Eddie says Steele needs to drink more during the season to build up alcohol tolerance. Proud of him.

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“He slept on the couch, went to go to the toilet in the morning, but took the wrong door and ended up on the street”
- Eddie on Foxfooty
He wasn't going outside to the toilet, he was going to Dunny's.

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I hope I don't fall asleep and wake up nude on the street

Sent by shoephone via Tapatoe
In a past life a friend of mine once confided to me that you're not drunk until you sh*t the bed. Based on his criteria I can confirm that I've never been been drunk.

He then went on to ponder his surprise that when he woke up in the morning he was covered in sh*t from his chest to his ankles, putting it down to a restless night. I can't remember if he washed his sheets or just threw them away
He's an AFL footballer, so why are we still surprised?

Oh that's right- we aren't!

....and I still wonder why he's the only member of his family who looks kinda normal. Did Dad bone Taffy-May instead of Bobby-June that time?

To be fair he was probably drinking scotch at the time
Don't make rash assumptions.

Back in my youth I was posted to a ship that had major maintenance problems and we were in dock for three months in Sydney. We'd occasionally go the six can challenge. Knock off work, 6 cans in the mess, change for dinner, share a bottle of vino with the bloke next to you, then roar down to The Rocks for some shenanigans.

Worrying sign A. It changes from a challenge to a routine.

Worrying sign B. Start waking up without a hangover.
did you sit on your hands much?
I was woken by my parents once pissing in their friends cupboard, could happen to anyone, of course I was only 7 and disoriented in a strange house but still I can sympathise with Eddie and Steele.

My sister did this a couple of times when she was little. My bedroom was next to the toilet and she slept walk in to my room and pissed in to one of my drawers.

Funny thing is, she opened a drawer, went to sit down, wasnt comfortable, closed it, opened a different one, and then pissed.

I told this story at her 21st. Much laughing.
My sister did this a couple of times when she was little. My bedroom was next to the toilet and she slept walk in to my room and pissed in to one of my drawers.

Funny thing is, she opened a drawer, went to sit down, wasnt comfortable, closed it, opened a different one, and then pissed.

I told this story at her 21st. Much laughing.

You never considered the alternative explanation?
My sister did this a couple of times when she was little. My bedroom was next to the toilet and she slept walk in to my room and pissed in to one of my drawers.

Funny thing is, she opened a drawer, went to sit down, wasnt comfortable, closed it, opened a different one, and then pissed.

I told this story at her 21st. Much laughing.
what an excellent brother you are

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Do you want a dash of lemonade in those... help you to keep up :$
No you ****er but a shot of Drambuie wouldn't go astray

Sent by shoephone via Tapatoe
Dunno what everyone is carrying on about. Just your average night out, imo.
Nobody would even care anymore if Eddie hadn’t of sprouted all that bullshit.

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