Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 2 * FM guilty of assault & intimidation

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Continued from PART 1

Criminal charges the former foster parents currently face as at 15 April 2022 include:
  • Apprehended Violence Orders on both (AVOs)
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster mother *Not Guilty
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • 2 x charges of assault against a child on former foster mother *Guilty
  • 1 x charge of assault against a child on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • Stalking &/or Intimidation on both *Guilty
  • Dummy bidding real estate fraud *Guilty

Where's William Tyrrell? - The Ch 10 podcast (under Coroner's subpoena)

Operation Arkstone
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Possibly. But if she thought William was seriously injured and potentially dying, she might have incentive to cover it up. Especially if the injury was by her own hand or through her neglect.

FGM may not have seen him. FM may have said Williams had a little accident I’m going to drive to the pharmacy/doctor/hospital.

FGM offers to help “oh no, that’s fine I don’t want to upset him further. You wait with L as FF will be home soon”

FGM seems like a stickler and reportedly not too close to FM so I can’t see FM just taking her car keys or even knowing where they are. So I assuming she asked to take the car.

During the drive she realises none of this makes her look good and either finishes him off or he’s deceased and she disposes of his body.

IMO the most important thing in FM’s life is her reputation. I think a foster child being kidnapped by his bio parents would garner the sympathy she wanted. Even a child wondering off would be better than a child dying from her neglect.
It all depends on the drive. When and why.

If William had an accident at FGM house, then the drive may have been initially to get help, or conceal the accident.

But we don't know the sequence of events. The drive may have been before the accident. Or the drive may have led to the accident or caused the accident: For example:
  • William is misbehaving. FM takes William away to reprimand him where FGM can't see.
  • William is misbehaving. FM takes William away for a distraction. "Let's go see the horses".
  • William wants FF. FM takes him down to Batar Creek Rd to "look for FF".
  • William runs away from FM. She doesn't want to walk/run after him, so gets the car.

Then, any number of things may have taken place away from the FGM property:
  • William runs away into the bush / hides and FM can't catch or find him.
  • FM strikes William and causes serious injury, she panics and leaves him.
  • FM just leaves him and tells him to wait for FF, or walk back to the house on his own.

Then the question still remains, where is the body?
  • perhaps FF returned to the scene the next day early in the morning and moved him
  • perhaps a stranger came along and found William and hid him (reasons unknown)
  • perhaps hoons driving on Batar Ck Rd hit him and thought they had killed him, so disposed of the body
  • perhaps he was hidden in a wheelie bin, or construction site, and nobody noticed and his body was removed.

It’s hard to know, isn’t it. I mean, we still have no proof he’s died in an accident as the police/Coroner have that evidence and we do not.

they did have new evidence you would think that they would need more time at the next coroners court, than just the 2 weeks scheduled.

As for moving the body the next day after he is missing. What time did the search start again on Saturday. I bet the locals were out and about at first light. Unlikely anyone could have made car trips around the area without being noticed. Maybe some one has been drinking too much of that special orange juice.

they did have new evidence you would think that they would need more time at the next coroners court, than just the 2 weeks scheduled.

As for moving the body the next day after he is missing. What time did the search start again on Saturday. I bet the locals were out and about at first light. Unlikely anyone could have made car trips around the area without being noticed. Maybe some one has been drinking too much of that special orange juice.
Wendy Hudson made the following note:

"I arrived at the command post at 6am on Saturday 13th September 2014. [FM] was in the driveway and stated [FF] was out searching on his own. [William's sister] and [FGM] were still asleep."

So, we have no idea where anyone was before 6am. It is not known where FF was at 6am or where / when he was first seen on the Saturday.

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Wendy Hudson made the following note:

"I arrived at the command post at 6am on Saturday 13th September 2014. [FM] was in the driveway and stated [FF] was out searching on his own. [William's sister] and [FGM] were still asleep."

So, we have no idea where anyone was before 6am. It is not known where FF was at 6am or where / when he was first seen on the Saturday.
That is completely outrageous.

they did have new evidence you would think that they would need more time at the next coroners court, than just the 2 weeks scheduled.

As for moving the body the next day after he is missing. What time did the search start again on Saturday. I bet the locals were out and about at first light. Unlikely anyone could have made car trips around the area without being noticed. Maybe some one has been drinking too much of that special orange juice.
I would hazard a guess that if anyone was to drink any type of special orange juice it would be the FF.
Wendy Hudson made the following note:

"I arrived at the command post at 6am on Saturday 13th September 2014. [FM] was in the driveway and stated [FF] was out searching on his own. [William's sister] and [FGM] were still asleep."

So, we have no idea where anyone was before 6am. It is not known where FF was at 6am or where / when he was first seen on the Saturday.
Wendy Hudson further notes:
"....We spoke about a positive search today and more resources coming and the community being out all nigh t searching. I then assisted InspectorFehon at thecommand post with some enquires.....

So WH says some of the community were searching over night. There would be a risk of being seen.
Wendy Hudson made the following note:

"I arrived at the command post at 6am on Saturday 13th September 2014. [FM] was in the driveway and stated [FF] was out searching on his own. [William's sister] and [FGM] were still asleep."

So, we have no idea where anyone was before 6am. It is not known where FF was at 6am or where / when he was first seen on the Saturday.

Yes, it makes possible that he could have moved the body further away undetected by anyone. I believe FF knew the area extremely well as he liked to go bush bashing on his quad bike.

I imagine the day William went missing that search and rescue would have limited the search area to where they thought a 3 year old could go on his own two legs. Can’t imagine that would be a huge area in terms of kilometres initially.
Wendy Hudson further notes:
"....We spoke about a positive search today and more resources coming and the community being out all nigh t searching. I then assisted InspectorFehon at thecommand post with some enquires.....

So WH says some of the community were searching over night. There would be a risk of being seen.

In terms of being seen, that would depend on where the body was initially and then subsequently moved to.

Locals may be able to clarify, but it looks like there’s some very dense bushland not far from houses.

I’ve been involved in searches and someone can be a few metres in front or behind you and you cannot see them.

More likely to hear them before you see them or they see you.

Thats why you will send searchers in fluro vests and/or doing line searches.
Wendy Hudson further notes:
"....We spoke about a positive search today and more resources coming and the community being out all nigh t searching. I then assisted InspectorFehon at thecommand post with some enquires.....

So WH says some of the community were searching over night. There would be a risk of being seen.
Yes, some people searched through the night, but how many, and where exactly? And since nobody knew who the fosters were, if they were seen, how would anyone know it was them?

Also it's not clear from WH whether FF was on foot or in his vehicle.
The million dollar question. Where is he. There is a reward to that effect. People have to release sometimes surely some one would have come forward.
She also could have gone to Taree Hospital.
Camden Haven has ocean, creeks, bush, mountains, rivers, lakes, so many hiding places. FGM lived there for a long time she worked for the paper, and so many groups, she knew so many people.
Was she still talking with her daughter when FM left to go home? I thought I read the FM asked the police to speak to her mother or am I wrong. If I am right Why?
I believe FM contacted the police on more than one occasion because she was worried FGM was talking to people about William's foster status etc. This appears twice in Wendy Hudson's notes. I wonder why she just didn't call FGM herself and ask her to stop?
I believe FM contacted the police on more than one occasion because she was worried FGM was talking to people about William's foster status etc. This appears twice in Wendy Hudson's notes. I wonder why she just didn't call FGM herself and ask her to stop?
I don’t think they were talking.

There must have been something that happened to put a wedge in their relationship that week. I can’t quite think of what that could be.
I don’t think they were talking.

There must have been something that happened to put a wedge in their relationship that week. I can’t quite think of what that could be.
I can’t either - I mean the only significant thing I can think off is that a small child disappeared on the watch of either One or the Other ( or both ) of the only Adults present that morning. … FM and FGM.
I can’t either - I mean the only significant thing I can think off is that a small child disappeared on the watch of either One or the Other ( or both ) of the only Adults present that morning. … FM and FGM.
It could be that. It’s probably that.
I wonder if they managed to patch things up after that event.

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I don’t think they were talking.

There must have been something that happened to put a wedge in their relationship that week. I can’t quite think of what that could be.
The wedge might have been there long before. I get the impression from the communication records that it was FF who regularly interfaced with FGM, not FM. They had not visited Kendall together since FGF died, seven months earlier.
It’s interesting that the FGM appointed FM as the POA for her estate. IMO.

Interesting, I didn’t know that.

But from various media articles, it seems none of the children were particularly close to FGM and one or more lived interstate?

Reading between the lines it seems as though FM and FF left early for this trip because they were concerned about FGM getting rid of items of value and wanted to beat the sister who arrived a few days later and who was picked up from the airport by FM.

It seems like FF was the closest to FGM as he was the one who arranged their trips and acted as a go between FM and FGM.

In light of all that, I think it makes sense that FM was the POA. You don’t tend to make a non blood relative your POA, so FM is the next best thing. And it may have just been that they were closer to her from a geographical perspective.
Interesting, I didn’t know that.

But from various media articles, it seems none of the children were particularly close to FGM and one or more lived interstate?

Reading between the lines it seems as though FM and FF left early for this trip because they were concerned about FGM getting rid of items of value and wanted to beat the sister who arrived a few days later and who was picked up from the airport by FM.

It seems like FF was the closest to FGM as he was the one who arranged their trips and acted as a go between FM and FGM.

In light of all that, I think it makes sense that FM was the POA. You don’t tend to make a non blood relative your POA, so FM is the next best thing. And it may have just been that they were closer to her from a geographical perspective.
I have not seen a POA mentioned before. Is there a source for this? Are we certain it was a POA, and not just naming FM as executor of FGM will? A POA is quite different from an executorship. One would question why a POA was necessary at all. FGM did not appear to have complex business or legal affairs to manage while she was alive?
I believe FM contacted the police on more than one occasion because she was worried FGM was talking to people about William's foster status etc. This appears twice in Wendy Hudson's notes. I wonder why she just didn't call FGM herself and ask her to stop?
Exactly! Maybe the FGM was REALLY upset that the FM had put her in this situation. AND……. She did not want them there in the first place.
I have not seen a POA mentioned before. Is there a source for this? Are we certain it was a POA, and not just naming FM as executor of FGM will? A POA is quite different from an executorship. One would question why a POA was necessary at all. FGM did not appear to have complex business or legal affairs to manage while she was alive?
A lot of people hid money in the house. Wonder if FM knew if there was such a place and how big it was just a thought.
I have read bits and pieces books etc I got the impression FGM wasn’t close to a lot of people 😏
That may be true. But if you're suggesting FGM is possibly at fault for William's demise then I reckon FM would have thrown her under the bus by now and ended it.
As people get older they tend to have fewer and fewer friends - they die or move away, and making new friends is not a priority until a partner dies or one moves into a retirement community.
Ask yourself this: Would you prefer to place two young children in the care of?
  • an old retired woman, who had been married over 50 years, raised several of her own children to adulthood, had been a registered nurse, was clearly intelligent and articulate, knew her house and neighbourhood well? OR
  • a 50YO busy professional woman, with ZERO child-raising experience, in a strange house in a strange neighbourhood?
A lot of people hid money in the house. Wonder if FM knew if there was such a place and how big it was just a thought.
What's that got to do with a Power of Attorney? And do we know for a fact there was a power of attorney? Wallace52 brought it up. Not sure where it came from.
Exactly! Maybe the FGM was REALLY upset that the FM had put her in this situation. AND……. She did not want them there in the first place.
That would make sense to me. And she was reportedly ill and fighting a cold too.

Not a good situation for the FGM.

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Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 2 * FM guilty of assault & intimidation

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