Toast Essendon Football Club 150 Year Anniversary 1872-2022

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I wonder why they chose these 7 to model it in the promo pictures. Presumably they have some sort of ASAs with the club for marketing work, but why would those contracts not include Heppell, or Smith but not Shiel? And why are Merrett and Parish in the background with McGrath in the middle?

Would've been a while ago too – before Cox dyed his hair and Archie cut his.
2022 jumper has been unveiled. I kinda like the red accents on the collar/sleeves, but they look like a different shade of red? Don't like the black line breaking the sash.

Looks great but it would've been so much better if they swapped the places of the Fujitsu logo with the anniversary logo. Although I'm sure Fujitsu would've paid to have that position. Still, what a shame. If someone is good with photoshop and has the time, i would love to see what that swap would look like.
Looks great but it would've been so much better if they swapped the places of the Fujitsu logo with the anniversary logo. Although I'm sure Fujitsu would've paid to have that position. Still, what a shame. If someone is good with photoshop and has the time, i would love to see what that swap would look like.
Agree, not very noticeable where it is.
Forget changing the logo ... It's time to end our ludicrous stance on our away kit. That all red abomination is hideous.

I actually wanted to post the same thing. It's horrible.

A red guernsey with a black sash would be one of the best guernseys in the league. Surely the constitution can be amended?
If not, then put a thin red line in the middle of the black sash and call it a red sash.

It's frustrating, I feel like we picked a very small hill to die on in regards to this issue.

I personally don't believe clash jumpers have ever been required, and I respected the original reluctance to adopt one. However, once the AFL had decided it was going to be mandatory I feel that we should have been leaders in this new market. We have one of the largest fan bases in the game and yet our alternate strips are so bad that I can't recall ever seeing a supporter wear one at a game.

I have never believed that changing our strip or whatever would dilute our brand, take a look at this;

View attachment 1282582

This is a Manchester United top, celebrating them winning the 1968 European Title ... they are selling replica's of this top today ... I don't think the fact that it's not red has damaged Man U's brand.

the clash jumper/sash is clearly one of the stupidest things. If I was to get up in our arms about our jumper being tarnished, I'd be looking at those sponsor logos on our home jumper. but....this is the AFL failing to stamp their foot down too. us, and collingwood and richmond, have played their own childish parts, but in mind, it's abundantly simple in my books: if you're not the home, you don't get to wear your home jumper. so you would have a home jumper, an away jumper and a clash jumper, but obviously the way the game evolved, with 10 team leagues and what not, there was no home or away jumper, just the jumper, and the AFL have failed to get clubs to modernise

and so essendon and our fans cling to what I view is a silly stance.
the clash jumper/sash is clearly one of the stupidest things. If I was to get up in our arms about our jumper being tarnished, I'd be looking at those sponsor logos on our home jumper. but....this is the AFL failing to stamp their foot down too. us, and collingwood and richmond, have played their own childish parts, but in mind, it's abundantly simple in my books: if you're not the home, you don't get to wear your home jumper. so you would have a home jumper, an away jumper and a clash jumper, but obviously the way the game evolved, with 10 team leagues and what not, there was no home or away jumper, just the jumper, and the AFL have failed to get clubs to modernise

and so essendon and our fans cling to what I view is a silly stance.

What’s wrong with an inversion?

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Clash jumpers in general are stupid. Once upon a time the away team wore white shorts and everyone knew who was who on a 10" B&W television. Now the TVs are 5-10x the size, full colour, widescreen and 1080p HD at the absolute worst, and we're apparently so blind we can't tell the difference?

As far as a marketing ploy, we do plenty of one-off jumpers for different things during the year, ANZAC, dreamtime, clash for cancer etc. We don't also need a clash jumper for marketing purposes.

That said, if all of these with the black and white (and pink and yellow) patterns on them count as a red sash:

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... if all of these with the black and white (and pink and yellow) patterns on them count as a red sash, then it clearly doesn't have to be a plain red sash with black stripes on either side to satisfy the constitution.

I don't see why you can't do effectively the same thing to help the contrast on a red background. It would almost look like an inversion while technically retaining a (patterned) red sash.

Or even plain sash or white patterned sash on a white background 🤷‍♀️ The bloods haven't used that jumper since the 1930s.
Looks great but it would've been so much better if they swapped the places of the Fujitsu logo with the anniversary logo. Although I'm sure Fujitsu would've paid to have that position. Still, what a shame. If someone is good with photoshop and has the time, i would love to see what that swap would look like.




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Toast Essendon Football Club 150 Year Anniversary 1872-2022

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