News Fas Taking Time off for Depression

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its being reported that in slobbo's apology letter he asked Fas for an interview. apparently Bucks was asked in his presser and replied something like request "wasn't out of character".

I was prepared to move in after the 360 apology but this fwit needs to be gone from the media.

Watching 360 atm.

Confirmed he asked Fas for an interview (that would then be put on the back page), under the guise that Robbo thought it would help him to understand.

He's a genuine bottom feeder.

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Seemed a bit under done, didn't chase as hard as usual, good game still but hopefully he brings a bit more pressure after the bye
its being reported that in slobbo's apology letter he asked Fas for an interview. apparently Bucks was asked in his presser and replied something like request "wasn't out of character".

I was prepared to move in after the 360 apology but this fwit needs to be gone from the media.
Couldn't agree with you more.

For almost all of Buckley's career I didn't care much for what he did or said. Probably a jealousy thing that I often wished the worst upon him. I have no great affection for Alex Fasolo either but again that's probably only because he's not doing what he does at my club. And, although I'm no champion for the cause of those suffering mental illness I cannot help but leap to the defence of your lads in this case. Quite simply, all that I have thought about Mark Robinson has again been laid bare for all to see, and I only hope that the greater football public finally dismiss this buffoon for what he is.

How he has got to the position of being any kind of authority on matters football - let alone mental health - never ceases to astound me. If I am ever caught off guard and have to listen to him, all I hear is someone who sounds drunk, inarticulate and ignorant to the point of being rude. Is it just me?

The stuff he has written in the Hun for years has been overwhelmingly cringe-worthy, but at least we don't have to hear him if he stays in that domain. Who was responsible for elevating him to radio or, inexplicably, television? It never made sense, and rarely does he. Turn off like I do, he's not worth your time.
Watching 360 atm.

Confirmed he asked Fas for an interview (that would then be put on the back page), under the guise that Robbo thought it would help him to understand.

He's a genuine bottom feeder.

He is a brain dead w***er. Suggested to Neale Daniher then other night on 360 that he should go down the slide. :huh:

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Surely something needs to happen here. The apology is not good enough now.

“Mark asked at some stage if he could speak to to Alex Fasolo and I got medical opinion and went back to him and told him in the most straight forward terms that he was not to make contact with Alex Fasolo,” he said.

“Then for an email to arrive, not only apologising sort of but then to ask for an interview and intimate that this would be good for other sufferers, ie. putting more pressure on the kid was just terrible.
Surely something needs to happen here. The apology is not good enough now.

“Mark asked at some stage if he could speak to to Alex Fasolo and I got medical opinion and went back to him and told him in the most straight forward terms that he was not to make contact with Alex Fasolo,” he said.

“Then for an email to arrive, not only apologising sort of but then to ask for an interview and intimate that this would be good for other sufferers, ie. putting more pressure on the kid was just terrible.

He clearly thinks he's bullet proof. A law to himself. Doesn't listen to others.
Tonight 360 should be interesting. Will he deny Eddie version?
To me the key is that he asked, was told no on medical advice, and then went ahead and did that anyway.

That is what should get him sacked. He was told. He cannot plead ignorance.

He is nothing more than a smirking ambulatory pustule.
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To me the key is that he asked, was told no on medical advice, and then went ahead and did that anyway.

That is what should get him sacked. He was told. He cannot plead ignorance.

He is nothing more than a smirking ambulatory pustule.

You are being too kind.
Agree, he was instrumental in quite a few goals, little 1%s. The tap to Crocker for the goal was smart play.
I'm a bit of a critic of Fas at times but I thought he went ok yesterday. Didn't get much of it but what he did do was mostly good. I was very happy for him when he kicked that first goal.
For what fas has gone through, thought his game was very good.
People mite say not his best, and that is true, but to be out there when your club, mates need you, he stood up to it all.
Well done fas.
To that other person robbo you sir are not a nice human being.
I've also had a few snipes at Fas this year. He did me proud yesterday. Did his bit under challenging circumstances. Respect. Depression sufferers can at times struggle just to get out of bed. He did that and put himself on show in front of 70 odd thousand at the G.

Edit: On Robbo... he has all the attributes of a dog, except loyalty.
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You are being too kind.

Well maybe I should be more kind. He is a prophet.

He is the stream of bat's piss that shines out like a shaft of gold when all around is dark. He is the light that brings the truthiness, the shrill honking voice that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of the totally batshit crazy.

A snivelling, sniping, submoronic jizzrag.

So at News Limited, he fits right in.
Couldn't agree with you more.

For almost all of Buckley's career I didn't care much for what he did or said. Probably a jealousy thing that I often wished the worst upon him. I have no great affection for Alex Fasolo either but again that's probably only because he's not doing what he does at my club. And, although I'm no champion for the cause of those suffering mental illness I cannot help but leap to the defence of your lads in this case. Quite simply, all that I have thought about Mark Robinson has again been laid bare for all to see, and I only hope that the greater football public finally dismiss this buffoon for what he is.

How he has got to the position of being any kind of authority on matters football - let alone mental health - never ceases to astound me. If I am ever caught off guard and have to listen to him, all I hear is someone who sounds drunk, inarticulate and ignorant to the point of being rude. Is it just me?

The stuff he has written in the Hun for years has been overwhelmingly cringe-worthy, but at least we don't have to hear him if he stays in that domain. Who was responsible for elevating him to radio or, inexplicably, television? It never made sense, and rarely does he. Turn off like I do, he's not worth your time.
Welcome honorary Magpie.

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News Fas Taking Time off for Depression

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