Goddard kicking ball at crowd members?

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And coming from a Collingwood player whos coach can't even take a few words from even the yabbiest of players?
Goddard is not an idiot, he is a smart footballer. And if his intent was to ping it at the cheersquad, which it might have been. Why is it such a crime to give a bit back, seriously. harden up plzz.
Coming form a club that cries when someone says the truth about 2 of their players .

Just like that fool Finey on SEN last night. he says firstly that the crowd should be aimed at by players if they say objectionable things, then goes to a break and then comes out and says he was wrong and the crowd shouldnt be subjected to what Goddard did.
What was his intent in kicking it low and hard at the crowd then?

All cheersquads are dropkicks, its the assembly point for morons. Are you suggesting all morons be attacked?

All this shows up is that st Kilda players have thin skins, they cant handle being verballed and have to act out some form of revenge. Milne one week, Doggard the next.

Look. St Kilda beat us fair and square. And I'll cop that. And I have happily defended Goddard here.

But are you honestly suggesting that this is wholly and solely a St Kilda thing??

Have you watched footy for more than 5 years?

I am almost speechless by your trolling on this.:thumbsdown:
Just like that fool Finey on SEN last night. he says firstly that the crowd should be aimed at by players if they say objectionable things, then goes to a break and then comes out and says he was wrong and the crowd shouldnt be subjected to what Goddard did.

And Finey surely must of been told off by SEN producers during the break. Pretty silly thing to say, but he wears his heart on his sleeve and is a passionate fan. Much like the Collingwood president for comparison, a passionate man who too can say some pretty dumb things. But no harm done, just a couple of blokes who love their footy clubs.

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All about intent.

Obviously he knew he had done the wrong thing.

Wrong thing to do, he's apologised, family accepted.

Unless this becomes a regular thing I dont think anything will come of it.
Is this crap still running?:rolleyes:

Look, I take my kids to the footy regularly. I take them there to educate them about the game and, of course, for the fun and the experience.

THE LAST PLACE that I would sit them is behind the goals, because

a.) at ground level it is the worst, and I mean THE WORST, place to view a game. You lose all depth perception after the pill crosses the 50m arc. And if play is at the other end, you may as well be watching a team of maurading, manic ants playing tic tac f***ing toe.

b.) It is generally populated by nufties who are there to either get their fat heads on telly, abuse opposition players, maybe get a high 5 from one of their own or have a contract with Messages on Hold to wave a ridiculous sign when a goal is kicked.


c.) there is a slight chance that the kids might get hit on the scone by a kick.

I mean really....lock this shit down please!:rolleyes:

Goddam I hate those flogs!!!
Here's the thing...

When Frodo and Sam are travelling to Mt Doom do they jump up and down to attract the attention of Mordor, or do they quietly go about their business?

As far as I can tell every media outlet has picked up this story and asked the question about Goddard's intent. Why would you risk attracting the scrutiny of the AFL when you're as good a player as Goddard is? I've got no axe to grind - I like watching him play. He's one of the best going around.

But don't forget that Ballantyne got reported and fined for pinching someone on the arse! No-one knows when the AFL is going to feel the need to take action on an 'issue'. Some things can't be avoided, like scuffles on the field, or bumps in traffic that are deemed high. Kicking a footy into the crowd just seems like a dumb thing to do IF he did it deliberately, and it looked to me like he did.
Was it avoidable? yes

Would he have done the same to the saint kilda cheer squad? hard to tell for sure, but 90% positive he wouldn't have

would other players do the same? probably - maybe not with as much intent/force

this kind of stuff happens - though it would usually be the case when there is a lot of pressure and a player simply thumps it any old way through the goals which is fine in my book but after seeing countless replays I'd have to say there was definitely intent - maybe not to get some poor kid in the face but defineitely to cause some form of damage - if just psychological or whatever

i usually avoid sitting behind the goals where possible - though have done on numerous occasions when seats for derbies are only available there and there is always the risk - as the afl rightly states before every game over the PA and on the screen if possible

case is closed anyways =)
Good successful thread tackling the big issues :thumbsu:

Congrats to all the wowsers and blamers on turning a simple accident into a purposeful "disgrace".
Apportioning blame, dishing out ignorant judgment, assuming the worst whilst knowing nothing and generally blowing it up like someone has taken a knife to the bubble boy's life support system.
This will continue to happen again and again like it has for 100+ yrs and unless it hits a kid in the head it wont get noticed.
Its garbage like this that ends up ruining the experience for people going to a game...pure stupidity and an inability to see simple accidents can force ridiculous kneejerk responses from publicity conscious bodies like the AFL.

The entire purpose of the game is to kick the ball through those two poles..if u choose to sit directly behind those two poles in the path of the ball does it not seem reasonable to expect a few balls coming at you at various speeds ?

Dont ruin the experience for others because u secretly wear a skirt and cant handle seeing a kid get a one off freakish knock. Doesnt happen very often so it aint necessary for the wowsers and nannies to beat it up so the afl have an excuse to f'k it up for the rest of the people that prefer sitting behind the posts.

Even the kids old man knew it was just an accident but u cant stop the fairies amongst us needing a protective bubble just to go watch a game.
I was at Yankee stadium a few years ago and a kid got bopped on the head by an A Rod foul ball, surely he should have a enough skill to keep the ball from going foul. There should be a full investigation by the MLB and he should be stripped of his million $ contract conspiracy i tell ya!!!
Unfortunate the kid got a knock but i'd care just as much for the poor bastard that caused it. He's accidentally caused an injury to a child and that must be a horrible feeling.
Meanwhile he gets accused by people without a clue of actually doing it on purpose. Your kid is more likely to get a black eye hanging around YOU at the bbq from an accidental stray elbow...how would u feel if someone told you that you meant to do it.

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Well there's been a few replies, seems to be worthy imo. And what about if that was your son?
What are you a bloody Howard voter? Me me me me

It doesnt matter if it was my son or not its a piffling, trifle of a pissant of a contraversy that is getting all the stupid comments because those are what is deserved in response to the whining crap that is delivered by the "isnt he a naughty boy then" crowd.
Whats an 8 year old doing in a filthy cheersquad enviro anyway??

HOW in the world can a player be sanctioned for kicking a goal?

Anyone who supports this is an absolute politically correct w****er who cannot see any fun or brightness in the future!

Is the kid dead? NO will he live a normal life?? YES
Will the kid ultimately love the infamy?? HELL YES!
I cannot believe how many replies there are too this non issue. I used to sit behind the goals when I was a kick and guess what you pay attention and the whole part is that you are able to see where the ball goes and try and grab it. For pete's sake who gives a flying what ever
Love these type of threads, like watching a Seinfeld episode....a thread about nothing :)

What other club would get a 300+ reply thread about a football hitting a crowd member?

Saints are really keeping this competition interesting at the moment!

People seem so disinterested with actual football these days they want to rant on and on about pathetic side issues.
Sometimes I wonder where I'm living.
Apart from topics like this, its front page news if some P plater goes 130Km/h.
Did anyone really think that Lewis Hamilton was dangerous because he spun the wheels a little bit?
Everyone is super precious on these forums and in the media, but then everyday someone seems to be stabbed or beaten sensless outside a nightclub.
Find a real issue people. If it was easy to seriously hurt people with a piece of leather full of air they would make bullets out of it.
Even compared to other sports ( a cricket ball would be far more dangerous ).
Good successful thread tackling the big issues :thumbsu:

Congrats to all the wowsers and blamers on turning a simple accident into a purposeful "disgrace".
Apportioning blame, dishing out ignorant judgment, assuming the worst whilst knowing nothing and generally blowing it up like someone has taken a knife to the bubble boy's life support system.
This will continue to happen again and again like it has for 100+ yrs and unless it hits a kid in the head it wont get noticed.
Its garbage like this that ends up ruining the experience for people going to a game...pure stupidity and an inability to see simple accidents can force ridiculous kneejerk responses from publicity conscious bodies like the AFL.

The entire purpose of the game is to kick the ball through those two poles..if u choose to sit directly behind those two poles in the path of the ball does it not seem reasonable to expect a few balls coming at you at various speeds ?

Dont ruin the experience for others because u secretly wear a skirt and cant handle seeing a kid get a one off freakish knock. Doesnt happen very often so it aint necessary for the wowsers and nannies to beat it up so the afl have an excuse to f'k it up for the rest of the people that prefer sitting behind the posts.

Even the kids old man knew it was just an accident but u cant stop the fairies amongst us needing a protective bubble just to go watch a game.

Couldn't have said it better myself!

At least Goddard can hit someone on the chest....
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