Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

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If a browser does not work with 10-15% of websites is that a weakness or a strength? (Yes or No)
It's a strength if that technology is shit and results in the demise of that technology. Which is what happened. Well done Firefox.

It is quite clear you have no remote IT experience with computer illiterate comments like this as legacy support was one of the major reasons Microsoft was so successful on the desktop.
The major (sole) reason was because they had a licensing deal with low cost hardware vendors. Nothing else.
Dvorak trolls Apple fanboys and you monkeys fall for it, just like MrCharisma has become my puppet.

Nothing trolling in that "abandon the iPhone" article. Just a really, really bad bit of tech punditry.
Nothing trolling in that "abandon the iPhone" article. Just a really, really bad bit of tech punditry.
I'll admit I was all like "what the... ?" when Jobs held it up. It definitely needs a handle, though.
It's a strength if that technology is shit and results in the demise of that technology. Which is what happened. Well done Firefox.
If a browser does not work with 10-15% of websites is that a weakness or a strength? (Yes or No)

The major (sole) reason was because they had a licensing deal with low cost hardware vendors. Nothing else.
ROFLMAO, stick to your janitorial work.

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Lawl. I think what you're not comprehending, Andrew, is that your belief that not supporting legacy technology is a weakness of software. It never is, ever. You said:

So. *******. What? Just like the original iMac not supporting the floppy disk or iOS not supporting flash, the developers at Firefox made a design decision not to support ActiveX. Which was the right call. What you perceive as a weakness was actually a strength. The world moved on. Those 15% of websites that couldn't render in Firefox had to be redeveloped, because as Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc did not support it.

Point to any website developed after your post was made that was developed using ActiveX and you will have made your point.

But you can't see this because you are sperglord. Your pathology is writ large all over the internet. Seek help, bro.
Fact is he's talking crap anyway.
Anyone who claims they have any professional involvement with the net, computers or websites who recommends EI is either a troll, a fool or a liar...or all three.
I know as much about the internet and browsers and stuff as I do about the Honey Badgers favourite mating positions.

However, my wife is a software engineer who has worked all over the world for some very prestigious 'puter companies...and in her strong Vietnamese English accent she just labelled Mr Poptech a bloody idiot.

Just sayin...
Fun's over guys. That's enough ad hominem's to last the SPR board a while.


Edit: On second thought and after having a proper read through of this topic, poor call by me.

Play on :thumbsu:
Chrome doesn't use WebKit any more ya big dummy.
Go look up what "more like" means and what a fork of something is. Get back to us when you figure it out. Thanks for perpetually confirming you cannot understand the context of what someone says. Oh and try reading the article as well, it usually helps.

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Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

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