Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 2 * FM guilty of assault & intimidation

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Continued from PART 1

Criminal charges the former foster parents currently face as at 15 April 2022 include:
  • Apprehended Violence Orders on both (AVOs)
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster mother *Not Guilty
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • 2 x charges of assault against a child on former foster mother *Guilty
  • 1 x charge of assault against a child on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • Stalking &/or Intimidation on both *Guilty
  • Dummy bidding real estate fraud *Guilty

Where's William Tyrrell? - The Ch 10 podcast (under Coroner's subpoena)

Operation Arkstone
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Good recent background. Importantly it refers to FM saying that the bike riding happened at about this is second time I've seen this. We know from where's William Tyrrell podcasts that bike riding was first activity that day AND was when uTurn man happened with FD asking about him and FGM allegedly being present

We know that FGM says FF was gone by the time she got up. Where's William Tyrrell podcast says FGM was with FM and kids when bike riding happened (possibly explains the missed GO call) but FGM DIDN'T see FF even though he was captured on CCTV at approx 8.45. Huh???

Sooooo FGM possibly lied about not seeing FF before 9 and possibly also leaving in car just before/ perhaps even during the bike riding. Even worse is that they may have been on bikes when he left in his car!!! Yet FGM obsessively had to exclude FF and HIS CAR from being there. Interesting


FF leaves at 8.40
FGM gets up after.
FM rings Spedding 9.05
They all go outside to ride bikes
Neighbours hear children playing just before and just after 9
Whilst bike riding GO rings and call missed 9.10

This sequence is consistent with 9.37 and the FGM error being just an error perhaps.

Uturn man could possibly be real and FA who had been asked to attend by GO to look at needs for GO repair job (theory). FA then seeks to intimidate GO by repeatedly implicating his property/ having WT body. The car didn't match RP car though..
Just checking, did FGM say she didn’t see FF at all before he left? I thought she asked him to pick up the paper for her.

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Good recent background. Importantly it refers to FM saying that the bike riding happened at about this is second time I've seen this. We know from where's William Tyrrell podcasts that bike riding was first activity that day AND was when uTurn man happened with FD asking about him and FGM allegedly being present

We know that FGM says FF was gone by the time she got up. Where's William Tyrrell podcast says FGM was with FM and kids when bike riding happened (possibly explains the missed GO call) but FGM DIDN'T see FF even though he was captured on CCTV at approx 8.45. Huh???

Sooooo FGM possibly lied about not seeing FF before 9 and possibly also leaving in car just before/ perhaps even during the bike riding. Even worse is that they may have been on bikes when he left in his car!!! Yet FGM obsessively had to exclude FF and HIS CAR from being there. Interesting


FF leaves at 8.40
FGM gets up after.
FM rings Spedding 9.05
They all go outside to ride bikes
Neighbours hear children playing just before and just after 9
Whilst bike riding GO rings and call missed 9.10

This sequence is consistent with 9.37 and the FGM error being just an error perhaps.

Uturn man could possibly be real and FA who had been asked to attend by GO to look at needs for GO repair job (theory). FA then seeks to intimidate GO by repeatedly implicating his property/ having WT body. The car didn't match RP car though..
It's background, but not recent. That is all based on Jubelin's 2016 interview with FM which lasted 2.5 hours (including breaks), and covered not only the time between the photos and the 000 call, but also detailed background of the fosters and their relationship, and how William and his sister came into their care.

So, Jubelin probably spent under an hour on the actual critical timeline, and doesn't seem to have questioned FM at all about the drive. It's the drive which doesn't fit the timeline at all. Jubelin went over several possible scenarios, including balcony fall, driveway accident, etc. But neither of these would fit with the FM drive in her mother's car.

The sequence of events by ARB above seems about right to me, and the best explanation of why GO phone call went unanswered is that everyone was out on the driveway for bike riding or whatever around 9am. FF had to have been gone for the bike riding, or there wouldn't have been room in the driveway. Makes sense that he unloaded the bikes before leaving, if he hadn't already done so the night before. But they wouldn't have been able to ride bikes if his car was still there. Maybe FGM was doing dishes and didn't watch the bike riding. Maybe after William 'deliberately crashed his bike into the garden' and finished playing 'Mummy Monster', and refusing to climb the 'great climbing tree', then they all went inside via the back verandah to get set up for drawing and card making. This explains the position of William's shoes - facing the house. He would have taken them off before going in, and they would have been placed on the verandah facing the door. This is how people place shoes when they are taken off before entering a house. When he went outside to do the drawing he was then barefoot, as per the photos.
Maybe they went outside again onto the verandah around 9:15 or 9:20am? This would be enough time for William to get bored with drawing, roll the dice incorrectly and start roaring like a tiger by 9:37.
Then something happens, but what?
There is nothing certain in the timeline until around 10:30am, but by then FM has taken her drive (I think) and FF has returned. It's about 40 minutes unexplained. It's also consistent with FGM saying she was out on the verandah for "about an hour" (from 9:20 to 10:20, at which time she says she went looking for FM). FGM is covering whatever happened by saying she was out there the whole time, but there's not enough activity to fill an hour IMO. Maybe she knew FM was gone for a while in her car, and made tea in anticipation of her return?

One question which has not been satisfactorily answered (IMO) is when and how William put his shoes on again? If he 'suddenly' jumped off the deck, then he didn't put them on himself. Yet, the shoes disappeared with William somehow.
Does anyone recall where FM thought she heard a scream in the bush and where police found something on the fence line?
According to one of her versions of events the scream was when she walked down Benaroon to the bus shelter I believe.

The thing on the fence line - I don't know the location but pretty sure it was discounted as being not significant.
js47 is former SES, so maybe they could tell us how the command posts work?

31550, who says FF went out in the morning alone? I think you claimed somewhere that Snr Cst Hudson said that, but what did she say and have you got her meaning right?

My guess is the command post would be staffed continously until the end, but I don't know. The searching continued through the nights, including on the Friday night, so IMO it would be strange if the command post was shut up overnight.

I copied the following quote years ago but now the article is paywalled, so I can't check whether anything has changed. I'm just trying to show the amount of activity at night, but I'll leave in the extra bits about weather etc for context. From "Child missing at Kendall", Port Macquarie News, 12 Sep 2014 updated 14 Sep.

Fri [12 Sep 2014], 5.15pm: The darkness is closing in, but the searchers are not going anywhere.
Police Inspector Mick Aldridge said PolAir has returned to Sydney after extensive aerial searches.
"But we're not leaving - we'll continue all the way through the night," he said.
Inspector Aldridge said police officers, SES volunteers and concerned residents will search the area, which includes state forests, during the night and as morning begins.
PolAir may be called tomorrow morning, and the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service may also be contacted for help.
"We'll make those calls as the search goes on," Inspector Aldridge said.

Fri, 6.10pm: Extra units from Taree have been sent to help with tonight's search, an SES spokesman said.
Surf Life Saving Clubs from up and down the Mid-North Coast are also sending their members to bolster numbers as it gets colder and darker out there.

Fri, 7.45pm: Those wanting to help are asked to join the search on Saturday morning.
Searchers need to register with the SES from 7am at the end of Benaroon Drive, followed by a mandatory briefing at 8am.
Inspector Kerrie Brill said emergency services are working in dense bushland.
"The experts are out there now," she said.

"It's best to let them do what they do best, and any help would really be better in the morning."
Inspector Brill said search numbers have been bolstered by Kendall residents returning home from work.

Fri 10.30pm: Police have changed the meeting place for tomorrow morning: People are asked to gather at Kendall Showgrounds from 7am on Saturday to join the search for William Tyrell.
Weatherzone has predicted Friday night's patchy rain to continue on Saturday morning, as a trough brings showers to northeastern NSW."
I returned to the command post 9-30pm and then left the command post for the day around
13. I arrived at the command post at 6am on Saturday 13ᵗʰ September, 2014. [FM] was in the
driveway and stated [FF] was out searching on his own.[ L & FM ] were still
asleep. We spoke about a positive search today and more resources coming and the
community being out all night searching.

- from WH statement

If the command post was manned, wouldn't Wendy have checked in with whoever was manning the Command Post first? They would have then told her the current status.
But no, she says she was met by FM in the driveway (alone), and told that FF had gone out (alone).
And if the command post was manned, would they really have let FF go out on his own? He had supposedly had a panic attack which required an ambulance the night before. If the community were out all night searching, wouldn't it be best for FF and FM to remain at home and assist police?
It's background, but not recent. That is all based on Jubelin's 2016 interview with FM which lasted 2.5 hours (including breaks), and covered not only the time between the photos and the 000 call, but also detailed background of the fosters and their relationship, and how William and his sister came into their care.

So, Jubelin probably spent under an hour on the actual critical timeline, and doesn't seem to have questioned FM at all about the drive. It's the drive which doesn't fit the timeline at all. Jubelin went over several possible scenarios, including balcony fall, driveway accident, etc. But neither of these would fit with the FM drive in her mother's car.

The sequence of events by ARB above seems about right to me, and the best explanation of why GO phone call went unanswered is that everyone was out on the driveway for bike riding or whatever around 9am. FF had to have been gone for the bike riding, or there wouldn't have been room in the driveway. Makes sense that he unloaded the bikes before leaving, if he hadn't already done so the night before. But they wouldn't have been able to ride bikes if his car was still there. Maybe FGM was doing dishes and didn't watch the bike riding. Maybe after William 'deliberately crashed his bike into the garden' and finished playing 'Mummy Monster', and refusing to climb the 'great climbing tree', then they all went inside via the back verandah to get set up for drawing and card making. This explains the position of William's shoes - facing the house. He would have taken them off before going in, and they would have been placed on the verandah facing the door. This is how people place shoes when they are taken off before entering a house. When he went outside to do the drawing he was then barefoot, as per the photos.
Maybe they went outside again onto the verandah around 9:15 or 9:20am? This would be enough time for William to get bored with drawing, roll the dice incorrectly and start roaring like a tiger by 9:37.
Then something happens, but what?
There is nothing certain in the timeline until around 10:30am, but by then FM has taken her drive (I think) and FF has returned. It's about 40 minutes unexplained. It's also consistent with FGM saying she was out on the verandah for "about an hour" (from 9:20 to 10:20, at which time she says she went looking for FM). FGM is covering whatever happened by saying she was out there the whole time, but there's not enough activity to fill an hour IMO. Maybe she knew FM was gone for a while in her car, and made tea in anticipation of her return?

One question which has not been satisfactorily answered (IMO) is when and how William put his shoes on again? If he 'suddenly' jumped off the deck, then he didn't put them on himself. Yet, the shoes disappeared with William somehow.
Where did FGM think FM went if she was making a cup of tea for her return? Or if FGM was covering up did FGM casually make a cup of tea while FM was dumping little William.
It’s possible but sounds like such a grand plan considering a little boy would have just died. Just my own opinion.
Where did FGM think FM went if she was making a cup of tea for her return? Or if FGM was covering up did FGM casually make a cup of tea while FM was dumping little William.
It’s possible but sounds like such a grand plan considering a little boy would have just died. Just my own opinion.
Good point. But maybe FGM was truly oblivious of the entire situation, at least at first, if not for some time later? She doesn't mention the drive at all in her walkthrough. But FGM is a bit conflicted about when she next saw FM (after William was known to be gone) - at first she said she saw her talking to AMS, then she corrects herself and says she saw her "coming back up" Benaroon Drive, but none of that could have happened until after FF returned.
There's two reasons for this indecision and conflict - either FGM didn't know where FM was for some time, OR she did know but was covering up something about FM's movements.
To exclude FPs involvement you must explain the absence of shoes. He was barefoot. A reasonable reason is he needed to wear shoes bike riding But bike riding has to have happened before verandah which had already happened by 9.37. Another reason is bindis. Bindis have a very predictable growth cycle growing in winter, bearing a three prong growth in spring which hardens and spikes you in Sumner..I therefore don't accept he would have worn them again voluntarily after having removed them after bikes..His souls were already showing signs of being on grass without shoes at 9.37. this remains a red flag for FPs

I remain cynical of FGM comments re missing FF..She needs him not to be there. Perhaps exaggerated the time was 8.40 rather than 8 but I still believe the car was prime instrument causing delayed death.. even more so now there appears multiple alignments with bike riding at or about time FF left house
I do believe he was there at some stage that morning.

I struggle with the ‘fall from balcony (I’d call it a veranda) cover-up’ theory - although I could see a fall possible.
There were lots of furniture pieces on that veranda and I think I saw a ladder in one photo (not sure when it was taken tho so may not be relevant)

IF a recently turned 3 year old was locked out there, would he try to climb over ?
Or would he initially cry & throw a tantrum - such that neighbours would have heard ( or was no one home at that time) ? Or were his tears ignored ?

But then FM told us that William didn’t like heights, didn’t want to go in the tree - too high mummy - so would he climb a balcony ? …. Or was that a diversionary statement

FF got home at approx 10.30am as was planned;
FM had already done a secret drive & then run up / down the street enlisting neighbours, then gone back to the house to meet FF
FF took off searching
Was FM still searching somewhere because she & FF eventually agreed she call 000 some 26 mins later (seems neighbour was still with her because she asked neighbour the street name on 000 call)
No idea where FGM was at this stage but she said she previously walked down to road in search of FM ….
or where L was, all of which I think is quite bizarre ( lost one child so forget about the other)
How long was taken searching around the outside of house, then inside the house, before taking FGM car for a drive.
(are we sure FGM did not know she was taking the car )
How long to drive to riding school & back ?
Then to enlist the neighbours

Similarly FF told that William was cautious and never ventured away from them - he’s not a wanderer he said . (was it also said that he was shy ?)

Maybe William would go down the driveway since it was familiar territory, supposedly riding their bikes there etc.. But would he stay there if he saw a stranger or a strange car - or would he high tail it back to secure territory.
Did he go down the driveway - was it suggested he go look for ‘daddy’ to quieten his restlessness
His sister said he went to find daddy
Abduction is always a possibility.
Neighbours heard a vehicle they thought was Postie - was that just because of the time & it’s the only vehicle they normally hear - Or was it due to the sound of the vehicle
Postie apparently confirmed as having done early run - was this a different Postie due to female postie’s issues with PS ?
Why did no one hear FF leave that morning - weren’t their kids up for school ?
Did FF leave the house after those kids left for school
Surely PS saw FF car when he went off on his walk - what time did he come back & was FF car there then
* I don’t think PS is responsible in any way, but I have a feeling he may know something. I think he way know stuff about a lot of things - possibly what Jubelin picked up on, but unfortunately he rubbed PS the wrong way, noting that this was an elderly man grieving the loss of his wife.

William’s scent supposedly wasn’t found outside the boundary - Or was it ‘not outside the driveway’ - These are the details I’d like to have.
Did they find L’s scent there too ?
One would expect that since the kids were said to have ridden their bikes on driveway that morning - on that steep driveway FFS! It’s a wonder they didn’t end up across the road ! No wonder William crashed into the garden, such a naughty boy at all of 3 years 2+ months !!

It’s just difficult to envisage an abduction occurring on a dead end street in a very quiet neighbourhood, with no one hearing or seeing anything - unless preplanned.
SHORSKY you outlined it well for people who might have just started following. You have given them a starting point if they question this peculiar case. He was a little boy who ONLY SPENT ABOUT 2 YEARS 8MONTHS WITH GOVERNMENT APPOINTED CARERS. THANK YOU.

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I returned to the command post 9-30pm and then left the command post for the day around
13. I arrived at the command post at 6am on Saturday 13ᵗʰ September, 2014. [FM] was in the
driveway and stated [FF] was out searching on his own.[ L & FM ] were still
asleep. We spoke about a positive search today and more resources coming and the
community being out all night searching.

- from WH statement

If the command post was manned, wouldn't Wendy have checked in with whoever was manning the Command Post first? They would have then told her the current status.
But no, she says she was met by FM in the driveway (alone), and told that FF had gone out (alone).
And if the command post was manned, would they really have let FF go out on his own? He had supposedly had a panic attack which required an ambulance the night before. If the community were out all night searching, wouldn't it be best for FF and FM to remain at home and assist police?

One possibility is that FM was standing in the driveway at the command post when Snr Cst Hudson arrived.

I think it would be strange if police let FF wander off on his own - he could get lost or injured and then they'd be searching for him as well. Maybe FM meant "alone" as in not accompanied by her?

But also: from "Police eye on William Tyrrell’s foster carers", The Australian, 07 July 2020, paywalled and I can't check this:

"Dozens of sensitive documents related to the case were released by the NSW Coroner on Tuesday [07 Jul 2020] in a last-ditch effort to encourage witnesses to come forward.

The documents show senior police returning in February this year [2020] to a fire trail where William’s foster father was seen by police on September 12, 2014, the day the boy vanished.

One document notes the foster father had defied a police direction to stay at the property at 48 Benaroon Drive in Kendall on the NSW mid-north coast, where William was last seen alive.

“Sometime after the disappearance of William Tyrrell, the MFC (male foster carer) was seen by Senior Constable (Christopher) Rowley in the fire trail at the end of Benaroon Drive, Kendall,” the document says. “The MFC had ignored the advice from police to remain at 48 Benaroon Drive.

“On Monday 03/02/2020 Senior Constable Rowley met with Detective (Mark) Dukes and took him to this location. Senior Constable Rowley indicated the accuracy was within about 50 metres of the original sighting.”

The foster father has testified that he searched frantically for the boy up and down local fire trails. He is not considered a suspect."
It's background, but not recent. That is all based on Jubelin's 2016 interview with FM which lasted 2.5 hours (including breaks), and covered not only the time between the photos and the 000 call, but also detailed background of the fosters and their relationship, and how William and his sister came into their care.

So, Jubelin probably spent under an hour on the actual critical timeline, and doesn't seem to have questioned FM at all about the drive. It's the drive which doesn't fit the timeline at all. Jubelin went over several possible scenarios, including balcony fall, driveway accident, etc. But neither of these would fit with the FM drive in her mother's car.

The sequence of events by ARB above seems about right to me, and the best explanation of why GO phone call went unanswered is that everyone was out on the driveway for bike riding or whatever around 9am. FF had to have been gone for the bike riding, or there wouldn't have been room in the driveway. Makes sense that he unloaded the bikes before leaving, if he hadn't already done so the night before. But they wouldn't have been able to ride bikes if his car was still there. Maybe FGM was doing dishes and didn't watch the bike riding. Maybe after William 'deliberately crashed his bike into the garden' and finished playing 'Mummy Monster', and refusing to climb the 'great climbing tree', then they all went inside via the back verandah to get set up for drawing and card making. This explains the position of William's shoes - facing the house. He would have taken them off before going in, and they would have been placed on the verandah facing the door. This is how people place shoes when they are taken off before entering a house. When he went outside to do the drawing he was then barefoot, as per the photos.
Maybe they went outside again onto the verandah around 9:15 or 9:20am? This would be enough time for William to get bored with drawing, roll the dice incorrectly and start roaring like a tiger by 9:37.
Then something happens, but what?
There is nothing certain in the timeline until around 10:30am, but by then FM has taken her drive (I think) and FF has returned. It's about 40 minutes unexplained. It's also consistent with FGM saying she was out on the verandah for "about an hour" (from 9:20 to 10:20, at which time she says she went looking for FM). FGM is covering whatever happened by saying she was out there the whole time, but there's not enough activity to fill an hour IMO. Maybe she knew FM was gone for a while in her car, and made tea in anticipation of her return?

One question which has not been satisfactorily answered (IMO) is when and how William put his shoes on again? If he 'suddenly' jumped off the deck, then he didn't put them on himself. Yet, the shoes disappeared with William somehow.
This might not be relevant, but I've wondered if William's feet were muddy at times and he had to put his shoes on before going INTO the house (to stop the floor getting dirty).
The article is a pretty good summary, but it neglects to mention a few things:
The drive to the riding school is only a few minutes. It was possible to drive much further.
The claims that "he was only gone 5 minutes", and "not a wanderer" clearly have the intention to divert searchers to the immediate area around the FGM house, and not further afield. The immediate search did not extend as far as the riding school, as it was assumed William could not get that far on foot.
In 2014, most of the houses near that section of road were not built. There was bushland, and would be very quiet on a Friday morning, with few potential witnesses.
FM does not tell the 000 operator about the drive when asked, "Any idea where he might have gone". She says, "We've looked ...". She doesn't tell police about the drive immediately either - it's a couple of days before she mentions the drive and the truck driver.
There were alleged deleted text messages from the FM phone. It's possible she communicated with other people via instant messaging which could not be traced. The 'home in 5' text is alleged, but the content may have been different.
There is no explanation for the alleged question, "Have you got William?" to FF.
FGM said that when FF returned "he already knew! She would have phoned him or something."
Cups of tea were warm when police arrived. Did FM get FGM to make tea while she took the drive?
No police guard on the FGM property after around 9:30pm on the night.
When Wendy Hudson returned early the next morning FF was already "out looking for William" (on his own).
So, there is no alibi for either foster carer in the night or early morning - one of them may have gone out and moved the body or disposed of evidence.
I've posted about this before. The probability that whatever happened did so immediately after the 9.37 photos is extremely low and highly convenient to LE theory. So much so I simply don't believe it happened like that. Why 10.40 to neighbours? I thought searches started at about 10.20? Because they happened before FF got home which was about 10.35 I had thought

9.37 time shifts the probabilities dramatically in favour of abduction now imo.. Critical now is whether or not cadaver scent was detected at the alleged site. If it wasn't then LE have got this entirely wrong. Cadaver indications accuracy tested to 97%. She didn't have time to hide elsewhere.

You can't place a body at the alleged site then move it next morning and not have cadaver scent in car .even this time later you would. Even at the site under water still you probably would. If they have NO cadaver indications in either imo they are wrong.
Why move him in a car?
There was a kids push bike L big enough and FF bragged he knew every trail. That is why I questioned the towel over the handle bars had it been washed? FF also said he went to look in case William had lost a SHOE.
I question if there was a secure storage place at FGM house?
No bank in Kendall for passports money jewellery if you come from PNG and you were an engineer I am sure you would build yourself one. They were there for >20 year’s weren’t they?
The time they were there is strange because FM would have known the streets. She would have visited so many times. There are other relatives there.
Odd the FM asked POL to see the FGM allegedly and ask her to stop blabbing.
Wouldn’t you be glad the more people who knew would contribute to finding William? Abduction IMO no.
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It's background, but not recent. That is all based on Jubelin's 2016 interview with FM which lasted 2.5 hours (including breaks), and covered not only the time between the photos and the 000 call, but also detailed background of the fosters and their relationship, and how William and his sister came into their care.

So, Jubelin probably spent under an hour on the actual critical timeline, and doesn't seem to have questioned FM at all about the drive. It's the drive which doesn't fit the timeline at all. Jubelin went over several possible scenarios, including balcony fall, driveway accident, etc. But neither of these would fit with the FM drive in her mother's car.

The sequence of events by ARB above seems about right to me, and the best explanation of why GO phone call went unanswered is that everyone was out on the driveway for bike riding or whatever around 9am. FF had to have been gone for the bike riding, or there wouldn't have been room in the driveway. Makes sense that he unloaded the bikes before leaving, if he hadn't already done so the night before. But they wouldn't have been able to ride bikes if his car was still there. Maybe FGM was doing dishes and didn't watch the bike riding. Maybe after William 'deliberately crashed his bike into the garden' and finished playing 'Mummy Monster', and refusing to climb the 'great climbing tree', then they all went inside via the back verandah to get set up for drawing and card making. This explains the position of William's shoes - facing the house. He would have taken them off before going in, and they would have been placed on the verandah facing the door. This is how people place shoes when they are taken off before entering a house. When he went outside to do the drawing he was then barefoot, as per the photos.
Maybe they went outside again onto the verandah around 9:15 or 9:20am? This would be enough time for William to get bored with drawing, roll the dice incorrectly and start roaring like a tiger by 9:37.
Then something happens, but what?
There is nothing certain in the timeline until around 10:30am, but by then FM has taken her drive (I think) and FF has returned. It's about 40 minutes unexplained. It's also consistent with FGM saying she was out on the verandah for "about an hour" (from 9:20 to 10:20, at which time she says she went looking for FM). FGM is covering whatever happened by saying she was out there the whole time, but there's not enough activity to fill an hour IMO. Maybe she knew FM was gone for a while in her car, and made tea in anticipation of her return?

One question which has not been satisfactorily answered (IMO) is when and how William put his shoes on again? If he 'suddenly' jumped off the deck, then he didn't put them on himself. Yet, the shoes disappeared with William somehow.

For me the behaviours are all starting to align. The comment about falling off chair and falling off FM is to hide existence of head knocks if he is found. Perhaps even had head fracture they suspected. The comment by FGM about FF not being there is designed to say he left ages ago before bike riding so can't have hit W with car when we know or suspect he left about same time..they changeup the timing of breakfast in Where's William Tyrrell podcast to be after bike riding AND FF not being there for same reason to hide a car head knock by FF. I now think it was first then bike riding.

It must have been delayed death from bleed swelling perhaps not even dead just unconscious because of 9.37 photos. When he went around corner the bleed became too much and collapsed.. she panicked and because of negligence not reporting the car hit decided to hide his body..

The hiding place has to be close with 9.37 being correct if it is . in surrounding streets. No burial just placed..Cobb & co if phone pings there. In a sense the search areas are indication they believe 9.37..They haven't bothered to go further afield. The fact she hid him in proximity to intersection is to offer a cause as car head knock at that location.....hit and run

The baffling thing is they weren't on time constraint at all because they decided when to alert people he was missing . So why the massive hurry? That doesn't make a lot of sense

Good recent background. Importantly it refers to FM saying that the bike riding happened at about this is second time I've seen this. We know from where's William Tyrrell podcasts that bike riding was first activity that day AND was when uTurn man happened with FD asking about him and FGM allegedly being present

We know that FGM says FF was gone by the time she got up. Where's William Tyrrell podcast says FGM was with FM and kids when bike riding happened (possibly explains the missed GO call) but FGM DIDN'T see FF even though he was captured on CCTV at approx 8.45. Huh???

Sooooo FGM possibly lied about not seeing FF before 9 and possibly also leaving in car just before/ perhaps even during the bike riding. Even worse is that they may have been on bikes when he left in his car!!! Yet FGM obsessively had to exclude FF and HIS CAR from being there. Interesting


FF leaves at 8.40
FGM gets up after.
FM rings Spedding 9.05
They all go outside to ride bikes
Neighbours hear children playing just before and just after 9
Whilst bike riding GO rings and call missed 9.10

This sequence is consistent with 9.37 and the FGM error being just an error perhaps.

Uturn man could possibly be real and FA who had been asked to attend by GO to look at needs for GO repair job (theory). FA then seeks to intimidate GO by repeatedly implicating his property/ having WT body. The car didn't match RP car though..
🤣 OMG what a mess. That means FGM didn’t prepare silver service breakfast.
IF FF and William woke at 5.50 and the FF was seen driving at 8.50 (was it?) WHAT WAS HE DOING for three hours? Was FGM hiding in the toy cupboard?
js47 is former SES, so maybe they could tell us how the command posts work?

31550, who says FF went out in the morning alone? I think you claimed somewhere that Snr Cst Hudson said that, but what did she say and have you got her meaning right?

My guess is the command post would be staffed continously until the end, but I don't know. The searching continued through the nights, including on the Friday night, so IMO it would be strange if the command post was shut up overnight.

I copied the following quote years ago but now the article is paywalled, so I can't check whether anything has changed. I'm just trying to show the amount of activity at night, but I'll leave in the extra bits about weather etc for context. From "Child missing at Kendall", Port Macquarie News, 12 Sep 2014 updated 14 Sep.

Fri [12 Sep 2014], 5.15pm: The darkness is closing in, but the searchers are not going anywhere.
Police Inspector Mick Aldridge said PolAir has returned to Sydney after extensive aerial searches.
"But we're not leaving - we'll continue all the way through the night," he said.
Inspector Aldridge said police officers, SES volunteers and concerned residents will search the area, which includes state forests, during the night and as morning begins.
PolAir may be called tomorrow morning, and the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service may also be contacted for help.
"We'll make those calls as the search goes on," Inspector Aldridge said.

Fri, 6.10pm: Extra units from Taree have been sent to help with tonight's search, an SES spokesman said.
Surf Life Saving Clubs from up and down the Mid-North Coast are also sending their members to bolster numbers as it gets colder and darker out there.

Fri, 7.45pm: Those wanting to help are asked to join the search on Saturday morning.
Searchers need to register with the SES from 7am at the end of Benaroon Drive, followed by a mandatory briefing at 8am.
Inspector Kerrie Brill said emergency services are working in dense bushland.
"The experts are out there now," she said.

"It's best to let them do what they do best, and any help would really be better in the morning."
Inspector Brill said search numbers have been bolstered by Kendall residents returning home from work.

Fri 10.30pm: Police have changed the meeting place for tomorrow morning: People are asked to gather at Kendall Showgrounds from 7am on Saturday to join the search for William Tyrell.
Weatherzone has predicted Friday night's patchy rain to continue on Saturday morning, as a trough brings showers to northeastern NSW."
Stormbird, the SES are volunteers most of them so I would say they would return home and come back as stated at 7am. They would have equipment so it would have to be cared for. There are professional people who may have stayed at the Showgrounds? I doubt they would have searched at night because of legalities and insurance coverage. You could ring the Camden Haven SES on a training night and try to speak to some one.
There are homes around FGM house and there was very thick bush so They would not stumble around in the dark. The SES searches are VERY organised you just don’t go wandering off. Hope this is what you are looking for.
One possibility is that FM was standing in the driveway at the command post when Snr Cst Hudson arrived.

I think it would be strange if police let FF wander off on his own - he could get lost or injured and then they'd be searching for him as well. Maybe FM meant "alone" as in not accompanied by her?

But also: from "Police eye on William Tyrrell’s foster carers", The Australian, 07 July 2020, paywalled and I can't check this:

"Dozens of sensitive documents related to the case were released by the NSW Coroner on Tuesday [07 Jul 2020] in a last-ditch effort to encourage witnesses to come forward.

The documents show senior police returning in February this year [2020] to a fire trail where William’s foster father was seen by police on September 12, 2014, the day the boy vanished.

One document notes the foster father had defied a police direction to stay at the property at 48 Benaroon Drive in Kendall on the NSW mid-north coast, where William was last seen alive.

“Sometime after the disappearance of William Tyrrell, the MFC (male foster carer) was seen by Senior Constable (Christopher) Rowley in the fire trail at the end of Benaroon Drive, Kendall,” the document says. “The MFC had ignored the advice from police to remain at 48 Benaroon Drive.

“On Monday 03/02/2020 Senior Constable Rowley met with Detective (Mark) Dukes and took him to this location. Senior Constable Rowley indicated the accuracy was within about 50 metres of the original sighting.”

The foster father has testified that he searched frantically for the boy up and down local fire trails. He is not considered a suspect."
😳 WHY He may not be responsible for William but he may have desposed of a corpse? He said in his walkthrough he was looking in case William had lost a shoe 🚩🚩🚩
No one is above the law.
He would not get lost because he said he knew every fire trail 🚩🚩🚩
For me the behaviours are all starting to align. The comment about falling off chair and falling off FM is to hide existence of head knocks if he is found. Perhaps even had head fracture they suspected. The comment by FGM about FF not being there is designed to say he left ages ago before bike riding so can't have hit W with car when we know or suspect he left about same time..they changeup the timing of breakfast in Where's William Tyrrell podcast to be after bike riding AND FF not being there for same reason to hide a car head knock by FF. I now think it was first then bike riding.

It must have been delayed death from bleed swelling perhaps not even dead just unconscious because of 9.37 photos. When he went around corner the bleed became too much and collapsed.. she panicked and because of negligence not reporting the car hit decided to hide his body..

The hiding place has to be close with 9.37 being correct if it is . in surrounding streets. No burial just placed..Cobb & co if phone pings there. In a sense the search areas are indication they believe 9.37..They haven't bothered to go further afield. The fact she hid him in proximity to intersection is to offer a cause as car head knock at that location.....hit and run

The baffling thing is they weren't on time constraint at all because they decided when to alert people he was missing . So why the massive hurry? That doesn't make a lot of sense
“The fact she hid him in proximity to intersection is to offer a cause as car head knock at that location.....hit and run”
I have to say your imagination is amazing ARB and definitely a good cover up story.
I do wonder though whether FM was thinking all of this in a short amount of time. Wouldn’t she be in shock, disbelief, panick.
Why move him in a car?
There was a kids push bike L big enough and FF bragged he knew every trail. That is why I questioned the towel over the handle bars had it been washed? FF also said he went to look in case William had lost a SHOE.
I question if there was a secure storage place at FGM house?
No bank in Kendall for passports money jewellery if you come from PNG and you were an engineer I am sure you would build yourself one. They were there for >20 year’s weren’t they?
The time they were there is strange because FM would have known the streets. She would have visited so many times. There are other relatives there.
Odd the FM asked POL to see the FGM allegedly and ask her to stop blabbing.
Wouldn’t you be glad the more people who knew would contribute to finding William? Abduction IMO no.
I'm not an expert on cadaverine but ...
  • cadaver dogs were not used in the early part of the investigation AFAIK - only search/rescue dogs
  • unclear if scent was detected in FGM car (or if it was even searched on the day). It was not forensically examined for several days, and clearly that search was not thorough, or they would not have forensically searched it AGAIN six or seven years later as they did!
  • My understanding is cadaverine can take at least 10 minutes, but even up to an hour to become detectable after death. So if the initial movement of William was in FGM car only a short distance then quite possible no cadaverine left in the vehicle.
  • Not clear from WH statement whether FF left in his vehicle or on foot.
  • Quite possible if William was left a few km from the FGM property, he could have then been moved further by hand or another vehicle. FF might have had time to do this before 6am on the following morning.
  • Unclear if FF vehicle was inspected for cadaverine, ever. It also was not forensically examined for several days after William disappeared. In any case, it would not be unusual to find William's scent or DNA in FF car as he had travelled in it to Kendall.

FM used the 'foster child' excuse for silencing her mother from speaking publicly about the case ... you would think in a 'normal' relationship she would have been able to communicate this directly to her mother herself, rather than involve the police. It indicates a fractured relationship or at least some tension between the two.

PS. I don't find it realistic that FF could or would move William's body using one of the kids pushbikes (they were tiny with trainer wheels). Not sure he had his trail bike at the property - don't think so.

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Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 2 * FM guilty of assault & intimidation

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