Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 2 * FM guilty of assault & intimidation

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Continued from PART 1

Criminal charges the former foster parents currently face as at 15 April 2022 include:
  • Apprehended Violence Orders on both (AVOs)
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster mother *Not Guilty
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • 2 x charges of assault against a child on former foster mother *Guilty
  • 1 x charge of assault against a child on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • Stalking &/or Intimidation on both *Guilty
  • Dummy bidding real estate fraud *Guilty

Where's William Tyrrell? - The Ch 10 podcast (under Coroner's subpoena)

Operation Arkstone
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I am perplexed over the SM doll photo
Where has every one gone?
Just the pram
Just the slippers
Just the doll (which is not in other photos)
The paper folded up on the chair
It is dark and lots of tall shrubs in the foreground.
Why take the photo?
when was the photo taken? After the roar or before?
when were the pram and SM doll bought? Did they come with them to FGM’s house?
I could not imagine FGM would step off the deck in bare feet unless it was urgent as she would have to wash them.
This photo is very important
Sorry I can’t find this. is this a daily account of vehicles?'s traffic over 1 hr in am I think 8 to 9. Then again from 4 to 5. At two different dates..Then ensuing discussion about findings

Post 8062 must be in part 1 of the thread. If I knew how to link you I would. Apologies

Log in to remove this ad.'s traffic over 1 hr in am I think 8 to 9. Then again from 4 to 5. At two different dates..Then ensuing discussion about findings

Post 8062 must be in part 1 of the thread. If I knew how to link you I would. Apologies
That makes sense. The area has to have some different heavy vehicles at times.
That makes sense. The area has to have some different heavy vehicles at times.
There are very few properties accessible by heavy vehicles from that road. It does not connect back to a major highway, unless you go back to Kendall. Surely if there was a heavy vehicle on that day in the hours between say 8am and 12noon it could be identified? You don't drive a semitrailer just for fun. It had to belong to someone or be making a delivery along that road section.
Yes but you are suggesting that it is the "semi-trailer driver" from the FM narrative who is the person that "Investigators claim that ... witnessed FM driving in bushland near the riding school". By extension, this corroborates the FM narrative.

But according to FM she pulled over to the side of BC Rd and had her head out of the window and the semitrailer went past ... she describes a 'wave' ... "He thought I was waving him past, but I had my head out the window looking for William" ... Now if the actual truck driver came forward would he describe this as "seeing someone driving FGM car in bushland near the riding school"? Or (as I think is more likely) "seeing a woman going really slow with her head out of the car waving me past"? I think the account of "seeing FGM car driving in bushland" indicates that FM was not stopped or driving slowly looking for William when spotted (if spotted at all).

I actually don't think there is any identifiable witness of this drive, semitrailer or otherwise. I think police may have mentioned to the DM reporter , ... "we are looking for possible witnesses who may have seen the FM when she was driving her mother's car near the riding school". Or the DM reporter made it up.
How did a speeding truck driver thank her for pulling over exactly? If traveling in the same direction difficult to see the driver.
IMO. Probably no drive to anywhere. Just shuffled cars in driveway.
Hey, Mr Boxer.
How about you question the William Tyrrell proof of life photos rather than going down the demonisation path again, and using the William Tyrrell photos as clickbait.

Just because your employer lets you and your mates exercise their imbalance of power in unethically demonising individuals this way, doesn't mean you have to like in the below.

Yes, there's clearly been huge issues with the NSW Police Unsolved Homicide Team.
But try playing the ball more, and the man/women/whatever less, in more positively and less toxically helping improve the solving homicides situation for all in NSW.

Cos IMO, the way you and your editors are playing at the moment in this William Tyrrell case instance, is probably more likely to cause more harm than good.

'William Tyrrell cop’s big payday as families left waiting

Heath Parkes-Hupton and Dan Box
'October 19, 2024 - 7:20AM'
Homicide victims’ advocate Peter Rolfe says he has “no faith” in Detective Chief Inspector David Laidlaw, who is leading the search for three-year-old William, last seen on 12 September 2014.
Last week, revealed a litany of failings at the NSW Police Unsolved Homicide Team, at which Mr Laidlaw is the Investigation Co-ordinator.

These included missing evidence and a backlog of hundreds of cases, including 19 files Mr Laidlaw told a 2023 public inquiry he left unread for a year as the search for William had taken up “a significant amount of my time”.
Mr Laidlaw, who has been in the Unsolved Homicide Team since 2017, has benefited from a system that guarantees pay rises every year for inspectors, capped at $191,385.

Screenshot 2024-10-19 at 8.11.37 am.png
So because there is no absolute symmetry between the two accounts you think one is possibly fake and the other related to driving rather than pulling over..Ok interesting suggestion.

We may be able to verify if semi trailers travel the road and endorse or rebut LH and AMS scepticism. I think that traffic analysis done some time ago by Stormbird I recall actually broke down the traffic into types of vehicles. We might get some insight into whether they travel the Rd.. I'll look.....
.post 8062 Stormbird.....virtually nil Heavy trucks. The only heavy vehicles recorded were the nature of vehicle seemingly a lie.

imo there is absolutely no reason to volunteer the information about the Semi. It serves no purpose in the alleged hoax. The singular reason she might raise it is because someone did see her and she was concerned if she didn't mention it it would blow up in her face. If I recall though she only raised it a short time later almost as an afterthought..So she didn't want to attract attention to it whilst simultaneously raising it in case her testimony is challenged. Despite the scepticism this behaviour points to truth.
Maybe just to add detail and depth to the story. (Like the kookaburra). Sounds like a real memory not a fabrication. Police then sent on time wasting exercise to find semi and driver. Also chose to say she drove to quiet part of street with no neighbors to be witness to her drive or witness to NOT seeing the car.
Maybe just to add detail and depth to the story. (Like the kookaburra). Sounds like a real memory not a fabrication. Police then sent on time wasting exercise to find semi and driver. Also chose to say she drove to quiet part of street with no neighbors to be witness to her drive or witness to NOT seeing the car.

The traffic data posted by Stormbird virtually excludes the possibility of heavy vehicles....the only ones were Buses. Didn't happen imo consistent with what 31550 said.

I think you are spot on. She HAD to mention it else would be incriminating if someone came forward but chose to embellish to make it sound more believable. That is seriously screwed up.
Why couldn’t it be a fall when FF was still home that morning?

WT survives the initial fall but dies from the head injury some time after the photo was taken?

FF is told later when the cop on scene says FF was in the bathroom crying. Would also explain why he stood by FM all these years.

Sorry for not getting back sooner.

The 9.20 time is pivotal. If we accept that what was heard by neighbours was true children playing PLURAL that means it is in a sense the last truly independent POL.

You then scroll back to accidents either car or fall happening at 8.20 say with delayed head bleeds demise. They had to be delayed but the progression and reaction are entirely different.

A car is close to ground and would knock him a few metres away..IF he gets up there would be little to demonstrate severity. It would push the brain across the skull and cause swelling and perhaps bleed not obvious in outward ways

In contrast a fall from 8 metres not initially causing death is perceived differently by those in care because of the sheer height and expectation of trauma meaning greater likelihood of ambulance calls, there must be blood. Indeed though that study I referred to didn't have many deaths it was extensive the trauma injuries instead. Broken bones, dislocations, soft tissue etc etc stemming from actions to break the fall. If there was a head knock ( as there must have been if he died) there would also be evidence of that from his injuries noticeable to the head and from 8 metres the head trauma would be obvious. Imo there would be negligible chance a child falls from 8 metres hits head, has other trauma injuries and he gets up and plays to 9.20 as though nothing has happened AND wasn't given ambulance care as precaution

I guess what I'm saying is that the demise is insidious with car hit. They may not even know the car hit his head but the bleed and swelling would be there. if you fell from metres and injured yourself the carers would get him checked out you'd expect.
There are very few properties accessible by heavy vehicles from that road. It does not connect back to a major highway, unless you go back to Kendall. Surely if there was a heavy vehicle on that day in the hours between say 8am and 12noon it could be identified? You don't drive a semitrailer just for fun. It had to belong to someone or be making a delivery along that road section.
Yes, agree, police would be able to identify if there was any in the area, probably more so if there’s less heavy traffic movement in the area.
It’s strange to me that FM would say, semi driver.
Actually, I believe the converse applies. If the priority is finding William, then charges should be laid sooner rather than later, so that the perpetrators have a chance to come clean and mitigate their potential consequences by co-operating with SFR and disclosing the location of the body, or at least explaining what actually happened. At the moment it's all or nothing. If SFR cannot prove evidence-tampering, there is no reason for the perpetrators to admit to anything.
I think SFR might be trying to let the inquest play out before looking to lay charges, if indeed there are any pending charges. Just a feeling.
Oh and dark blue hat gone off table
Look at the contents of pram and compare, to the iconic photo. Water bottle on table, Chair has been moved. Did FGM take off her slippers and run into the yard in her socks looking for William. The dark blue hat turns into a green hat on the chair in the FGM walkthrough. Is it grandfathers dark blue hat?
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I am perplexed over the SM doll photo
Where has every one gone?
Just the pram
Just the slippers
Just the doll (which is not in other photos)
The paper folded up on the chair
It is dark and lots of tall shrubs in the foreground.
Why take the photo?
when was the photo taken? After the roar or before?
when were the pram and SM doll bought? Did they come with them to FGM’s house?
I could not imagine FGM would step off the deck in bare feet unless it was urgent as she would have to wash them.
This photo is very important
It's a Ch 9 photo taken on the day.

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Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 2 * FM guilty of assault & intimidation

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