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Our entire game style is built around the strengths (contest ball winning) and weaknesses (pace, defensive running) of Neale and Lyons. We play a long kicking contested game down a wing. We have no width and generally pretty slowly relying on our defense to stand up when things are turned over.
It has been a pretty successful plan for the last couple of years but when it is not working there is no plan B. It also fails to take account of the change in personnel over the last couple of years. Everytime you hear from the recruiters it is about getting more run in our squad. The problem is that we have added running ability to our team but the coaching staff refuses to actually use it. Our wingers are on a hiding to nothing.
100% spot on there is NO plan B....or C or D.
The other issue and Fages has talked about it is keeping a settled line up. He has really held favour with players as to keep the team line up as similar as possible weeks in week out. Pretty much for the last 3 years. So unfortunately I can not see guys like Lester, birch , ah Chee even Berry getting dropped now.