Religion Folau

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The same way you’ve determined how your fellow brethren in the rainbow brigade have. You’ve managed to continue tap dancing you’re way around answering this question. The fact is, homosexuals weren’t the only people targeted in his posts, yet they are the only people apparently offended. Either the post was offensive for all that were targeted, or nobody at all. If it’s the former, than explain why it’s only the rainbow brigade that is outraged. If it’s the latter than tell your comrades to stand down on their assault.
Your question is nonsensical.

How can we determine if adulterers and idolaters are offended?

Posters have explained the difference between him identifying negative behaviours, and legitimate parts of a person's identity. And you're unable to show you can understand the point.

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Your question is nonsensical.

How can we determine if adulterers and idolaters are offended?

Posters have explained the difference between him identifying negative behaviours, and legitimate parts of a person's identity. And you're unable to show you can understand the point.
You conveniently once again fail to address why atheists haven’t come out and joined the chorus of outrage with the rainbow brigade.

I’m enjoying the show you’re putting on though. Great footwork. Keep it up!
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You conveniently once again fail to address why atheists haven’t come out and joined the chorus of outrage with the rainbow brigade.

I’m enjoying the show you’re putting on though. Great footwork. Keep it up!
It was already explained to you. Athiesm is a belief system. The others are negative behaviours.

Him deciding to lump an entire group of people based on core part of their make up into his dumb condemnation shows he is a bigot. He didn;t even do the love the sinner, hate the sin bullshit.

Now, again, how can we investigate your claims about whether or not adulterers and idolaters are offended? Please be specific. Because as it stands now, it is one of the dumbest arguments made on this site.
It was already explained to you. Athiesm is a belief system. The others are negative behaviours.

Him deciding to lump an entire group of people based on core part of their make up into his dumb condemnation shows he is a bigot. He didn;t even do the love the sinner, hate the sin ********.

Now, again, how can we investigate your claims about whether or not adulterers and idolaters are offended? Please be specific. Because as it stands now, it is one of the dumbest arguments made on this site.
Homosexuality is negative behaviour then? That’s not very tolerant of you?

He literally wrote under his Instagram post that “Jesus Christ loves you” to the groups of people included in his post. Strange for him to share that if he is such a bigot.

I’ve already told you how we can measure how much the other people that aren’t homosexuals are offended, and it’s the same way the rainbow brigade created the false narrative of mass outrage - social media. Atheists have quite a large online community in Australia. In fact there are many online forums/platforms dedicated towards their beliefs. Where was the public slander campaign of Israel from them due to the apparent outrage his post should have caused them as it apparently did to you and the rainbow brigade?

Your inability to address this is rather comical.
Homosexuality is negative behaviour then? That’s not very tolerant of you?
No, I've repeated numerous times to you in direct terms that he identified homosexuals. Not the act.

He literally wrote under his Instagram post that “Jesus Christ loves you” to the groups of people he condemned. Strange for him to share that if he is such a bigot.
He thinks a group of people will burn in hell for being who they are. It's only not bigoted if you change the meaning of bigotry.

I’ve already told you how we can measure how much the other people that aren’t homosexuals are offended, and it’s the same way the rainbow brigade created the false narrative of mass outrage - social media.
Can you direct me to the social media platform I can use to determine if adulterers and idolaters have been offended by his post?
No, I've repeated numerous times to you in direct terms that he identified homosexuals. Not the act.

He thinks a group of people will burn in hell for being who they are. It's only not bigoted if you change the meaning of bigotry.

Can you direct me to the social media platform I can use to determine if adulterers and idolaters have been offended by his post?
Atheists are only being who they are as well, and Folau believes they’ll go to hell. Why aren’t Atheists coming out in force criticising him in an attempt to bully him into submission like your rainbow comrades? Are Atheists not allowed to be offended at his post? Is outrage only reserved for the boys and girls and ze’s and furries who rep rainbow?

Use the same social media platforms your rainbow brethren used to slander and bully Folau. Instagram, facebook, TWITter etc. Don’t pretend you haven’t been apart of the movement.
Atheists are only being who they are as well, and Folau believes they’ll go to hell. Why aren’t Atheists coming out in force criticising him in an attempt to bully him into submission like your rainbow comrades? Are Atheists not allowed to be offended at his post? Is outrage only reserved for the boys and girls and ze’s and furries who rep rainbow?

Use the same social media platforms your rainbow brethren used to slander and bully Folau. Instagram, facebook, TWITter etc. Don’t pretend you haven’t been apart of the movement.
Now that we've established you can't back up anything to do with drunks, adulterers and idolaters and that you're tacitly acknowledging how shit your POV is, I'll refer you back to the point made where I distinguished between atheism and homosexuals.

Nail him and yourself to a cross all you want.

I personally don't care what some 2 brain celled happy clapper thinks. But he is a bigot by any meaningful definition.
Atheists are only being who they are as well, and Folau believes they’ll go to hell. Why aren’t Atheists coming out in force criticising him in an attempt to bully him into submission like your rainbow comrades? Are Atheists not allowed to be offended at his post? Is outrage only reserved for the boys and girls and ze’s and furries who rep rainbow?

Use the same social media platforms your rainbow brethren used to slander and bully Folau. Instagram, facebook, TWITter etc. Don’t pretend you haven’t been apart of the movement.

Maybe because atheists aren't a minority group who have been subject to systematic persecution and vilification. Don't kid yourself. Even though the ssm plebiscite was a win for gay people there is still a lot of discrimination and prejudice that goes on. Atheists aren't involved in a perpetual struggle for their legitimacy in society.
Maybe because atheists aren't a minority group who have been subject to systematic persecution and vilification.


I personally don't care what some 2 brain celled happy clapper thinks.

I'm confused in the age of PC wonderment. So vilifying someone on the basis of their religion is ok?

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Now that we've established you can't back up anything to do with drunks, adulterers and idolaters and that you're tacitly acknowledging how **** your POV is, I'll refer you back to the point made where I distinguished between atheism and homosexuals.

Nail him and yourself to a cross all you want.

I personally don't care what some 2 brain celled happy clapper thinks. But he is a bigot by any meaningful definition.
I guess drunks, adulterers and idolaters don’t exist, therefore it’s not possible for them to be outraged at Folau’s post? Your opinion is that the only people that are allowed to have been offended by the Folau post is that of the rainbow brigade. Hypocrisy in its finest form and you’ve embarrassed yourself trying to justify this point. The fact of the matter is, the post wasn’t offensive to anybody. The rainbow brigade saw it as an opportunity to ‘score’ against those who have opposing views to them, so they launched a social media campaign of fake outrage over the post until his employer had no choice but to appease the vocal minority and sack him. If the post was indeed offensive, the rainbow brigade wouldn’t be the only people to have come out and attacked Folau.

Folau merely posted a bible verse on his social media.

The rainbow brigade launched a campaign and consequently got Folau sacked from his place of work for posting the bible verse.

And you have the nerve to call Folau the bigot lmao.
Maybe because atheists aren't a minority group who have been subject to systematic persecution and vilification. Don't kid yourself. Even though the ssm plebiscite was a win for gay people there is still a lot of discrimination and prejudice that goes on. Atheists aren't involved in a perpetual struggle for their legitimacy in society.
Oh spare me. If they want to know what actual discrimination and prejudice is they should move over to the Middle East and live as an openly gay man/woman/ze/furry there. The perpetual struggle for Australia’s LGBTQI community legitimacy only exists in their own deluded minds.
I guess drunks, adulterers and idolaters don’t exist, therefore it’s not possible for them to be outraged at Folau’s post? Your opinion is that the only people that are allowed to have been offended by the Folau post is that of the rainbow brigade. Hypocrisy in its finest form and you’ve embarrassed yourself trying to justify this point.
You're seriously still trying to justify this idolater argument?

By any definition, he is a bigot. My opinion on whether or not he should of got sacked is irrelevant. He signed a contract, and it looks like this stuff violated it.

I'd be happy if the incoming ALP gov brought in stronger regulations preventing employers from dismissing employees.

Would you?

Oh spare me. If they want to know what actual discrimination and prejudice is they should move over to the Middle East and live as an openly gay man/woman/ze/furry there. The perpetual struggle for Australia’s LGBTQI community legitimacy only exists in their own deluded minds.
You're not switched on enough to realise all your posts boil down to is delegitimising their identity. Nobody is offended by the rainbow or furry jokes. They're just dumb. The opinions of closeted happy clappers are best suited to religious hell holes. They should **** off there.
Um, never heard of an affirmation, before giving evidence in a court case, as opposed to swearing on a bible?

Liked how you disregarded the whole point of the post. Whichever way you boil it down and dissect it the whole point is that everyone's going full on "bring him down" on the back of liking a post which is essentially an excerpt from the holy bible.

In any case, how the **** do we or anyone swear on the holy bible in a court of law given that that holy book at the very least is in conflict of interest with most even the magistrates / judges.?
Liked how you disregarded the whole point of the post. Whichever way you boil it down and dissect it the whole point is that everyone's going full on "bring him down" on the back of liking a post which is essentially an excerpt from the holy bible.

In any case, how the **** do we or anyone swear on the holy bible in a court of law given that that holy book at the very least is in conflict of interest with most even the magistrates / judges.?
I'm sure I'd enjoy this post, had I any idea about what you were saying.
Oh spare me. If they want to know what actual discrimination and prejudice is they should move over to the Middle East and live as an openly gay man/woman/ze/furry there. The perpetual struggle for Australia’s LGBTQI community legitimacy only exists in their own deluded minds.

You really are an idiot if you don't think there has been discrimination against LGBTQI people in Australian history. Just because they would get treated worse in other countries doesn't excuse mistreatment in this one. That's the same as the argument that indigenous people would have been worse off if Australia had been settled by another country.

You're a homophobe who is trying not to sound like it when you post but it's as obvious as anything. Why don't you run along and punch a **** or something and then accuse them of being oversensitive when they retaliate?
Not at all.

As a Christian I don't subscribe to the 'Go to hell' sentiment... neither does my Pastor Brian Houston...

It's 2019...

Yeah yeah.

When it all boils down it, does your church consider homosexuality a mortal sin? Yes or no?.

I mean with churches like your mob you even have to be born again to avoid going to hell. Let alone commit an actual sin. Yes or no?

Only difference is Brian Houston, bless his capitalist socks, is actually smart enough to keep what they really think, in house. Unlike Folau.
Yeah yeah.

When it all boils down it, does your church consider homosexuality a mortal sin? Yes or no?.

I mean with churches like your mob you even have to be born again to avoid going to hell. Let alone commit an actual sin. Yes or no?

Only difference is Brian Houston, bless his capitalist socks, is actually smart enough to keep what they really think, in house. Unlike Folau.

Nah... the church has changed... see eg conversion therapy... we certainly don't believe or practise that anymore...
Nah... the church has changed... see eg conversion therapy... we certainly don't believe or practise that anymore...

That’s nice.

Yes or no, does your church still believe homosexuality is a sin?

Fairly straightforward question I would suggest.

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Religion Folau

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