Domestic Violence Epidemic

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When I was in the magistrate's court waiting for one of my MRO appearances, there was a lawyer with a husband who had threatened to murder his wife and it was the police who were taking the matter to court and not the wife.
The couple had to wait longer for their trial to take place than mine did and mine took a year and five appearances.
Jason_recliner, do you think the 365 days is good for a cooling off period?
This one - and it disgusts me to be saying "this one" but jeez .... it's so awful and it just continues ...
and yep - I know there are "as bad" or "worse" and "maybe not as bad as that one" ones but give me a break please.
It all needs to stop now. Enough.
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Victorian government to lengthen family violence intervention orders and change stalking laws​

  • The Victorian government has announced reforms to family violence laws including extending intervention orders.
  • The government is also changing stalking laws following recommendations from the Law Reform Commission.
  • More education programs on toxic masculinity are to be rolled out to schools.

Fantastic news. It's like they're reading BF and taking notes!

Victorian government to lengthen family violence intervention orders and change stalking laws​

  • The Victorian government has announced reforms to family violence laws including extending intervention orders.
  • The government is also changing stalking laws following recommendations from the Law Reform Commission.
  • More education programs on toxic masculinity are to be rolled out to schools.

Fantastic news. It's like they're reading BF and taking notes!

'The changes include introducing a presumption of a new minimum length for family violence intervention orders.
Currently, most of the orders last between six to 12 months and victims can be required to return to court.
The government said the changes would put the focus back on offenders instead of requiring victims to repeatedly prove they were not safe.'

Here's the current NSW laws on the NSW equivalent (ADVO) of Victoria's family violence intervention orders.

Currently in NSW the onus is on the protected person to initiate any extension to an existing soon to expire ADVO.
However, the protected person can ask the Police to apply for an extension.

Looks like in Victoria they might be changing the laws to have ADVO's automatically extend for a further period on expiry date, unless the restricted person applies for the order to expire, with evidence to back up why one is no longer required?

If this is what is being proposed for Victoria, I would have thought this would potentially generate additional amount of work for both Police and the Courts, offset if most family violence orders had a new minimum length of either 12 months, 18 months or 24 months, and possibly like in NSW their also be a new indefinite length category for some of them.


Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders made after 28 March 2020

The duration of the ADVO is:
  • the period specified in the order, or
  • two years, if the Court didn’t specify a length of time. 
When an ADVO is made against a Defendant who is sentenced to full time gaol for a serious offence, the Court can order that the ADVO remains in force while the Defendant is in goal and for two years after their goal term.

A serious offence may include:

  • attempted murder
  • a domestic violence offence or an attempted domestic violence offence
  • stalking or intimidation with the intention of causing the victim to fear physical or mental harm
  • wounding or grievous bodily harm 
  • sexual assault or attempted sexual assault
  • sexual touching.

Indefinite Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders

A court can make an ADVO for an indefinite period of time, where it is satisfied that: 
  • the PINOP (or the police) have asked for an indefinite ADVO
  • the defendant was 18 years or old when the application for the ADVO was made
  • there is a significant and ongoing risk of death or serious physical or psychological harm to the PINOP or any of their dependents
  • this risk cannot be reduced by an AVO in force for a limited time. 
An ADVO can’t be made against the defendant for an indefinite period of time if they were younger than 18 years of age when the application was made.' 


What if I am still afraid when the ADVO is about to end?

If you are still afraid that the defendant will be violent when the ADVO is about to expire, you can apply for an extension (variation) of the ADVO. You must apply before it expires. You should get legal advice about an extension 6–8 weeks before the ADVO expires.

If the police made the original application for your ADVO, you can ask them to make the application for an extension. If the police won’t make the application, you can make it yourself.

If things change during the period of the ADVO, you can apply to the court to have the ADVO varied to increase or decrease the orders.

If the order has expired and you still have fears, you can apply for a new ADVO.
Are you a fan of some of what this bloke has to say Utility?

Wow. That argument runs contrary to the domestic violence epidemic receiving political and media attention. So I had a look at the major example to see if he was talking BS.. the stats the last 34 years show a major trend where domestic homicide of women has reduced by 2/3rds over that period to the point it is higher than male homicide still but the gap has reduced dramatically. Women deaths still twice that of men but trend in huge positive direction.. what was probably more disturbing was the stats of indigenous domestic homicide - the 3.8% of population result in 28% of ALL domestic homicides. Wholly crap!!!

I might have a deeper dive into this to see what gives

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That argument runs contrary to the domestic violence epidemic receiving political and media attention
And if you listened carefully to the video from about the 1:20 mark, Cadogan tries to take us all for fools when in response to the video news bit talking about the rise in 'Domestic murders across the country', Cadogan for some reason claims that what was said was a rise in 'Domestic Violence'.

Murders are only a fraction of the outcome of DV incidents.
So he's already messing with watchers of the vid.
And if you listened carefully to the video from about the 1:20 mark, Cadogan tries to take us all for fools when in response to the video news bit talking about the rise in 'Domestic murders across the country', Cadogan for some reason claims that what was said was a rise in 'Domestic Violence'.

Murders are only a fraction of the outcome of DV incidents.
So he's already messing with watchers of the vid.

Admit I didn't listen to full video. I will. Think the graph I had shows a recent jump but that's as likely to do with COVID and other time relevant issues. I'm more interested in long term trends because it will show if measures are being successful or not. I'd be a little wary of looking at DV incidents or charges in isolation too because they can be a reflection of police change in policies on both rather than underlying trend of prevalence.

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And if you listened carefully to the video from about the 1:20 mark, Cadogan tries to take us all for fools when in response to the video news bit talking about the rise in 'Domestic murders across the country', Cadogan for some reason claims that what was said was a rise in 'Domestic Violence'.

Murders are only a fraction of the outcome of DV incidents.
So he's already messing with watchers of the vid.
It might also be useful for John Cadogan to look up the meaning of ‘epidemic.’
I think his plan was to plead guilty and get a slap on the wrist.
If the woman dies, hopefully he will spend 17 years in jail and come out when he's 99.

The Hansard transcript related to the below revelation would be good to have a look at.

An investigation into the interactions between Molly Ticehurst and New South Wales government agencies and programs has been launched after it was revealed that the young mother was promised security upgrades to her home two weeks before she was allegedly murdered.

The NSW Cabinet Office investigation was launched after Guardian Australia revealed the Forbes mother was promised help to “intruder-proof” her home as part of the Staying Home Leaving Violence (SHLV) scheme a fortnight before her death.

Ticehurst’s parents, Tony and Kate, say their 28-year-old daughter was “failed” by the system and the people who promised to install lights, cameras and tough window screens at her home after she reported her ex-boyfriend to police.'

Asked during question time in state parliament on Thursday about the alleged failings, the prevention of domestic violence minister, Jodie Harrison, said the case was being investigated by the state’s cabinet office.

“Obviously, something has gone wrong here,” she told parliament.

“The cabinet office has been tasked to undertake a review of all of the interactions Molly Ticehurst had with the NSW government agencies and domestic violence services in the lead up to her death.”

The housing minister, Rose Jackson, also told the parliament that any changes that needed to be made as a result of the apparent failing would be.

“That work to follow up those reports has already begun,” she said.

“If, as has been reported, important programs like Staying Home Leaving Violence, which we do support … if there is a problem or an issue with its delivery on the ground by an NGO partner, we absolutely need to look into that.”

Jackson promised to make public the findings of the investigation that would happen alongside the police and coronial probes already under way.

Ticehurst’s grieving parents have called for funding to be cut to the local service provider, Housing Plus, that their daughter believed was going to help her.'
The Hansard transcript related to the below revelation would be good to have a look at.

An investigation into the interactions between Molly Ticehurst and New South Wales government agencies and programs has been launched after it was revealed that the young mother was promised security upgrades to her home two weeks before she was allegedly murdered.

The NSW Cabinet Office investigation was launched after Guardian Australia revealed the Forbes mother was promised help to “intruder-proof” her home as part of the Staying Home Leaving Violence (SHLV) scheme a fortnight before her death.

Ticehurst’s parents, Tony and Kate, say their 28-year-old daughter was “failed” by the system and the people who promised to install lights, cameras and tough window screens at her home after she reported her ex-boyfriend to police.'

Asked during question time in state parliament on Thursday about the alleged failings, the prevention of domestic violence minister, Jodie Harrison, said the case was being investigated by the state’s cabinet office.

“Obviously, something has gone wrong here,” she told parliament.

“The cabinet office has been tasked to undertake a review of all of the interactions Molly Ticehurst had with the NSW government agencies and domestic violence services in the lead up to her death.”

The housing minister, Rose Jackson, also told the parliament that any changes that needed to be made as a result of the apparent failing would be.

“That work to follow up those reports has already begun,” she said.

“If, as has been reported, important programs like Staying Home Leaving Violence, which we do support … if there is a problem or an issue with its delivery on the ground by an NGO partner, we absolutely need to look into that.”

Jackson promised to make public the findings of the investigation that would happen alongside the police and coronial probes already under way.

Ticehurst’s grieving parents have called for funding to be cut to the local service provider, Housing Plus, that their daughter believed was going to help her.'

Unfortunately, even with all these things added, if someone is desperate to get inside and doesn't care about the legal repercussions, it's pretty tough to actually stop them. Perhaps slow them down enough to allow police time to get there.

Daniel Kerr avoids jail over domestic violence charges​

Daniel Kerr has avoided more jail time for repeated domestic violence offences against his ex-partner over six years. State prosecutor, Fiona Clare, said Kerr repeatedly assaulted the woman, whose name is suppressed, including punching her while he had keys in his hands and then licking the blood off them. The court heard on other occasions, Kerr grabbed the woman by her hair, threw her against a wall, punched her while she was holding their child and twice put his hand around her neck and choked her.

Judge Gillan imposed a suspended jail term of four years and six months with strict conditions that mean Kerr will be subject to supervision in the community, including possible urinalysis.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I'll be contacting the AG's office Monday (not a public holiday in WA) and I urge as many of you as possible to do the same please.

Daniel Kerr avoids jail over domestic violence charges​

Daniel Kerr has avoided more jail time for repeated domestic violence offences against his ex-partner over six years. State prosecutor, Fiona Clare, said Kerr repeatedly assaulted the woman, whose name is suppressed, including punching her while he had keys in his hands and then licking the blood off them. The court heard on other occasions, Kerr grabbed the woman by her hair, threw her against a wall, punched her while she was holding their child and twice put his hand around her neck and choked her.

Judge Gillan imposed a suspended jail term of four years and six months with strict conditions that mean Kerr will be subject to supervision in the community, including possible urinalysis.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I'll be contacting the AG's office Monday (not a public holiday in WA) and I urge as many of you as possible to do the same please.
In Court yesterday for sentencing in his DV case the West reports that with his paranoid schizophrenia (formerly diagnosed in 2022!), he had symptoms of it for at least 5 years (2017'ish - 2022), and possibly as far back as in 2008 (5 years before his player retirement from West Coast Eagles).

Daniel Kerr played 220 games for WCE between 2001 and 2013.


Daniel Kerr avoids jail over domestic violence charges​

Daniel Kerr has avoided more jail time for repeated domestic violence offences against his ex-partner over six years. State prosecutor, Fiona Clare, said Kerr repeatedly assaulted the woman, whose name is suppressed, including punching her while he had keys in his hands and then licking the blood off them. The court heard on other occasions, Kerr grabbed the woman by her hair, threw her against a wall, punched her while she was holding their child and twice put his hand around her neck and choked her.

Judge Gillan imposed a suspended jail term of four years and six months with strict conditions that mean Kerr will be subject to supervision in the community, including possible urinalysis.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I'll be contacting the AG's office Monday (not a public holiday in WA) and I urge as many of you as possible to do the same please.

You see, the thing about these blokes that end up killing their partners is they actually try so. bloody. hard. to warn us that they’re going to do it.

They’re all known to police

They all have a history of violent crimes

They’ve all done it before

Then the inevitable happens and we wonder why
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Domestic Violence Epidemic

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