Werewolf Harry Potter Werewolf - Everyone has a role!! - Village Wins

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Enjoy your time with hubby šŸ«¶šŸ»
Iā€™ll probably be out the bulk of tomorrow then catching up with family and friends on the weekend. I should have better priorities really šŸŗ

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I feel like I may have got in over my head here :sweatsmile: :tearsofjoy:
Basixcally it pretty simple .
1. Certain people (in this game everyone) has a hidden role. Some are EVIL some ARE GOOD
2. All people with ROLES will be sent a PM informing them of this role. Doulbe check the role with the Fiorst page t osee the activieites
3. Some people will be in FACTIONS or TEAMS and will share a PM. so can discuss things.
4. Each night the activities are usually
  1. Kill
  2. Seer - you get informartion from the MOD , but some roles are hidden and are not revealed
  3. Protect- prevent a night time action happening on a person
And more roles can do other actions

5. Then when it morning the MOD will psot who died. We all then get to vote to Lynch someone. We get no clues no information so it is purely a RANDOM vote . To prevcent being lynched as newbie jsut vote the same as everyone else.
6. Ensure to post every day of someone will kill yo because you LURKING

So jsut enjoy the banter , name calling. BLIND Accusations

HOpe you last until the end
People donā€™t actually talk to each other like that right in RL. I wouldnā€™t remember all those letters lol

Surely itā€™s a text thing
I think i will start to do it.

NExt time in the club and i say somethign funny i will end my sentecne with LOL instead of smiling
I think i will start to do it.

NExt time in the club and i say somethign funny i will end my sentecne with LOL instead of smiling
Can you let my know how that goes for you? Please šŸ˜‚
Iā€™ll probably be out the bulk of tomorrow then catching up with family and friends on the weekend. I should have better priorities really šŸŗ
Justin Timberlake Eye Roll GIF by Agent M Loves Gifs

Yes lol
Tonight will only be one action, if you have a role with an action ;)
Iā€™ve got a full tomorrow and weekend planned, never mind. Youā€™ve got about 26 now anyway with Jatz joining.

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Just because it is a habit of mine, and it messes with people, the player list is now in Alphabetical order, not entry order.

Just because it is a habit of mine, and it messes with people, the player list is now in Alphabetical order, not entry order.
We love messing with minds šŸ‘šŸ»

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Werewolf Harry Potter Werewolf - Everyone has a role!! - Village Wins

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