Gary Ablett and Lauren Phillips

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Don't forget the lack of protection he would get in the Mid Field....he ain't going to get the opportunities he has now.....I'd say 2 years at GC and his body will be shot.... :rolleyes:

I don't think comments that he is likely to play less games over the next five seasons than he has over the last five is that unrealistic at all. For a start, Geelong get an extra 3 games lately because of success. So unless the GC make the next 4 grand finals, he isn't going to play as many games as the team doesn't play that many games.

Secondly, the guy is 27 next May, he is starting to get to the age where physically you start to drop off (even if slowly) and your body becomes more injury riddled. Thats just part of getting older. I don't expect him to break down but I can't see over the next 5 years that he is going to play as many as the last 5 year. Little niggles will start to become more common as is very normal with AFL players of the 27-31 age bracket.

I don't think thats some unreasonable and shocking viewpoint to warrant the rolleyes. I never said that he is going to break down etc nor that he won't get opportunities.
See the H-Sun this morning.

Lauren Phillips says that she is NOT moving to the Gold Coast, no matter what Gazza decides.

This gives me hope that he won't have the heart to leave her behind, and this causes him to stay.

Remember, Gazza, it is good to please your lady, and Lauren wants to stay, and I think, deep down, she would want Gary to stay by her side.

I hope this tips his hand.

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Hendo! Hendo! Hendo! By her side? Gaz, for the moment, lives in Torquay and Lauren in Melbourne. And the report of her comment on radio was that she wouldn't move at this stage.


He is a lot closer in Torquay than the Gold Coast, and I hear that the surf is just as good in Torquay.

Why do you people constantly believe the flogs in the media about Ablett leaving?
Hendo! Hendo! Hendo! You just parrot the same stuff re Gaz. Had you read my posts you'd know my conclusions, for the most part, have little to do with what the mainstream press writers speculate about. They have a 1000 or so words to write each week and much of their stuff is what's referred to as think pieces.

So it's not 'by her side' now, it's because Torquay is closer than the GC is it?:rolleyes: She also said their relationship is a long distant one during the comment she made. Yet another piece of the jigsaw you conveniently failed to include.

I like reading about your unshakeable belief that Gaz won't go. Not so much your incessant knocking of those who don't share it though
She only wants to date him around September because of the Brownlow, MVP night etc. so she will have no influence on Gary making his decision. Gary gives her the spotlight for a few weeks so she can get jobs and in return he gets benefits for a month each year. Then they go their seperate ways for the rest of the year.

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Gary Ablett and Lauren Phillips

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