Fev arrested

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..(one of the offenders behind the 1978 Hilton Hotel bombing in Sydney, was a public servant who for all intents & purposes was no different to the other public servants who worked in the same department as him).

You better call the cops since they never found the perps.
Evan Pederick served 8 years in prison after confessing to the Hilton Hotel bombing.

8 years for killing 3 people? mmmm

His confession was not looked into properly. Eventually, he'd been found to have made a false confession and so was released. ie He didnt do it.

Like I said you better call the cops.
Can't de-register him for this. Way too minor. It no more than a 5 grand fine. Brisbane can give a little holiday but the standard contract won't allow a sacking for this.

If it was first offence I'd be with you, but with a long standing history of upsetting the apple cart I'd suggest that if the AFL want him gone, he's gone. After all, it's their bat, their ball, so they can use the blanket charge of bringing the game into disrepute and send him home.
What's to defend, the guy has issues with the limelight. It is disappointing as a Lions fan, as he had the potential to deliver something special, instead he got fat and lazy and drunk. Had he had a focussed pre-season and come out guns blazing, he could have cemented his place, now I just think there is too much to forgive and forget.
well I guess he still hasn't drop to the low levels of didak yet...he is a bad drunk, and always will be

Yeah...Nah. Maybe didak covers him with quality but Fev has it won by 5 lengths with his quantity of incidents.

Diff being Didak has pulled his head in and is wearing a premiership medal. Fev gets traded and continues to disgrace himself. Me thinks Fev is heading downhill still whilst didak is on the way up with him continuing to stay out of trouble.
exactly. What can a supporter say? Just very disappointing

yep and he still hasn't drink drived or used the suburbs as a shooting range with criminals...just a bad drunk who will never change unfortunately

point is Fev is a bad drunk...obviously got a bit load and some police wanted to win that bet as the first to arrest him

defend the clubs bad decision? too hard for that mate..lol

end of the day Fev was being a being a bad drunk...not the biggest crime in the world. Just disappointing that he never learns to control himself whilst on the booze.

first you reply that there are no more excuses and nothing a supporter can say and then you spend the next 3 pages minimalising what he has done and defending it?

So what is it?

And noone is suggesting this is a murderous crime what he has done. Most everyone is saying that time after time after time he does the same thing over and over again and never learns. Just cause he has done it all before doesn't mean that we should just expect it from him.

the guy is not a teenager anymore or being thrust into the limelight for the first time and can't handle the attention.
What's to defend, the guy has issues with the limelight. It is disappointing as a Lions fan, as he had the potential to deliver something special, instead he got fat and lazy and drunk. Had he had a focussed pre-season and come out guns blazing, he could have cemented his place, now I just think there is too much to forgive and forget.
Yes he likes to drink but from what I've heard he trains hard on the track and has lost some kgs. He just doesn't understand what being in the spotlight entails. How hard is it to not get pissed infront of hundreds of people? Especially when you are 30 years old....Surely you're over the party scene?

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I haven't read any single post in this topic..

All I can say is, I love Fev.. I've always wished him the best. I love watching him play, and often I've felt like the media have come down on him far too hard.

I hate to say it, but the guy is a ******** while drunk. He has his demons that's fine.. But (and I don't know if anyone is trying to defend him) but I just can't handle seeing him go downhill like this.

I dare say he's just used up his last chance with Brisbane.. I wish it wasn't so, but how much more can that team take? Carlton obviously got rid of him for a reason (for more than what came out in the media) but Brisbanes image has taken a battering from him.

Love the guy, but how much more can this go on ?
I haven't read any single post in this topic..

All I can say is, I love Fev.. I've always wished him the best. I love watching him play, and often I've felt like the media have come down on him far too hard.

I hate to say it, but the guy is a ******** while drunk. He has his demons that's fine.. But (and I don't know if anyone is trying to defend him) but I just can't handle seeing him go downhill like this.

I dare say he's just used up his last chance with Brisbane.. I wish it wasn't so, but how much more can that team take? Carlton obviously got rid of him for a reason (for more than what came out in the media) but Brisbanes image has taken a battering from him.

Love the guy, but how much more can this go on ?
He may not come under the definition of a '******' in the dictionary but a normal persons opinion of him is just that.
Shame the new year sees another footballer behaving badly.

Shame for my club its Fev,yet again.
I wonder if e will be sacked, last chance and everything.

Going to be a long year.:D

I remember you wanted Brisbane to recruit Fev back in 2007 or so.

Vossy clearly had the same stars in his eyes.
He gets deregistered by the AFL for bringing the game into disrepute. He is therefore unable to meet his contractual obligations and Brisbane can cease paying him.

AFL want him out of the game (how hard did they go after him re the recent complaint by the woman in Brisbane) and want Brisbane cap issues fixed. Doing this to Fev kills two birds with one stone.

Wanting and having are not the same thing. Here's how it plays out if the AFL is silly enough to try that one.

Fev's lawyers have the response ready to go after the penisgate debacle. AFL deregisters Fev. Fev files restraint of trade action. While awaiting the court date - probably for 6 months or more - Fev's lawyers willingly embrace trial by media.

Every day, one by one, they compare Fev's offence with a previous example of player misconduct. There's no shortage of material. A headline a day.

Good luck trying to put positive spin on the idea that rape and criminal assault are not hanging offences, but getting pissed on New Years is...
Wanting and having are not the same thing. Here's how it plays out if the AFL is silly enough to try that one.

Fev's lawyers have the response ready to go after the penisgate debacle. AFL deregisters Fev. Fev files restraint of trade action. While awaiting the court date - probably for 6 months or more - Fev's lawyers willingly embrace trial by media.

Every day, one by one, they compare Fev's offence with a previous example of player misconduct. There's no shortage of material. A headline a day.

Good luck trying to put positive spin on the idea that rape and criminal assault are not hanging offences, but getting pissed on New Years is...

So why do you suppose Cousins didn't "file a restraint of trade action"

Cousins is 100 times smarter than Fev and yet he didn't (or couldn't) pursue it.

Maybe the AFL rules are just too tight that it's a WOFTAM
I remember you wanted Brisbane to recruit Fev back in 2007 or so.

Vossy clearly had the same stars in his eyes.

Nice of you to make a personal point bd.:eek:

a lot of water under the bridge since 2007 with Fev.

I do worry about is long term Mental Health. He is clearly depressed has addiction issues, seems to be taking his separation very very hard. Sad for him.

Yep...not the 1st and certainly wont be the last wayward footballer to be offered a chance at another club.

That's true, but Fevola wasn't "wayward" when you recruited him, he was out of his tree. It didn't take much to understand Fevola lacked the intelligence to be able to change his ways and was ALWAYS going to get into strife at Brisbane. It's his nature.

Fevola wasn't a "risk", he was a sure fire recipe for disaster.

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Fev arrested

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