Play Nice Héritier Lumumba blasts Collingwood's racist treatment of him during his career (Civil discussion please)

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lol you thought i was debating wow 😂😂. My personal indigenous experience working in community's helping the solution view. You sound so bitter are you Caucasian, who probably never been involved in helping the solution the best way possible or been racially abused to understand what works better.
I didn't think it, you were undeniably debating. A lot of that post doesn't really make sense, if you mean that you're working in communities to help eliminate racism then keep it up through whatever method works.

Good luck

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What am I doing? If you could clarify that then it would be great!

I made a stupid comment about thieves? Again, if you bothered to understand the context of why I brought it up then you would understand that I wasn't at all saying that they should not be called out. You were just nitpicking and assuming.

"These people" is a generalised term and refers to people that behave like my post outlined. I don't think I need to specify because you can just see a few of them in this thread.

You're expressing opinions on things that have nothing to do with you. Not saying that's a good or bad thing, it's just a thing. Many people do it, including myself.

Yes you did. Don't hide behind some broader context. It was a stupid comment.

Right. A generalised term that represents what percentage of the population do you think? No point lumping everyone who speaks out on the actions of others into one group. Life is a spectrum and IMO your generalisation is nonsense.
I come on Bigfooty not every day and it is the messages like many posted on this thread that make it easy not to log and see so much intolerance.
Sometimes it so hard for an individual to speak out at the time but the hurt does not simply go away with the passage of time, we only have to look at the enduring hurt from the Stolen Generation, from kids who were taken into care, from the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody to reflect upon just because the hurt happened years ago doesn't mean that it doesn't still hurt.
Changing the culture of institutions and organisations does not happen quickly and requires leadership that is not evident in the Lumumba situation. Surely just looking at what is happening in the USA including the Colin Kaepernick situation might lead us to think that things and people need to change there and here.

Sure, it just may not be that the "Lumumba situation" is relevant to that.
lol you thought i was debating wow 😂😂. My personal indigenous experience working in community's helping the solution view. You sound so bitter are you Caucasian, who probably never been involved in helping the solution the best way possible or been racially abused to understand what works better.
Coming from the guy who stalks beams about his art, you dont like it so it’s a scam!!! Hahahahaha

Calling someone bitter, that is the pot calling the kettle black . Now you want people to help find the solution. Not like you who abuses and denigrates Beams who has mental health issues and IS actually making an effort

The consummate hypocrite.

Héritier Lumumba has called out the AFL, and Collingwood Football Club (In particular Eddie Maguire and Nathan Buckley) after he was condemned by the club for speaking out against Maguire's racist comments in 2013. He also speaks of a racist nickname he had from 2005 to 2013 as well as using hallucinogens to cope with anxiety and the distress that had arrived from said comments. He has said that neither Collingwood or the AFL had the capacity or the desire to deal with the concerns that he brought up.

It's a horrible look for Collingwood and very very disappointing that something like this happened and that it was ignored by both the club and the league

Nothing has changed Harry always was an attention seeker and a whining racist when ever it suited him. Report on credible topics.

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Racial vilification should not be tolerated but I don't think HL realises how easy he had it thanks to people before him like Winmar and co who laid the groundwork for those who followed, and thank god that every player who was racially vilified hasn't allowed it to define the rest of their life as HL seems to be allowing it to define his. There are many who were far harshly treated that have moved on with their lives.
I would point at someone like Chris Lewis who copped as much vicious and incessant racial abuse on field as anyone who ever played the game, to the point that it almost destroyed his career. If anyone has a case to argue he does, but you don't see him playing the victim and I've never once heard him raise the matter or seek apologies from anyone since he finished playing.

Lewis had a choice to make, and he chose to move on and make a life for himself and HL can continue to play the victim or move on and have a good life.... it's his choice. If he chooses to continue being the victim, please don't bore us with your story.
It’s better if he just shuts up and cops it hey?
The thing is, he already spoke about all of this in a 2017 documentary and subsequent postings at the time. The timing of this latest post wreaks of an attention seeking self-absorbed dickhead. As much as he thinks it is, it’s not always about Harry.

The timing of this is actually very good, as it is a hot topic at the moment, and will get attention. It does not wreak of a self absorbed dickhead, it wreaks of a systemic culture being ignored and being left unresolved. Nicky Winmar copped heaps just by lifting his shirt and pointing to his skin, Adam Goodes copped heaps because he took issue with being referred to as a gorilla 20 years after Nicky Winmar, Heritier copped heaps in 2017 when he raised the issue , now he cops it again for saying it is still an issue , even Blind Freddy can see that it is. People who are getting offended by a black guy who raises the point he did not like being called a chimp, at a club where the president referred to another black guy as a gorilla need to take a look at themselves , as it is those people who are the dickheads. Much like McGuire is for being falsely apologetic and how Buckley is for ostracizing a person who was already being ostracized. The people who are getting offend like their black fellas just kicking the ball and not having a voice.
He was very happy for a number of years but something got to him and he has found it hard to deal with.
Yeah maybe it was being employed by an organisation that tolerated his co-workers referring to him as a monkey.
so, many BigFooty users are still horrible at discussing all things Lumumba related, just as they were in 2013.....

Good on him for speaking up - again.
Agree. On the whole, reading the posts, this is a very racist board. Mind you being full of predominantly white men,that's to be expected. We (white men) are the most privileged people on the planet and couldn't possibly understand how it feels to be discriminated against. Sam Newman being the poster boy.

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Play Nice Héritier Lumumba blasts Collingwood's racist treatment of him during his career (Civil discussion please)

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