EDFL "A" Grade - 2011

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Norm Smith Medallist
Aug 16, 2009
AFL Club
Other Teams
North Ballarat
Not entirely true, I think they also had trouble with money going "missing" from within. If you win the flag, are you really over-paying??
In no relation to Marby as I have no idea as to their financial situation but of course you can over-spend in winning a flag, if you over extend yourself you can potentially kill off a club for one years success.
Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

Real football being played in London "About time"

On a serious note:

What is the response like from the locals in Londan to Local Aussie rules football?

How serious is the competition?
Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

With the introduction of more and more ex AFL players and many clubs already paying what I would call above the odds for some not such good quality players. Can the clubs sustain this form of spending in the long term?
I would assume NO so will we see a huge departure of quality from the competition in a few years time or will we see a very lopsided competition when only the exceptionaly financial clubs can afford players.

Maybe its something that needs to be looked at at Association level before the situation arrises and becomes unfixable.

It's only a matter of time that clubs getting into A grade will not be able to afford to be competative and will drop straight back to B grade through what will become a rotating door promotion and relegation system.

Any thoughts?

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Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

With the introduction of more and more ex AFL players and many clubs already paying what I would call above the odds for some not such good quality players. Can the clubs sustain this form of spending in the long term?
I would assume NO so will we see a huge departure of quality from the competition in a few years time or will we see a very lopsided competition when only the exceptionaly financial clubs can afford players.

Maybe its something that needs to be looked at at Association level before the situation arrises and becomes unfixable.

It's only a matter of time that clubs getting into A grade will not be able to afford to be competative and will drop straight back to B grade through what will become a rotating door promotion and relegation system.

Any thoughts?

TT, I heard some EDFL clubs have a player payment budget of over 100k a year. if this is the case then you are probably right. You need to sell a lot of hotdogs and drinks to cover 100k.
Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

TT, I heard some EDFL clubs have a player payment budget of over 100k a year. if this is the case then you are probably right. You need to sell a lot of hotdogs and drinks to cover 100k.

I would imagine that every A grade club is spending at least that, clubs are smarter with how they raise money and most having very successful business people at the helm of the club helping it generate revenue through proper business partnerships with there sponsors, long gone are the days of clubs running on the funds of the chook raffle and the occasional social function.
Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

TT, I heard some EDFL clubs have a player payment budget of over 100k a year. if this is the case then you are probably right. You need to sell a lot of hotdogs and drinks to cover 100k.

Your a bit off the mark mate, there would not be any A Grade club spending less than $100K. The only doubtful one would be TL but I am sure they would be up there if they plan to stay in the competition. The top six clubs would be spending over $200K. And to ask the EDFL to make a stance you have to be kidding. At last EDFL meeting with 10 0f 24 clubs"unfinancial" ie owing money to the league - they increased the interchange bench to 22 players - this will increase clubs running costs no matter what spin is put on it. Not sure if anyone sees it my way but the financial clubs will get stronger as they can afford the cost & the weaker clubs will just have to suffer the pain - not a smart decision in the interests of the competition.
Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

Right package, wrong club. Merry Christmas :D

What club signed them? Last I heard GV & AB were the last two clubs in the fight & AB were throwing some serious money around. Maybe MP raided the piggy bank again & trumped at the last minute.
Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

You cannot stop a club paying overs, the only things that may be done is to introduce a salary cap like policy. Some comps have looked into a points style system, not allowing the rich clubs to buy premierships. It will encourage clubs to grow there junior development programs. and work harder to gain loyaly from there own.

A Team can only take the field with X amount of points

A local player from the juniors might be worth 1
An AFL player may be worth 5, unless he played juniors with the club
A VFL player might be 4
A player from an opposition club might also be 4 points to discourage poaching.
In order for a points system to work effieciently it would require AFL Vic to Label competitions.
It would also require intense planning from the league, making sure all loop holes are cover therefore the rules being black and white.
Plus a more detailed player history database.

It could be a major project, but for the betterment of the league something needs to be looked at.
As long as money is running football competitions, the strong will get stronger and the weak weaker.

The MPNFL are using this system
Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

It would appear that the subject of money has created a bit of discussion and hit a nerve or two.
The question I’m still looking for the answer to is: Will the competition decline in the next 2 or 3 years as the wells dry up at each club and players start to move competitions looking for the dollar where ever it may still be.
I certainly can’t see these local clubs sustaining the financial growth that will be needed to keep up.
Look at Marby if rumours are anything to go by they may struggle to survive past the next 2 or 3 years but they won’t be the only ones to struggle.
Quite a few clubs are kept afloat by that money tree sponsor or supporter who will eventually move areas or their own playing son moves clubs and then the well is dry extremely quick.
With quite a few clubs still un-financial with the EDFL it would appear to be an issue that should be a concern for all.
Here is something for all clubs to think about strongly!
Which clubs were still un-financial at the end of last season?
Were all clubs who played finals financial?
It would be interesting to see a club finish just outside finals at the end of the season challenge the results or the winning of points by un-financial clubs.
I haven’t read any EDFL By-laws or constitution but I’m sure there would be a clause or 2 that covers the situation of un-financial clubs.
I know that in certain Cricket competitions un-financial clubs continue to play however they are not eligible to play for points until such time that they are financial and only games played after becoming financial are then for points not the previous games already played.
It could be time for club committees to start reading!
Would the EDFL be obligated to disclose those un-financial clubs if requested b y another club?
A lot to consider in the coming months
Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

Your a bit off the mark mate, there would not be any A Grade club spending less than $100K. The only doubtful one would be TL but I am sure they would be up there if they plan to stay in the competition. The top six clubs would be spending over $200K. And to ask the EDFL to make a stance you have to be kidding. At last EDFL meeting with 10 0f 24 clubs"unfinancial" ie owing money to the league - they increased the interchange bench to 22 players - this will increase clubs running costs no matter what spin is put on it. Not sure if anyone sees it my way but the financial clubs will get stronger as they can afford the cost & the weaker clubs will just have to suffer the pain - not a smart decision in the interests of the competition.

Could not agree there , could quote you figures from one EDFL on a yearly basis and we do not spend anywhere near the money you quote and being on the business end of sponsorship and raising money do you realize how hard it is to get 100k in sponsorship when most sponsors get bugger all for their dollar other than a few beers ?

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Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

Could not agree there , could quote you figures from one EDFL on a yearly basis and we do not spend anywhere near the money you quote and being on the business end of sponsorship and raising money do you realize how hard it is to get 100k in sponsorship when most sponsors get bugger all for their dollar other than a few beers ?
Sempai can you tell me which division you are from?

I know of few clubs who are each paying 3 players just over 90k between them so they are well over the 100k I would guess.
Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

Sempai can you tell me which division you are from?

I know of few clubs who are each paying 3 players just over 90k between them so they are well over the 100k I would guess.

You refer to Marby park ???
And I refer to A grade as it is an A Grade thread as opposed to the B Grade thread , we all know the teams that are throwing money around
Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

You cannot stop a club paying overs, the only things that may be done is to introduce a salary cap like policy. Some comps have looked into a points style system, not allowing the rich clubs to buy premierships. It will encourage clubs to grow there junior development programs. and work harder to gain loyaly from there own.

A Team can only take the field with X amount of points

A local player from the juniors might be worth 1
An AFL player may be worth 5, unless he played juniors with the club
A VFL player might be 4
A player from an opposition club might also be 4 points to discourage poaching.
In order for a points system to work effieciently it would require AFL Vic to Label competitions.
It would also require intense planning from the league, making sure all loop holes are cover therefore the rules being black and white.
Plus a more detailed player history database.

It could be a major project, but for the betterment of the league something needs to be looked at.
As long as money is running football competitions, the strong will get stronger and the weak weaker.

The MPNFL are using this system

Make sure you buy a flag with in the next 2 years guys, because as of 2013 its open slather. Already in the system champ (looking at points on a data base), and that comes from the top (or near enough). Something tells me we are going to have premierships awarded well after the grandfinal.
Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

Your a bit off the mark mate, there would not be any A Grade club spending less than $100K. The only doubtful one would be TL but I am sure they would be up there if they plan to stay in the competition. The top six clubs would be spending over $200K. And to ask the EDFL to make a stance you have to be kidding. At last EDFL meeting with 10 0f 24 clubs"unfinancial" ie owing money to the league - they increased the interchange bench to 22 players - this will increase clubs running costs no matter what spin is put on it. Not sure if anyone sees it my way but the financial clubs will get stronger as they can afford the cost & the weaker clubs will just have to suffer the pain - not a smart decision in the interests of the competition.
Still it goes on. I remember the doom and gloom when I played GFL and EDFL in the 70's.
The salary cap was unenforceable simply because it was too hard (impossible?) to police.
Points system is now being used extensively in the VCFL leagues and with some success. Big spender Silvan left the YVMDFL for the big smoke in EFL after it was brought in, partly to avoid it.
MPNFL also use it and it keeps a bit of a rein on the number of imports and rewards 'loyalty'. It also encourages clubs to show some interest in their junior development. (Large chorus of 'hear! Hear!' from the assembled.) Even Mornington Pen Cricket Asn uses a points system!!
The 'meat market' is another question, though. Individual packages could be growing as clubs concentrate their budget into less imports of higher quality. Haven't heard anything definite, but I expect it could be the case. Also, the cast-off AFL U18 and VFL players are getting very greedy, so they may have to reassess if the market shrinks.
Still, the Points System seems to have been nailed down pretty well by now. Easy to follow and worth a look.
Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

is there any ex afl players or listed or rookies playing in your comp in 2011?
Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

RDFL thread has 'nugget' Nolan heading to kilmore to play with jacobs and other crazburn boys is there any truth in that 'the git'???

Oakers for premiers 2011
Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

is there any ex afl players or listed or rookies playing in your comp in 2011?

Several and at a guess the following from 2010 would apply an average of at least 3 per club in a grade
Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

It staggers me how any rational, lateral thinking committee member, especially a club president or treasurer, of an Essendon District Football League club, would sit around a table at a committee meeting and agree to part with the best part of 200 grand in match payments to its clubs players.

No one pays to get in, so it doesn't matter how many are watching. Some gun player from the AFL is not going to have the turnstiles ticking and the cash registers clicking, because no ground has a bloody turnstile or a person on the gate.

If there's no incentive to increase the gate why pay players ridiculous sums to play a game they'd probably play for nothing if that was the only option?

No club should pay any more than about 60 grand per season tops. Any more than that and you are paying way over the odds for your team. They train a maximum of about 3 times per week, play on Saturday arvo, then (most) hit the piss afterwards. It's hardly a profession yet if we what we read were is to be believed some are getting between 20 and 30 grand a year. What the hell for?

The committee members are working their backsides off to raise money to pay blokes who in the main couldn't give shit whether the club was around in a year's time. If the club folded due to crippling debt, most of the mercenaries on the big money would break land speed records in moving to a new club.

As someone said in an earlier post, 100g plus is a bloody lot of beer over the bar & raffle tickets one has to sell.

The EDFL is paddock footy, enjoyable to watch, but hardly at a level that would make one pay to watch. Put fences around the ground, make people pay and they would get two and a dog to watch it. (providing the dog got in free).

If you are on a club committee and you're paying a bloke $500 plus per game, you've got rocks in your head.
Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

It staggers me how any rational, lateral thinking committee member, especially a club president or treasurer, of an Essendon District Football League club, would sit around a table at a committee meeting and agree to part with the best part of 200 grand in match payments to its clubs players.

No one pays to get in, so it doesn't matter how many are watching. Some gun player from the AFL is not going to have the turnstiles ticking and the cash registers clicking, because no ground has a bloody turnstile or a person on the gate.

If there's no incentive to increase the gate why pay players ridiculous sums to play a game they'd probably play for nothing if that was the only option?

No club should pay any more than about 60 grand per season tops. Any more than that and you are paying way over the odds for your team. They train a maximum of about 3 times per week, play on Saturday arvo, then (most) hit the piss afterwards. It's hardly a profession yet if we what we read were is to be believed some are getting between 20 and 30 grand a year. What the hell for?

The committee members are working their backsides off to raise money to pay blokes who in the main couldn't give shit whether the club was around in a year's time. If the club folded due to crippling debt, most of the mercenaries on the big money would break land speed records in moving to a new club.

As someone said in an earlier post, 100g plus is a bloody lot of beer over the bar & raffle tickets one has to sell.

The EDFL is paddock footy, enjoyable to watch, but hardly at a level that would make one pay to watch. Put fences around the ground, make people pay and they would get two and a dog to watch it. (providing the dog got in free).

If you are on a club committee and you're paying a bloke $500 plus per game, you've got rocks in your head.

You are living in the past there mate. EDFL is far better than 'paddock football' these days. I remember when Abers had a team with about ten 35 year olds all over weight who would not get near any A-grade team these days. The fitness and skills have gone up ten-fold in the last 10 or so years.

I do agree that $$$ has too big a part to play but you either learn to adjust or get relegated, it's that simple. Clubs now have fitness coaches, several trainers, former AFL coaches etc...so despite the mercenaries if you are a good enough club you will attract the right people and get a good reputation. Until they bring in a much needed points system then clubs rightly or wrongly have to work around what we've got.
Re: EDFL "A" Grade - 2010

The committee members are working their backsides off to raise money to pay blokes who in the main couldn't give shit whether the club was around in a year's time. If the club folded due to crippling debt, most of the mercenaries on the big money would break land speed records in moving to a new club.

very true... :thumbsu:
8 teams, 8 comps, 2 grounds, 1 day- melbourne metros best of the best!

On Sunday March 6th this event will be broadcast live via SEN Radio 1116 AM.

8 of the premiership teams from 2010 around Melbourne have agreed to play in a 20/20 style competition for their chance to take out the prestigious trophy of becoming Melbourne metro footballs best of the best and win their club $5000 in prizes and money.

The event and day has been organised by Benjamin Charles from SPORT SUPPORT. Also helping promote and run the event is Matty Pillios (EDFL MEDIA HOST) along with various other high profile metropolitan footballers and current or ex AFL players.The day will start at 11am and games will be played at CT Barling Reserve located at Plenty Rd, Reservoir.

The 8 clubs representing their leagues are as follows:

NFL – West Preston F.C (Ran all over powerhouse Heidelberg F.C to take 2010 premiership coach and are known to be physical.)

VAFA – Old Carey F.C (Smashed the VAFA B section comp in 2010 and now in A section will represent VAFA. Have picked up close to 8 quality players for season 2011. Old Xavs F.C declined to participate.)

GFL – South Barwon F.C (One of the favourites from a powerhouse comp. Will be at full strength and have the entire town of Geelong behind them.)

EDFL – Marby Park F.C (Back to back premiers will try and stamp its name as the strongest metro football team in the country boasting a ton of talent.)

EFL – Mulgrave F.C (Represent one of the strongest Melbourne comps and this year are in Div 1. Have recently recruited quality AFL & VFL players for season 2011. Noble Park F.C declined to participate.)

RDFL – Riddell F.C (Strong club with a massive following and will be keen to keep momentum from their 2010 premiership win.)

SFL – Clayton F.C (The club has been a powerhouse in Div 1 for a long time. Have recruited very strongly for 2011. St Kilda City F.C could not confirm.)

WRFL – Albion F.C (Stunned the WRFL winning the 2010 flag and with some new recruits will give it a shake. Coming from a comp with physical football.


“Melbournes Fittest Footballer” (Vertical Leap, 20 Metre Sprints and Push Up Comp.)

“Grand Final Curtain Raiser” (60 Person Beep Test between any local registered footballer.)

Should be a cracker of a day! What are everyones thoughts and feedback on it?
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