Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 2 * FM guilty of assault & intimidation

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Continued from PART 1

Criminal charges the former foster parents currently face as at 15 April 2022 include:
  • Apprehended Violence Orders on both (AVOs)
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster mother *Not Guilty
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • 2 x charges of assault against a child on former foster mother *Guilty
  • 1 x charge of assault against a child on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • Stalking &/or Intimidation on both *Guilty
  • Dummy bidding real estate fraud *Guilty

Where's William Tyrrell? - The Ch 10 podcast (under Coroner's subpoena)

Operation Arkstone
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Whilst this link doesn't offer the sorts of explanations I need it does show images on the road of what I saw with multiple shadows opposite direction in overcast conditions. It is a real phenomenon

We therefore need to exercise caution in advocating clear cut conclusions from shadow analysis on the verandah.

The light is diffused from cloud cover. It is diffused also from polycarbonate roofing AND there is reflective lighting from the wall perhaps from that more direct but still diffused light source which possibly influences light source onto that verandah..

I'm sorry but I have to say we can't tell direction from what we observe on that verandah. it's not a smoking gun imo. indeed I'm more inclined to think the directions are all muddied by multiple diffusions, protons scattered through cloud layers creating multiple directions of light some of which may have found their reflection from wall onto that verandah creating an impression of accurate direction which simply may not be possible in cloudy skies
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Whilst this link doesn't offer the sorts of explanations I need it does show images on the road of what I saw with multiple shadows opposite direction in overcast conditions. It is a real phenomenon

We therefore need to exercise caution in advocating clear cut conclusions from shadow analysis on the verandah.

The light is diffused from cloud cover. It is diffused also from polycarbonate roofing AND there is reflective lighting from the wall perhaps from that more direct but still diffused light source which possibly influences light source onto that verandah..

I'm sorry but I have to say we can't tell direction from what we observe on that verandah. it's not a smoking gun imo. indeed I'm more inclined to think the directions are all muddied by multiple diffusions, protons scattered through cloud layers creating multiple directions of light some of which may have found their reflection from wall onto that verandah creating an impression of accurate direction which simply may not be possible in cloudy skies
Given the shadows are only coming off the sides of the truck on the road, what was the colour of the truck sides? The responses talk about secondary light sources (bright cloud).
Given the shadows are only coming off the sides of the truck on the road, what was the colour of the truck sides? The responses talk about secondary light sources (bright cloud).

What I experienced yesterday was for about 15 minutes drive EVERY vehicle exhibiting the same phenomenon with each. So perhaps 40 vehicles. No unnatural light source anywhere

The theory I understand is that as protons make their way down through the clouds layers they are reflected around in different directions and it causes the light that hits the opaque object to do so from multiple directions to suffer this phenomenon of multiple softer shadows in multiple directions. Still looking for a science paper
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Given the shadows are only coming off the sides of the truck on the road, what was the colour of the truck sides? The responses talk about secondary light sources (bright cloud).

It doesn't necessarily disprove your conclusions. But I think more work is definately required before we accept that is the direction and photos can't have been that day.

In particular, because we now understand better diffusion and reflection I'm highly suspicious of the wall showing strong reflective light. It's entirely possible that reflection off that wall from diffused sun in those overcast conditions created the light source influencing shadow.

I theorise that when an object is stationary in these circumstances there will be a soft aura of shadow around them all directions ..when an object is moving the direction dissipates the shadow front/ back so it can no longer be seen but shadows remain to each side..theory.
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The problem is there’s not enough foster carers for the amount of children who go into care and the agencies are under resourced. Some officers have had a caseload of up to 50 families at one time. It’s unacceptable.
That is NO excuse for placing children in the same environment . Full stop.
If the foster mother is innocent and she had nothing to do with the disappearance of William Tyrrell, why hasn’t she sued the NSW Police for defamation?

Why isn’t she trying to defend her reputation if the suggestions the police have made about her since late 2021 are untrue?
We don't know the trip was only 1.3km. She had time to go much further, and in any direction, probably any time between 10am and 10:30am.
Note that police came from Kendall and took only 10 minutes to get there.
You can drive from Port Macquarie to Kendall in that time. Remember it was discussed about the Bali trip
This maybe off thread but 'blame it on the baby bonus'. There was a big increase in births but not in well functioning families. This has lead to not only large numbers of children in care, but an increase juvenile crime years after their birth. There is a very good book called 'Freakanomics' that largely predicts this would be the case.
That argument is not applicable in this case, imho as the biological mother has gone on to have four more children after William and L, and there’s definitely no baby bonus on offer anymore. She would have had William and L anyway, regardless of a baby bonus.
That argument is not applicable in this case, imho as the biological mother has gone on to have four more children after William and L, and there’s definitely no baby bonus on offer anymore. She would have had William and L anyway, regardless of a baby bonus.
It doesn't necessarily disprove your conclusions. But I think more work is definately required before we accept that is the direction and photos can't have been that day.

In particular, because we now understand better diffusion and reflection I'm highly suspicious of the wall showing strong reflective light. It's entirely possible that reflection off that wall from diffused sun in those overcast conditions created the light source influencing shadow.

I theorise that when an object is stationary in these circumstances there will be a soft aura of shadow around them all directions ..when an object is moving the direction dissipates the shadow front/ back so it can no longer be seen but shadows remain to each side..theory.

Shadows are funny things as you say, sometimes it is hard to explain. We can see the moon at night because it reflects the sun's rays. It also reflects the sun's rays when it is visible during the day. I wonder how it affects shadows?

"We sometimes see the daytime moon for the same reason we see it at night — it is reflecting light from the sun — and its closeness to Earth makes it brighter than the daytime or nighttime sky. After the sun, the moon is by far the brightest celestial object we can see."
The trip from Port is 25 minutes taking the Lake Cathie way. Strange when the FF was interviewed he said he went to Lake Cathie not Lakewood.
Odd he was so devoted to William he did not know how tall he was.
Odd he was so devoted to William he did not know if he could get back up when he tipped backward on the stool.
I think William spent a lot of time in his special play room.
Was William used to amusing himself and just did what was the norm on the day of the disappearance?
I return to the fact where was his toys? The FGM was fed up with him look at the comments about him. Then why not let him play with his toys on the patio?
A little three year old would not see the significance in making a card for a dead relative. Why couldn’t he have just said miss you at the cemetery? Who was that for? IMO I think FM was at breaking point with William that day she wanted to adopt FGM was probably wondering why and FM had to prove he was worth it. I think FM took William for a little talk. I think William was not in the frame of mind to look at his behaviour. I wonder how FM was going to handle that?
Kendall to Lorne is 11 minutes I think FM went a little further than Cobb.
That is why she saw a truck.
How many of you have experienced a truck pull up and thank you? If you pull over they thunder by and if you are lucky they wave. There is just too many things that cause doubt.
I really tried to give them the benefit of doubt but when they hired a firm to look after their image yea - na!
I think you are all trying to explain AVERTED VISION it is a method astronomers use. I have a 10” scope we use AVERTED VISION. Our amateur group do astronomy nights it is difficult to explain why and how you do it.

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That is NO excuse for placing children in the same environment . Full stop.
Of course not. It’s more reference to a complex and maybe broken system, which is evident from from very young children living in hotel rooms with 24/7 supervision because there’s more children under care than foster parents.

Whilst this link doesn't offer the sorts of explanations I need it does show images on the road of what I saw with multiple shadows opposite direction in overcast conditions. It is a real phenomenon

We therefore need to exercise caution in advocating clear cut conclusions from shadow analysis on the verandah.

The light is diffused from cloud cover. It is diffused also from polycarbonate roofing AND there is reflective lighting from the wall perhaps from that more direct but still diffused light source which possibly influences light source onto that verandah..

I'm sorry but I have to say we can't tell direction from what we observe on that verandah. it's not a smoking gun imo. indeed I'm more inclined to think the directions are all muddied by multiple diffusions, protons scattered through cloud layers creating multiple directions of light some of which may have found their reflection from wall onto that verandah creating an impression of accurate direction which simply may not be possible in cloudy skies
Crepuscular rays
What then explains the 1.3 klm trip? Perhaps something remained at the house that was Incriminating that needed to be thrown that she only realised before she did the abduction scam
The FM’s drive is a puzzle. As discussed in previous posts, it is not known what evidence there is of the FM’s drive. No neighbours saw the FGM’s car driving that morning. We have no witness of a truck driver seeing the FM pulled over or any dash cam. Im happy to be corrected if anyone knows more. Maybe the investigation has evidence we have not seen and has not been released.

Seeing FM on video walkthrough (where she hides the injury to her hand !) it was easy for my first impression to believe this narrative. A narrative that, as usual, has quite a few details. We “see” her driving, looking for William, and letting the truck pass, and then turn around when she reaches the riding school. But then it has been pointed out this may not be true. 😳

Problems with the FM’s drive story: FM’s police witness statement on 14th September does not mention the drive. And there is no time window to fit in the drive in this original statement. FM would have been well aware that this witness statement was very important and should be accurate and detailed. This was the story she wanted recorded. Yet she omits the drive. The FGM’s walk through also omits the drive. No witness (that we know of) to the drive. FM alleges that she drove to the riding school but did not say that she checked the side street or the other direction of Batar Creek Rd which in previous post has been thought as odd, if she was looking for William. The neighbours (reported in a previous post part 1 3829 by 31550) "......Both Sharpley and Heslop were seen shaking their heads when the FM gave evidence at the Coronal inquest".....seemed to react to the evidence of a large truck speeding down Batar Creek Rd as unlikely.

It is possible there was some indication to the police that the car was driven that morning, such as the car was still warm. The police ask FGM did she drive her car that morning and FGM says no. The FM decides to change her original story and say she drove the car to look for William. So where and why did she (or FGM) drive the car.

Yes Angry Red Bull, did she want to get rid of something that had been overlooked and was incriminating. They would have been aware that the house could have been searched that day as a crime scene. She could have hidden something somewhere along Batar Creek Rd where there are no houses or neighbours to see (not necessarily at the riding school).

Another possibility is that the car was moved but not driven anywhere. Possible that the FF wanted to move his car further into the car port area where it would not be easy to see from the road. So move FGM car out and then have it back in before the police arrive. But the question is why would they want to do this. Did William leave in FF’s car?
Of course not. It’s more reference to a complex and maybe broken system, which is evident from from very young children living in hotel rooms with 24/7 supervision because there’s more children under care than foster parents.
Exactly! I am saddened that is why there is so much burn out by workers. We have started the path to sexual abuse now all of us need to demand a path forward for these children.
The government finds a cheap solution in child care fees.
Why don’t parents who have had children removed have to attend classes in developmental psychology basic household expenditure and domestic sciences 3 basic things.
Even if you are very wealthy that does not make you a capable parent.
Kendall to Lorne is 11 minutes I think FM went a little further than Cobb.
That is why she saw a truck.
How many of you have experienced a truck pull up and thank you? If you pull over they thunder by and if you are lucky they wave. There is just too many things that cause doubt.
I really tried to give them the benefit of doubt but when they hired a firm to look after their image yea - na!
She alleges she saw a truck. and the driver thanked her for pulling over. Is there any evidence to support this . Did this truck driver, who must have known a child had gone missing in the area, ever come forward as a witness.
She alleges she saw a truck. and the driver thanked her for pulling over. Is there any evidence to support this . Did this truck driver, who must have known a child had gone missing in the area, ever come forward as a witness.
That is why I don’t believe her
I bet ever one passes a car and does not register it. If FGM was driving then you would think oh there goes so and so but because FM was not local you would have no need to remember it. If you recognise a car and driver your curiosity would make you interested.
My guess is she took that car with William in it to have a little chat about behaviour and something happened maybe? You would probably go some where private.
I bet ever one passes a car and does not register it. If FGM was driving then you would think oh there goes so and so but because FM was not local you would have no need to remember it. If you recognise a car and driver your curiosity would make you interested.
My guess is she took that car with William in it to have a little chat about behaviour and something happened maybe? You would probably go some where private.
And because her name and image is under suppression, it’s likely any witnesses would have come forward.

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Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 2 * FM guilty of assault & intimidation

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