Demetriou says "Show me the proof"

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Why don't the AFL just ask Chad Fletcher for the hospital report? Either he or his travel insurance provider would have paid the (pretty sizable) bill, and woul dhave a copy of exactly what treatment was provided at the hospital.

Should get that particular story cleared up in no time.

... and if the report showed drug use?

Given the AFL has a 3 strikes policy and given that this is unlikely his 3rd strike, what would the AFL do?

Perhaps they could come out and say that they have the report and now they cant say anything. That would really clear the air or should Chad Fletcher be singled out and treated differently because a couple of newspaper reporters with an axe to grind decided they needed to sacrifice someone?

The issue remains as it always has been. The AFL know players take drugs (24 positive tests), they have a confidentiality clause in their drug test regime and proving that Fletcher used serves no purpose ... at all.

Apart from people being able to give Fletcher ****.
... and if the report showed drug use?

Given the AFL has a 3 strikes policy and given that this is unlikely his 3rd strike, what would the AFL do?

That was my point, it's relatively easy to find out whether some of these stories are true, the AFL just don't want to.

It's all well and good to say 'show me the proof', but it's not much point providing proof if you've got your head in the sand.
That was my point, it's relatively easy to find out whether some of these stories are true, the AFL just don't want to.

It's all well and good to say 'show me the proof', but it's not much point providing proof if you've got your head in the sand.

Perhaps I could have rephrased the question and said "what COULD the AFL do"?

I mean assuming the rumour is true, what would you have the AFL do?

They cant treat Fletcher differently to the other 24 offenders, surely?

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Can I come forward, Mr. Demetriou? Not that its breaking news, as I've known the truth for 3 months and done my darndest to keep it a secret from the public.

Note: It was all over the papers and someone created a thread that admitted such allegations. I reckon Mike Sheehan should try and get his own scoops.. Who knows, people someday may respect him (and I'm being very optimistic).
Mr Demetriou called for anyone with evidence of drug taking among players to come forward and tell the league.

"If anyone has got any information that relates to an incident in Las Vegas they should come forward and they should name names," he said.

"They should tell us what they know and if we think it's of a serious nature we'll act upon it."

Dimi is talking in code again

"Adrian and I are struggling to score, it's a bit dry at the moment. That **** from Las Vegas must be some good stuff, any idea where can we get some. Dealers names would be greatly appreciated"

"How much does a pound go for, Adrian and i hit the stuff pretty hard these days, if the price is right we will jump on it straight away"

Thats what he was really saying ;)
Why should Sheahan have to do anything - or Andrew Rule for that matter.

The prrof is bloody easy to find I'd have thought - don't police departments and hospital emergenmcy departments keep records? What's the cost of an international phone call?

What, Vlad is gonna ring them and they will release confidential records?
I was going to back out of this, but since you are persisting!!:)

... and if the report showed drug use?

Isn't that clear cut??

It would show that Fletcher,( at least), was LYING.


That's not a good thing!!:eek:

Given the AFL has a 3 strikes policy and given that this is unlikely his 3rd strike, what would the AFL do?

Stop deflecting.

This has nothing to do with 3rd strike policy, but it has everything to do with possible dishonesty.

Perhaps they could come out and say that they have the report and now they cant say anything. That would really clear the air or should Chad Fletcher be singled out and treated differently because a couple of newspaper reporters with an axe to grind decided they needed to sacrifice someone?

Perhaps if my aunty had nuts??

The issue remains as it always has been. The AFL know players take drugs (24 positive tests), they have a confidentiality clause in their drug test regime and proving that Fletcher used serves no purpose ... at all.

So Fletcher gets of scott free because he alledgedly lied. But the rest get a black mark??

Yeah right!:rolleyes:

Apart from people being able to give Fletcher ****.

Do the crime, do the time.

Or clear your name.

Whichever fits the bill!

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You are obsessed bushie. I know it makes you feel morally superior whenever a Eagle player makes the headlines but seriously, get a life.
And i find it amusing that Journos from Melbourne, the crime and drug capital of Australia have to go to Perth to find evidence of drug abuse.
What's the big hang up with dishonesty bushie? Are you telling us there is no Fremantle player or official that has ever told a lie? It seems the head in the sand syndrome is not confined to WC fans.

If he did use then that should be strike one against him in the AFL, just like the other 24 that have tested positive but haven't been shown the door. And under the current rules that's it. If the AFL wants to eradicate drug use then make it one strike and you're out, I would have no problem with that. But under the current rules that is as far as it can go.
You are obsessed bushie. I know it makes you feel morally superior whenever a Eagle player makes the headlines but seriously, get a life.
And i find it amusing that Journos from Melbourne, the crime and drug capital of Australia have to go to Perth to find evidence of drug abuse.

Care to answer my points instead of playing the man??

And if you think that this is me on an Eagle bashing exercise, I am happy to provide my posts on this matter that show that I would be outraged if it was Pavlich or any other player from any other club.

But please feel free to keep deflecting.
What's the big hang up with dishonesty bushie?

Are you telling me that dishonesty is the preferred manner in which this matter should be handled??

Are you telling us there is no Fremantle player or official that has ever told a lie? It seems the head in the sand syndrome is not confined to WC fans.

People tell lies all the time.

It is when they get caught out that it bites them on the arse!

If he did use then that should be strike one against him in the AFL, just like the other 24 that have tested positive but haven't been shown the door.

The other 24 had little option, considering that they were tested under the current system and were found to have transgressed.

But this has little to do with the Fletcher incident.

And under the current rules that's it. If the AFL wants to eradicate drug use then make it one strike and you're out, I would have no problem with that. But under the current rules that is as far as it can go.

I agree.

But Fletchers case has little to do with the current testing regime.

And everything to do with alledged dishonesty.
You're listening bushie but you're not hearing me.

If he did use then he should have a strike against him just like the other 24. No more, no less, I think we agree on that. Is he dishonest in this incident? Probably, which gives him something in common with the rest of the registered players and officials in the AFL, not to mention the rest of society. Assuming you used and you find yourself in his situation would you put your hand up and say yep, I did it.? Now be honest and take your purple glasses off when you answer!

As his emplyer all the AFL has to do is obtain the medical records, keep them confidential, end of story. That's all they can do under current arrangements. At the same time they can drop the ridiculous push in the back rule and replace it with the much more intelligent one strike and you're out rule. Problem solved.
You're listening bushie but you're not hearing me.

If he did use then he should have a strike against him just like the other 24. No more, no less, I think we agree on that. Is he dishonest in this incident? Probably, which gives him something in common with the rest of the registered players and officials in the AFL, not to mention the rest of society. Assuming you used and you find yourself in his situation would you put your hand up and say yep, I did it.? Now be honest and take your purple glasses off when you answer!

If he was found to be using via the current system then I would agree.

But the fact remains that he and the club have denied that ad nauseum.

What I would do and say is irrelevant. I am not a high profile sportsman.

As his emplyer all the AFL has to do is obtain the medical records, keep them confidential, end of story. That's all they can do under current arrangements. At the same time they can drop the ridiculous push in the back rule and replace it with the much more intelligent one strike and you're out rule. Problem solved.

For the sake of my typing fingers...all two of them:eek: ...

Here is a post of mine from another thread on this issue.

Look I reckon I am either getting misunderstood or I am getting weary.

Here's a hypothetical.

Phone call between Nisbett and Demetriou.

Nisbett: Look Andrew this is getting out of hand. If we go public with this it will be ugly.

Chad has agreed to release to you the medical report that shows he was just pissed and stupid.

Will you put out a media release stating this.

Of course we dont want the report made public out of respect to Chads privacy.

Demetriou: No problem. I will get my boyfr....err sorry...Adrian on to it straight away. Email me the report.

Glad to put this issue to bed Trevor. We were starting to look bad.

It is that simple guys.

No court cases. No public disclosure.

Chad walks away clean.

And Rule, Sheehan and myself end up with egg on our face!!

Sound familiar??
I'm with you Bushie lying is intolerable, lets get a posse together and head off to the capital and take out our glorious leader.Mate if you weren't on here 24/7 discussing the Eagles moral degradation I wouldn't be having a crack.I'm not trying to avoid anything, if an Eagles player commits a crime I expect him to suffer the consequences. Being the victim of gossip and innuendo as far as I'm aware is not a crime.I don't listen to gossip in my local community and don't give it more credence just because it's in a newspaper.If it makes you feel any better I'll concede all Eagles supporters, players, coaches and administraters are morally inferior to their Docker counterparts.OK, I repeat get a life!
I'm with you Bushie lying is intolerable, lets get a posse together and head off to the capital and take out our glorious leader.

If you think you can change the inherent dishonesty in Parliament, then best of luck to you.

But this is footy, so it is far more important than some bald headed duck f****er in Canberra.

Mate if you weren't on here 24/7 discussing the Eagles moral degradation I wouldn't be having a crack.

I have had a bloody gutful of this type of accusation.

Unfortunately my problems have been put all over this site by some pricks.

But just to fill you in, I am recovering from major surgery and mental stimulation is one thing that keeps me from going nuts in the city.

Here is my arm!!...i won't show you the hole in my chest cavity!!


But tell me straight!!

is it the fact that I keep responding??

Or the fact that the truth hurts??

I'm not trying to avoid anything, if an Eagles player commits a crime I expect him to suffer the consequences. Being the victim of gossip and innuendo as far as I'm aware is not a crime.I don't listen to gossip in my local community and don't give it more credence just because it's in a newspaper.If it makes you feel any better I'll concede all Eagles supporters, players, coaches and administraters are morally inferior to their Docker counterparts.OK, I repeat get a life!

I think I will leave it at that!
Here is a post of mine from another thread on this issue.

Sound familiar??

To be honest no, too many pages to wade through I'm afraid, but as fars as I can tell there is a recurring theme from one page to the next.

However, let's say that the hypothetical conversation were to take place and the hypothetical media release did come out, would you limply roll over and say you were wrong and admit you have egg in your face? No, and neither would the journos. It would be a case of cover ups and conspiracies and the eagles being bigger than the media and the eagles being bigger than the AFL. Sound familiar?

Chad finds himself between a rock and a hard place ATM, as does the AFL and the WCE. No idea how it will play out.

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Demetriou says "Show me the proof"

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