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Illegal immigration, especially criminals, is not fine.

And to think it all started when that First Fleet, full of convicted criminals, landed at Sydney Cove.

locals back then were pissed too I bet.

That bloody lefty King George III!!
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Our tax system, stamp duty, negative gearing, EVERYTHING needs a complete overhaul. Labor won't do shit because if they try it the libs run a scare campaign and they get turfed. The libs don't want to do anything because from their perspective everything is working as intended. The 1% grow richer and more powerful and the serfs get screwed.

Tinkering around the edges to give people an extra $20 a week when everything has gone up 50% or more in the last 3 years doesn't really do much.

Millennials and younger got sold a lie, that they can work hard and be able to afford a house and to do things. That's not the case anymore. Now you can still do that, but only if you're in a median or better job, with a partner also working full time on the same more income - and even then it's a stretch and impossible in somewhere like Sydney.

The reality is not everyone can have a high paying job making 200k+. Those that aren't, particularly if single, get a live of indentured servitude as a wage slave for life.

Everything working as intended
Good story by Alan Kohler last night, his investigation into the housing shortage. There is no silver bullet. As he says governments have got to attack the problem on half a dozen fronts.

Good story by Alan Kohler last night, his investigation into the housing shortage. There is no silver bullet. As he says governments have got to attack the problem on half a dozen fronts.

Thanks REH. Covers the points he raised in an excellent article he wrote for the Quarterly Essay late last year which I recommend looking up if you want to follow his arguments in greater detail:

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