Mod. Notice Depressed? Anxious? Call Beyond Blue (1300 224636), Lifeline (131114), resources in OP

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Facebook is the biggest bunch of shit ever. Seriously. I tried to give it a go and it's the biggest bunch of shallow, fleeting, unimportant bullshit there is.

I've tried to put so many different, interesting things up to create discussion and no-one ever bites. It's just something for people to pull out their phone when they have a few minutes free in their dull lives to scroll through the last 15-20 mins of whatever horseshit shows up in their feed.

If you can't make your point in a short sentence that takes anymore than 5 seconds to read then no-one cares.

Does anyone want to talk about this movie? This band? This interesting thing going on in the world? No. They want to see dull memes that have already been posted 1000 times, cute dog picture and picture of the dessert some arseh*le got after lunch.

I've joined several different groups dedicated to particular subjects/interests and it's more or less the same. For example I joined a group for this true crime podcast I listen to and absolutely no-one ever posts about the episodes, they all just posts stupid random memes that have little or nothing to do with the podcast.

I admit that I keep kind of odd hours, like late in the evening, and by the time everyone's up the next day they're only looking through maybe the last half hour at most of whatever random, meaningless, inane bullshit that's popped up in their feed.

For people that have been on facebook a long time alot of you may be thinking "Yeah... no shit! It's facebook, what did you expect?" but I avoided it for a long time and only went on it briefly in the past as I was much more accustomed to forums, but I thought I should give it a try as you're connected to people you actually know and the idea of constantly refreshed live conversations seemed like something I should give a try. Sadly, it's an utter waste of time. It is what it is. At-least I know now. I can say I gave it a try. It's boring beyond belief and the last place on the internet one should go to if they're looking for any kind of meaningful or interesting discussion.

Forums are much better, but you know what's even better? Actual human contact, which facebook only serves to further distance us from every day. Facebook and every other form of social media is an entirely different thing from actual human contact. It can't even begin to compare to seeing someone in person, shaking their hand, giving them a hug, seeing their smile, hearing the inflection in their voice, seeing their eyes light up and actually physically being there in their presence. I'm actually glad I've had this experience because it's really helped me put things in perspective. I'd rather have even just 2-3 people I know in person that I meet up with every now and then than communicating with any number of people through some text on my phone screen.
Facebook is only useful for one thing:

That’s it.
Forums are much better, but you know what's even better? Actual human contact, which facebook only serves to further distance us from every day. Facebook and every other form of social media is an entirely different thing from actual human contact. It can't even begin to compare to seeing someone in person, shaking their hand, giving them a hug, seeing their smile, hearing the inflection in their voice, seeing their eyes light up and actually physically being there in their presence. I'm actually glad I've had this experience because it's really helped me put things in perspective. I'd rather have even just 2-3 people I know in person that I meet up with every now and then than communicating with any number of people through some text on my phone screen.

We managed to made do for thousands of years without the Zuckercampaigner being the middle man in all our friendships and relationships.
I'm a long poster on BF, but the first time I have posted here. I want to start by saying that I am not a drug abuser of any kind, I have never done cocaine, marijuana, acid etc, i rarely drink, but at a bachelors party about 6 weeks ago, I did something while intoxicated that was incredibly stupid because "everyone was doing it" and it was offered to me. I did MDMA (escstacy).

It just made me anxious and I didn't enjoy it at all, after 3 hours of hating it I finally came down and felt relieved that it was over.

But that was just the beginning. My comedown was something out of a nightmare. I was disassociated, derealized, anxiety through the roof, couldn't sleep (still cant sleep long), depressed. It was just a nightmare.

About 4 weeks in, I came good. I had a weekend and I felt completely normal and that everything was okay. I even went out and watched UFC with my friends and felt great. I was so damn relieved. I was skipping as I walked. But then a few days later, I started to feel down again, and I panicked. Like, really panicked. And for the past 2 weeks I have been an emotional wreck. My mind is racing so fast that I cut shut it up, I have moments of being clear, but then my thoughts start racing again. I get moments of depression washing over me, but usually subside. And I'm just getting anxious all the time over the dumbest things.

7 weeks now, I know that the drug is gone. But my mind wont stop racing and I can't stop being anxious. And with the lack of sleep (I usually sleep for 2-3 hours wake up, awake for an hour, fall asleep) I'm starting to feel exhausted both mentally and physically. It's like I can't think properly or perceive me environment proper.y But my brain still won't shut up.

I have always been a hypochondriac. I have gone through periods of it in the past where I thought I had some serious disease, worried about it for months and months, then got it checked and it was okay. I would be fine for a year or so, then something else would crop up and I would worry again.

During the comedown, I had dark thoughts that I had ruined my brain for good. I was reading horror stories online of people who after abusing the drug had comedowns that lasted for years. This shook me to my core. I have only taken this thing once in my entire life. So I know it can't be the comedown still, but it has left my brain in a wreck as if all those crazy emotions I experienced, my brain just can't shake them. It's going non stop 24/7 just worrying and worrying and being anxious and anxious.

My wife has been amazing, and is there everyday. But she doesn't really know what I'm going through. I know if I can just shut up my brain and let it recover I will be okay, but it seems impossible right now.

I think I have decided to go to therapy and get this shit sorted. But it just sucks. I have always been a strong and calm dude and just one night on one drug freaking one time and this has happened? Man I feel regret

Not sure what I need from this post. Reassurance maybe?

What is annoying about this is that it comes and goes like a cloud. Anyone experience this? I will have like this warm shitty feeling in my head and body and it just feels like dread, dark, like nothing is good anymore and never will be again. And then it can just go **** and vanish and im completely fine.
Go and see your GP dude and tell him what you took and that's a good start for a plan.

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My depression is worked based. Low morale environment, understaffing, high stress. After a while you just feel numb and constantly tired. No lifestyle balance.
I have a similar workplace mootsy. Lots of people quiting from toxic work environment leaving the rest of us with the extra workload. I am personally looking for a new job.
all the best mate
Cheers feeling better today. They gave me something to settle me last night and will start a new script starting monday which is supposed to be a mood stabilizer. Been suffering from depression for years so it's not new to me. I also work in mental health helping others also.
Cheers feeling better today. They gave me something to settle me last night and will start a new script starting monday which is supposed to be a mood stabilizer. Been suffering from depression for years so it's not new to me. I also work in mental health helping others also.
Glad you're feeling a bit better. Sounds like you know the drill. Helping others really helps with your own journey I've found
Hi all
I haven’t checked in for a while
Feel I need to
Found out some things about my ex that have really hurt me
I don’t know why it hurts but it does, she just seems to still have that hold on me even though she was so cruel
Feeling extremely lonely at the moment
good to see you again, even though it's not happy news.

Hopefully this loneliness is just a short spell and things will look better shortly. Anything you can do to change things?
good to see you again, even though it's not happy news.

Hopefully this loneliness is just a short spell and things will look better shortly. Anything you can do to change things?
I’m not sure to be honest
I’m very busy with work and trying to spend as much time as I can with my kids that it doesn’t leave a lot of time
Plus the fact I’m painfully shy

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In central vic?
The choices are limited
I played cricket again during the summer and I’ll go to the local footy when I can
But I think my impending move to Bendigo will be the best thing for me
hope so. Rural can be good for connecting into community. I've heard a lot of people say they felt lonelier in the city compared to country towns because the people wer far more interested in connecting in the country
I’m not sure to be honest
I’m very busy with work and trying to spend as much time as I can with my kids that it doesn’t leave a lot of time
Plus the fact I’m painfully shy
To combat shyness it helps to think of sociability like a muscle: you have to exercise it regularly and keep it in shape. One thing you should consider doing is getting used to regular short chats with people who don't matter too much to you. ie low pressure. See if you can have a nice exchange at the register when you go to the supermarket, fill up your petrol, order your fish and chips, whatever. The more you do it, the better you get at it, and it has the effect of making you more flexible and adaptable when it comes to meeting people. The main reason people are shy is due to anxiety that they will not handle social interactions well, so anything you can do to train up your social skills is really worth doing. I was shy as a kid and a teenager, but at some point I started chatting more and now I'm at the point where I can have a yarn with practically anyone. Give it a try - I really think it would help you. You can start small and build from there. It's quite fun and encouraging when you notice you are making progress.

As far as your ex goes, mate, I know what you're talking about. Learning things about your ex - whether it was when you were together or after can be brutal. My advice is to make a pact with yourself not to learn anything more about her private life. Just don't go there. It will only hurt you. There is nothing good that can come from knowing about what she's doing. Tell your friends if they know something, you just don't want to know. This is self-preservation. You need to protect yourself from stuff that you know hurts you. She might be the mother of your children, but that's where it stops. Make it a totally pragmatic arrangement with her and let her do her bullshit without your knowledge.

Best of luck, mate.
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To combat shyness it helps to think of sociability like a muscle: you have to exercise it regularly and keep it in shape. One thing you should consider doing is getting used to regular short chats with people who don't matter too much to you. ie low pressure. See if you can have a nice exchange at the register when you go to the supermarket, fill up your petrol, order your fish and chips, whatever. The more you do it, the better you get at it, and it has the effect of making you more flexible and adaptable when it comes to meeting people. The main reason people are shy is due to anxiety that they will not handle social interactions well, so anything you can do to train up your social skills is really worth doing. I was shy as a kid and a teenager, but at some point I started chatting more and now I'm at the point where I can have a yarn with practically anyone. Give it a try - I really think it would help you. You can start small and build from there. It's quite fun and encouraging when you notice you are making progress.

As far as your ex goes, mate, I know what you're talking about. Learning things about your ex - whether it was when you were together or after can be brutal. My advice is to make a pact with yourself not to learn anything more about her private life. Just don't go there. It will only hurt you. There is nothing good that can come from knowing about what she's doing. Tell your friends if they know something, you just don't want to know. This is self-preservation. You need to protect yourself from stuff that you know hurts you. She might be the mother of your children, but that's where it stops. Make it a totally pragmatic arrangement with her and let her do her bullshit without your knowledge.

Best of luck, mate.
Thank you Ando
In central vic?
The choices are limited
I played cricket again during the summer and I’ll go to the local footy when I can
But I think my impending move to Bendigo will be the best thing for me

I love Bendigo. Moved here a couple of years ago and have met some nice people while doing a course at the TAFE nearby. Oh and I recommend the Dispensary in Chancery Lane if you don't know the place - great food and an amazing drinks list.
hope so. Rural can be good for connecting into community. I've heard a lot of people say they felt lonelier in the city compared to country towns because the people wer far more interested in connecting in the country

Agree with this 100%. I even felt so much lonelier in Melbourne compared to Brisbane, even though I grew up in Melbourne. Big cities are not for me

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Mod. Notice Depressed? Anxious? Call Beyond Blue (1300 224636), Lifeline (131114), resources in OP

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