Do you genuinely loathe an AFL team? If so, could date/marry someone that loved that team?

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Jul 11, 2007
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
Do you genuinely loathe an AFL team? If so, could date/marry someone that loved that team?

I'm interested in thoughts from those who haven't done this, and from those who have.

I'm not talking about disliking an afl team to some weak extent, i'm talking really genuinely disliking that team.

And for the other person, they support their team as much as you do yours.
Would be hard dating a girl that was as nuts about the Crows as I am about Port. My wife used to go for the Crows, now she just doesnt really like football and arguably swings slightly towards Port. Her family however are full on Norwood/Crows fans on one side...and full on WWT/Crows fans on the other.

Have had some ripper arguments with one or two of them who think they know more than they actually do...and have had to bite my tongue on a couple of occasions.
Would be hard dating a girl that was as nuts about the Crows as I am about Port. My wife used to go for the Crows, now she just doesnt really like football and arguably swings slightly towards Port. Her family however are full on Norwood/Crows fans on one side...and full on WWT/Crows fans on the other.

Have had some ripper arguments with one or two of them who think they know more than they actually do...and have had to bite my tongue on a couple of occasions.

My partner is an Eagles supporter(I loathe the EAGLES), and was disgusted when I bought our daughter a Hawks membership when she was 3 days old:). I am planning on doning the same when no.2 arrives in June.

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The key is getting a chick who hates footy. That way you get to go drinking with the boys at least once every week. I'm actually fairly turned off by chicks who like football too much; something very 'boganish' about it.
Anyone who says no seriously needs to check their priorities.

Then again how many chicks actually care about footy enough for it to matter? I've met plenty who have a team and will watch games with you but very few (could count on 1 hand) who are as fanatical as me and my footy loving mates mates.
Relationships are all about sacrifice, my GF had to give up her previous club and be a North supporter. It is character building, as I explained to her.
I have a wife and four children, the wife was an eagle from day one, the kids have been brought up that way, simple house rules Eagles only, my youngest daughter visited her aunty and uncle, dockers supporters, came home with a dockers cap (30 cents at any reject shop) and proudly announced she was now a dockers supporter.

I miss that girl quite a bit - but rules are rules.
Nah, I don't seriously loathe a team. And as for relationships, as much as it's fun to 'hate' Carlton, I wouldn't let that get in the way of other more important things, like whether or not she's attractive.

(just kidding).

Seriously though my last girlfriend was Richmond, and her entire family on both sides were Richmond apart from one member of each her dad's and mum's family who were Pies supporters. It just made for some fun teasing from both sides.
The key is getting a chick who hates footy. That way you get to go drinking with the boys at least once every week. I'm actually fairly turned off by chicks who like football too much; something very 'boganish' about it.
b ut then u get the line "why are you always at the football. you are never around me"
two birds with one stone ;)
I don't loathe Freo really, I pity them. It would extremely be hard being in a two team town where the other team is so successful.

The answer is yes, I would date someone who supported Freo. Although no Purple items would be allowed in the house, they would get jealous of being around the much more successful West Coast items.
My partner is from overseas, and I made it clear from the beginning:

"Support Collingwood, or return to the airport"

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I could not date a Freo supporter, most don't shave, bathe, work and are generally diseased...

I could not afford to fix their teeth and stuffed if I'm going out with a girl with no front teeth...
My girlfriend is a Crows supporter, but isn't quite as nuts about them as I am about Port, so it works. I've even got her going to Port games with me, on the proviso that I go to church with her.

Honestly, it would shock me if anyone seriously couldn't date a supporter of the opposite team under any circumstances. There is more to life than footy.

That said, i've told her that our kids will be Port supporters and it's completely non negotiable.
My GF is a Carlton supporter, but she's not crazy about them like I am for Collingwood.

We've been to 4 games together, 2 of them against Carlton. In the other two matches she cheered for Collingwood for my sake, but there's no way in hell I could ever return that favour.
I had a collingwood supporting girlfriend once, when I broke up with her she got angry and threw her teeth at me!
I cant explain to anyone my hatred for Essendon. It has stemmed for years since I was about 13. I knew my ex fiancee barracked for them when we started going out, which was bareable.. But then I started to find out more......My ex fiancee's step father had played for Essendon and not only did she barrack for them but she told me she had previously had "relations" with the following ex and current Scum players.. Mark Harvey, Blake Caracella, Rick Olarenshaw, Kieran Sporn, and Mark McVeigh. She had also has been with Brad Ottens and Condon from the Hawks.. Finding all this out during our relationship made me hate Essendon more.. But what do you do??
We are no longer together... I still hate Essendon..;)
My first missus was a Collingwood supporter ...once we got her teeth fixed i converted her from the dark side...when we split up i heard she went back to her old ways of stealing VCR's can take the girl out of Collingwood ..but you can't take Collingwood out of the girl.
My first missus was a Collingwood supporter ...once we got her teeth fixed i converted her from the dark side...when we split up i heard she went back to her old ways of stealing VCR's can take the girl out of Collingwood ..but you can't take Collingwood out of the girl.

I know what you mean mate, you cant trust em, I lost my virginity to a typical collingwood fan when I was a young boy, I was 11 and he was 35, he promissed me a new sherrin on pension day, I never got that sherrin!
I have a wife and four children, the wife was an eagle from day one, the kids have been brought up that way, simple house rules Eagles only, my youngest daughter visited her aunty and uncle, dockers supporters, came home with a dockers cap (30 cents at any reject shop) and proudly announced she was now a dockers supporter.

I miss that girl quite a bit - but rules are rules.
I really did laugh out loud at this one. I guess you really only have yourself to blame. You let your daughter in the danger zone with nothing to defend herself with. I have found the female sought can be a bit flighty with there support when it comes to football so you should have been prepared. You only have YOURSELF to blame and now you and your daughter are doomed forever.

If it is any comfort to you. She will likely not live to see them win a premiership.
Entirely Hate with passion
1. Genuinely hate Essendon, and everything about that club
2. get most pleasure from beating North Melbourne,


will hate as the occassion demands/if provoked

Try to, but cant hate
WCE, Adelaide, Melbourne

dont register in my conciousness to feel anything for/against
Freo, Port,Bris,St.Kilda

kinda like
Bulldogs, Sydney

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Do you genuinely loathe an AFL team? If so, could date/marry someone that loved that team?

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