Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 2 * FM guilty of assault & intimidation

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Continued from PART 1

Criminal charges the former foster parents currently face as at 15 April 2022 include:
  • Apprehended Violence Orders on both (AVOs)
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster mother *Not Guilty
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • 2 x charges of assault against a child on former foster mother *Guilty
  • 1 x charge of assault against a child on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • Stalking &/or Intimidation on both *Guilty
  • Dummy bidding real estate fraud *Guilty

Where's William Tyrrell? - The Ch 10 podcast (under Coroner's subpoena)

Operation Arkstone
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Interestingly, this sighting where a photo was taken was also in Queensland in the two years following William's disappearance.

More than 1,000 suspected sightings were reported to the investigation team in the two years after Tyrrell disappeared. They include a photo taken of a man and a young boy from Queensland, the latter of whom looked strikingly similar to Tyrrell.

Disappearance of William Tyrrell - Wikipedia

Yes there has been many suspected sightings. Would be interesting to know if they were able to rule out all of the other possible sightings.
Gary Jubelin had many suspects and I don’t believe he’s a silly man.
Yes there has been many suspected sightings. Would be interesting to know if they were able to rule out all of the other possible sightings.
Gary Jubelin had many suspects and I don’t believe he’s a silly man.

Gary Jubelin isn't silly but I think he did a silly thing and he wasn't gone at so hard by the brass for simply making a sly tape recording through an investigation in to a missing child.

He really stuffed up somewhere.
Gary Jubelin isn't silly but I think he did a silly thing and he wasn't gone at so hard by the brass for simply making a sly tape recording through an investigation in to a missing child.

He really stuffed up somewhere.
Yes totally agree he stuffed up with the illegal recording which interestingly moved to a different line of inquiry from others, and missed things.
Could he have missed something as simple (although tragic) as a fall off the balcony?
Maybe, the Detectives now seem to think so.
Hopefully the inquest brings more light.

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Yes totally agree he stuffed up with the illegal recording which interestingly moved to a different line of inquiry from others, and missed things.
Could he have missed something as simple (although tragic) as a fall off the balcony?
Maybe, the Detectives now seem to think so.
Hopefully the inquest brings more light.

I think the brass just used the illegal recording as an excuse to get rid of Jubelin. He's done something else.

I'm not suggesting he did this but as an example, if he was caught out having an affair with the foster mother, when he should have been looking in to her, that would do it.

Jubelin risked it all really though, in order to secure the $1m reward, by assuring the bosses that absolutely, the FM had nothing to do with it. It seems pretty obvious now that he probably shouldn't have done that because on a harder look, she should have been right in the frame.
I think the brass just used the illegal recording as an excuse to get rid of Jubelin. He's done something else.

I'm not suggesting he did this but as an example, if he was caught out having an affair with the foster mother, when he should have been looking in to her, that would do it.

Jubelin risked it all really though, in order to secure the $1m reward, by assuring the bosses that absolutely, the FM had nothing to do with it. It seems pretty obvious now that he probably shouldn't have done that because on a harder look, she should have been right in the frame.
I guess the possibility of something else/affair would explain if Jubelin was blind sighted. I don’t know how the FM could have ever been completely ruled out of having any involvement.
Very sadly, I don’t think this case will ever be solved. Too many inconsistencies with stories, lies, secrecy and the fallout of huge egos in what became a power game for many. FACS and others were covering their backsides to prevent personal backlash. Feel disgusted but more importantly, so sad for William, his family and loved ones.
Not sure if anyone’s familiar with the Asha Degree case? She went missing from her home in Shelby, US on 14 Feb 2000 and rumours are flying that her body has been found after 24 years.

So there’s always hope.
Gary Jubelin isn't silly but I think he did a silly thing and he wasn't gone at so hard by the brass for simply making a sly tape recording through an investigation in to a missing child.

He really stuffed up somewhere.
Maybe he tripped over the FM and accidentally fell onto her.

That could be it.

Would make more sense than the tape recording, which I understand was a very common practice. IMO
Not sure if anyone’s familiar with the Asha Degree case? She went missing from her home in Shelby, US on 14 Feb 2000 and rumours are flying that her body has been found after 24 years.

So there’s always hope.

I followed that case, it's quite strange and really sad.
Local Facebook discussions. Remains of a child believed to be Asha found buried less than 5 minutes from her home after a confession.

Sorry not sure where else to post this one. Just made me think how we may eventually find William.

It's already on Wiki. Wow, after all this time I hope they find her.

On September 10th, 2024 a large NC State Forensics team was seen conducting a thorough examination on a large home property on Cherryville Rd/NC Hwy 150 near Shelby,NC that was subsequently reported on the evening local news to be related to this case.
I’ve always wanted to know more about the discovery ( or not) of William’s scent.

When did they search for his Scent
What did they use to get his ‘scent’ in order to match for detection
Who / what did the search - skill of the dog etc
Where exactly was William’s scent found ie where inside the house, where outside the house, where in the yard, on the climbing tree, bikes etc., inside which vehicles
Where exactly was his scent not found; where did it stop ie did it immediately stop at the very end of the driveway, or at a point in the yard or at a point on a side boundary ? Or did it stop mid-driveway as if he rode to there on his bike, then turned around and went back for example. Was it found in the garden he's said to have ‘deliberately’ crashed his bike into. … which I’m sure he did because all the 3 year old boys I know are such proficient bike riders that there’s no way I could entertain a perfectly legitimate ‘topple’ ( tongue in cheek, much )
The bike ride may never have happened.
This reportedly/allegedly happened some time after breakfast, so after 9:00 and before the photos at 9:30. There is no evidence of the children riding the bikes. The (unreliable and conflicting) walkthrough of FGM does not mention bikes, but this is not proof either way. FM's initial statement does not mention bikes, but maybe she forgot and added later. Again not proof. As I recall there was even a photo labelled by FM where everyone was standing during the bike ride which included FGM. Who, by the way, would have probably stil be l in her blue slippers that she was wearing later in the photo. Beware of the narratives that have painted a picture with specific details, that may have never happened.

And why on earth mention the detail of crashing his bike, and "deliberately"? Then leave out important details that may have actually had relevance to his disappearance. Maybe the FF in his hurry to leave ran into the garden.

The scent: Again, as I recall, there was a volunteer who said later that she overheard, on the first day search, that police thought that the scent stopped at the driveway and that the search in the surrounding area and bush was not going to find William. (Sorry, i can't remember where this was from). On previous post it was suggested that if this was known, or shared with the FM, did she have to add that William was on the driveway that morning, and then added the bike riding narrative.

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I took two more photos 4 days ago. It was a cloudy morning and no shadows. Taken at longitude 151 E.(i.e around Sydney). Outside verandah with a roof, facing approx north east. And I am not saying this is very specific or scientific or even relates to Kendall, but it does show for my location that it is quite bright by 8:00 and the light and shadows were affected by the cloud cover of the day.


  • photos 8 Sept.pdf
    2.7 MB · Views: 5
I took two more photos 4 days ago. It was a cloudy morning and no shadows. Taken at longitude 151 E.(i.e around Sydney). Outside verandah with a roof, facing approx north east. And I am not saying this is very specific or scientific or even relates to Kendall, but it does show for my location that it is quite bright by 8:00 and the light and shadows were affected by the cloud cover of the day.
I am sure by now SFR have already done this, but .... If you are trying to recreate the lighting for the 'Roar' Photo, you would need to do it adjacent to a house wall running parallel to the rear of the FGM house (from ~NW to ~SE), partially under a verandah, with tall trees to the East, and face roughly in a Southerly direction (towards the wall). Take a photo at 7:30, 8:30 and 9:30 am and see which one most closely resembles the lighting in the 'Roar' Photo. Also maybe try with a flash and without a flash, as we don't know if FM used a flash.
I am sure by now SFR have already done this, but .... If you are trying to recreate the lighting for the 'Roar' Photo, you would need to do it adjacent to a house wall running parallel to the rear of the FGM house (from ~NW to ~SE), partially under a verandah, with tall trees to the East, and face roughly in a Southerly direction (towards the wall). Take a photo at 7:30, 8:30 and 9:30 am and see which one most closely resembles the lighting in the 'Roar' Photo. Also maybe try with a flash and without a flash, as we don't know if FM used a flash.
You are "sure", or you would guess, or hope they had.
When you eliminate all the impossible and highly improbable scenarios, you are left with very few options:

1. Wandered off or ran away and got lost. ❌ - No scent off the property. 3YO could not get far in such a short time. Searchers would have found him or his body eventually. "Not a wanderer."

2. Abduction: (a) Planned ❌ Hardly anyone knew he was going to be there. With the $1M reward, someone would have known something and come forward by now. SFR investigated anyone who might have known William was in Kendall.
(b) Opportunistic ❌ The location is too remote, and quiet, with only one way in and out. Very few people had a reason to be in that location at that time. If William was only out of sight for a few minutes, what are the chances of an opportunistic predator being in that place at that exact time.

3. Death by accident or homicide on the property and cover-up. ❓There is no witness to such an event. But it's possible. Access to vehicles ✔️ Possible motives for coverup - criminal charges, loss of reputation, financial loss, loss of other foster child ✔️ Red flags - No reliable account of events between 10:00 and 10:30 ✔️ Injury to FM hand ✔️ Persistent narrative that 'everyone was happy' ✔️ Inconsistencies in stories about timing of events ✔️ Shoes worn or not worn ❓

One can make a strong case that 1. and 2. are near impossible. One can argue that 3. is entirely possible and there is circumstantial evidence which supports 3 and none of the alternatives.

Useful summary.

Under opportunistic i'd put a variation possibility of FM taking WT to BCRd and leaving him there for punishment, exasperation from parental dysfunction, to be picked up by FF on way home.. then being actually abducted.

The location then is suitable. There would then be no care making him increasingly vulnerable, there is deathbed confession of RP implicating FA.

The time to police report was 25 minutes. The normal is 2 hrs. In that location should be more. I think it shows Incriminating knowledge of his actually being abduction but not necessarily a death because a death is problematic in the sense of assessing he had died and hiding body each of which takes longer not shorter time.....they would also be certain to hide him far away. Once again more time.

Against death by accident is the fact that nothing was heard by neighbours of the incident or accident at home. We are told everything in street is heard. There is also the fact that seemingly the FD wasn't a witness. Of itself strange if it happened because it would likely happen in play with both

The FM wouldn't admit she left him because it is extreme negligence.
Useful summary.

Under opportunistic i'd put a variation possibility of FM taking WT to BCRd and leaving him there for punishment, exasperation from parental dysfunction, to be picked up by FF on way home.. then being actually abducted.

The location then is suitable. There would then be no care making him increasingly vulnerable, there is deathbed confession of RP implicating FA.

The time to police report was 25 minutes. The normal is 2 hrs. In that location should be more. I think it shows Incriminating knowledge of his actually being abduction but not necessarily a death because a death is problematic in the sense of assessing he had died and hiding body each of which takes longer not shorter time.....they would also be certain to hide him far away. Once again more time.

Against death by accident is the fact that nothing was heard by neighbours of the incident or accident at home. We are told everything in street is heard. There is also the fact that seemingly the FD wasn't a witness. Of itself strange if it happened because it would likely happen in play with both

The FM wouldn't admit she left him because it is extreme negligence.
I was a bit taken back that the normal time of reporting is two hours.
I couldn’t see myself waiting two hours to contact police if I’d searched the immediate area after I realised my toddler was missing.
I was a bit taken back that the normal time of reporting is two hours.
I couldn’t see myself waiting two hours to contact police if I’d searched the immediate area after I realised my toddler was missing.

There is an element of denial and a reluctance to accept your actions in negligence have contributed to risk. Soooo you tend to hold strong hope it gets sorted in finding them quickly..You don't immediately jump to reporting because it escalates it to a poor outcome. And most get sorted successfully so delaying to that time makes sense. What isn't sensible is that these people truncated the whole process from. 2 hrs to 25 minutes!!!

I'll go so far as to say I think it smacks of having Incriminating knowledge but not necessarily of your own criminal involvement (which would motivate you to substantially delay reporting not truncate it).
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There is an element of denial and a reluctantance to accept your actions in negligence have contributed to risk. Soooo you tend to hold strong hope it gets sorted in finding them quickly..You don't immediately jump to reporting because it escalates it to a poor outcome. And most get sorted successfully so delaying to that time makes sense. What isn't sensible is that these people truncated the whole process from. 2 hrs to 25 minutes!!!
I understand the thought process but personally, and I can only think about if I was in that situation, I would phone police quickly if it was my toddler. I’d think differently if it was a teenager/adult but a toddler you can’t find (and they were supposed to be a few metres away) (there’s something terribly wrong.)
I understand the thought process but personally, and I can only think about if I was in that situation, I would phone police quickly if it was my toddler. I’d think differently if it was a teenager/adult but a toddler you can’t find (and they were supposed to be a few metres away) (there’s something terribly wrong.)

You are struck with flight or fight panic too. That affects the process and interferes with rational thought.

The 2 hrs was quoted by the Where's William Tyrrell podcast.
You are struck with flight or fight panic too. That affects the process and interferes with rational thought.

The 2 hrs was quoted by the Where's William Tyrrell podcast.
Not sure where the podcast got this stat from. Two hours is a long time to be looking for a young child with no ability to fend for themselves and not contact police for at least some help.
Might depend on the situation. Personally, I don’t think the phone call after 25 mins and after searching the house and surrounding area is suspicious. Just my thoughts anyway.
Useful summary.

Under opportunistic i'd put a variation possibility of FM taking WT to BCRd and leaving him there for punishment, exasperation from parental dysfunction, to be picked up by FF on way home.. then being actually abducted.

The location then is suitable. There would then be no care making him increasingly vulnerable, there is deathbed confession of RP implicating FA.

The time to police report was 25 minutes. The normal is 2 hrs. In that location should be more. I think it shows Incriminating knowledge of his actually being abduction but not necessarily a death because a death is problematic in the sense of assessing he had died and hiding body each of which takes longer not shorter time.....they would also be certain to hide him far away. Once again more time.

Against death by accident is the fact that nothing was heard by neighbours of the incident or accident at home. We are told everything in street is heard. There is also the fact that seemingly the FD wasn't a witness. Of itself strange if it happened because it would likely happen in play with both

The FM wouldn't admit she left him because it is extreme negligence.
True and FM asked FF did you pick up William he replied why would I have him? Am I Right? I remember some sort of conversation along those lines?

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Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 2 * FM guilty of assault & intimidation

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