Player Watch Harry DeMattia

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That is actually a problem for AFL compared to other, bigger sports, eg. NFL, world soccer, etc. Many of the management groups represent too many players which can cause apparent or actual conflicts of interest.
Bigger sports have the same problem, possibly even more so given the money involved and greater player empowerment, eg. Klutch's influence in the NBA.
my naivety of everyone having a level playing ground to achieve the highest level they possibly can, has been proven vastly opposite of my first thoughts.
An interesting side of this is also how delusional significant portions of a player's support system out there can be about their prospects of making it as a professional.

Every year there are the parents of some kid who played 5 games in the CTL and averaged 8 disposals a game humouring him about watching the draft in hope, pumping him up only to see him disappointed.
An interesting side of this is also how delusional significant portions of a player's support system out there can be about their prospects of making it as a professional.

Every year there are the parents of some kid who played 5 games in the CTL and averaged 8 disposals a game humouring him about watching the draft in hope, pumping him up only to see him disappointed.

Yeah that's very true also in one respect. Surely parents need to be realists.

My biggest issue on the basketball side of things in juniors , its who you know , not how good you are or based on your performance. Unsure what its like in juniors for AFL. The 5 game example youve mentioned is the same in basketball but because of connections , the girls still get picked. Bizarre , can see why some kids code hop

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Do you really think the media influences draft decisions?!?

“Hey guys, I think this guys is pick 30”.
“Nah SEN did a great article, so we should take him at 25”.

…..honestly. You need to actually think about what you write.

Ben Reid got Joe Richard’s into a list because he flagged it. Dekka has said he went to watch him 3 times.

Stop with the absolute stupidity.

Media influencing clubs decision on players. Ffs.

It’s actually embarrassing.
How about this possibility.
Media reports with insider information to back it up. "Collingwood will be taking Marcus Bontempelli at pick 6 in the up coming draft". The Dogs take a closer look at Marcus and after a long discussion decide to take him at pick 4.
Just a hypothetical. Don't shot me.
How about this possibility.
Media reports with insider information to back it up. "Collingwood will be taking Marcus Bontempelli at pick 6 in the up coming draft". The Dogs take a closer look at Marcus and after a long discussion decide to take him at pick 4.
Just a hypothetical. Don't shot me.
How about this possibility.
Media reports with insider information to back it up. "Collingwood will be taking Marcus Bontempelli at pick 6 in the up coming draft". The Dogs take a closer look at Marcus and after a long discussion decide to take him at pick 4.
Just a hypothetical. Don't shot me.
If the dogs think he is worth their first pick….they take him.

What was their second pick?
Did they really think he’d be there then?!?

Absolutely no chance media influences decisions.
(God I hope not!!)
It’d have no impact on the scouting staff ….

… but if the player managers are talking to the media (which they do), then they must think that there would be some benefit.
Of course there's a benefit, self promotion. Getting their name out in the media and having contacts, benefits the managers themselves. Possibly this could also benefit their players down the line, but not in terms of being drafted.

The info on where players are picked clearly comes from the clubs, not the media. Every year you'll see that draft rankings alter significantly close to the day as details from clubs leak out.

Maybe there are cases where player managers push players to clubs and help them get onto the radar, but this wouldn't be done through the media. The days of hidden or unknown players are long gone, so I'd think even this is unlikely. I'm sure there are player managers who play this up and may even believe they have some influence, but I'd doubt it.
How about this possibility.
Media reports with insider information to back it up. "Collingwood will be taking Marcus Bontempelli at pick 6 in the up coming draft". The Dogs take a closer look at Marcus and after a long discussion decide to take him at pick 4.
Just a hypothetical. Don't shot me.

So the dogs who were watching Bontempelli for 4 years decided to use a top 4 pick on him because the media said Collingwood are interested? Hmmm.. imagine the recruitment meeting.

"I know Bontempelli isn't a favourite here for pick 4, but I've heard from a media source that Collingwood are interested in him... do we just take him then ?????"
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So the dogs who were watching Bontempelli for 4 years decided to use a top 4 pick on him because the media said Collingwood are interested? Hmmm.. imagine the recruitment meeting.

"I know Bontempelli isn't a favourite here for pick 4, but I've heard from a media source that Collingwood are interested in him... do we just take him then ?????"
Idiot Facepalm GIF
Yes, hypothetical, that's literally what I'm discussing, your hypothetical.
The issue I have with you Kappa is that you always approach things from a negative point of view so sorry for the cheap shot.
I wasn't trying to get that deep into it because I feel the whole discussion is basically bs.
If you want a discussion though.....
Lets say the Dogs originally wanted Scharenberg with pick 4 hypothetically (if I remember correctly this was reported). However they had learnt for sure through leaks and via the media(in their eyes) that Collingwood recruiters were going to pick Bontempelli with pick 6 and looking at the Pies recruitment and early picks since Hine had taken over:
They really trusted and envied the Pies recruitment staff and had even tried to poach them (hypothetically). Because of this they decided to take Bontempelli (he wasnt that far behind Sharenberg in their eyes).

It's bs but is that the convo you are after.
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If you new other respected recruiters were keen, you'd look closer.

With top 10 picks, nearly every club would be interested in every prospect.

I think it'd be pretty embarrassing for recruiters to be looking at media leaks of other clubs when deciding who to use a top 5 pick on. If the club hierarchy heard that he'd be looking for new recruiters.

With late round picks u may change ur selection based on who others are picking, but not with a top 5 pick.
First part is what I said originally, sideswipe thought that was ridiculous.

The influence came by building up Harry’s profile and standing to all clubs. Media played a role in him being recruited as high as he went. If the media wrote an article about less positive things, club may have been turned off. All about relations and connections.

Ben Reid got Joe Richards on to a list. Yes, his club connections helped but so did the media. Collingwood wasn’t the only side interested. It was also a factor in him going as high as he did.

You're talking smack. Give it a spell.
In the vfl last week at Casey, he looks like he has a bit of edge about him. I've not heard that about him, but I'm really keen to see more of him in the midfield.
Yes, hypothetical, that's literally what I'm discussing, your hypothetical.

If a team for the most part had a player “locked in” for their first pick, but perhaps were concerned that their evaluation was out of step with other clubs, I could perhaps see if I squint hard enough that hearing there was a groundswell of interest across rival recruiters might help you feel confident you weren’t Robinson Crusoe and should pull the trigger…

… maybe.

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