Roast Did any other sucker pay up for the Grand Final ticket guarantee when it came out 3 years ago?

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The administration from 3 years ago is the basically the same one we have today bar Brendan Gale. Gary March has been president for years. What does he have to say about this terrible back flip?

This is one of the most unpopular decisions made by the club in years. I have been buying one for each member of my family for the last three years. That is $310 dollars a year for three years as a donation. I cannot justify buying each of them a social club membership now. Looks like they will lose out on my money in the long run. I can see many people being in the same boat. I hope the rich supporters of the club can make up for the shortfall that this is going to create!

And unfortunately, as much as I want them to make a GF, I honestly cannot see that happening in the foreseeable future. So to piss huge sums of money down the drain for something that isn't going to happen, seems to be non sensical to me.
Hmmm went on a rant but decided to delete it.

Just disappointed in how our club has communicated this to its "valued members" and I didnt even get caught with this particular scam otherwise my dog would be hating me the past week.

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Looks like they will lose out on my money in the long run. I can see many people being in the same boat. I hope the rich supporters of the club can make up for the shortfall that this is going to create!

this is actually an important point, and given the strong demand for the 3121 memberships I suspect they have made the right call.
Well done to you and your elitist attitude. I applaud your comittment to the RFC but I would hope any marketing department with any brains would not concur with your narrow "f#ck the plebs attitute".

Elistist? haha :thumbsu: Note my response to Froars below

Remember that the fabric of the AFL's elite club bank accounts, is the very folk in which you're referring to....who rightly or wrongly maybe shouldn't breed.

Frankly, I don't care what people do or don't do, so long as I don't have to listen to them piss and moan about how they are a "struggling family". Can't afford it, don't do it.

I don't think anyone disagrees that they weren't lying with the initial deal.

Someone did suggest above that they "were tricked". That's what my comment was in relation to.

I understand people being upset, but... that's life. As I've said before, I'd rather my club maximise it's income, rather than maintain a membership category that is tremendously underpriced.

Be nice if an apology came with it!

Maybe those wanting an apology should talk to Richmond's marketing and membership departments, rather than someone within the club who for all I know does nothing but provide info to the masses online.

I honestly can't believe the amount of shit I am reading in here from our fans. How embarrassing.

I apologize to YOU, RFC_O.

The poor guy is a correspondent from the club who comes here to get our opinions and share information with us. He kindly offers a statement from the club and to help refund a member (bloody generous in my eyes) - and people are still cutting him down.

**** me.

Top post. Agree 110%

They have picked off the wrong target here.

I can't afford it, hence my being upset.

I can't afford my membership either, but I make the effort to sacrifice in order to maintain my membership level. If you're not prepard to do that, that is solely your problem.

If Richmond make the 2012 GF, I'll be there... Will you?

As for the Ton Up/Social Club comparisons. Firstly, the Social Club has had the GF gaurentee for years, it has not suddenly in 2011 had it attached to entice people to join as you have suggested. In fact, for many years Social Club membership has largely given no benefit other than to serve as a gaurentee of a GF ticket. They are increasing the benefits now, to entice more people to join, but the GF gaurentee is not new.

Secondly, why don't you tell the truth about Ton Up? The removal of benefits and eventual death of this membership category was more to do with the poor behaviour when pissed of those who signed up for the membership than anything else. Hence it dissapeared for a few years, and has reappeared now, badged as 3121

Never let the truth get in the way of a good whine though, hey? The Social Club will maintain it's status, particularly now with the new facility. It may see price rises as that reflect demand, but the status will remain.

$250 bucks a year, 5 bucks a week. If you are not prepard to sacrifice a coffee or two every week in order to attend the GF, that's your problem. Those of us who do sacrifice will enjoy being there in person to watch Richmond win the flag, the next time we make it :thumbsu:
Elistist? haha :thumbsu: Note my response to Froars below

Frankly, I don't care what people do or don't do, so long as I don't have to listen to them piss and moan about how they are a "struggling family". Can't afford it, don't do it.

Someone did suggest above that they "were tricked". That's what my comment was in relation to.

I understand people being upset, but... that's life. As I've said before, I'd rather my club maximise it's income, rather than maintain a membership category that is tremendously underpriced.

Maybe those wanting an apology should talk to Richmond's marketing and membership departments, rather than someone within the club who for all I know does nothing but provide info to the masses online.

Top post. Agree 110%

They have picked off the wrong target here.

I can't afford my membership either, but I make the effort to sacrifice in order to maintain my membership level. If you're not prepard to do that, that is solely your problem.

If Richmond make the 2012 GF, I'll be there... Will you?

As for the Ton Up/Social Club comparisons. Firstly, the Social Club has had the GF gaurentee for years, it has not suddenly in 2011 had it attached to entice people to join as you have suggested. In fact, for many years Social Club membership has largely given no benefit other than to serve as a gaurentee of a GF ticket. They are increasing the benefits now, to entice more people to join, but the GF gaurentee is not new.

Secondly, why don't you tell the truth about Ton Up? The removal of benefits and eventual death of this membership category was more to do with the poor behaviour when pissed of those who signed up for the membership than anything else. Hence it dissapeared for a few years, and has reappeared now, badged as 3121

Never let the truth get in the way of a good whine though, hey? The Social Club will maintain it's status, particularly now with the new facility. It may see price rises as that reflect demand, but the status will remain.

$250 bucks a year, 5 bucks a week. If you are not prepard to sacrifice a coffee or two every week in order to attend the GF, that's your problem. Those of us who do sacrifice will enjoy being there in person to watch Richmond win the flag, the next time we make it :thumbsu:

You should stand for the Liberal Party next election, you'd fit in well!
Actually, isn't it the Julia and the Labor Party who are asking me to sacrifice a coffee (or coke in my case) a week, against my will to pay to rebuild a state too redneck, hick and stupid to obtain disaster insurance for it's infrastructure?

I think you'll find the "demographic" I fall into tends to vote Labor moreso than Liberal, thankfully for me though, I am capable of thinking beyond class warfare when I cast my vote...

Good job on ignoring all points made and playing the man, not the ball though.

Now, just run along back into the "former poster" abyss until you find something else to sook about.
I'm in the same boat as PHX with this. I understand a rise in price but to be forced to buy a social club membership is totally ridiculous for any member that lives outside of melbourne itself.

We're being forced to pay for a bunch of crap that we'll never use. Even if the prices were increased, they should have continued the stand alone GF guarantee.
I'm in the same boat as PHX with this. I understand a rise in price but to be forced to buy a social club membership is totally ridiculous for any member that lives outside of melbourne itself.

We're being forced to pay for a bunch of crap that we'll never use. Even if the prices were increased, they should have continued the stand alone GF guarantee.

The whole idea is to maximize club income. If you continue the guarantee and raise prices, people will then whinge about what they are not getting

The best solution is to streamline the categories, based around the prices you expect to charge. Which is what the club has done.

It's unfortunate for some sure. But football is a business now.

The fact is, clearly the demand is there.
Meltiger, I was talking about the enticements in 1990 for Ton Up. They were taken away a couple of years after I joined. It's just par for the course with coterie groups, the price goes up and the benefits decrease year in and year out. I wasn't part of the shenanigans that got it closed down
So I joined Playerlink and got the guarantee there. That's good. But I was paying more than I could afford, and then this opportunity came up that each year I would have the first choice of the GFG.
So I took it.
Yes, it's my choice whether I join or not, and it's my choice to whinge about it, and if that upsets you, stiff.
And good for you if you get to a GF and I don't, that's life. But I've seen seven Richmond GFs, five premierships and I reckon I've got my return on the RFC. Never complain about that. Have you? Bad luck if you haven't, and good luck seeing the next one, whenever that might be.
I bought the GF guarantee fully knowing we were a long way behind.

Sort of a donation fund for me.

I'm a bronze member because I relapsed for 2 years.

I would've been a gold member by now.

Can I buy extra memberships under my name to get the years back?

They did eXplain themselves

As for "battling families"..... As if I give a shit. Don't over extend yourselves. If you can't afford kids don't ****ing breed.

I will freely admit that yes I have a higher level membership so it doesn't impact me, but the suggestions that people were tricked is off the mark. I'm sure the club had good intentions originally, that circumstances have since changed doesn't mean they were lying originally

:thumbsu: Spot on!

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How many GFG's do you think they sold genius? More to the point, how many do you think they sold to people who have chucked the sort of hissy fit 3/4 people on here have chucked?

What is the bet the club considered any potential backlash, and decided they would benefit regardless ;)

The amount I spent upgrading this year is enough to cover at least 2 lost GFG's ;)

Well maybe one and a half

& who cares if they don't show up, board has their entry money anyway via the membership :)

& don't call me dude, I'm more of a princess
When I spoke to Cain Liddle he told me that the initial uptake of the GFTG was about 1300, but that dropped off significantly in the second year when the fans realised that the RFC would not be playing in a GF anytime soon.

So let's say that it dropped to 900, as a hypothetical. Would it have been that hard for the club to say to those 900 "Thanks for sticking with us, we appreciate it so we'll keep the GFTG in place for you loyal members. We'd really like you to upgrade to a social club membership in it's place so here's a sweetener for you if you do, but the GFTG will then be void".

Of the 900 maybe 300 would've upgraded and 600 stuck with the GFTG. Taking into account the price difference the club may have been losing out maximum $200,000 per annum.

Now though they have disenfranchised those 600, plus a few more who didn't have the GFTG but don't approve of the way the club has handled the situation. So that's 600 supporters who will no longer be paying $75 for the GFTG, plus they may not be making a contribution to the FTF, and then you add to that the other annoyed supporters and I reckon the club will at best be breaking even, but with a lot more PR to do to win back some supporters.

Surely dudes like Meltiger can admit that the club has handled it rather poorly, even if they agree with what the club has done.
When I spoke to Cain Liddle he told me that the initial uptake of the GFTG was about 1300, but that dropped off significantly in the second year when the fans realised that the RFC would not be playing in a GF anytime soon.

So let's say that it dropped to 900, as a hypothetical. Would it have been that hard for the club to say to those 900 "Thanks for sticking with us, we appreciate it so we'll keep the GFTG in place for you loyal members. We'd really like you to upgrade to a social club membership in it's place so here's a sweetener for you if you do, but the GFTG will then be void".

I agree. IMO the club should have offered a 2011 social club mship to those that have stuck with the GFTG, for the price of the GFTG ($80 or whatever it is). Then from 2012 onwards, they would be required to pay the normal social club mship fee.
Not censorship just off topic. If you guys had a thread in the Corner Hotel about the giverment, levies and taxes would be quite happy to particpate. Also MelT admitted that he was just trolling so... take a break
Not censorship just off topic. If you guys had a thread in the Corner Hotel about the giverment, levies and taxes would be quite happy to particpate. Also MelT admitted that he was just trolling so... take a break

hmmm, thats even stranger seeing as the posts you deleted were specific to the current situation with the GFG. But hey, you need to say something i guess. I mean are you really suggesting that posts deleted directly before BF Tigers post #90 were off topic? Get real FFS. ;)
From todays internet chat with Brendon Gale

[Comment From RobRob: ]
I would like to know if any plans are going to be put in place for those members who took up the Grand Final Ticket Guarantee, trusting in the good faith of the club that this option would be as 'sold' to us - available each year. I have just found out that my only option to renew it going forward will be via Social Club membership but as I am an interstate member that only gets to a couple of games each year then it is not an option I want or need. And I don't want Country/Interstate membership - I would prefer to support the club with a Full 11 game membership plus my 'promised' GFTG. The club's credibility will take a hit if they adopt this type of 'indian giving' policy.
Friday February 25, 2011 1:26 Rob

1:30 On the grand final ticket garuantee, we are committed that anyone who purchased it will also have the first chance to re-purchase it. However we also recognise that we under-priced it. To compette on financial terms with the larger football clubs we need to leverage off our most lucrative products, such as the grand final ticket. Some of you would realise that Collingwood were selling this opportunity for $800 per person, we've also attempted to increase the value of the membership by adding it into the social club membership, which now is a more valuable product. Friday February 25, 2011 1:30
From todays internet chat with Brendon Gale

[Comment From RobRob: ]
I would like to know if any plans are going to be put in place for those members who took up the Grand Final Ticket Guarantee, trusting in the good faith of the club that this option would be as 'sold' to us - available each year. I have just found out that my only option to renew it going forward will be via Social Club membership but as I am an interstate member that only gets to a couple of games each year then it is not an option I want or need. And I don't want Country/Interstate membership - I would prefer to support the club with a Full 11 game membership plus my 'promised' GFTG. The club's credibility will take a hit if they adopt this type of 'indian giving' policy.
Friday February 25, 2011 1:26 Rob

1:30 On the grand final ticket garuantee, we are committed that anyone who purchased it will also have the first chance to re-purchase it. However we also recognise that we under-priced it. To compette on financial terms with the larger football clubs we need to leverage off our most lucrative products, such as the grand final ticket. Some of you would realise that Collingwood were selling this opportunity for $800 per person, we've also attempted to increase the value of the membership by adding it into the social club membership, which now is a more valuable product. Friday February 25, 2011 1:30


Just sitting here watching a bit of Fri night footy and it reminded me of how far Mr Gale got ahead of himself at the start of this year.

Can anyone believe that he compared a richmond grand final guarantee package to a collingwood version ???


We are so far away from September that it doesnt matter, it would actually make more economical sense to keep sucking 80 bucks a year off thousands of people per year for the next 30 years for no return as suckers (like me :D) wont mind paying 80 bucks a year but people will very soon get sick of paying 400 bucks.

Good move though Benny :thumbsu:

Just sitting here watching a bit of Fri night footy and it reminded me of how far Mr Gale got ahead of himself at the start of this year.

Can anyone believe that he compared a richmond grand final guarantee package to a collingwood version ???


We are so far away from September that it doesnt matter, it would actually make more economical sense to keep sucking 80 bucks a year off thousands of people per year for the next 30 years for no return as suckers (like me :D) wont mind paying 80 bucks a year but people will very soon get sick of paying 400 bucks.

Good move though Benny :thumbsu:

That makes good bussiness sense, the club as a whole wants to run, and they are still crawling.

He obviously believed that 3-0-75 was a shoe in.

Just sitting here watching a bit of Fri night footy and it reminded me of how far Mr Gale got ahead of himself at the start of this year.

Can anyone believe that he compared a richmond grand final guarantee package to a collingwood version ???


We are so far away from September that it doesnt matter, it would actually make more economical sense to keep sucking 80 bucks a year off thousands of people per year for the next 30 years for no return as suckers (like me :D) wont mind paying 80 bucks a year but people will very soon get sick of paying 400 bucks.

Good move though Benny :thumbsu:

not sure that makes much sense, certainly no marketing guru records , so you suggest we promote ourselves as a stinking **** for the next decade or so at a cut price rate...yeah that'll reel them in:eek:
not sure that makes much sense, certainly no marketing guru records , so you suggest we promote ourselves as a stinking **** for the next decade or so at a cut price rate...yeah that'll reel them in:eek:

Better to promote us as what we are (not Collingwood yet) Bo.

What I am saying is you will always get about 5000 fools (like me) willing to pay $80 bucks a year just in case the ebola virus goes thru the rest of the comp.

What you wont always get is 800 of those same fools willing to pay $500 when it is clear that we are so far away from a GF that it is not funny.

It was a greedy, alienating swipe by Benny and the fact the he justified the price increase by comparing our package to Collingwoods is laughable.

What is it that Timmy Watson always says 'the fish starts rotting at the head'.

I know Benny is untouchable on here but if he makes a puck up he should be held accountable.

While I personally don't mind him selling home games I think there are many who would think that was another one.

By all means make more money for the club, but dont get ahead of yourself and alienate your main stakeholder by doing it.
not sure that makes much sense, certainly no marketing guru records , so you suggest we promote ourselves as a stinking **** for the next decade or so at a cut price rate...yeah that'll reel them in:eek:

You are a golfer Bo, if Montuna or Beaconhills (wherever you bloody play :D)sent you an email saying they were charging $30,000 in membership and justified it by saying thats what the members at Kingston Heath pay, how would you react to that?

Its treating your main stakeholder like idiots, thats what it is?

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Roast Did any other sucker pay up for the Grand Final ticket guarantee when it came out 3 years ago?

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