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Originally posted by Hank Jones

Will you be drinking? Will you drink anything with caffeine? These are classified as psychoactive drugs and are all addictive. So what will it be junior.....bread and water?

Ok, I will drink alchohol and drink coffee! But other than that or medicine type stuff I won't be taking drugs, I have no reason to!
Originally posted by PrideofSA

Ok, I will drink alchohol and drink coffee! But other than that or medicine type stuff I won't be taking drugs, I have no reason to!

Seeing as you miss the point entirely. You will, in fact, be taking drugs when you're 24. One of them will be one of the most addictive drugs known to man, the other will be a drug banned in recent history for its undue influence on society.
If I have to dumb it down for you, I'm talking about alcohol and caffeine.

ps. Don't take any painkillers, they are extremely addictive and are also dangerous to quit. Oh, I forgot you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

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Originally posted by Hank Jones

Seeing as you miss the point entirely. You will, in fact, be taking drugs when you're 24. One of them will be one of the most addictive drugs known to man, the other will be a drug banned in recent history for its undue influence on society.
If I have to dumb it down for you, I'm talking about alcohol and caffeine.

ps. Don't take any painkillers, they are extremely addictive and are also dangerous to quit. Oh, I forgot you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

lol refer to my last post!

Which bit did u miss?
Originally posted by PrideofSA

No, just not stupid!

I could bet anything that I won't be taking drugs!

As I have mentioned previously on this thread I work in the drug/alcohol field.Today at work I was talking to a guy who started taking heroin when he was 36(4 years ago).It's unusual for someone to start taking heroin this late,and as we talked I found out why.It turns out his only child died in an accident and as a subsequence his marriage turned to $hit.He got into heroin to cope with the unbearable pain he was feeling in his life.

I'm not saying this will happen to you in the future(heaven forbid!).But mainly to show you never know what's around the corner!
As the old saying goes 'never say never'.
Originally posted by Leaping Linder

As I have mentioned previously on this thread I work in the drug/alcohol field.Today at work I was talking to a guy who started taking heroin when he was 36(4 years ago).It's unusual for someone to start taking heroin this late,and as we talked I found out why.It turns out his only child died in an accident and as a subsequence his marriage turned to $hit.He got into heroin to cope with the unbearable pain he was feeling in his life.

I'm not saying this will happen to you in the future(heaven forbid!).But mainly to show you never know what's around the corner!
As the old saying goes 'never say never'.

Yeah i realise the terrible circumstances and that things can change pretty suddenly for the worse, but u still have to remember that if I take drugs it is entirely my decision! Unless of course u have a spiked drink or something!
Originally posted by PrideofSA

Yeah i realise the terrible circumstances and that things can change pretty suddenly for the worse, but u still have to remember that if I take drugs it is entirely my decision! Unless of course u have a spiked drink or something!

Absolutely true.And as someone who sees daily the effects that (hard)drugs can have on people I sincerly hope you never do.Just try to remember that it's not as clear cut as that ridiculous cliche just say no would have you believe!
Anyway I'm off to bed.It's a big day for us today in case you've forgotten!!!!!!
Originally posted by PrideofSA

I won't be taking drugs when I'm 24, I'm not that dumb!

I didn't mean that you will be taking drugs when you're 24, I just meant that you might not be so closed minded about the whole thing.

You may be able to see that it's not as black and white as you think it is...
Originally posted by Yianni

I didn't mean that you will be taking drugs when you're 24, I just meant that you might not be so closed minded about the whole thing.

You may be able to see that it's not as black and white as you think it is...

I realise it isn't black and white, But I just don't see the need for taking drugs and think it is stupid, So that way I aviod all the black, grey, charcoal etc etc areas!

Stay in the white!
Originally posted by PrideofSA

I realise it isn't black and white, But I just don't see the need for taking drugs and think it is stupid, So that way I aviod all the black, grey, charcoal etc etc areas!

Stay in the white!

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it.
Originally posted by PrideofSA

I won't be taking drugs when I'm 24, I'm not that dumb!
You're unbelievable.

You're a 19 year old, talking amongst a bunch of people who are probably (at an average) 10 years older than you are. We all think the same thing and you think something different, but you still believe that you are the one who is right.

If you were with some of your 19 year old mates and you had a 15 year old trying to give you all advice that none of you agreed with, wouldn't you think that the 15yo was naive and ignorant? If you haven't stopped to think about this aspect, you are certainly not as smart as you think you are.
Originally posted by bunsen burner
You're unbelievable.

You're a 19 year old, talking amongst a bunch of people who are probably (at an average) 10 years older than you are. We all think the same thing and you think something different, but you still believe that you are the one who is right.

If you were with some of your 19 year old mates and you had a 15 year old trying to give you all advice that none of you agreed with, wouldn't you think that the 15yo was naive and ignorant? If you haven't stopped to think about this aspect, you are certainly not as smart as you think you are.
how old are you BB

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Originally posted by bunsen burner
You're unbelievable.

You're a 19 year old, talking amongst a bunch of people who are probably (at an average) 10 years older than you are. We all think the same thing and you think something different, but you still believe that you are the one who is right.

If you were with some of your 19 year old mates and you had a 15 year old trying to give you all advice that none of you agreed with, wouldn't you think that the 15yo was naive and ignorant? If you haven't stopped to think about this aspect, you are certainly not as smart as you think you are.

I know taking drugs is dumb, we learn about it in school, we hear it from our parents (who are older than u) we hear about it in the media. I've grown up thinking smoking, drugs etc is just not cool!

I think age is irrelevent in this issue!
Originally posted by Hank Jones
Seeing as you miss the point entirely. You will, in fact, be taking drugs when you're 24. One of them will be one of the most addictive drugs known to man, the other will be a drug banned in recent history for its undue influence on society.
If I have to dumb it down for you, I'm talking about alcohol and caffeine.
Alcohol and caffeine are legal. The amount of both these things I drink isn't healthy, but I'm not breaking any laws by doing it. I won't be breaking into anyone's house to pay for my next cup of coffee.
Originally posted by Bomber Spirit
Alcohol and caffeine are legal. The amount of both these things I drink isn't healthy, but I'm not breaking any laws by doing it. I won't be breaking into anyone's house to pay for my next cup of coffee.

Don't worry, that was my point exactly! Hank is a bit slow though! must be all those drugs!:D
Originally posted by PrideofSA

I know taking drugs is dumb, we learn about it in school, we hear it from our parents (who are older than u) we hear about it in the media. I've grown up thinking smoking, drugs etc is just not cool!

I think age is irrelevent in this issue!
No one is saying they're cool. They are just saying the whole situation isn't as black and white as you think.
Originally posted by PrideofSA

I realise it isn't black and white, But I just don't see the need for taking drugs and think it is stupid, So that way I aviod all the black, grey, charcoal etc etc areas!

Stay in the white!

I take it you don't listen to any music that is written and recorded by people on drugs? I also take it you don't watch movies featuring actors who use drugs occasionally?

How would you know?

You wouldn't have a clue.

By the way, what's 3 tones up from C# Mr Music Expert?
Originally posted by Bomber Spirit
Alcohol and caffeine are legal. The amount of both these things I drink isn't healthy, but I'm not breaking any laws by doing it. I won't be breaking into anyone's house to pay for my next cup of coffee.
I drink every weekend and occasionally take drugs. I have never needed to steal to support my 'habit'. This is what PoSA doesn't understand. He doesn't think people can exist in these so-called 'grey' areas for extended periods of time without having adverse effects.

He has no experience, he is all of 19, and he claims to 'know'. Only idiots claim to know about stuff that they don't have first hand experience or expertise in.
Originally posted by gPhonque

I take it you don't listen to any music that is written and recorded by people on drugs? I also take it you don't watch movies featuring actors who use drugs occasionally?

How would you know?

You wouldn't have a clue.

By the way, what's 3 tones up from C# Mr Music Expert?

Ofcourse I do, but doesn't mean they are right for doing so!

By the way....The answer is G
Originally posted by bunsen burner
I drink every weekend and occasionally take drugs. I have never needed to steal to support my 'habit'. This is what PoSA doesn't understand. He doesn't think people can exist in these so-called 'grey' areas for extended periods of time without having adverse effects.

He has no experience, he is all of 19, and he claims to 'know'. Only idiots claim to know about stuff that they don't have first hand experience or expertise in.

I didn't say that all drug users are stealers and that they are all addicted to it! But being 35 or whatever I would have thought u would know the effects of drugs and all, but obviously u are ignorant to the fact and want to harm yourself!

Being 19 has nothing to do with it, most plenty or ppl older and younger than me know better than to take drugs!
I think one of the best source of information about drug use is from users themselves, ex- or current. the vic govt conducts an annual client satisfaction survey, which allows clients to give feedback about the services they've received. a lot of self-help groups are run by ex-users. even the best clinical trials, such as those conducted by Turning Point alcohol and drug centre, and whose results will eventually form the basis of the info given out to schools etc.. will involve users. the trials are trying to learn from peoples experiences.

the experiences of users cannot be dismissed, as they provide good information about drug use. to access this info, one must keep an open mind and not be judgmental about drug use.
Originally posted by PrideofSA

But being 35 or whatever I would have thought u would know the effects of drugs and all,
I do and you don't. I have taken them, you haven't.

but obviously u are ignorant to the fact and want to harm yourself!
Ignorant? me? Turn it up!

Ignorance is about having opinions about things that you don't have first hand experience with. I think you would fit into this category better than me.

Harm myself? Haven't harmed myself in 20 years, what makes you so sure that I will be harming myself in the future?

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