Toast Fremantle's 1st 2018 Rookie Draft Pick: Tobe Watson [Rookie Pick #22]

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I prefer the term “Fanta-pants”

There's always that classic! I actually learned that one from Dockerland tbh - I think when describing poor old Scotty Thornton, who while being blonde haired, most were convinced would be a certified fanta-pants.

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“I always followed St Kilda but one of my best mates Griffin Logue is at Freo,” Watson said.

“I used to go to school with him at Guildford Grammar and I still catch up with him regularly.”
“I love to intercept, take marks,” Watson said.
“I pride myself on foot skills.
“I think I’ve got a pretty good footy IQ.

“That’s why they’ve drafted me. They expect me as a mature-ager to kind of come in and fill a role straight away.

“So I’m going to give it all I’ve got over this pre-season, work really hard and try and get myself into round one.”
Tim Minchin is a ****ing genius!! :D:D:D

Actually - can I share a little "ginger" anecdote? (And I'll say right here, that I find ginger women ridiculously attractive, my daughter has a ginger bf and I love him... so there no gingerism here, but I do have a propensity to be that annoying shit to prank people, and who does exactly what people say they don't like... you know, just to annoy TF out of them. But I digress.)

Waaay before it became an internet/facebook thing to post videos of teachers taking the students out onto the school ovals to do the "how easy is it to be a straight, white, middle-class male from an educated b/g?" thing, I actually used to do that with my Year 12 students, after I saw it ONCE in a controlled social experiment. It was to teach them about "privilege" - which after a quick brainstorming session came down to them believing it meant "anyone who's rich and can buy whatever they want is privileged." The kids from PLC and Christchurch basically, not the state school that we were at - even though in the scheme of things, that itself was very privileged.

So one year a couple of years back, I had them all standing in a line outside, and you do the old, "take one step forward if this applies to you, take one step back if it doesn't." So you go through all the "things" that constitutes 'privilege' in our society, starting off with a few they can all relate to, before you start splitting them. (always gave them the option of sitting out any of the steps they didn't feel comfortable revealing).

1. Graduated / will graduate HS - everyone steps forward.
2. Likely to go to uni. (Most step forward - it was an ATAR class).
3. Maybe will follow some sort of post-secondary study or work - so tertiary / tafe / appreticeship / job to go to (everyone).
4. Parents together - step forward; single parent family - backward. (A gap starts to be seen).
5. At least one parent uni educated - step forward; if not, step back. (More spread starts happening).
6. White - step forward; not-white, back. (Spread starts to become wider).
7. Live in a middle-class suburb, forward; lower/working class suburb, back. (And wider).
8. Straight - step forward; not straight, step back. (Some movement).
9. Male - forward; female, backward.

At this point we've covered all the categories we talked about in class. There's like a 40m gap between the three uni-bound, parents-together, white, straight, middle-class boys from South and East Fremantle - and the single parent Vietnamese girl who's mother works as a cleaner and they live in Kwinana.

Two of the three boys are (ironically) cheering their win in the 'privilege stakes'. They happened to be gingers. So I called one last category (luckily I always have a pretty good relationship with my students and I knew they could take it).
10. Anyone who's a non-ginger - take a step forward; gingers, take a step back.

Oh the agony!

The whole class lost it, the boys were screaming "that's not a real category!!", I was saying "I'm the boss I can make up the rules", and the blonde boy who "won" was doing Andrew Wills style aeroplanes around the quadrangle... (I also had a quiet talk to some of the kids at the back of the pack, and made sure they understood the purpose of the exercise and that they were okay.)

Fun times.
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Left out the gingerest ginger of them all.

Nicole Kidman!!

Ps: I can say it because I'm half a ginger on my Mum's side

But she doesn't count because she's had botox and dyes her hair blonde... If you're a ginger, you have to be a loud and proud ginger, like the gingers above! ;)
His dad Jim Watson went ok too

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Toast Fremantle's 1st 2018 Rookie Draft Pick: Tobe Watson [Rookie Pick #22]

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