Gippsland Cricket Thread Part 3

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Wow!!!!! Everyone has copped it in this one!

I would like to nominate Nuggett as the best poster on this site. He not only has valued opinions on all matters but is game (or stupid) enough to write what he thinks about his own club. I wouldn't like it written by one of our players but good on him for having the aggotts to say what he thinks!! He might cop a little club imposed ban for it but i am sure people will take notice of what he is saying.

Have you been told your out already nuggett?? I thought you form was OK. Your glove work must be OK to be leading the league.

As far as i am concerned, you pick the best 11 players each week and it does not matter what the birth certificate reads. If Niel is in the best 11 players at Stratford he plays. He can bat and teach while he is playing. We have the same situation at College with A.Hurley returning this year. It is easy to say that a young bloke is dropped when he is playing every second week but as far as a bowler is concerned we are a better side with him in it. The kids time will come. My role is reduced alot with the big fella in but i enjoy having him in the side as i know the opposition hate him playing. Similar to Neil at Stratford. The opposition do not want Niel playing as it is a very very hard wicket to get. Maybe the 25 - 32 yo players not performing should be looked at bein dropped to stop the kid missing out. Age has no factor at the selection table.

Stupid alot of the times. I can't help it. I speak without thinking.

No I haven't been told but every week I have been getting lower and lower in the order and I get the feeling (and based on what has happened now) that I am not in favour. I am not recieving too much confidence from anyone.

We have to pick Simon Waixel this week who is a bowler who made 50 against wurruk last game to win the match, we also have to pick steve knight who is in our best side.

Considering all our bowlers are doing a job, and the fact I am batting below some bowlers and the other batsmen the two people who will go out are/should be me and jason bruce (work).

I am not specifically bagging Neil out, he is a wonderful player and I would have him in my side any day. But I think we have a player/players that haven't been handled the best/put in the right positions to do the specific job at hand, that was needed: eg on saturday. Players have been lamented/dropped for batting the same way some players did on saturday

I am bagging out the inconsistencies that happen through out the club on and off the field. It was pretty much made clear at the start of the year Stratford were going for a new approach with an overhaul on training, selection etc ie Andrew Tatterson, as the last couple of years had not produced the success that the club wanted using proven methods.

This has never been a problem in the past as previous coaching/captain/selection committees let players know exactly where they stand on and off the field. Honesty is a great trait to have in life and sometimes when you try and please so many people, you end up pissing off a majority too.
Stupid alot of the times. I can't help it. I speak without thinking.

No I haven't been told but every week I have been getting lower and lower in the order and I get the feeling (and based on what has happened now) that I am not in favour. I am not recieving too much confidence from anyone.

We have to pick Simon Waixel this week who is a bowler who made 50 against wurruk last game to win the match, we also have to pick steve knight who is in our best side.

Considering all our bowlers are doing a job, and the fact I am batting below some bowlers and the other batsmen the two people who will go out are/should be me and jason bruce (work).

I am not specifically bagging Neil out, he is a wonderful player and I would have him in my side any day. But I think we have a player/players that haven't been handled the best/put in the right positions to do the specific job at hand, that was needed: eg on saturday. Players have been lamented/dropped for batting the same way some players did on saturday

I am bagging out the inconsistencies that happen through out the club on and off the field. It was pretty much made clear at the start of the year Stratford were going for a new approach with an overhaul on training, selection etc ie Andrew Tatterson, as the last couple of years had not produced the success that the club wanted using proven methods.

This has never been a problem in the past as previous coaching/captain/selection committees let players know exactly where they stand on and off the field. Honesty is a great trait to have in life and sometimes when you try and please so many people, you end up pissing off a majority too.

Always hard to replace a champion player / bloke when you take over a club. Reading between the lines it would be fair to say you have a few issues with either the captain or coach. At the start of the year i can remember reading many positive posts about the changes at the club. What has changed?????
Your right about honesty and letting people know where they stand. That is why i would back my captain in as the best going around. He talks to his players weekly and gives people a chance to prove themselves to the rest of the team by backing them. Examples are with Wells opening, people outside the side would grimmice but wellsy wanted the job and hasn't let anyone down. He did the same with me last year. Everybody laughed at him for playing me but i haven't missed a game in 1 and half seasons with ok results.
So Nuggett in your opinion what does the Stratty cricket club need to do to fix the issues at the club?
Yes I was very positive at the start of the year with the future that was in store for Stratford. Yeah people will look at me and say Ohh he is being a sook etc because he doesn’t think he is getting a go, or he is going crap that is/could not be further from the truth as I have never ever put myself above the team/club. All I want is Stratford Cricket Club to be the place I loved playing for.

There are a few issues in my opinion that need addressing. We desperately need a social committee; which was to be put into place by the club and involving people who couldn’t fully commit to being part of the committee. In my opinion the club has become stale off the field. We don’t cater for anyone specific eg a younger generation or families. We have little or no wives/families coming to the club, we do run of the mill stuff and basically have no functions or the same ones we have had for twenty years. Therefore we only get a minority of the club attending socially, which affects us financially and I believe in a clubs repore.

I believe the club is a little divided and that the proper procedures were not in place that handled the appointment of captain and vice captain this year. I believe when you have a change of captaincy that the players should have the say as to who they believe to be captain not the committee, I think this should be reviewed every year and that the players have their say and make the recommendations on who they believe should be captain. I say this because only two people on the committee at Stratford play A grade cricket the rest are either women, or lower grade players who in reality will never have to play under the captain, I also think they were slightly misdirected with there decision I believe the playing group had no problems at all with Andrew Tatterson captaining and his commitment. This is by no means directed who is in charge at Stratford but personally I think we would have been a better team with Andrew Tatterson as captain.

We also have a situation where a life member does not want to attend the club because of his treatment; this really needs to be fixed, I don’t care what went on but I would like to think that the club can make the effort with this person so that he ends up at least feeling welcome and not having resentment towards Stratford.

I can sit here and say that the committee is the one responsible for running of the club but I believe the decisions are made by one person at the club. This is not the greatest way to operate a club and has resulted in people becoming yes men/relying on this person to do everything. I believe thats why you have a committee/coach with structures in place to run a club. If you don’t use the structures in place, then why have them at all???

Generally these are my opinions on how I could see things improving at Stratford, but it does not mean I am right or anyone has to even listen/read this as I have said I am probably a minority but I represent A, the generic age of cricketer playing at Stratford and B, know enough of what has/is going on to comment on improving the club.

People will probably condemn me for saying this but I feel the club has dropped off a little compared to when if first came back from Maffra. I know we all have deficiencies but when they can be avoided/fixed it becomes frustrating.

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i thought you might not of been but reading back over your posts (obviously havent read them all) i thought you might of just been jumping around around the fact a little bit.

any reason why your not? you seem to have good theorys on your club and how it should be operated. maybe its time for some change at the top to try and stamp out the fact that all the decisions are made by one bloke because whilst this is happening the club is never really going to grow is it? especialy if the other commitee members can see that this is happening.
Well nugget, your post's seems silly now. Knight is in the seconds and you have got a game.

Lets hope you get some runs so we don't have to read through the piles of posts you write. Haha

I would like to point out that when Stratford started in A grade, they were hopeless I played against them and they never won.

The person you are referring to I assume, about making all the decisions is neil. Amongst a few others they were responsible for picking that club up and making it a powerhouse, most of the other people have moved on from any formal involvement as i have been made aware. I know last year neil was not involved, maybe this is an indication that he cannot walk away from the club. Not sure. Hard to impact change when that person at the club has done so much for it. From your comments it might need it, but as you have said you may be a minority. In all of this Mayhem has said nothing, is this an indication that more of the playing group is not happy!!!
Lets hope you get some runs so we don't have to read through the piles of posts you write. Haha

I made zero batting at 4. Knight made a 170 in the seconds. Cricket is such a frustrating game, batted down the order for a while in the one dayers then you get a chance up the order and it is over within four balls.

A really good day of cricket yesterday v Maffra. Maffra had the upper hand early with a great spell by Adrian Burgiel taking three wickets, whilst getting solid support from Nathan Magnuson. Some good hitting by Dave Roberts (46) resulted in a little momentum shift and some handy runs by Neil Tatterson, Simon Williams and Jie Van Berkel got Stratford to 171, with Burgiel taking 5 wickets. Maffra opened up well until the last 5 overs where there decision to turn a little defensive resulted in the loss of Cameron and Lanigan. The game sits fairly even with Maffra at 2 for 28. Dangerous captain Adrian Burgiel will lead the Maffra run chase.

I dare say Mayhem is not on here because he has become a proud father of a baby boy.

Just for Benny Durrant and Adrian Burgiel.
Perez Hilton
The fastest bowlers are in no order Stuart Anderson, Adrian Burgiel, Nathan King, Richard Gleeson, Jack Tatterson and Simon Williams at various times.
Cricket is a harsh game. Maffra who more than likely looked favourites last week got caught on a terrible wicket this week and bravely got close to chasing the 170 required. It raises two points of interest which hardly happen in any other sport, even playing conditions and the choice of playing when the result is decided. Now Maffra are by no means able to predict the future but what happened last week was they did really well with the ball in restricting Stratford to 170 and were in control until Cameron and Lanigan went out. We all do it and mentally its hard but you just have to keep playing natural, as we found out this game you never know what would happen next week, unfortunately for Maffra they happen to get caught out on a crap wicket and instead of being 0 - 50 overnight they were 2 -30, this was crucial as that extra two wickets and twenty runs would have won them the game. Now there season is in jeopardy all be it by .0055 of a point and the winner of this weeks game Maffra versus Sale is crucial as the loser most likely will not make finals. The other point of interest is playing when the game is over, as most captains pull the pin and don’t play, but what everyone needs to understand is that every run, every wicket is vital. Some second innings results actually bear resemblance to ladder positions. Second innings results this year have helped and hindered teams in there ladder positions and Maffra illustrated last year the value of taking every run and opportunity….as they have a premiership from a tied match and College don’t.
Cricket is a harsh game. Maffra who more than likely looked favourites last week got caught on a terrible wicket this week and bravely got close to chasing the 170 required. It raises two points of interest which hardly happen in any other sport, even playing conditions and the choice of playing when the result is decided. Now Maffra are by no means able to predict the future but what happened last week was they did really well with the ball in restricting Stratford to 170 and were in control until Cameron and Lanigan went out. We all do it and mentally its hard but you just have to keep playing natural, as we found out this game you never know what would happen next week, unfortunately for Maffra they happen to get caught out on a crap wicket and instead of being 0 - 50 overnight they were 2 -30, this was crucial as that extra two wickets and twenty runs would have won them the game. Now there season is in jeopardy all be it by .0055 of a point and the winner of this weeks game Maffra versus Sale is crucial as the loser most likely will not make finals. The other point of interest is playing when the game is over, as most captains pull the pin and don’t play, but what everyone needs to understand is that every run, every wicket is vital. Some second innings results actually bear resemblance to ladder positions. Second innings results this year have helped and hindered teams in there ladder positions and Maffra illustrated last year the value of taking every run and opportunity….as they have a premiership from a tied match and College don’t.

They should just scrap two day games and just play one day games of 40 overs per side. It would eliminate any variables i.e - one team batting on a road next week its a green top, grass length of the oval etc. It would stop any discussion about teams "cheating".

I would have thought it might get people a bit keener to play and you might pick up more players to the club (all grades) I know a handfull of guys that would like to play cricket but they don't becuase they don't want to field for 80 overs.

Don't know what the fixture would be with just one day games but whether thats you just play each team twice or three times, but what it could do if each time played twice it would leave a few weeks open for a proper 20 20 competition?

The league i played for this season, had a 20 20 season inside the normal season, games were played on thursday nights, proper rules, coloured shirts, and a round robin style format and from all reports it has been very successfull, lots of people coming to watch and the host clubs putting on a bbq and been getting very good numbers turn up to watch.

Suprised that the SMCA hasn't put in place a proper 20 20 tournament. I know a few years back we played start of week 20 20's but it was limited as to what you could do becuase of the rules that were in place and it wasn't that well run.

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In all of this Mayhem has said nothing, is this an indication that more of the playing group is not happy!!!

Hey gus, sorry for my recent inactivity. As touched on by Nugget, my wife has just given birth to our first child in recent weeks, so, I have been off work/off net most of the time.

I'm not sure what my opinion would be able to tell you about the happiness of the playing group, as I longer play there. I do still have a bit to do with most of the Stratty boys, however, I don't think it is my place to ask them about things going on within the playing group, as I recently chose to leave that playing group.

Also, the club that I have gone to, is now locked in a battle with Maffra and Stratford for 3rd and 4th spots, so, it would seem a bit disrespectful if I was prying into Stratford's affairs. The club was fantastic to me and apart from my failures on the field, I have nothing but fond memories of a good group of people at Stratford and do not wish to do anything to negatively impact their opinion of me.
Who is the quickest bowler in Sale/Maffra 1st's ATM ?Has Kingy still got it over everybody?

On this season's evidence, I would say Rick Gleeson (who is an English player) would be the quickest in the league, however, Adrian Burgiel did not play in the game I played in against Maffra, and from all reports, he is bowling super fast at the moment.

Having played against Bundy on the weekend, I wouldn't think Nathan King is the fastest in the league (during the home and away season), nor in the top 3 for pace, however, he is renowned for raising his game to another level during the finals series, so, don't be surprised to see the poor batsmen that face him in the semi final and final (should they make the GF) beaten for pace consistently, as I am sure he still has the capability to turn it on, on his day.

I would probably think that the fastest bowlers in the league would be:
Rick Gleeson, Adrian Burgiel, Jason Morrison, Stuart Anderson, Simon Williams, Nathan King.

Notable absentee is Jack Tatt, who at this stage last season, I would have said was comfortably the fastest bowler in the league, however, with hamstring probs in the footy season, and a concentration on improving his batting, I would say his pace has backed off a touch, however, the boys inform me that as the year goes on he is regaining some faith in his hamstrings and starting to charge in and let the ball go a little more consistently.

Lets hope for Jack and Stratty that he is able to consistently regain that pace, as I would confidently predict that he will become an all rounder of the highest calibre in the SMCA if his bowling returns to the levels that it reached last season. Even in his current bowling form, I would think that if the SMCA were picking a side with all players available, Jack would be amongst the first 5 picked, which is a massive achievement for a kid that has not turned 20 yet.

Speaking of young kids doing good things, Luke Klasen is currently having an outstanding season for Sale and his bowling is continuing to improve. His ability to consistently get the opposition's best player, as well as an improving fitness level, allowing him to bowl longer spells has seen him become one of the most important players in the Sale lineup.

Another youngster worth noting is Tom Tudor. To make the amount of runs that he has made this season, whilst still being eligible to play Under 18 cricket is a fantastic achievement. It's looking like Tom will tick over 550 runs or more, and with the possibility of playing in a couple of finals, he may well tick over 600 or more. Great stuff from a young kid, Bundy will be very happy with the coming of age of a youngster always touted as a future star!

Other young players also having notable seasons are RK's Brad Scott and Toby Leeds. Scott, is on the cusp of a 350 run, 20 wicket season. Pretty impressive for a kid who isn't even old enough to drive yet. Briag would be extremely happy with Leeds, having scored 450 runs, and with 2 hits to go, having a very realistic chance to tick over 500 for the season.

With the likes of the 5 guys mentioned above (Jack, Klasen, Tudor, Scott and Leeds), coupled with Brett Lanigan, Ben Durrant, Anthony Scott, Daniel Cameron and many others, I am sure that Sale Maffra will be putting some formidable rep sides on the park in the coming seasons.
Well nugget, your post's seems silly now. Knight is in the seconds and you have got a game.

Lets hope you get some runs so we don't have to read through the piles of posts you write. Haha

I would like to point out that when Stratford started in A grade, they were hopeless I played against them and they never won.

The person you are referring to I assume, about making all the decisions is neil. Amongst a few others they were responsible for picking that club up and making it a powerhouse, most of the other people have moved on from any formal involvement as i have been made aware. I know last year neil was not involved, maybe this is an indication that he cannot walk away from the club. Not sure. Hard to impact change when that person at the club has done so much for it. From your comments it might need it, but as you have said you may be a minority. In all of this Mayhem has said nothing, is this an indication that more of the playing group is not happy!!!

There is definately no unhappiness at the Stratford Cricket Club, especially within the teams first eleven at the moment. Last night at training I was fortunate enough to spend some quality time with some quality people. Talking to the people involved within the club I don't think there is any doubt where the club wants to go and the strategies in place. I fully back and agree with everything that Stratford are trying to do.

I now know that my comments have put a "negative" perception on Stratford which is not what I wanted. And even though I can't delete them most people would be aware of how embarrased I was walking into the club last night and the regret now that I have in expressing my opinions on a public forum.

Hopefully this week I can do my job for the team and contribute to a winning side.
There is definately no unhappiness at the Stratford Cricket Club, especially within the teams first eleven at the moment. Last night at training I was fortunate enough to spend some quality time with some quality people. Talking to the people involved within the club I don't think there is any doubt where the club wants to go and the strategies in place. I fully back and agree with everything that Stratford are trying to do.

I now know that my comments have put a "negative" perception on Stratford which is not what I wanted. And even though I can't delete them most people would be aware of how embarrased I was walking into the club last night and the regret now that I have in expressing my opinions on a public forum.

Hopefully this week I can do my job for the team and contribute to a winning side.

Good stuff mate, good luck tomorrow!!
On this season's evidence, I would say Rick Gleeson (who is an English player) would be the quickest in the league, however, Adrian Burgiel did not play in the game I played in against Maffra, and from all reports, he is bowling super fast at the moment.

Having played against Bundy on the weekend, I wouldn't think Nathan King is the fastest in the league (during the home and away season), nor in the top 3 for pace, however, he is renowned for raising his game to another level during the finals series, so, don't be surprised to see the poor batsmen that face him in the semi final and final (should they make the GF) beaten for pace consistently, as I am sure he still has the capability to turn it on, on his day.

I would probably think that the fastest bowlers in the league would be:
Rick Gleeson, Adrian Burgiel, Jason Morrison, Stuart Anderson, Simon Williams, Nathan King.

Adrian Burgiel > daylight > everyone else. Gingle's helmet can confirm that.
The possibility of an all Gippsland final is looking likely in Div 2 at Country Week with Bairnsdale and Warragul undefeated and Traralgon having had a win and a tie yesterday. Traralgon play Warragul today, which will basically rule Traralgon out if they lose. Bairnsdale play Sunraysia, who appear to be putrid, so, it would appear that Bairnsdale have one foot in the final, and the winner of Traralgon and Warragul would be the favourite for the other spot.
Team of the year so far.

Batsmen -Ian Wrigglesworth (wurruk) 279 runs @ 55.8
Batsmen -Brett Lanigan (maffra) 256 @ 64
Batsmen -Toby Leeds (boisdale briagolong) 242 @ 34.57
Batsmen -Jack Tatterson (stratford) 240 @ 40
Batsmen -Ryan Ingram (college) 198 @ 99
Batsmen -Thomas Tudor (bundalaguah) 192 @ 64
Bowler -Luke Klasen (sale) 23 wickets @ 10.70
Bowler -Ben Durrant (maffra) 17 @ 15.47
Bowler -Thomas Love (maffra) 17 @ 11.12
Bowling All Rounder (5th in batting 4th in bowling) Stuart Anderson (college) 16 wickets @ 8.06 210 runs @ 70
Wicket Keeper - Ray Allred 16 dismissals

In my opinion i think a couple of changes will happen Ray Allred probably won't play many games so in theory won't be adding to many dismissals as the impending return of Justin Mckay will oprobably mean that he misses a game, so with Jie back at Stratford it looks like that the race for the keeper postion will be between myself (13 dismissals) and Nathan Massey (9 dismissals).

Jie Van Berkel is a chance to snare one of the spots in the bowling maybe Tom Loves. Steve Parry will get in as a batsmen (or bowler if klasen stops taking 5 fors) probably at the expense of Ryan Ingram (if Hendos info turns out to be correct). Adrian Burgiel will probably replace any one of Leeds, Jack or Tommmy Tudor. And the last position will be a toss up in the batting as a few players are vying for it ( King, Pete Roberts) i expect players like Matt Foster and Chris Aurisch to push hard too.

My opinions on

Batting - toss up between Ian or Stuart, don't discount Burgiel though.

Bowling - Anderson, won 4 of them with 2 runners-up. Never gets hit for runs and always takes a couple of wickets. Agree

Cricketer of the year - Hard to say Anderson won't but i actually think the big dirty C**k will. Kingy is doing wonders for the Rangers. Steve Parry

Premiers - Throwing it out here but i believe if Parry plays whole year Sale, very balanced side with bat and ball...College, Maffra and Bundy are all looking good though and potentially any four of these teams can win.

End of season headline - "Maffra disgusted as college wins tied grand final and sings song on ground" LOL

Umpire of the year - Col Gieschen knows what he is doing and stands by everything he does, i like honesty.

Most improved - A few names Mark Donald, Kris Morrison, Brad Scott and Toby Leeds.

Biggest disappointment -
So far Stratford promised big but has delivered nothing as of yet.
No calendonia???
The failure of the league (hopefully next year) to make the one day games better with white balls, fielding restrictions etc

Team of the Year (with a round and a day to go)

Batsmen -Ian Wrigglesworth (wurruk) 665
Batsmen -Thomas Tudor (bundalaguah) 501
Batsmen -Stuart Anderson (college) 469
Batsmen -Brett Lanigan (maffra) 464
Batsmen -Toby Leeds (boisdale briagolong) 450
Batsmen -Steve Parry (sale) 421
Bowler -Luke Klasen (sale) 34
Bowler -Ben Durrant (maffra) 33
Bowler -Nathan King (bundy) 28
All Rounder -Pete Roberts (sale) 6th in bowling, 7th in batting (his batting stats are wrong on the site)
Wicket Keeper - Sam Anstee (stratford) 22 dismissals.

I would think that not too much would change. Pete Roberts is bowling this weekend, and if he picks up 2 wickets moves into outright 5th as a bowler, which when you factor in that Stuart Anderson is the 3rd placed bowler (and already in the team of the year as a batsmen), should just about lock Pete Roberts into the final spot in the side. The other spot which is up for grabs is probably the keepers spot, as Nugget is not playing the last game and Stratford have already fielded in the current game they are in. Buddha Massey or Daniel Cameron could steal that spot. If it were to happen, Daniel Cameron would be a deserved recipient, as he is by far the leading run scorer amongst keepers and has done well this season.

You would think as far as awards go that Ian has the batting sewn up unless Ryan Ingram plays in the last Home and Away game, in which case he would need to make approx. 20 runs to ensure his average is higher than 70 and maintain his lead over Ian. I am unsure of qualification, however, I think it is 4 games and 250 runs. He has the runs, however, has not played 4 games.

Nathan King appears to have the bowling award sewn up.

I will throw Luke Klasen out there as a contender for Cricketer of the Year. Has played well when Sale have won, I can see as many as 5 vote winning performances, and in most year's there aren't massive vote totals to win. King and Anderson's all round performances may beat him to the punch, however, a top 3 finish is certainly a big possibility.
The possibility of an all Gippsland final is looking likely in Div 2 at Country Week with Bairnsdale and Warragul undefeated and Traralgon having had a win and a tie yesterday. Traralgon play Warragul today, which will basically rule Traralgon out if they lose. Bairnsdale play Sunraysia, who appear to be putrid, so, it would appear that Bairnsdale have one foot in the final, and the winner of Traralgon and Warragul would be the favourite for the other spot.

Considering that Warraguls 2 opening bowlers withdrew from country week at the last minute it would be a great effort if we were to make the final.

Also good effort for a 17 year old to make a ton at country week. Wouldnt think that would have happened too often.
Yeah not playing I presume (only available first week) but its pretty hard to catch them when your in Thailand.

Hopefully I do make it as a keeper, would be a good personal achievement but its the bowlers that get the mistakes I am just a by product in the final result. If I had held on to three oppurtunities on the weekend that I missed probably have it all tied up. But thats the game i suppose. Weren't the three easiest chances but would have thought i could catch one.

I think Jack Tatterson will make it (as a batsmen) at someones expense....maybe instead of Steve Parry.

As for cricketer of the year really can't go past Stuart Anderson, Klasen and Ian Wrigglesworth will be up there and a smokey would be Ben Durrant or Tom Tudor.
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