FTA-TV Game of Thrones Season VII

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While there were plenty of epic things that happened in the episode, I'm left kinda cold (no pun intended) by a couple of things - mainly the entire bullshit Arya arc in the episode, but also the fact that the Night King apparently has an arm capable of launching rockets
He is the Jamarcus Russell of the White Walkers. Probably be a mistake to draft him at one though.
Perhaps put it in the leaked thread, rather in a thread where people don't want to be spoiled.

Just a thought

I'm sure most people in the leaked thread don't want to be spoiled either.

Big difference between wanting to watch an ep as soon as it's available and wanting unaired eps spoiled for you.

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I loved the discussion between Tyrion & Dany, regarding the succession. I've been asking the same question myself, since the end of S6. Good to see the show finally addressing it.

I also loved the chat between Jon & Ser Friendzone, regarding the Mormont family sword. They probably would have had the chat earlier, during the voyage from Dragonstone, but it was something we needed to see - so I don't have a problem with the creative license.

The fight between the dragons & the wights was worth watching.

Running out of positives here... Lots of negatives:
  • Ravens that fly at the speed of light
  • Stupidity of the whole "capture a wight to show Cersei" idea, which was the premise for the episode's entire plot
  • Where did the Night King get the chains?
  • Sansa vs Arya was just plain silly
  • Stupidity of the whole "capture a wight to show Cersei" idea, which was the premise for the episode's entire plot
Well they did mention men who love Dany tending to do stupid things in relation to the mission.
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I loved the discussion between Tyrion & Dany, regarding the succession. I've been asking the same question myself, since the end of S6. Good to see the show finally addressing it.

I also loved the chat between Jon & Ser Friendzone, regarding the Mormont family sword. They probably would have had the chat earlier, during the voyage from Dragonstone, but it was something we needed to see - so I don't have a problem with the creative license.

The fight between the dragons & the wights was worth watching.

Running out of positives here... Lots of negatives:
  • Ravens that fly at the speed of light
  • Stupidity of the whole "capture a wight to show Cersei" idea, which was the premise for the episode's entire plot
  • Where did the Night King get the chains?
  • Sansa vs Arya was just plain silly

Some questions.
1. It isn't as though the dragon-salvage operation had to be immediately after Slaughter on the Frozen Water happened. He's a supernatural being who's been alive for thousands of years. For all anyone knows he kickstarted the industrial revolution in the northernmost regions of the world. You could legitimately say "well unless literally EVERY wight was buried or killed holding a sword, where do their weapons come from?" The answer to the chain and weapon question is probably the same. Why can't it just be that, like seemingly everything else that has ever existed in the far north, the Night King can probably find it or see it?

2. Who's in charge of things in the north? Jon. Who knows first hand what it takes to convince people that the wights are real, having seen hardened Knight's Watch men disbelieving until actually seeing one? Jon. What do they need to do in order to fight the army of the dead? Call off all the other pointless wars. The only way to do that is to convince people that there is a more important war.
While it is a stupid plan, it makes complete sense that the only way to achieve their goal of uniting everyone, is to prove to the doubters that the danger is real.

3. I have no idea how far the raves had to fly. But if I can believe that two men can sit on a mountain taller than Everest for weeks at a time waiting to see a fire 100 miles away in Return of the King, then I can tolerate this.

4. What is silly about the Arya-Sansa thing? They didn't get on at the start of the show, they're both totally different and very aware, cold characters now - what makes you think this sort of shit wouldn't be going on now? Arya sees through bullshit, she isn't scared to point it out. That's all I see going on.
4. What is silly about the Arya-Sansa thing? They didn't get on at the start of the show, they're both totally different and very aware, cold characters now - what makes you think this sort of shit wouldn't be going on now? Arya sees through bullshit, she isn't scared to point it out. That's all I see going on.
I saw it as showing how they have each carved steel into their hearts/souls/bodies. They have seen things and had things done to them and both are forging a strong alliance without any of the girly things that made them different. The talk about how Sansa wanted finery and Arya wanted to shoot bows and arrows was meant to show the differences back then and the chat in the bedroom showed how similar they are. Each turned their backs on their father. Each found a way to survive. Each became stronger for it

Made sense to me

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I loved the discussion between Tyrion & Dany, regarding the succession. I've been asking the same question myself, since the end of S6. Good to see the show finally addressing it.

I also loved the chat between Jon & Ser Friendzone, regarding the Mormont family sword. They probably would have had the chat earlier, during the voyage from Dragonstone, but it was something we needed to see - so I don't have a problem with the creative license.

The fight between the dragons & the wights was worth watching.

Running out of positives here... Lots of negatives:
  • Ravens that fly at the speed of light
  • Stupidity of the whole "capture a wight to show Cersei" idea, which was the premise for the episode's entire plot
  • Where did the Night King get the chains?
  • Sansa vs Arya was just plain silly
Getting a wight to show Cersei is just so dumb on so many levels.
The main reason being... It would be completely out of character for her to even give a shit. The Night Kings and his army is in the North. Near Jon and slightly nearer to Dany. She would see it as an advantage more than anything.
Apparently a reddit detective has solved the mystery of the ravens who can fly at light speed:
Since there has been a lot of contention about the speed with which the Raven and Dany fly back and forth to get to our heroes, I thought it would be fun to do some math and see if it's in any way possible. So how long would Jon and company be sitting on that rock waiting to be rescued while the ice thickens enough to support an army of undead? Here are the things we need to figure out to do so:

How long would it take Gendry to get to the wall from where they were attacked?

-I don't think they traveled very far past the wall since it is stated that they Night King was already near Eastwatch to begin with. Not to mention that the journey for our heroes seems to take place within the course of less than a day. No campfire, no nighttime. I think it would be reasonable to assume that the run back to the wall could have been done within 6 hours.

How fast and how far can a Raven fly?

-This is a little trickier since these Ravens live in a fantasy world but I think the best way to think of them is like real life carrier pigeons, which can travel up to 1100 miles at an average speed of 50MPH according to this:http://gameofthrones.wikia.com/wiki/Ravens and this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homing_pigeon.

How far is it from Eastwatch to Dragonstone?

-There never seems to be a map that's perfectly accurate depending on what you read so I went with this one: http://www.sermountaingoat.co.uk/map/versions/map_canon_only.jpg. Which means that they are 1900 miles apart. Let's call it 2000 since I'm sure Raven's don't travel in a perfectly straight line.

So this means that a Raven could travel from Eastwatch to Dragonstone in 40 hours without sleeping or eating/drinking. Give it 8 hours worth of rest along the way and that puts it at an even 2 days journey.

Now, How long will it take Daenerys to do the same journey? No idea really. I can't find any solid info on how fast or how long Dragon's can fly. So I'm going to assume they can fly at least as long as Ravens and say it will take another 2 days for her to reach our heroes near Eastwatch.

Overall this means a 4 day and 6 hour period for Dany to come to the rescue. So could our heroes possible last that long on their little island? Well we don't really have anyway of marking the passage of time here, except that we know the Wights had to wait until the ice around them froze hard enough for them to walk on. SOOOO.....

How long does it take for water to freeze until it's thick enough to walk on?

-Well according to this http://www.outdoorcanada.ca/How_Fast_Does_Your_Lake_Make_Ice , if we assume that north of the wall has an average temperature of -20 F (which is anyone's guess really but we'll assume the coldest point on the chart), this would mean in 4 days the ice could have gotten up to 12 inches thick in average conditions. According to the article, this means no snow and no clouds (both of which can reduce the ice forming process by half. Since there was both snow and clouds at the time, this could mean that anywhere from 6-12 inches of ice would have formed in 4 days time.

Now is that enough to support the weight of a human being or wight?

  • According to http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/safety/ice/thickness.html it would take 4" of ice to be safe to go Ice fishing, 5-7" for snowmobiling, and 8-15" for various automobiles. Since we are talking about an army of undead crossing the ice and engaging in open combat I would be willing to assume we would need at least the 5-7" of ice required for snowmobiling, if not more like the 8-15" required by automobiles. All those bodies and jerky motions create alot of stress on the ice.

It seems to me that the just over 4 day travel time required for Dany to to receive the Raven and fly to Eastwatch, seems to line up accurately with the amount of time it would take ice to grow enough to support an army of undead to fight on top of it in those conditions
Jon and Co. standing on that rock for a few hours versus Gendry making it back to Eastwatch, ravens getting all the way down south to Dragonstone, and then the Dragons making it all the way up to JON and CO.

Is singluraly the worst Plothole of the show.

This thread is justified to talk about this plothole for the next week.

In saying that I loved the episode - can't wait for the finale.
Jon and Co. standing on that rock for a few hours versus Gendry making it back to Eastwatch, ravens getting all the way down south to Dragonstone, and then the Dragons making it all the way up to JON and CO.

Is singluraly the worst Plothole of the show.

This thread is justified to talk about this plothole for the next week.

In saying that I loved the episode - can't wait for the finale.

Yeah it wouldnt have been that hard for them to show them waiting on the rock for a few days.
Jon and Co. standing on that rock for a few hours versus Gendry making it back to Eastwatch, ravens getting all the way down south to Dragonstone, and then the Dragons making it all the way up to JON and CO.

Is singluraly the worst Plothole of the show.

This thread is justified to talk about this plothole for the next week.

In saying that I loved the episode - can't wait for the finale.
It would've made just as much sense if Gendry pulled out a smartphone and texted Dany for help
Hound was hilarious as heck! Viserion dying :(. Night King to melt part of the wall with reanimated Viserion?


Gee, no wonder you don't give a shit about book spoilers :rolleyes:

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FTA-TV Game of Thrones Season VII
