Ferret Head Brings Bay 13 to the Advertiser

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Crow Envy

Dec 2, 2006
AFL Club
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Well first of all I cant believe I allowed myself to read his dribble again but I was curious to see if he would devote his attentions to Port considering their form.
But the first piece was straight out of Bay 13. Rucci admitted to trolling, he put out a bite in last weeks article to get a bite from the Crows. So now he can be known as Ferret Head, King of the Trolls.
We rated a mention 5 times, Port 0. Sinking in the boots about Gibbs, another dig at Neil and Thompson not honouring his bet. Well thanks Ferret Head, KOT you just reconfirmed to me why I will be not reading your utter crap again.
Thanks for the update. Seeing as this doesn't appear in the online version - and I no longer buy the paper - I've missed it. Oh well. :( :)
And this surprises you because? ...:confused:

He's not stupid and is perfectly aware of what he's doing it and he's doing it because it annoys Crows fans so much that they go out and buy the paper just so they can bitch about him on 5AA and om here.

I must of said this 100 times now just ignore him and he'll go away:rolleyes:

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Jo I dont agree with you. Yes I agree he isnt stupid but do you think Crows fans are that stupid we would buy the paper just to read him diss on us? In my opinion he would not contribute to one extra sale from a Crows fan. And Ive stopped listening to 5AA on Saturdays as I cant stand to listen to him.
Jo I dont agree with you. Yes I agree he isnt stupid but do you think Crows fans are that stupid we would buy the paper just to read him diss on us? In my opinion he would not contribute to one extra sale from a Crows fan. And Ive stopped listening to 5AA on Saturdays as I cant stand to listen to him.

Yes i do believe.

You for instance read Rucci's Roast this morning with the full knowledge you'd get upset and knowing you could whinge about it on here and you are likely to do the same again next week. People are reading his columns looking to get pissed off and talk/write about it are what gives Rucci attention and gets The Advertiser more readers.

The definition of insanity is repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Yet for some reason alot of people on this board keep reading Rucci's Roast and either expecting not to get upset (which would be insane) or because they find a peverse pleasure in whinging about him.
Jo I dont agree with you. Yes I agree he isnt stupid but do you think Crows fans are that stupid we would buy the paper just to read him diss on us? In my opinion he would not contribute to one extra sale from a Crows fan. And Ive stopped listening to 5AA on Saturdays as I cant stand to listen to him.

I've always struggled to understand why the Advertiser would think that providing nothing but bad new and critisism about the team that 70% of the market supports would increase sales. Surely the 70% want to read the occasional good news story about their team, oh, and the occasional bad news about the team they despise too!

Their thinking seems to be back to front IMO.

As for Rucci on 5aa. I stopped listening to Saturdays about a week after he was appointed to the panel. I would be thinking he's had a very negative effect on their ratings.
Well first of all I cant believe I allowed myself to read his dribble again but I was curious to see if he would devote his attentions to Port considering their form.
But the first piece was straight out of Bay 13. Rucci admitted to trolling, he put out a bite in last weeks article to get a bite from the Crows. So now he can be known as Ferret Head, King of the Trolls.
We rated a mention 5 times, Port 0. Sinking in the boots about Gibbs, another dig at Neil and Thompson not honouring his bet. Well thanks Ferret Head, KOT you just reconfirmed to me why I will be not reading your utter crap again.

This is just the response Rooch would have been wanting to read this AM as he is sipping his latte.
Yes i do believe.

You for instance read Rucci's Roast this morning with the full knowledge you'd get upset and knowing you could whinge about it on here and you are likely to do the same again next week. People are reading his columns looking to get pissed off and talk/write about it are what gives Rucci attention and gets The Advertiser more readers.

The definition of insanity is repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Yet for some reason alot of people on this board keep reading Rucci's Roast and either expecting not to get upset (which would be insane) or because they find a peverse pleasure in whinging about him.

Its fair enough to believe but that doesnt mean you arent wrong. I havent read the roast for over a month as I havent listened to 5aa. As the opening line of my initial thread stated I read it today only to see if he gave it to Port. Tell me did you just read the headline?
I've always struggled to understand why the Advertiser would think that providing nothing but bad new and critisism about the team that 70% of the market supports would increase sales.
Is the money in the advertising rather than sales ? If discontent with the content rubbed off onto the feeling about the paying advertisers, there might be some action... anyone in influence at a uni and can get a study up and going ?

As for Rucci on 5aa. I stopped listening to Saturdays about a week after he was appointed to the panel. I would be thinking he's had a very negative effect on their ratings.
Did me in. Forget listening to him, he belongs in Iraq. Pity, I liked KG and Cornsey.
I have to admit, I actually look forward to getting Wednesday's paper and reading Rucci's column.

His anti-Crows bagging used to annoy me, now it amuses me. It's more a reflection of him, not the club.

I am interested to see how long his pedantic mentions of Scott Thompson's bet lasts. IMHO, the longer it goes, the sillier Rucci looks.
I have to admit, I actually look forward to getting Wednesday's paper and reading Rucci's column.

His anti-Crows bagging used to annoy me, now it amuses me. It's more a reflection of him, not the club.

I am interested to see how long his pedantic mentions of Scott Thompson's bet lasts. IMHO, the longer it goes, the sillier Rucci looks.
I have to agree. He is making himself look sillier all the time. I actually enjoy how stupid he makes himself look.

I just can't believe that the Chief Football Writer for The Advertiser would write a column like that. It makes an absolute mockery of his role. Would you see a similar column by Caroline Wilson or Mike Sheahan? I'm not saying that they are the ideal journalist, but at least they want to be taken seriously. Whilst Rucci continues with his Roast crap and taking cheap shots at people, and then hiding behind the pathetic excuse that it's just a fun column, he will be seen as a joke, regardless of any other decent column he may write.
I have to admit, I actually look forward to getting Wednesday's paper and reading Rucci's column.

His anti-Crows bagging used to annoy me, now it amuses me. It's more a reflection of him, not the club.

I am interested to see how long his pedantic mentions of Scott Thompson's bet lasts. IMHO, the longer it goes, the sillier Rucci looks.
Ditto for me.

I actually enjoy the roast more than his other articles, which I often don't even bother to read.

PS. Do you reckon Rooch was the author of some of the blogs...

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I have to admit, I actually look forward to getting Wednesday's paper and reading Rucci's column.

His anti-Crows bagging used to annoy me, now it amuses me. It's more a reflection of him, not the club.

I am interested to see how long his pedantic mentions of Scott Thompson's bet lasts. IMHO, the longer it goes, the sillier Rucci looks.


can you imagine Scott Thompson waking up this morning and giving this lame attempt at primary school humour a second thought? Hell no, Rucci is a joke who acts like a 6 year old to get a few small jollies.

In the privacy of the change room I imagine the player would just laugh at his stupidity and treat him with contempt .
Thommo should go public and say he will honour the bet on the proviso that the shit stain that is Rucci agrees to never write another article.

lets see how long Rucci keeps up the crap then
Thommo should go public and say he will honour the bet on the proviso that the shit stain that is Rucci agrees to never write another article.

lets see how long Rucci keeps up the crap then

Na Ha because that what the shit faced ferret head wants
Well first of all I cant believe I allowed myself to read his dribble again but I was curious to see if he would devote his attentions to Port considering their form.
But the first piece was straight out of Bay 13. Rucci admitted to trolling, he put out a bite in last weeks article to get a bite from the Crows. So now he can be known as Ferret Head, King of the Trolls.
We rated a mention 5 times, Port 0. Sinking in the boots about Gibbs, another dig at Neil and Thompson not honouring his bet. Well thanks Ferret Head, KOT you just reconfirmed to me why I will be not reading your utter crap again.

I feel your pain as i to opened the sports section first

Nothing but dribble and crap aimed at us although he is hiding a bit behind that other toss bag mcdermott claiming we have no right on Gibbs.No mention about port power and eagle beak [ebert] sure Ross did not play for us but neither did eagle beak play for port power.When the pooer first jumped on our band wagon he wanted nothing to do with them now hes always there another bandwagoner in full flight
I have to admit, I actually look forward to getting Wednesday's paper and reading Rucci's column.

His anti-Crows bagging used to annoy me, now it amuses me. It's more a reflection of him, not the club.

I am interested to see how long his pedantic mentions of Scott Thompson's bet lasts. IMHO, the longer it goes, the sillier Rucci looks.

I too have now come to this conclusion & a laugh a day does wonders for those that need it.

Once upon a time there was a magazine called MAD :)

Now we have Rooch & the tizer. :D
Give him a break

He is just hurting because his beloved Port Power (est 1997) were made to look like soft pretnenders by a team who have been shown to be soft pretenders themselves over a period of many years.

Add this to Port losing to Norwood at Alberton and Mr Rucci still having no friends, his life can't be easy!:D
i just read the swipe and Bones.

What an idiot - "Theres no locker to hand down and Adelaide to Bryce"

Well guess what! There wasnt any ****ing locker to hand down to Ebert, but he still got there didnt he?
I agree with other posters here who are amused by his Roast.

It used to annoy me but now I'm only interested to see if he has anything other than Scott Thompson, St Neil, Comrade Peter and the evil AFC to write about. It's getting so juvenile that it shows what a tool he is and any respect for him as a journalist has long gone.

I do think he's painted himself into a corner with his constant carping, as, if he altered his tack it could be said that he succumbed to pressure and there is no way he would want to be seen to do that. So he's going to continue to write the same Roast each week and be made to look even more foolish.


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Ferret Head Brings Bay 13 to the Advertiser

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