Geraldton Road Rage caught on camera.

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Everything I have done came as a collaboration between myself & renowned York based international artist Tim Burns. We created a character called “The Cultural Terrorist”. This person, who I would play would go out into the community & write confronting & shocking stories as well as confront people & force them to explain their actions on film. It is art & it is designed to get the community talking, we didn’t care if we got bad reviews or if people were offended, that is the whole idea of it. It has been highly successful & the Car dash cam footage aired to over 2.5 million people worldwide once the Daily News in England aired the footage on their front page, & over 2 million people have read my various stories so basically we classed the whole operation as a success as far as performance art goes.

As far as people making the conclusion that I am nuts, well you may just be right, but I’m still out there in the community. You should be aware that diagnosing people with a mental illness is usually performed by a trained psychiatrist or psychologist who has a university degree. I happen to live with my girlfriend, Kim Anderson who did her psychology degree at Joondalup campus in Perth, so she keeps a good eye on me, (as if she needs to), so you can deem the community safe! The people making the ridiculous assertions that I am mentally ill have no such degree & probably left school in year 10 hardly the type of person to know sweet **** all about mental illness wouldn’t you agree, just remember, none of you have ever met me personally. None of you really know me, you all seem enraptured with my persona & can’t seem to stop talking about me.

My philosophy is that the only thing worse than people talking about you is people not talking about you. I am a private man & you only judge me by my art not by who I really am. I am a private man, highly educated, an avid professional writer, a musician/singer & a performance artist, a very complicated man. To those of you who make threats to me, feel free to make them to my face, words on a blog mean nothing, you sit behind a desk with no fear or consequences but front up to my place and say these things to my face & then I might listen & you might even get my respect & if you think I’m soft or an easy touch, just remember one thing, I did three years in Casuarina in maximum security because I got caught with 2 pistols, a .22 & a 9 mm. I grew up on the harsh streets of Footscray when it was a dangerous place to be. I an no easy pushover & I don’t suffer fools

You have already deemed me mentally ill, a pretty good argument for not being legally responsible for anything I do wouldn’t you say? Just a final word about suicide, I am a man of great mental fortitude, I grew up in the school of hard knocks, nothing you people say about me by publicly slandering me worries me, it’s like water off a duck’s back, but some of the things you did say, if said to a vulnerable person could cause them to commit suicide, that is my only concern & my only reason for writing.

So, all of you judgemental, highly educated geniuses out there better realise one thing, if somebody did take their own life after your disgraceful blog attacks & it could be proved that your comments caused them to suicide you can be held criminally liable. You are totally responsible for what you say on the net & some of the comments directed at me are reprehensible, nothing more than cowardly. Try & control your overworked little egos will you, try not be full of your own self importance & try not to get your delusions of grandeur mixed up with the reality of your boring little lives. Signed- The Cultural Terrorist!
Hey Trevor, how many road rules did you break when you chased after that bloke who ran an amber light?

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Geraldton Road Rage caught on camera.

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