Vicky Park
Premium Platinum
Do you though? Average foot soldiers aren't the players who win flags. I think you draft hoping for the most outstanding talented and highest impact players ..not with career longevity not for 200 games of mediocrity.
The fact you've managed to last in the system playing 200 games doesn't somehow magically transform you to a good player if you are just an average footsoldier for 200 games.
I'm rating them based on how I see them as a player. It's more subjective than how many games they managed to play I know but dammed if I can bring myself to call Richard Tambling or Farren Ray "good players". I could do it for Wilbur though if you like
There’s bias in every judgement, and we fans would make different judgements or assessments than the clubs. WHE is a case in point, being a player who is often criticised by fans yet clearly valued by the club and coaches. They may think he’s a better performed no. 4 pick than many of us do. Our assessment is also skewed by the standout no. 4s, e.g. Bont.