FTA-TV Doctor Who

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Now I am going to have to re-watch the previous episodes and see what clues I missed out on.

This season has been absolutely fantastic.

I didn't even mind Space Babies.

First episode in 5 years where I actually screamed out in sheer delight/thrill.

The idiots and bigots who switched off after the kiss/romance of Rogue (which I thought was actually moving and really done tastefully well) have missed out on one of the all time great revelations.

Feels like this how the end of Earthshock part 1 went our on Original transmission

I have to watch this again sometime today (something I haven't done with a new episode since Day of The Doctor)

Thank you again Russell T Davies !
You're an idiot and a bigot.

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Decided to buy/order the animated blu-ray of The Celestial Toymaker despite promising myself I wouldn't.
I'm watching it now. There's a special feature showing Maureen O'Brien, Peter Purves and Lisa Bowerman trying to make their way through a Doctor Who-themed escape room. I think it might be one of the most frustrating viewing experiences I've ever had 😂
I quite enjoyed it, although it felt a bit rushed at times.

Was probably hoping for a bit more out of the 'Who is Ruby's Mum?' storyline.
Well that was disappointing - so many balls in the air just hit the ground

Just felt flat after last weeks great set up episode

Australia :whitecheck:
Crying :greencross:
Dog on a leash :greencross:
Deus Ex Machina :greencross:
Rubys mother a nobody :greencross:
Everybody dies :whitecheck:
Everybody lives :greencross: - there was no emotional impact as we knew they were coming back - it was just a matter of how
Mrs Flood Mystery gets deeper and deeper :whitecheck::whitecheck::whitecheck::whitecheck:
Not as bad as some episodes of previous years but continues the trend of setting up a problem and rushing the finish. In this case, they could easily have cut some of the crap at the end to flesh out the actual story.

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That finale was lame beyond belief, especially after the terrific setup to bring Sutekh back in the prior episode.

Oh no, everyone in the universe is dead! Was anyone remotely surprised the Doctor pulled something out of his arse to reverse it? Awful, awful writing.

And the "mystery" of Ruby's mother they've been teasing us with all series? Woeful reveal.

An eight episode series, three of which - Space Babies, The Devil's Chord and the finale - were as bad as anything we've seen since new-Who started. Not a good strike rate for RTD.
You almost have to admire the brazenness with which RTD went about creating a serious of mysteries he had no intention of every resolving.

I could tell a great story too if all that was required was to set up a serious of strands, then ignore all of them for a big surprise reveal - a big surprise because it makes no sense in the light of ALL of the previous information given!

For those pro-wrestling fan cross-overs, this season, and the finale in particular, played like a Vince Russo storyline.
You almost have to admire the brazenness with which RTD went about creating a serious of mysteries he had no intention of every resolving.

I could tell a great story too if all that was required was to set up a serious of strands, then ignore all of them for a big surprise reveal - a big surprise because it makes no sense in the light of ALL of the previous information given!

For those pro-wrestling fan cross-overs, this season, and the finale in particular, played like a Vince Russo storyline.
People should have known after the Susan tease last week that the joy and fun is in the speculation and ride not the destination. It's been that way in Who and other franchises for years where the speculation rarely matches the actual resolution. I remember all the analysis that went into figuring out who Clara was because her birthday was 23 November etc.

The resolution that Ruby's mum is normal is actually great because not everything has to have galactic consequences and is a great sleight of hand.
That finale was lame beyond belief, especially after the terrific setup to bring Sutekh back in the prior episode.

Oh no, everyone in the universe is dead! Was anyone remotely surprised the Doctor pulled something out of his arse to reverse it? Awful, awful writing.

And the "mystery" of Ruby's mother they've been teasing us with all series? Woeful reveal.

An eight episode series, three of which - Space Babies, The Devil's Chord and the finale - were as bad as anything we've seen since new-Who started. Not a good strike rate for RTD.

The finale had its plotting issues but come on, did you honestly expect everyone on Earth and the rest of the Universe would remain dead ?

Also nothing wrong at all with the reveal of who Ruby Sunday's Mother was, I liked the emotional pay off of it all.

It wasn't perfect, but definitely thought it was the best season finale RTD wrote since Parting of The Ways.
The resolution that Ruby's mum is normal is actually great because not everything has to have galactic consequences and is a great sleight of hand.

But nothing before the reveal makes sense. Why the hood? Why did she point? Why was her faced disguised in the manner similar to the lady in 73 yards? Why was Sutekh so desperate to know the identify of this mystery woman?

The reveal of an ordinary woman would have been fine, except the entire episode was based around the mystery of who she was. Sutekh literally destroyed the Earth, but hit the pause button due to that woman. There wasn't even a hand-waving explanation. They just ignored the previous 40 minutes, turned the Murray Gold patented "this is an emotional bit" up to 11, and hoped the audience would forget everything else they just watched.

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The finale had its plotting issues but come on, did you honestly expect everyone on Earth and the rest of the Universe would remain dead ?

The problem is, when everybody dies, you know that nobody will die.

As soon as regular characters turned to dust, you knew a massive reset would occur. All jeopardy is gone, you are waiting for the deus ex machina to be played.
The finale had its plotting issues but come on, did you honestly expect everyone on Earth and the rest of the Universe would remain dead ?

No, but once the decision had been made to kill them off in the first place all tension and conflict left the room.
The problem is, when everybody dies, you know that nobody will die.

As soon as regular characters turned to dust, you knew a massive reset would occur. All jeopardy is gone, you are waiting for the deus ex machina to be played.
Yeah this.
The problem is, when everybody dies, you know that nobody will die.

As soon as regular characters turned to dust, you knew a massive reset would occur. All jeopardy is gone, you are waiting for the deus ex machina to be played.

In all honesty, if I was RTD if he had the stones to leave Kate Stewart and the rest of the UNIT crew dead but brought back everyone else back to life, that would have been an amazing and impactful plot device.

Having said that, it still wasn't nearly as inexplicable as The TARDIS bringing 'The Earth Home' in Journey's End, I still find myself a bit annoyed by that.

Or the massive plot holes in End of Time (like how the Doctor could somehow survive that massive fall from a bigger height han the one which killed off The Fourth Doctor in Logopolis.

But the classic series is also full of inexplicable deus ex machina endings (The Daemons and Terror of the Autons had way too convenient endings)
Doctor Who in the classic era was played small. Even Sutekh, who in the Pyramids of Mars was presented as the greatest threat ever to humanity, it was played out inside a deflection shield with half a dozen characters.

There is a reason "base under siege" became the template. A small group of people, cut off and under threat. The existential threat was there - if the Cybermen or Ice Warriors take control of the base on the moon, if Stahlman punctures the Earth's crust, the whole world is at threat. But the Doctor, a humble traveller with no weapons or special skills, but just a whole lot of smarts and determination, can solve the problem while the rest of the world are none the wiser how close they were to destruction.

The new version of the Doctor, the oncoming storm! the bringer of darkness! is faced with bigger and bigger challenges every season finale, and none of them stick for me because the threat is too big. One individual turning into a living plant in a country house in England means more to me the every one of billions of faceless people on a planet, or a galaxy. I know that character, I sympathise, and I know his death is real, there is no magic wand to bring him back. When it’s the whole world, and we need to reset Simpson style at the end, you can't do it without the wand.
What are everyone's thoughts on The Crimson Horror ?

The last great Matt Smith episode for me and probably is my top 10 episodes/stories of the 21st Century series.

I haven't watched it in ages, but I have been casually thinking about this episode for a couple of days now.

The late Diana Rigg was absolutely sensational as the vile Mrs Gillyflower (which is a reason I think this episode/story will be fondly remembered in years to come)
McCoy's eps were the only ones I watched as new from the original series as a kid and not repeats.
Closest I came was first and third doctor on ABC (think they skipped most of the second).
Closest I came was first and third doctor on ABC (think they skipped most of the second).
If you're old enough to have seen the first Doctor on the ABC when his episodes weren't repeats, you would've been able to see the entire Troughton era -- the ABC showed every story.

They did skip a couple of Pertwee stories due to censorship issues, until they were included in repeat runs in the 1980s.

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FTA-TV Doctor Who

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