Games you play a lot but are terrible at

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I just played a 1v1 game of Rocket League and won 14-0 :D He/she only really stopped trying at about 12-0 too. It was probably a kid, but I'll take the confidence boost all the same.
I've pumped a ridiculous number of hours into Age of Empires 2 from its original release right through to the Definitive Edition, and 99.99% of those hours will have been skirmish mode and LAN MP co-op against the AI.

I have a lot of fun with it even though I know I'll get trounced online, so I don't bother.
Another AoE fan here. Been playing a lot of Definitive Edition lately. I've found my favourite civs but still love experimenting with others. I'm not bad at raiding and offensively hurting but when it comes to defence, I struggle sometimes and get overwhelmed. I'm trying to do some things to help but it's still just too much when the other guys is too good.

I just play noob lobbies and mostly BF and Arena - I enjoy them the most. Sometimes Nomad and a few other games but only just for variety.

Are you still playing?

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I know exactly what you mean about Age of Empires 2. I've actually spent a lot of time on it while in lockdown, practicing strategies. I can absolutely trounce any of my IRL friends.

So, full of confidence, I head to the ranked ladder...and get utterly flogged multiple times in a row. Feels bad man.

I've managed to get to about a 50% win rate in ranked matches now but I can definitely confirm there is a huge difference in skill level between a casual game of AoE with friends and the online matchmaking. It's insane.
I'm staying away from ranked games for now... I enjoy playing in the noob lobbies for now and am just not ready for ranked games just yet I don't think haha.

What's your ELO at?
Lastnight I was almost ready for bed and wanted to play something but I didn't want to commit to anything too time consuming or investing. So I went to my pick up and play go to, Rocket League. Having not played it for a while I was flying all over the place and I came to the realisation that I am terrible at it. I've always known I'm pretty bad, the rankings tell you this, but for the sheer amount of hours I have put in I have not got any better and I don't think I ever will. I have fun though and that's all that matters.

I also play many RPG's. But I never spend insane amount of times researching so my builds are probably not 100% right and I don't know enemies weaknesses or attack patterns I just run in and try to kill sh*t. So most would consider me pretty crap at these too. Again, don't care, I have fun. Specific examples of this for me would probably be ESO, Diablo and now Phantasy Star Online 2

Age of Empires 2. Holy crap have I played that game to bits in it's different variations over 20 years. When I first started I googled a "Castle Rush" cause it seems everyone that was playing online was doing this so I have followed that formula when starting a new game ever since. I stuff it up every time, it is now probably outdated, and there are probably better ways to do it, and when I watch people stream online they seem to get to Castle Age in 3 minutes, but I just play AI and I still enjoy it even though I know I'm terrible.

Make me feel better about my shitness.
I am a huge dark souls/bloodborne fan, but I can and have died to each and every boss. Most bosses will get me once on a new playthrough, regardless of how hard/relatively easy they are. Some bosses will kick my arse every time I fight them, and it's a grind to get through it.

I like the idea of strategy games more than the actuality of them, because I suck at them. Poured hours into advance wars 2, not because I was good but because I found the combat scenarios just really fun.

I like RPG's, but I was terrible at Dragon Age Origins combat, and while I've completed Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 (and TOB) it wasn't because I was good at it. The dragon fights in the BG2 were a perrenial struggle, and any fight against a caster would usually end with a quick load. And I've had multiple fights in DA:O with Wynne running around frantically healing herself and staying out of range of melee attackers while her revive spell recharges.
I'm staying away from ranked games for now... I enjoy playing in the noob lobbies for now and am just not ready for ranked games just yet I don't think haha.

What's your ELO at?

Haha I know that feeling. Once you play a few games you get used to it. I approach it by trying to just have fun and not stress...that doesn't always work.

I'm at about 1000 ELO but haven't played for about a month. I know the strategies I should execute but usually just end up panicking and botch it.


I used to play a lot of Age of Empires (badly) back in the day. I really enjoyed CoD WW2 but damn was I bad (bloody quick snipers). I remember a time when I was somewhat competitive against my brother in FIFA, but it got to the point where there was no point in playing.
Just started playing some Warzone as my best mate is addicted to it. He's level 130 or something insane and I'm level 31. Play Plunder most of the time. Again, I'm pretty bad. Since I got into the 20's in levels I have probably been halving my one on ones with randoms I run into so I'm happy with that, but I don't have that sixth sense to pick where the snipers are like he seems to. I feel like these games are a bit strange in that when you start you're at a disadvantage because the good guns and perks come later. So experienced players actually have an advantage over n00bs. Seems somewhat backwards to me.

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I played Battlefield 1 with a few people on here back when it was a thing, I really enjoyed it but I was beyond terrible, I could manage to get the drop on someone by getting behind them with a shotgun, and they'd still manage to kill me. The only way I could get kills was by riding around the desert map on a horse hitting people with a sword.

Funnily enough, I wasn't invited along when the others all graduated to Battlefield 5

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Games you play a lot but are terrible at

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