Society & Culture Favourite Idioms

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A couple of oldies:

He "Couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery"

He "Couldn't get a root in a brothel"

But that one's a given. :D

Also enjoy you don't have to be dead to be stiff.

Use that one quite a lot.
Mate of mine uses "more cracks than the Womens Hospital" a fair bit and we were having smoko one day with this other joker when mate 1 asked " Is (insert name here) gay?" when joker 1 replies "As a Gypsy Wagon".
Dumb as dog shit
Couldn't organize a **** in a brothel
Tighter than a nuns c**t
She's had more pricks than a pin cushion
Slower than a wet week
Got a few odd looks when I said it to a few people awhile ago. I picked it up whilst working on drill rigs. Thought it was a stupid saying but soon started using it myself.
Going to see a man about a dog

Between you, me and the fencepost

Me: Where you going?
Dad: Mad and shoot myself
Me: Who with?
Dad: Me, myself and I.

He was a pain in the arse at times and I can't wait to do the same to my kids.

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Going to see a man about a dog

Between you, me and the fencepost

Me: Where you going?
Dad: Mad and shoot myself
Me: Who with?
Dad: Me, myself and I.

He was a pain in the arse at times and I can't wait to do the same to my kids.

Same as mine.
Me: What's for tea?
Dad: Shit on toast

Every time.
Been around since Adam was a boy. I usually add the line, 'but I'm an atheist' to it as well.

Mate of mine runs with "back when DaVinci was painting pr0n..."


Oh wait, idioms

Sweating like a dog shitting razorblades/pedo at a wiggles concert are up there with my most used

" Fritzl at a family reunion"

For some reason I get a few sideways looks with that one. Old housemate and me have a heap of 'in' jokes that when overheard by others tend to be seen as bad taste.

Housemate: "What's been happening?"
Me: "Just hanging out, touching kids"
Housemate: "Well, they're not going to touch themselves"

For soem reason girls dislike this line of conversation?
I am an early starter at work.... I get my best work done between 8-10am and spend the rest of the day doing 4 hours work spread over 7-8 hours with lots of meetings and procrastinating

but the early arrival sometimes attracts the phrase: "Did you shit the bed?"

I had to look it up the first time I heard it as I thought I was being insulted!
I'm drier than a dead dingoes Donger, or Nuns Nasty - Used to explain your thirst

Someone's going to get the rough end of my pineapple - When someone has pissed you off

You can't polish a **** - however you can roll it in glitter - No explanation needed

Just off to send a fax to Werribee (perhap should be email now - used when expaning your departure for the toilet)

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