Its not that different a list from the one that made top 4 and a prelim last year. We are out one of our best, but in fact the forward line is better.I thought we'd get beaten and comfortably, but i was hopeful of a better showing. For the result and performance to be far worse than any expectation is the key. Last night was beyond bad. It's highlighted our problems are not just short term but long term. From a list management and game style point of view we could be many years away from contending in any form.
The players just have no idea whats going on. Nobody can play in a succession plan year like this. We have a failed 12 year coach sticking around purely for the money telling them one thing, and a bloke that isnt being backed in by the club telling them another. Nobody in the club sees this season going any direction other than a trainwreck.
We just need to axe Ken, and start playing the new game style now and see how they can adapt on the fly.