Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell * The foster mother has been recommended for charges of pervert the course of justice & interfere with a corpse

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Criminal charges the former foster parents currently face as at 15 April 2022 include:
  • Apprehended Violence Orders on both (AVOs)
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster mother *Not Guilty
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • 2 x charges of assault against a child on former foster mother *Guilty
  • 1 x charge of assault against a child on former foster father
  • Stalking &/or Intimidation on both
  • Dummy bidding real estate fraud *Guilty

Where's William Tyrrell? - The Ch 10 podcast (under Coroner's subpoena)

Operation Arkstone
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I had the rare occurrence of a thought last night that all these charges against the Fosters might be for 2 reasons...

a.) that they are guilty of these crimes and can prove them in court.
b.) it is a step in the process of having the foster parents named publicly by having them convicted of these crimes and by having them done so, they think once people know names, further evidence will be brought forward perhaps?

So basically I am thinking these charges if convicted might be a means to an end to add weight to having their name suppression lifted.

Is a sign off by the DPP required in Australia prior to major prosecutorial charges are laid to ensure the burden of proof is met?
Consider what is currently happening with the Brittany Higgins rape trial of Bruce Lehrmann, and recent media comments made by Lisa Wilkinson, leading to a long delay in the trial being held, and potential contempt of court charges against Wilkinson.

If accused people are publicly named, and media are given the opportunity to comment, it can influence their getting a fair trial, and may also make it more difficult to secure a conviction.

The police may not want the fosters publicly named for this reason. Or, as you suggest, they may want them named to flush out further evidence or witnesses. It's a balancing act.
The FGM says that they were up early and FF was gone before 8 when his appt was after 9. Virtually the whole walk through focus for her was where and when the FF was .....gone to chemist early. Certainly not before 8. It takes 5 mins to town. So imo that 1 hr was the time used to dispose of the body by FF. And if it was that also points to the earlier time as being correct.
FGM account of events in the walkthrough is at odds with that of both FF and FM, and does not account for or align with physical evidence (FF car on CCTV at tennis club, receipt from pharmacy, GoToMeeting call).

The video of FGM walkthrough is also clearly edited - we don't know what she said in the parts which were cut out - perhaps something pertinent which police don't want made public.

The problem is that almost ALL the eye-witness accounts in this case are unreliable, and often contradictory. If we try to draw a conclusion about what actually happened from eyewitness testimony, we are forced to "cherry-pick" those pieces which we believe to be true, and discard those which we believe to be false or erroneous. It's like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, where not only are most of the pieces missing, but we have a large number of pieces which don't belong to this puzzle at all! Then we have a pre-conceived idea of what the finished puzzle will look like, so we pick the pieces that fit, and throw away those that don't. In other words, confirmation bias. We don't know for sure what the finished puzzle looks like, so we don't know which pieces belong and which don't.
FGM account of events in the walkthrough is at odds with that of both FF and FM, and does not account for or align with physical evidence (FF car on CCTV at tennis club, receipt from pharmacy, GoToMeeting call).

The video of FGM walkthrough is also clearly edited - we don't know what she said in the parts which were cut out - perhaps something pertinent which police don't want made public.

The problem is that almost ALL the eye-witness accounts in this case are unreliable, and often contradictory. If we try to draw a conclusion about what actually happened from eyewitness testimony, we are forced to "cherry-pick" those pieces which we believe to be true, and discard those which we believe to be false or erroneous. It's like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, where not only are most of the pieces missing, but we have a large number of pieces which don't belong to this puzzle at all! Then we have a pre-conceived idea of what the finished puzzle will look like, so we pick the pieces that fit, and throw away those that don't. In other words, confirmation bias. We don't know for sure what the finished puzzle looks like, so we don't know which pieces belong and which don't.

For me I travel the path most probable and using deductive reasoning. If you compute the odds of an opportunistic predator came into a random quiet regional St at the exact 30 seconds WT became unattended the odds would be astronomical.... millions to 1. That lets you eliminate all that baggage. Didn't happen. Why Jubelin thought it did was staggering tbh. The neighbour opposite cleared. The washing machine guy...innocent. Opportunistic predator that didn't have an opportunity ...gone.

Having got to that point it's then a choice of Fosters v Bio. And if it's the former then accident or incident. Existence of child abuse and the Cinderella effect sways the pendulum heavily now to foster and incident. My very first reaction revisited was they had guilty knowledge and were duplicitous and were hiding poor parenting. They were. if it were an accident then it most likely was a fall (consistent with 'bouncing out of his skull' remark) but the fall must have been from balcony to below giving a very specific search area for blood that MUST have been there remnants of which should remain to a blood dog or chemical. They didn't. That makes you believe the incident theory as the viable alternative. Also the viable question why would you hide a mere accident? Likely you wouldn't. I know how troubled a troubled child with anger storms can be so that behaviour to a unskilled or confrontational parent would lead to major conflict.

Deductive reasoning again. Both FM and FF would seek to hide the circumstances including the timeline and manner. Hard to pick holes with what they tell you. The FGM is a weak link and because of that she was poor at hiding what occurred. She was totally focused on where the FF was and made the point several ways he wasn't there at 8 having gone to chemist. We now know he didn't go until after 9 when the FGM said he wasn't at breakfast at 8. That focus by her is important for the crime. That time was hidden by them in other ways like saying there was use of bikes etc not even mentioned by FGM. So FGM gives us a window to much of it.

My assessment is that if she had cognitive decline at all it was probable very early stages. She shouldn't forget what time a chemist opens. 9 am. Yet she hid that knowledge and I believe was intentional

When you have a child with trigger points to uncontrollable anger storms you compensate as parent to ease them past a trigger. A FGM for instance wouldn't have developed that skill if it was FD turn at use of dice she would simply take the dice off WT to pass to FD and trigger happens resulting in an attack. It's something like this by either FGM or FD as attack target imo. FM intercedes and death occurs. FF takes body away I think the 7.39 time is consistent both our sun elevation analysis and the FGM timeline so it gave FF 1 hr to hide the body. It's not been hidden close but FF would go the most logical next destination which is along Betar Cr Rd away from CCTV to national park. The shoulders are dirt but wide enough to stop. There wasn't time to bury so would be placed 20-25 metres off Rd on left within 25 min drive one direction (which is the distance to national park).

The conclusions I draw are based upon probabilities and deductive reasoning and knowledge of circumstances. They aren't infallible. Nothing can be. But is imo at least most likely explanation.
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For me I travel the path most probable and using deductive reasoning. If you compute the odds of an opportunistic predator came into a random quiet regional St at the exact 30 seconds WT became unattended the odds would be astronomical.... millions to 1. That lets you eliminate all that baggage. Didn't happen. Why Jubelin thought it did was staggering tbh. The neighbour opposite cleared. The washing machine guy...innocent. Opportunistic predator that didn't have an opportunity ...gone.

Having got to that point it's then a choice of Fosters v Bio. And if it's the former then accident or incident. Existence of child abuse and the Cinderella effect sways the pendulum heavily now to foster and incident. My very first reaction revisited was they had guilty knowledge and were duplicitous and were hiding poor parenting. They were. if it were an accident then it most likely was a fall (consistent with 'bouncing out of his skull' remark) but the fall must have been from balcony to below giving a very specific search area for blood that MUST have been there remnants of which should remain to a blood dog or chemical. They didn't. That makes you believe the incident theory as the viable alternative. Also the viable question why would you hide a mere accident? Likely you wouldn't. I know how troubled a troubled child with anger storms can be so that behaviour to a unskilled or confrontational parent would lead to major conflict.

Deductive reasoning again. Both FM and FF would seek to hide the circumstances including the timeline and manner. Hard to pick holes with what they tell you. The FGM is a weak link and because of that she was poor at hiding what occurred. She was totally focused on where the FF was and made the point several ways he wasn't there at 8 having gone to chemist. We now know he didn't go until after 9 when the FGM said he wasn't at breakfast at 8. That focus by her is important for the crime. That time was hidden by them in other ways like saying their was use of bikes etc not even mentioned by FGM. So FGM gives us a window to much of it.

When you have a child with trigger points to uncontrollable anger storms you compensate as parent to ease them past a trigger. A FGM for instance wouldn't have developed that skill if it was FD turn at use of dice she would simply take the dice off WT to pass to FD and trigger happens resulting in an attack. It's something like this by either FGM or FD as attack target imo. FM intercedes and death occurs. FF takes body away I think the 7.39 time is consistent both our sun elevation analysis and the FGM timeline so it gave FF 1 hr to hide the body. It's not been hidden close but FF would go the most logical next destination which is along Betar Cr Rd away from CCTV to national park. The shoulders are dirt but wide enough to stop. There wasn't time to bury so would be placed 20-25 metres off Rd on left within 25 min drive one direction (which is the distance to national park).

The conclusions I draw are based upon probabilities and deductive reasoning and knowledge of circumstances. They aren't infallible. Nothing can be. But is imo at least most likely explanation.
Nice write up and you come to where I am with this. With those inferences I believe behind closed doors the police are somewhere in the region of civil case standard of proof (based on circumstantial evidence - such as holes in timeline, demeanour, lying etc - the police probably would have a case if the standard were on the "balance of probability"), but as we know for criminal charges, the standard of proof of beyond reasonable doubt, and they just simply dont have that standard of proof yet.
For me I travel the path most probable and using deductive reasoning. If you compute the odds of an opportunistic predator came into a random quiet regional St at the exact 30 seconds WT became unattended the odds would be astronomical.... millions to 1. That lets you eliminate all that baggage. Didn't happen. Why Jubelin thought it did was staggering tbh. The neighbour opposite cleared. The washing machine guy...innocent. Opportunistic predator that didn't have an opportunity ...gone.

Having got to that point it's then a choice of Fosters v Bio. And if it's the former then accident or incident. Existence of child abuse and the Cinderella effect sways the pendulum heavily now to foster and incident. My very first reaction revisited was they had guilty knowledge and were duplicitous and were hiding poor parenting. They were. if it were an accident then it most likely was a fall (consistent with 'bouncing out of his skull' remark) but the fall must have been from balcony to below giving a very specific search area for blood that MUST have been there remnants of which should remain to a blood dog or chemical. They didn't. That makes you believe the incident theory as the viable alternative. Also the viable question why would you hide a mere accident? Likely you wouldn't. I know how troubled a troubled child with anger storms can be so that behaviour to a unskilled or confrontational parent would lead to major conflict.

Deductive reasoning again. Both FM and FF would seek to hide the circumstances including the timeline and manner. Hard to pick holes with what they tell you. The FGM is a weak link and because of that she was poor at hiding what occurred. She was totally focused on where the FF was and made the point several ways he wasn't there at 8 having gone to chemist. We now know he didn't go until after 9 when the FGM said he wasn't at breakfast at 8. That focus by her is important for the crime. That time was hidden by them in other ways like saying their was use of bikes etc not even mentioned by FGM. So FGM gives us a window to much of it.

My assessment is that if she had cognitive decline at all it was probable very early stages. She shouldn't forget what time a chemist opens. 9 am. Yet she hid that knowledge and I believe was intentional

When you have a child with trigger points to uncontrollable anger storms you compensate as parent to ease them past a trigger. A FGM for instance wouldn't have developed that skill if it was FD turn at use of dice she would simply take the dice off WT to pass to FD and trigger happens resulting in an attack. It's something like this by either FGM or FD as attack target imo. FM intercedes and death occurs. FF takes body away I think the 7.39 time is consistent both our sun elevation analysis and the FGM timeline so it gave FF 1 hr to hide the body. It's not been hidden close but FF would go the most logical next destination which is along Betar Cr Rd away from CCTV to national park. The shoulders are dirt but wide enough to stop. There wasn't time to bury so would be placed 20-25 metres off Rd on left within 25 min drive one direction (which is the distance to national park).

The conclusions I draw are based upon probabilities and deductive reasoning and knowledge of circumstances. They aren't infallible. Nothing can be. But is imo at least most likely explanation.
My major issue with this hypothesis is the deliberate faking of the timestamps on the photos. But putting that aside, there are the following issues:
  • No blood or sign of an accident/struggle was ever found at the scene
  • Children were heard playing by at least two different neighbours between 9:00 and 9:30
  • FF car was forensically examined soon after the incident
  • FD has been interviewed by police - if there was an 'incident' she has never mentioned it or anything supporting this hypothesis -
  • No witness to seeing FF car on Batar Ck Rd (besides the tennis club CCTV), or any other time or place besides what FF has stated on record
  • This does not account for WTs body never being found - who moved it from where it was left by FF and when?
My major issue with this hypothesis is the deliberate faking of the timestamps on the photos. But putting that aside, there are the following issues:
  • No blood or sign of an accident/struggle was ever found at the scene
  • Children were heard playing by at least two different neighbours between 9:00 and 9:30
  • FF car was forensically examined soon after the incident
  • FD has been interviewed by police - if there was an 'incident' she has never mentioned it or anything supporting this hypothesis -
  • No witness to seeing FF car on Batar Ck Rd (besides the tennis club CCTV), or any other time or place besides what FF has stated on record
  • This does not account for WTs body never being found - who moved it from where it was left by FF and when?

They can't use luminol everywhere. They dont. They use it where it's expected only. It might have been on grass next to patio or around corner. There won't likely have been any evidence of a struggle at all. There may not have been blood at all but would have if there was a balcony fall .FGM car may have been used. A sighting of car on Benaroon dr is different to a car on a general use road. May not be noticed at all. Yes FD interview needs explanation. And there may be one without impairing the hypothesis. The incident didn't happen in her sight. The incidents were normalised and not unusual. Her testimony was stilted. Lots of factors. Forensic exam may show DNA of WT and that wouldn't be incriminating as he had been in car before. Put the dead child in back seat and not boot. Witnesses hearing children may have been mistaken or influenced by confirmation bias having heard when they were told kids were playing before disappearance. These neighbours are the same as went searching AFTER being told when WT went missing? WT body won't have been found there because they've not searched there and is virgin bush. There also seems to be at least one what appears as a gorge. if you don't have a reason to stop in a National Park you don't. You simply drive along the Rd and most would never have someone stop.

The alternative is you run with the 30 sec window and opportunistic abduction on the only time he was left unattended. Sorry but I can't believe that. You can if you want.
the deliberate faking of the timestamps on the photos.

Wasn't the time stamp inconsistency due to the incorrect time being set on the camera, and not a deliberate change to the time stamp?
Evidenced by the same time shift being evident on the other photos on the camera.
They can't use luminol everywhere. They dont. They use it where it's expected only. It might have been on grass next to patio or around corner. There won't likely have been any evidence of a struggle at all. There may not have been blood at all but would have if there was a balcony fall .FGM car may have been used. A sighting of car on Benaroon dr is different to a car on a general use road. May not be noticed at all. Yes FD interview needs explanation. And there may be one without impairing the hypothesis. The incident didn't happen in her sight. The incidents were normalised and not unusual. Her testimony was stilted. Lots of factors. Forensic exam may show DNA of WT and that wouldn't be incriminating as he had been in car before. Put the dead child in back seat and not boot. Witnesses hearing children may have been mistaken or influenced by confirmation bias having heard when they were told kids were playing before disappearance. These neighbours are the same as went searching AFTER being told when WT went missing? WT body won't have been found there because they've not searched there and is virgin bush. There also seems to be at least one what appears as a gorge. if you don't have a reason to stop in a National Park you don't. You simply drive along the Rd and most would never have someone stop.

The alternative is you run with the 30 sec window and opportunistic abduction on the only time he was left unattended. Sorry but I can't believe that. You can if you want.
To be clear, I do think accident/incident, not opportunistic abduction.
But I also think this was after 9:37 and did not involve FF at all.
I think FM trip in the FGM car was probably to move William (alive or dead) a short distance down Batar Ck Rd - I think this was just an interim, possibly panic-driven action to conceal the incident/accident which FM had contributed to.
He was definitely moved by car as his scent was not detected by PD Gov off the property at all (e.g. down Benaroon Drive).
I think William was subsequently moved by another person, (possibly still alive possibly not), and possibly without FM's knowledge.

This accounts for all the known facts without the need for expert faking of images or falsified phone records, or opportunistic timing etc.
Wasn't the time stamp inconsistency due to the incorrect time being set on the camera, and not a deliberate change to the time stamp?
Evidenced by the same time shift being evident on the other photos on the camera.
Yes, that is the accepted explanation. Any hypothesis which has William disappearing before 9:37 needs also to assume the photo timestamp has been faked. Therefore I think it happened after 9:37.
To be clear, I do think accident/incident, not opportunistic abduction.
But I also think this was after 9:37 and did not involve FF at all.
I think FM trip in the FGM car was probably to move William (alive or dead) a short distance down Batar Ck Rd - I think this was just an interim, possibly panic-driven action to conceal the incident/accident which FM had contributed to.
He was definitely moved by car as his scent was not detected by PD Gov off the property at all (e.g. down Benaroon Drive).
I think William was subsequently moved by another person, (possibly still alive possibly not), and possibly without FM's knowledge.

This accounts for all the known facts without the need for expert faking of images or falsified phone records, or opportunistic timing etc.

I. have long held the view that a husband and wife team were unlikely to act alone in a major decision about hiding a body. Did she even know he was conclusively dead? He just came home and went along with it? That's a problem on human nature grounds imo. It's his foster son.

I think the timestamp is fake.

That said given its only her that is sole POI it supports your view. Still human nature tells me a husband and father simply wouldn't go along with it like that. Just wouldn't. And the body wasnt found in initial search. Why? She had no time for a grave! it should have been found day 1
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I. have long held the view that a husband and wife team were unlikely to act alone in a major decision about hiding a body. Did she even know he was conclusively dead? He just came home and went along with it? That's a problem on human nature grounds imo. It's his foster son.

I think the timestamp is fake.
I think she may have moved him to make it look like a vehicle accident, or at least like some sort of accident where she (or FGM or FD) would not be implicated. She may not have told FF at the time (or even since). She may have wanted FF to think WT had wandered off looking for "Daddy's car"? I think she expected the body to be found, but it wasn't.
I think she may have moved him to make it look like a vehicle accident, or at least like some sort of accident where she (or FGM or FD) would not be implicated. She may not have told FF at the time (or even since). She may have wanted FF to think WT had wandered off looking for "Daddy's car"? I think she expected the body to be found, but it wasn't.

Wow. Gee that would be a serious thing to hold in if that's what happened. What a total mind F. Could she do that? Interesting suggestion. It would be only a small % of people that could I would imagine.
I think she may have moved him to make it look like a vehicle accident, or at least like some sort of accident where she (or FGM or FD) would not be implicated. She may not have told FF at the time (or even since). She may have wanted FF to think WT had wandered off looking for "Daddy's car"? I think she expected the body to be found, but it wasn't.

So are you thinking that the idea was to make it look as if he had walking along the road towards the Riding School, and was hit by a car or truck and was laying just off the road?

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Lots of wild theories here :)

One thing ppl need to note is that if WT was killed in an accident on that morning, the FPs would probably not have gone into immediate "hide the body mode" and disposed of WT within an hour or two - even though that's the latest police theory. That is not normal human behaviour and you would expect a 000 call to get an ambulance and an attempt to save the boy as the first step. It would be very interesting to see what evidence emerged last year to make the police believe in the accidental death and cover-up theory, because I don't think many people exist that would not be frozen by grief at the death of a small child, even hardened criminals. The abduction theory is far more plausible, but it's also lacking supporting evidence.
So are you thinking that the idea was to make it look as if he had walking along the road towards the Riding School, and was hit by a car or truck and was laying just off the road?
I recall we already discussed a theory like this earlier in the thread.

Sure did.

A variation on your theory, would be for after William's body is left near or on the road to look like a vehicular accident, that someone accidentally runs over his body. They stop their vehicle to see what it is they have just run over, or saw it too late to avoid it. They look around and not seeing any witnesses to what happened, or anyone else around, decide that in order to either
  • avoid being blamed for William's death (running over him, or abducting him and then running over him, or possibly if he is showing signs of physical/sexual abuse, of abusing him)
  • being caught driving without a licence
  • being caught driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs
  • being questioned about why they were driving there that day (possibly to/from their way to an illegal deal of some kind).
Thereafter they drive William somewhere and dispose of his body.

The obvious problem with this is traces of William left on the road or roadside.
IF Person of Interest IS indeed the person noted throughout this thread and in the current Media.

Very doubtful that William would be up near the riding school.
Perpetrator would be too worried that riders and dogs of riders and
human presence constantly would be too inhabited a place to bury a
victim. More likely if the person in question suddenly made up this
story , it was to lead searchers in the OPPOSITE direction to where
he is actually buried IF they are indeed the guilty party.

I would search in the OPPOSITE direction as well; the cemetery where
the POI's father is buried should definitely be considered. Even his grave
is a distinct possibility
. Not sure if the FGM (wife of deceased) is also buried
there as well. One would need to consider the possibility that if there IS
evidence that the FMDI - then the grave site is a possible crime scene with
remains of crime, whether a body or otherwise could have been buried at the
time in FGFs the time of FGM's decease. This MAY have been
in order to give WT a belated Christian burial?
I recall we already discussed a theory like this earlier in the thread.

Sure did.
The other problem is that there are almost no passing vehicles outside the house, so those become long odds. Gary J thought the neighbour across the street ran over WT whilst reversing out of his driveway and we know how that panned out, but it's a possible theory like all others in an unsolved case.

There is something I noticed that was of interest in the photos of WT taken on the day he went missing. In the main picture, taken at 9:37 (corrected time), William can be seen looking up to his right and roaring, presumably at someone and it's not his sister or FGM in the background or his FM, who is presumably holding the camera. The only other candidate is his FF, but he apparently left at 9:00am for Lakewood, 37 minutes earlier.

So, who is WT looking at whilst roaring in this picture ???
If it is his FF, then he didn't leave at 9:00 or the corrected time is wrong .


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The other problem is that there are almost no passing vehicles outside the house, so those become long odds. Gary J thought the neighbour across the street ran over WT whilst reversing out of his driveway and we know how that panned out, but it's a possible theory like all others in an unsolved case.

There is something I noticed that was of interest in the photos of WT taken on the day he went missing. In the main picture, taken at 9:37 (corrected time), William can be seen looking up to his right and roaring, presumably at someone and it's not his sister or FGM in the background or his FM, who is presumably holding the camera. The only other candidate is his FF, but he apparently left at 9:00am for Lakewood, 37 minutes earlier.

So, who is WT looking at whilst roaring in this picture ???
If it is his FF, then he didn't leave at 9:00 or the corrected time is wrong .


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I have wondered that as well, who was William supposedly roaring at, if there was only the 4 there. And every time I look at his photo, I can’t help but blow up his eyes 👀 and think they look photoshopped, they don’t line up and there is a square pink patch on the left hand side bottom eyelid and his pupils are not aligned. I just read on a thread that the FM said foster father left shortly after her call to Bill Speeding, FF said around 9.30 and FGM was adamant he left before 8 in her walkthrough and said all the reasons and that he was definitely not there for breakfast with the 3, no the 4 of them at 8, and her daughter (FM)had said he would be gone a while as he had a work conference and the script from the chemist, although the FGM must of forgot that she had asked FF to get her newspaper as she failed to mention this in the walkthrough!
The other problem is that there are almost no passing vehicles outside the house, so those become long odds. Gary J thought the neighbour across the street ran over WT whilst reversing out of his driveway and we know how that panned out, but it's a possible theory like all others in an unsolved case.

There is something I noticed that was of interest in the photos of WT taken on the day he went missing. In the main picture, taken at 9:37 (corrected time), William can be seen looking up to his right and roaring, presumably at someone and it's not his sister or FGM in the background or his FM, who is presumably holding the camera. The only other candidate is his FF, but he apparently left at 9:00am for Lakewood, 37 minutes earlier.

So, who is WT looking at whilst roaring in this picture ???
If it is his FF, then he didn't leave at 9:00 or the corrected time is wrong .


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Very interesting point!! WT is definitely not looking at the person behind the camera, so what/who is he roaring at??
Well, at least the washing machine has been fixed in all the chaos. How long after William went missing was FGM walkthrough done? Thanks in advance
Daily Mail says that FGM's walk-through was filmed six days after William went missing:

"Speaking with police on the afternoon of [Thursday] September 18, 2014, the foster grandma leads Senior Constable Vanessa Partridge from Port Macquarie Police inside the house from which William had vanished just six days before."

- Daily Mail Australia, 9 May 2022
Something I just noticed, a statement to police by William's foster father:

"He's got asthma.. sometimes he'll even need I think it's call Redipred ... a steroid. But we only give that in the absolute worse case scenario."

- Daily Mail Australia, 9 May 2022
Inside house where William Tyrrell spent his final hours

Why would an asthma medication be given only in "the absolute worst case scenario"? Is there any advantage in delaying the use of something like that or in using it only sparingly?
The other problem is that there are almost no passing vehicles outside the house, so those become long odds. Gary J thought the neighbour across the street ran over WT whilst reversing out of his driveway and we know how that panned out, but it's a possible theory like all others in an unsolved case.

There is something I noticed that was of interest in the photos of WT taken on the day he went missing. In the main picture, taken at 9:37 (corrected time), William can be seen looking up to his right and roaring, presumably at someone and it's not his sister or FGM in the background or his FM, who is presumably holding the camera. The only other candidate is his FF, but he apparently left at 9:00am for Lakewood, 37 minutes earlier.

So, who is WT looking at whilst roaring in this picture ???
If it is his FF, then he didn't leave at 9:00 or the corrected time is wrong .


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The FGM walkthrough she virtually talks about only one thing. That FF wasn't there at breakfast at 8 am. She would know the chemist opens at 9am so imo it was a deliberate lie. I always thought that it was the 7.30am time and was there but out of sight perhaps doing preparation for his conference call. This seems to suggest he was there on the patio just not in shot. The lack of Sun patches supports it. The timestamp supports it. Even human nature supports parent isn't going to dump a body absent agreement of both. Those photos are definitely before any sun hits the overhead. At 22° and below tree level IMO

If death occurs just prior 7.50am. They would need time to know he's dead and deal with the tragedy 20 mins. The 50 min drive to National Park and back is entirely possible and still allow FF to meet the CCTV sightings in town when he did. Interesting that the soul of WTs foot is dirty. He had already run around garden at least once perhaps playing roaring tiger game.
Very interesting point!! WT is definitely not looking at the person behind the camera, so what/who is he roaring at??

Here is another picture, taken later that shows what's in the direction WT is looking and it's another chair.
WT is sitting in front of the plastic table looking up at the face of someone in that chair (occupied by the policewoman in this pic) and it's not his FM, FGM or sister. IMO - It can only be the FF, but unfortunately it's not proof without the FF in the pic.


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Here is another picture, taken later that shows what's in the direction WT is looking and it's another chair.
WT is sitting in front of the plastic table looking up at the face of someone in that chair (occupied by the policewoman in this pic) and it's not his FM, FGM or sister. IMO - It can only be the FF, but unfortunately it's not proof without the FF in the pic.

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In the 'roar' photo WT would be looking towards the entry to the high balcony, not the chair. But why does he have to be looking at anyone or anything in particular? Kids have short attention spans - his head might have been moving wildly and randomly as he roared. There is no proof another person was present.
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