Fix the AFL Website Petition up and running!

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Originally posted by Docker_Brat
Signed it.

I have to agree with Danni, swearing in something like this will not allow it to get a hearing by the people who need to see it, the petition will lack any sort of credibilty.

Keep the comments succint and don't resort to abuse, to get suits to listen you must speak their language.

Would this work - "how about we go out for a free lunch, the company's paying, and work out how we can screw some more money out of the average folk".
Actually i think that is how Telstra started this mess.
BTW almost up to 600, not a bad effort. But will they listen??
I was watching White Line Fever on Fox last night and Clinton Grybas came out with the following "Sorry we can't bring you our poll today, the AFL website is down". I had a good chuckle thinking of the petition.
Golden Hawk, you are obviously a regular to AFL , cause if you wanted Patrick Smith's email maybe you should check out the AFL site, he writes a column for them every Saturday, so I am sure he will get right behind your cause - not.

I think you all forget some basic fundamenatal things about the AFL site, my sources suggest the following:
1 - The old site was run by other media giants News Ltd & Channel 7 (Remember News Ltd and their fialed SuperLeague fiasco)
2 - These 2 giants refused to provide Telstra or the AFL any of the content from the old site, and had to be sourced again from scratch.
3 - It took 4 years for the old site to get to where it was, so this site is only 11 weeks old!
4 - We can now watch football, games in full on the internet, NEVER before has this been available (I'm happy to pay for it)

Maybe instaed of bagging it and coming up with childish petitions, we should be encouraging with constructive suggestions on how to improve. Some of the crap on your petiution just goes to show how pathetic some of you are.

Plus to al the regulars who also post on Essendon'd forum, can you watch the mighty Bombers beat the Kangaroos in that classic game last year, or watch Lloyd kick his goals every week, on Rama's run etc etc whenever you want to 24x7 - I can!
Go Bombers

PS: I belive that a representative from the AFL site will be speaking on 3AW tonight, around 6.30pm
Originally posted by AFLTN
Golden Hawk, you are obviously a regular to AFL , cause if you wanted Patrick Smith's email maybe you should check out the AFL site, he writes a column for them every Saturday, so I am sure he will get right behind your cause - not.

I think you all forget some basic fundamenatal things about the AFL site, my sources suggest the following:
1 - The old site was run by other media giants News Ltd & Channel 7 (Remember News Ltd and their fialed SuperLeague fiasco)
2 - These 2 giants refused to provide Telstra or the AFL any of the content from the old site, and had to be sourced again from scratch.
3 - It took 4 years for the old site to get to where it was, so this site is only 11 weeks old!
4 - We can now watch football, games in full on the internet, NEVER before has this been available (I'm happy to pay for it)

Maybe instaed of bagging it and coming up with childish petitions, we should be encouraging with constructive suggestions on how to improve. Some of the crap on your petiution just goes to show how pathetic some of you are.

Plus to al the regulars who also post on Essendon'd forum, can you watch the mighty Bombers beat the Kangaroos in that classic game last year, or watch Lloyd kick his goals every week, on Rama's run etc etc whenever you want to 24x7 - I can!
Go Bombers

PS: I belive that a representative from the AFL site will be speaking on 3AW tonight, around 6.30pm

I assume you mean I am not a regular to the AFL website - and I was aware Patrick Smith's articles appear on there, but it's still a football related issue he may be interested in, especially if his precious articles aren't getting seen by as many people.

Re your points.

1. Yes, we all remember News Ltd and their Super League fiasco - but that was running a rugby league competition, not a website. Maybe they should stick to web design.

2. That doesn't explain why the stats don't work, the pages are slow to load and people are forced to pay $50 for a service that was free last year. The stats shouldn't have to be sourced - they are in the AFL archives. The news articles could quite easily have been obtained from papers still providing articles this year.

3. Yes, but for $1 million a year the development should be far quicker. Also, many promises were made when the site was launched in March, and Telstra have failed to deliver.

4. This is all well and good - but how many people have a computer capable of streaming the video at the necessary quality? And who is willing to pay $50 when for another $30 they can buy FoxFooty and get all the games on tape?

Many people in the petition did come up with constructive suggestions on how to improve the website - the Telstra representative stated so on 3AW before. As for the crap on the petition, that is beyond our control but for every 1 stupid comment there are literally dozens and dozens of people who have made excellent points.
Originally posted by AFLTN
Golden Hawk, you are obviously a regular to AFL , cause if you wanted Patrick Smith's email maybe you should check out the AFL site, he writes a column for them every Saturday, so I am sure he will get right behind your cause - not.
......yadda yadda yadda......
PS: I belive that a representative from the AFL site will be speaking on 3AW tonight, around 6.30pm
It sounds like you will be that representative. The old site had heaps of info and historical data....why sell the site to Telstra? just greed as it was working so well....why would the old guys who did so much work give it the backstabbers?
Any stupid yuppy who wants to watch a whole old game on the net is stupid....that and stupid text messages is symptomatic of people who have a few dollars to invest in the net, want to make a quick profit, but haven't a clue. We just want the old site which was priceless as opposed to the new which one which is useless.
Originally posted by AFLTN
These 2 giants refused to provide Telstra or the AFL any of the content from the old site, and had to be sourced again from scratch.

Crap. I reckon my site has more historical info than the current site. Since when do news ltd own all the old historical info? Ladder info, matches info etc...
Originally posted by M29

Crap. I reckon my site has more historical info than the current site. Since when do news ltd own all the old historical info? Ladder info, matches info etc...

Totally agree with you M29, also why am I suspicious who this brand new poster is aligned with. :eek:

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Originally posted by mantis

Totally agree with you M29, also why am I suspicious who this brand new poster is aligned with. :eek:
Sounds like that creepy new marketing scheme where kids are paid to tell their friends about the latest thing, so everyone will want it, even though it is crap.

Pity that isn't a tangible thing, I would have great delight seeing it as landfill along side all the Mutant Ninja Turtles and Pokemons.
I have one of those phones on Telstra where you can access the mobile internet on. When I'm out and about and the footy's on I try to keep up to date with the scores. Many a time the access to scores through T's portal has been a problem.

If they can't get a web site that pumps a couple of lines of text to a mobile phone right, it does NOT inspire any confidence that the big T will be able to manage a full multimedia site which each day receives '000's of hits every day.

And they have the gall to charge for it.
"Plus to al the regulars who also post on Essendon'd forum, can you watch the mighty Bombers beat the Kangaroos in that classic game last year"

Certainly can AFLTN, but not due to Telstra, due to the fact that my dear old mum taped it for me & posted it over. God bless her. In fact the tape has already been viewed by an American friend & an English collegue. It is the first AFL game either of them have seen & they thought it was great. That one tape has probably accomplished more for the game in the way of overseas promotion than that poor excuse of a website ever will.

Welcome to the site though AFLTN & keep your opinions coming, pretty soon you'll have us all believing in fairies, (but only official licensed AFL product fairies).
Glad to see that you are all so well informed.

There are stats -
the pages are less in page weight than last year (I have been told that the designers of this year are the same ones who did last year)
Paying $50 for a service that was free, you are ill informed - you could never get match vision, create your own highlights packages or see all the behind the scenes stuff you now can -

And you guys have never heard of Intellectual property obviously
Please don't comment on things you know nothing about - I don't think you can "easily" obtain info from papers, they all have to be paid for.

Computer quality has minimal to do with it - it's the connection speed of a 56k line compared to a broadband connection that makes all the difference, and if people can afford an internet connection and call charges, they can afford broadband.

As for FoxFooty, that's $70 PER MONTH not per year, and can you create your own highlights on Fox Footy?

I am enjoying this debate and you guys do have sone valid points which I believe will be fixed in time, but remember as I stated earlier the old site 4 years in the making, this site 11 weeks. You work it out
AFLTN what concerns myself mostly about your stance on this issue is the 'we don't have access to the same info to put on the site' mentality you appear to be portraying.

An example I used in another thread:

The Ladder.

Last year I was able to access the the corresponding rounds ladders for the previous 3 seasons. This information would be property of the AFL and not the former website publishers corporation. Little things like that go a long way to improving service and quality of content.


Are you suggesting that Telstra and Sportal did not prepare thoroughly enough to be able to carry on with the good quality archieved information that was previously available on the old afl website? Commonsense would dictate that a deal be struck with the owners of that 'intellectual property' so that site users could still access the information. Foxtel took ch7 to court for access to the previous seasons video footage so they could provide a high quality service to it's users. I am more than a little surprised to find that Telstra and Sportal have not made similar efforts in the name of providing the best possible website for AFL supporters.

It would appear that Telstra and Sportal didn't do their homework and find out what it is the public want in a website. They just went ahead and provided a substandard service.

you could never get match vision....

You may not have been able to view a whole game (which you can now if you pay your subscription then cross your fingers and hope the site is actually working) but game highlights were provided free of charge.

As for FoxFooty, that's $70 PER MONTH not per year...

FoxFooty had a pre-season special subscription rate of $84.30 for the Foxfooty Channel for the YEAR. Some of us were also able to take up other subscription offers and ended up paying only $33.40 for the entire YEAR's subscription to FoxFooty.

it's the connection speed of a 56k line compared to a broadband connection that makes all the difference

We have both dial up and cable connections in our household. It takes just as long to load the front page of the site on each connection. And unfortunately a cable internet connection does not make the quality of the written information provided increase.

The common themed defense of the new website appears to be "yes we know there are problems, sorry can't tell you when they will be fixed, but hey if you wanna give us your dollars you can now watch all the games over the net at your leisure'. Ppl aren't intersted in continually being told they can now pay and watch videos. What they want to know is a) when are the tech difficulties going to be ironed out? and b) are you going to increase the quality of the written and photographic information on the site?
You can rationalize for all your job's worth AFLTN but the old site was better and fulfilled what people wanted ..yours is a product that is being shoved down peoples throats and all the useless bells and whistles which you extol will not make up for the information which the old site speedily provided for free.

AS to not getting info for is you who are trying hard to make some paltry money out of info wich should be free to any one interested in getting to know about AFL.....this is the purpose of the site!!! and charging will turn off more people who would have gotten involved in the matter how many millions you spend on TV ads which will bring in some meaniless not to be repeated intro hits.

You are the one not knowing what they are talking about you put it (reflecting I assume the condescension of everyone associated with this ill planned project) as detailed information on the most compllicated subjects is available on the net for free. If you used the net for education and enjoyment and not as a pathetic grab for profit you woul have discovered this long ago.
Originally posted by AFLTN
Glad to see that you are all so well informed.
Glad to see that you're sarcastic.

Originally posted by AFLTN
There are stats - the pages are less in page weight than last year (I have been told that the designers of this year are the same ones who did last year). Paying $50 for a service that was free, you are ill informed - you could never get match vision, create your own highlights packages or see all the behind the scenes stuff you now can -
Page weight may well be lighter, but experience tells me that the home page takes longer to load than it did last year. Many other have the same experience. Paying $50 for a service that was free refers to the live audio broadcast of the game, not this wonderful "match vision" that would be accessed by less than 5% of your website's visitors (being the percentage of people connected by cable). Behind the scenes stuff? Does that refer to the press conferences? That you get live, for free, on 3AW right after the match. Where did I put my cheque book?

Originally posted by AFLTN
And you guys have never heard of Intellectual property obviously. Please don't comment on things you know nothing about - I don't think you can "easily" obtain info from papers, they all have to be paid for.
Ooh, and patronising too - you must be a Telstra representative. Few would be worried too much about archived articles - they would be nice to have access to but if people cared enough they would have saved them to disk at the time. More would be worried about historical archives, player's career statistics and the records of the AFL. If I want to find out about last year's game between Hawthorn and Geelong, I don't go the AFL website, I go to an unofficial, amateur site. Why? Because I know it will be there, I know where to find it and I know the bloody site will actually be working.

Originally posted by AFLTN
Computer quality has minimal to do with it - it's the connection speed of a 56k line compared to a broadband connection that makes all the difference, and if people can afford an internet connection and call charges, they can afford broadband.
Thankyou for doing my budget for me. Tell me, does Telstra install most of the broadband connections to the AFL website's customer base? Lovely bit of cross-pollination there. And it doesn't matter how fast or slow your connection is, if the sodding site doesn't load at all. Like it didn't for 24+ hours last weekend, like it didn't this week as well.

Originally posted by AFLTN
As for FoxFooty, that's $70 PER MONTH not per year, and can you create your own highlights on Fox Footy?
$40 a month for standard Foxtel, which has nothing to do with the AFL. The extra for me is an average of $8 a month for the 12 months pass I have. $96 a year. Not $70 a month. Can I create my own highlights package? Sure, I've got two videos. Can I see every game, without ads, plus those precious press conferences, as well as historical footage, and all the rest of the Fox Footy extras. Yep. Can I turn on the telly and be sure of seeing the channel working? Yep. Can I do that for No I cannot.

Originally posted by AFLTN
I am enjoying this debate and you guys do have sone valid points which I believe will be fixed in time, but remember as I stated earlier the old site 4 years in the making, this site 11 weeks. You work it out
No, sunshine. You work it out. It's your balls-up.
Can I just say well done to everyone on BigFooty, particularly GOALden Hawk, for making Telstra/AFL sit up and take notice of a debate on a forum site.

The fact that their employees are now entering the debate shows that BF is now being noticed and carries far more weight than you might think.

The sad fact is that if Telstra had come to BigFooty while researching their site, rather than 11 weeks too late, we wouldn't have to complain about what is basically a crap site.

And AFLTN (AFL Telstra Network? - jeez mate, choose Smith as a username or something) could be having a quiet beer rather than quoting from the Telstra "We're here to help you" playbook.
Thankyou for the opportunity to voice my opinion.
Just to let you guys know - I don't work for either T or the AFL. just someone who likes a debate. Personally I visit the Essendon site all the time. Seems some of the things I suggest, based on my opinion upste some of you experts. Well that's the whole idea, a debate to get the brain wroring and the blood boling. Counldn't care less if you visit afl or not, couldn'y care less what you think of the site. just consider this to be a good way to pass the day.
Originally posted by AFLTN
Just to let you guys know - I don't work for either T or the AFL. just someone who likes a debate.
Hmmm. Three posts, all in the same thread, all supporting Telstra and the AFL, the only person doing so. I guess if you love a debate so much, we'll look forward to seeing your contributions in more than just one thread.

]Originally posted by AFLTN
Seems some of the things I suggest, based on my opinion upste some of you experts.
I thought they were based on the facts? :rolleyes:

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Fix the AFL Website Petition up and running!

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