be that.


The shitfight exists because of a video on the EFC site that existed because the Bombers prepared for a number of scenarios, including recruiting Atley.

Whilst I appreciate your peacemaking attitude; the reality is that from what we've seen Heppell is a VASTLY superior player than Atley.

And Atley is very good.

The shitfight exists because of a video on the EFC site that existed because the Bombers prepared for a number of scenarios, including recruiting Atley.

I'm aware of that.

Still think it's pointless and tedious.

Whilst I appreciate your peacemaking attitude; the reality is that from what we've seen Heppell is a VASTLY superior player than Atley.

And Atley is very good.

Heppell has been better so far, definitely.

I'm just tired of seeing any thread about either of the two players become a dick measuring contest, with the same old shit regurgitated again....and again...and again....and again.

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3. Those who say they don't care but still get upset by us - The Prosecutor.

Oh boy, I got a mention!

The Prosecutor reminds me of those moralising wowsers who go out of their way to find little things to be upset about.

Upset? Where did I get upset exactly? All I did was post a link to a humourous post that compared stats out of context to the reigning Brownlow medalist to justify that he could/will turn out to his level. That doesn't make me upset, that makes me laugh.

He is one the most frequent opposition posters on our board, and I always have a tissue ready for him when DOP starts a thread.

Most frequent posters hey? Care to quote even one post I've made on the North board this year? Just one. For a so called "frequent poster", that shouldn't be too hard, should it?

As for DOP, I fully understand how he works and he doesn't tend to annoy me too much at all. In fact, some times I go tit for tat with him. The only time I get frustrated with him is when others take him seriously.

Then, despite dismissing us as "trolls" he runs over here for validation like earlier today.

Where did I seek validation and where did I ever label those posts as trolls? Teffy isn't a troll, not intentionally anyway.

If he gets his material from the main board then fine, that's neutral territory where you shouldn't have to put up with rubbish. But to go to the board of a club he apparently doesn't care for to find things to cry about? Soft and a little bizarre.

Ahh, so I was activey looking for things to get upset about, eyy? It didn't have anything to do with a North supporter mentioning on the MB that they were disappointed with Jacobs, so I went and read his thread on the North board to see what the consensus was and just happened to stumble upon that? Of course not. I was actively looking to get "upset". :rolleyes:

Judging by this post, I wouldn't worry about saving those tissues for me, as you look in desperate need of them right now.
I accept this from you, Jade. I can't remember you ever posting on the North board and rarely on the main board about North topics. I reckon there are three types of Essendon posters:

1. Honestly don't give a shit about North and ignore us - yourself, Kong;

2. Those who believe there is a rivalry - Lance, Doss;

3. Those who say they don't care but still get upset by us - The Prosecutor.

You forgot 4. Macca18- no explanation required.

Seriously though, my personal view goes something like this:

Have their been periods where the two clubs have been strong onfield rivals? Absolutely.

Did Essendon do a couple dodgy things to North in times gone by? Yes.

Is the rivalry a two-way rivalry between the two supporter groups in the same manner as, say, Carlton and Collingwood? No.

Before I came here, when I thought of the Essendon/North match up, I generally harked back to the 1993-2001 era (when there is no doubt our clubs should have played off in a GF) and then lamented that the two clubs' mediocrity since then had ensured that the match up had lost that 'huge game' feel that it had.

One of my best friends is a North supporter. He is aware of the history between the two clubs, but he still dislikes at least three clubs more than the Bombers. A few other North supporters I know of are generally the same- ask them who they really hate, and inevitably it's Collingwood.

Yet when I joined here, if you are to believe the bile that spews forth from the Teffy/Lefty types regarding Essendon, then you could easily be mistaken for thinking that a North supporter not hating everything and everyone to do with Essendon is tantamount to treason, punishable by being hanged, drawn, quartered and then strung up from the Traitors' Gate. There seems to be this bizarre expectation from them that your entire supporter base is one big exercise in group think; but I know for a fact this is just not true, and I'm sure you'd agree too. Opinions are like arseholes; we all have them, and they're often quite different.

Just on that, I don't actually care that there is a lot of hatred of Essendon among North posters on here, everyone is allowed to have their likes and dislikes and, as I've already acknowledged, from a historical perspective it's understandable. But it's very petty when some of those posters then go and act like right twats not because of anything we've said, but merely because of who we support.

So is there a rivalry? Onfield, not much at the moment. At times in the past, yes, a fierce one.
Between the supporter groups in real life? Haven't seen much evidence of it.
On BigFooty? Yeah, a pretty big one. I daresay the hostility is generally worse from the North end though.
What do I think of North personally? Don't mind them at all. I really hoped that you would stay here in Melbourne in the whole 2007 episode, and am pleased for North and their supporters that they are making a good fist of it now.

Do I dislike it when North's traditional status as a 'battling' club is used as some sort of one-up against your supporters? Yes, yes I do. But...

Do I dislike it when a bunch of internet nobodies keep bringing up events from 1907 and 1921 as justification for taking the moral high ground against Essendon supporters now? Yes, yes I do.

They're as bad as each other.

Supporters do not equal clubs. Much less so supporters on a footy fan site.

Find a new delusional pearler. There will be enough fertile ground for the inevitable and tedious Essendon/North Melbourne shitfight in Round 21.

Doss' post is the end of it for the time being.
Heppell would not even be top ten at Richmond.

Now let's name players at Richmond that are currently better than Heppell.
Trent Cotchin, Jack Reiwoldt, Ivan Maric, Brett Deledio
Arguable: Dustin Martin

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That was depressing.

Can we get back to opposition supporters over-rating their unproved youngsters?

Personally I'm tipping Sean Gregory to play on Hawkins when we play the Cats, and to have 31 possessions, 16 marks and even roost home three goals, running off the big lump, from 85 metres out.

Dylan van Unen to win the Norm Smith on debut with 42 touches, 17 marks, 20 rebound 50's and 3 goals running off Half-Back playing on Cyril with 10 touches and no goals or assists
Funny how you took this from the North board rather than the AFL or Polls board. Face it, we're in your head
Hate to agree.

ITT: Essendon supporters whinge that North supporters are obsessed. Over. And over. And over.
Dylan van Unen to win the Norm Smith on debut with 42 touches, 17 marks, 20 rebound 50's and 3 goals running off Half-Back playing on Cyril with 10 touches and no goals or assists
This is the delusional thread.

That's actually a strong probability.
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