Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

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Continued from PART 2

Criminal charges:
  • Apprehended Violence Orders on both (AVOs)
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster mother *Not Guilty
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • 2 x charges of assault against a child on former foster mother *Guilty
  • 1 x charge of assault against a child on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • Stalking &/or Intimidation on both *Guilty
  • Dummy bidding real estate fraud *Guilty

Where's William Tyrrell? - The Ch 10 podcast (under Coroner's subpoena)

Operation Arkstone

Please type names out in full for those who are not covered by suppression orders.

For those covered by suppression orders, please use the following to indicate:

FM - Foster Mother
FF - Foster Father
FGM - Foster Grandmother
FD - Foster Daughter
FPs - Foster Parents

Up to you if you wish to refer to them as former fosters but please write it in full, strictly using the above. No deviations.

Other initials posters will use informally but should not are:

BCR - Batar Creek Road
FA - Frank Abbott
MW - Michelle White
SFR - Strike Force Rosann
AMS - Anne Maree Sharpley
CCR - Cobb and Co Road
GO - Geoff Owens
One even reduced bike riding to - BR :rolleyes:
COG - Consciousness of guilt. Like WHO KNEW?
I thought they were supposed to be in the laundry window?

Can you see suspicious people lurking in every window??

At last count there are indeed 4 people and 2 children other than Foster's. I just haven't posted. Not suspicious just people at a family function. The others are in laundry windows different photos. Number 4 and number 5. You need to locate SMH photos because they don't filter their photos and therefore reflections don't get eliminated. That is the trick

I mentioned them because they were in same photo this time.

There is also a small outside table that they brought inside and on that table are what to me appears as a pile of presents. FGM opened hers. Brand new teapot as it turns out. The teapot not in that picture but another one.
Maybe each council has their own rules and aren't as strict. Don't tell anyone ;)

You need a permit if they're within a certain range of powerlines. My understanding is most can be cut down if they're well inside the boundary, shouldn't be much of an issue on a big block.

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This is the table. This is the high balcony showing both the aluminium sill across the two mens midriff and the fact there is a sheer curtain. I'll locate the one I think has presents


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I'm just looking at the glass safety stickers in the walkthrough photo. Do you think the horizontal bar on the screen door would completely hide them when the door's open? Because I can't see them in the lower photo. Possibly hidden by the open screen door or they were added after William disappeared.
The video might answer my question but I gotta get my beauty sleep so I'll check tomorrow or someone else can check if they're interested.
Interesting. Maybe the Spiderman suit was a Xmas present? They do seem like odd photos for Xmas Day though. And I don't think FGM would be sitting there in her slippers reading the paper in the middle of Xmas Day.

Edit - if, as you claim, the photos were taken around Xmas the previous year, that is almost a year before WT disappeared and so he would potentially be a lot younger in the Spiderman photos than he actually was?

Yes. Look up posts by Truecrimepath..He did elaborate analysis to prove W.was indeed 10 mths younger.and was ridiculed and attacked and finally left..Attacked by many that included me at the time. It seems the only mistake was he thought W went missing on way there the night before. He even said it was Xmas time or February (FGF wake?) and has suncalcs to back it up as I now do too with someone's else's help (a banned poster)..Out of respect I won't post them.

Bit hard to believe..I didn't to start. But the evidence started to mount. Could it be other days? Of course. SFR and coroner can work out the precise when..Given the Santa drawings, the December flowering bloom of the magnolia and what I perceive as presents.on a table I favour Xmas day.

This theory has been worked out with tireless help of about 6 anonymous posters. It's a sad indictment that had I posted on the thread instead of liaising with those 6 people by PM I would have been attacked and ridiculed just like TCP was. Probably still will by a few..You can't stick your head up here without someone hitting you on the head to shut you up .

I think the theory is correct.
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Here’s another view.

Is the entry point off verandah pointing toward the high balcony entry point and therefore next door?

I know that per FF walk through there was a large magnolia tree next door.. I think that might be the outlook we are looking at from that angle. Is that what you are suggesting underarrest? That also means the people were on that part of the high balcony too.

Their existence is proof of photo manipulation..The magnolia tree may not be proof of Xmas but rather photo substitution of any date..
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This is a picture of the back yard from the FGM walk through full version (source on thread Stormbird) . There is no 30' magnolia tree in the backyard, let alone one in full bloom, but just able to be seen is the same stump in the distant back yard..

Sorry, importance Nil. That is not a tree stump, it is a septic tank. Which was searched.

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This is a picture of the back yard from the FGM walk through full version (source on thread Stormbird) . There is no 30' magnolia tree in the backyard, let alone one in full bloom, but just able to be seen is the same stump in the distant back yard..


Ive provided a picture from within the house allegedly on 12th Sept of a magnolia tree in full bloom.l in one window Would be about 30' tall. These trees full bloom. In Nov and Dec

Therefore a magnolia tree in full bloom should be there in the back a few days after W went missing. There isn't one. .That means the photos weren't taken 12th September.

I'd like to take further confirmatory snaps but I've been unable to locate the full version FGM walk through again despite doing multiple thread searches. Can anyone help?
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

Here we have an extraordinary claim that there was a very large magnolia tree in FGM garden which was cut down between Christmas 2013 and September 2014. (This is then extrapolated to infer further extraordinary claims, such as manipulation of digital photo data).

The only evidence which supports the existence of such a tree seems to be:
  • some people think they see the reflection of such a tree in photos allegedly taken in September 2014.
  • there seems to be a tree stump of a very large tree in FGM garden.

Meanwhile the facts are:
  • Magnolias are not native to Australia, hence such a tree, if it existed, must have been deliberately planted by someone.
  • Most magnolias are not large trees, but the grandiflora can grow very large, perhaps 25 to 30 metres tall in the right conditions, and up to 900mm diameter.
  • To grow to this height/width, a magnolia would need to be 80 to 100 years old. (Planted pre WW2)
  • Houses in Benaroon Drive were not built until around the mid to late 1990s, when residential areas were established from around 40-50 years ago. Almost certainly post WW2.
  • It's highly unlikely such a magnolia tree could exist in that location before the 1990s.
  • Magnolias are highly prized ornamental trees because of their attractive flowers and scent.
  • Unlike native trees (e.g. eucalypts), magnolias do not pose a risk to nearby houses as they do not present a significant fire risk, nor do they drop branches like native trees.
  • It's highly unlikely that someone with a mature, actively-flowering magnolia tree would ever cut it down completely - there is no good reason for doing so.
  • The 'tree stump' in FGM yard does not look like a recently cut-down tree.

So, there is no proof that such a magnolia tree ever existed, yet alone was cut down. Any conclusions or further theories advanced from such an assumption are fatally flawed.
Yes. Look up posts by Truecrimepath..He did elaborate analysis to prove W.was indeed 10 mths younger.and was ridiculed and attacked and finally left..Attacked by many that included me at the time. It seems the only mistake was he thought W went missing on way there the night before. He even said it was Xmas time or February (FGF wake?) and has suncalcs to back it up as I now do too with someone's else's help (a banned poster)..Out of respect I won't post them.

Bit hard to believe..I didn't to start. But the evidence started to mount. Could it be other days? Of course. SFR and coroner can work out the precise when..Given the Santa drawings, the December flowering bloom of the magnolia and what I perceive as presents.on a table I favour Xmas day.

This theory has been worked out with tireless help of about 6 anonymous posters. It's a sad indictment that had I posted on the thread instead of liaising with those 6 people by PM I would have been attacked and ridiculed just like TCP was. Probably still will by a few..You can't stick your head up here without someone hitting you on the head to shut you up .

I think the theory is correct.

ARB, re: "This theory has been worked out with tireless help of about 6 anonymous posters. ... liaising with those 6 people"

What makes you trust those 6 anonymous posters (or even trust there's more than one malicious person using 6 personas) instead of the NSW Police Force, the Deputy State Coroner, or the NSW Crime Commission, which are all supposedly subject to public scrutiny?

You're saying the foster family might have conspired to fake the photos, so why not the "people" who are privately passing you "evidence"?
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
ge magnolia tree in FGM garden which was cut down between Christmas 2013 and September 2014. (This is then extrapolated to infer further extraordinary claims, such as manipulatio

Here we have an extraordinary claim that there was a very lar
n of digital photo data).

The only evidence which supports the existence of such a tree seems to be:
  • some people think they see the reflection of such a tree in photos allegedly taken in September 2014.
  • there seems to be a tree stump of a very large tree in FGM garden.

Meanwhile the facts are:
  • Magnolias are not native to Australia, hence such a tree, if it existed, must have been deliberately planted by someone.
  • Most magnolias are not large trees, but the grandiflora can grow very large, perhaps 25 to 30 metres tall in the right conditions, and up to 900mm diameter.
  • To grow to this height/width, a magnolia would need to be 80 to 100 years old. (Planted pre WW2)
  • Houses in Benaroon Drive were not built until around the mid to late 1990s, when residential areas were established from around 40-50 years ago. Almost certainly post WW2.
  • It's highly unlikely such a magnolia tree could exist in that location before the 1990s.
  • Magnolias are highly prized ornamental trees because of their attractive flowers and scent.
  • Unlike native trees (e.g. eucalypts), magnolias do not pose a risk to nearby houses as they do not present a significant fire risk, nor do they drop branches like native trees.
  • It's highly unlikely that someone with a mature, actively-flowering magnolia tree would ever cut it down completely - there is no good reason for doing so.
  • The 'tree stump' in FGM yard does not look like a recently cut-down tree.

So, there is no proof that such a magnolia tree ever existed, yet alone was cut down. Any conclusions or further theories advanced from such an assumption are fatally flawed.
This photo posted as proof of a tree having been cut down shows a very small stump in comparison to the larger trees on either side. Not likely to have been big enough to be seen so clearly in the windows of the lounge room from the other side of the house, whether it was a magnolia or not.

The tree on the other side of the house that ARB believes is the magnolia, firstly would not have been seen in through the lounge room windows, and does not look like a magnolia. Note the hedge which grows on the other side of the house. The tree looks more like a sheoak or similar and the "flowers" seems to be sunlight shining through the foliage. Edited to add: This picture is from the most recent search (2021) of the house and surrounds as you can see by the pile of debris, so there would have been time for a tree to grow and be cut down.

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ARB, re: "This theory has been worked out with tireless help of about 6 anonymous posters. ... liaising with those 6 people"

What makes you trust those 6 anonymous posters (or even trust there's more than one malicious person using 6 personas) instead of the NSW Police Force, the Deputy State Coroner, or the NSW Crime Commission, which are all supposedly subject to public scrutiny?

You're saying the foster family might have conspired to fake the photos, so why not the "people" who are privately passing you "evidence"?
I don't think they are "anonymous" to ARB, they just don't want to be named on the forum.
There's a sucker born every minute.
If it doesn't make sense, it probably isn't true.
Trust, but verify.
The bigger the lie, the more they'll believe it.
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.
Play the cards, not the player.
A fool believes everything, but the wise man thinks carefully before acting.
The easiest way to fool someone is to make them feel smarter than you.
The simplest solution is often the best.
When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.
Do not complicate what can be simplified.
Don't multiply entities beyond necessity.
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.
The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.
The wise man questions himself, the fool others.
A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.
A wise man learns more from his enemies than a fool from his friends.
Accept nothing, believe nothing, challenge everything.
There's a sucker born every minute.
If it doesn't make sense, it probably isn't true.
Trust, but verify.
The bigger the lie, the more they'll believe it.
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.
Play the cards, not the player.
A fool believes everything, but the wise man thinks carefully before acting.
The easiest way to fool someone is to make them feel smarter than you.
The simplest solution is often the best.
When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.
Do not complicate what can be simplified.
Don't multiply entities beyond necessity.
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.
The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.
The wise man questions himself, the fool others.
A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.
A wise man learns more from his enemies than a fool from his friends.
Accept nothing, believe nothing, challenge everything.
Axioms and adages do not solve crimes.
Axioms and adages do not solve crimes.

Neither do
  • unsubstantiated claims
  • false statements
  • wild assumptions
  • illogical arguments
  • ignorance
  • unjustified speculation
  • overestimation of one's abilities or knowledge

What does solve crimes
  • facts
  • direct evidence
  • logic
  • reason
  • proven analysis techniques and principles
  • humility
  • ability to challenge and be challenged
  • ability to learn
  • keeping it simple

Neither do
  • unsubstantiated claims
  • false statements
  • wild assumptions
  • illogical arguments
  • ignorance
  • unjustified speculation
  • overestimation of one's abilities or knowledge

What does solve crimes
  • facts
  • direct evidence
  • logic
  • reason
  • proven analysis techniques and principles
  • humility
  • ability to challenge and be challenged
  • ability to learn
  • keeping it simple

Should call yourself The Owl.

Neither do
  • unsubstantiated claims
  • false statements
  • wild assumptions
  • illogical arguments
  • ignorance
  • unjustified speculation
  • overestimation of one's abilities or knowledge

What does solve crimes
  • facts
  • direct evidence
  • logic
  • reason
  • proven analysis techniques and principles
  • humility
  • ability to challenge and be challenged
  • ability to learn
  • keeping it simple
While it is frustrating and aggravating when people insist they have found clues in photos, which seem (to me) to be more imagination than evidence, looking harder at the photos can sometimes actually lead you to 'see' other things in more detail than you have previously and could potentially lead you to discover something you have never noticed previously.

So while I might seem to be encouraging ARB's fantasies, it is not without a reason.

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Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 3 * Coroner's Hearings Concluded

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